HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-28, Page 14r4 2A GODER1CH..SIQ1AL-STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28,1969 TO;QAY'S CHO ° ' HELEN AL..EN TorbooTeleQram &tidiest° Ann Landers Why are you interrupting my bath, Andy might be asking with that questioning look. This appealing baby is of black and white parentage. His white ancestors were Ital- ian, Scottish and Irish so he is alnost a United Nations himself. Andy is eight months old, healthy and sturdy with big dark eyes, scant light brown hair. and pale complexion. He is very active and already quite strong. He is alert, responsive anis good-natured. He chatters cheerily with a few recognizable worOs. He likes attention from children or can be quite content Olaying with toys in which he takes an, increasing interest. He needs loving parents who will value his heritage. To .inquire about adopting. Andy please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Services, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For other information about 'adoption ask your local Children's Aid Society. • • James Richardson & Sons Ltd. Serving The feed Dealers of ; Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODER1CH BUSINESS DIRECTORY V, how`real -world of smokers DEAR ANN 1 NDERS: Every time I see a . TV commercial for that cool, refreshing cigaret --- all that green water, those graceful birds flying overhead, and the breeze blowing ever so gently, I wish they would show the teal -world for some cigaret smokers -- the hacking cough; the shortness of breath, the patient suffering from emphysema or worse yet, lung cancer. My own dear father is in the last category. He was once 200 pounds of handsome male' strength. Today he weighs 110 pounds. His own brother walked into his hospital room yesterday and backed out saying, "Sorry, I'm in the wrong room." ,He didn't recognize him. I wish TV would show the family of a lung cancer victim. Let the camera capture the agony in the eyes of a wife or the children who sit by, helpless and heartbroken, watching someone they love die an inch at a time. Please, Ann, do what you can to bring these horrible realities before the public. No person who really knew and understood the truth would" ever smoke another cigaret as long as he lives. --- DAUGHTER OF A DYING MAN DEAR DAUGHTER: Here's your letter, and I second the motion. DEAR ANNA LANDERS: I do .not agree with ' you that Mercedes is a bit nutty because she prefers tb scrub, • polish and wax the floors with no clothes on.' For fifteen years I have been doing .. my heavy housework similarly dressed --- or should I say undressed. I love it. Clothing ' gets in the way. Housedresses, no matter how loose, bind under the `arms and pockets get caught on drawer knobs. It's, cooler and more comfortable not ` to wear anything. And I must say, the spirit of freedom and total abandon is exhilarating, Anything that makes a woman feet THAT good can't be all bad. --- JAYBIRD IN CHARLESTON DEAR BIRD: You "conveniently, ignores one important . Jdetail. Mercedes works in OTHER people's homes. I agree, in her own home a woman should feel free to wear or not wear whatever she pleases. But a day lady, particularly one who is employed by a woman whose husband comes home for lunch, should keep some clothes on. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I live in Wisconsin. We are Norwegians and' proud of it. A friend from another part os the country came to visit recently. The first thing he said was, `.`Back East the definition for a Norwegian is a Swede with his brains .knocked out." I didn't think it., was funny. Do you have a good answer if anyone says such a thing again? Thank you. -- EAU CLAIRE DEAR CLAIRE: Ever heard the song that goes like this? "Ten Thousand Swedes ran through the weeds At the battle of Copenhagen. Ten thousand Swedes ran through the weeds Chasing one Norwaygan!" Confidential to Fed up with multi -handed gas jockeys: Have you checked your lights lately? Maybe you've left your go -signal on. • DEAR ANN LANDERS:'You ducked the, issue, Miss Know -It -All. When that woman asked you what to do about a husband who retired at "60 and sits around the house all day you told her to get a part-time job. How dumb' can you be? Why 'didn't you tell him to - get a part-time job? Don't you know all. men are skunks? They use women as ego builders, money pumps; social ladders and sex objects. After the woman has served her purpose he trades her in for a younger model, -of course. I'm an authority on this stabject, Ann, I've had five husbands. So pay attention and get smart. -- EXPERIENCED. DEAR EX: Sony, . I'm a better authority than you. I've had only one husband. Ann Landers will be glad to help you ,with your problems. Send them to her in care of this newspaper enclosing a stamped, self-addressed envelope. —HEALTH & SAFETY Writing a weekly column is something like being pregnant, You can't stop just because you're not in the mood. The typesetters are -waiting, the ed- itors are waiting, and the mail- manwaits for no man. I've Written them in hotel rooms, on trains and on New Year's morning. I've written then with the raging 'flu, the galloping bursitis, and a head that felt more like a foot. And that explains why I'm tapping this out on Grandad's Mainly for MotkerS by Carol Hart Brisk Walk Is A Step in Time Take a walk instead of u ride, says the Council oro'atiiily Health" ... especially if you are a senior citizen. ' Doctors and physical fitness experts say that one of the'best exer- cises for keeping agile and strengthening the bones, Joints and mus- cles is a brisk, daily walk of about a mile or so, or mdre as one gets in condition. In a short time, you'll .notice' that you lift your. feet higher instead of dragging them. You'll be lifting them high enough to miss a tear in the car- pet ... the curled -up edge of a rug... the broken place in the sidewalk. Your physical and mental alert- ness will enable you to recover your balance more quickly, in case of an accidental•fall. In ad- dition, a regular, long walk pro- vides'a lift to the spirits and a change of view, says the Council. The main thing is to take the walk ... and be sure you walk in safe areas. With advancing years, the tendency is to slow down, even to the point of sitting or ly- ing down. too much. It is a' tend- ency that must be resisted. Don't let neglect of a daily„walk hasten the changes Which take place with increasing age. The long daily walk and the avoidance of over -eating, will be helpful in developing a feeling of well-being and keeping down ex- tra weight, adds the Council on Family Health, established as a public service by members of the drug industry, to promote family health and safety in the home. Extra weight may overload your bony framework and make you prone to falls, the number one cause of fatal home accidents"in- L ALL .. NEW 6ODERiCH RESTAURANT Steak House and Tavern Ivan H. Steckle Your MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE . CO. Of Canada 1. Representative 84 Kingston St., Goderich 524-8882 l 1 WIN! 'DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAPER • "-• PAINT • • WALLPAPER • CARPETS • TILE • LINOLEUM "Your complete Home Decorating Centre" Cards For All Occasions • Gifts r Books • Stationery Supplies • 'Records Mrs. Hugh Glen 214 Britannia E. ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 'East St. Goderich 'East Goderich BUILDING MATERIAL GODER.ICH BUILDING CENTRE • 524.8383 Cadrbria at Anittesee McART H U R 'and REILLY LTD. Goderich West St. THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square Goderich low Owned and Operated by Chuck lav/nil l EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 PIANOS and ELECTRIC ORGANS At. The Price You Want To Buy ' WE SELL THE By.ST FOR LESS Our Reputation Speaks For Itself STRATFORD MUSIC -CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St., Stratford 271.6322' FURN TURF 1 For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE Furniture , West'St. -- Goderich Be Sure To See Our Display Of „ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS volving senior citizens. As with anything thatJaffects the health and general welfare of .the human being ... you can't leave out common sense. If you haven't been exercising for quite a while, don't try an exhausting' walk in the beginning. Stop be- fore you are over -fatigued. If you are advanced in years, don't fancy yourself a cross-country runner: Try short- walks—to' start, with. For expert advice on how long your walks should be, and whether you should also do set- ting up exercises, consult your physician. dining -room table on a beauti- ful hot summer afternoon, when any sane person 'who was on his holidays would be at the beach, or lying under a tree. Why didn't °I -do. it yester- day? Because yesterday was a beautiful, hot summer day and I fell asleep on a raft out in the lake, and my silly wife on shore was afraid I'd fall off and drown and she sent some nit out to wake me, and I was so mad at her presumption (she knows I could swim that lake with both hands tied be- hind me) that I wasn't in the mood for anything but a good domestic hassle. After' a month of relatives and friends and casuals drop- ping in, we were looking for' ward to a week of quiet living and "getting away from peo- ple” at Grandad's. It's an idyl- lic setting. A stone farmhouse, overlookinga beautiful bay. Lots of trees. around and -the nearest neighbor a quarter - mile down . the road. Trouble is, it's 'in our old stamping -ground. Even though we slip in under cover of dark- ness, somebody spots us, and the tom-toms start drumming, "The Smileys are here." Then it's,' "When are you going to drop out to the lake?" and "Come on up to the cot- tage for a few days," and "How . about dropping around for a drink and a barbeque?" It's grand to be wanted. And all the old friends are so kind and hospitable that it's diffi- cult to say no. So we don't. But it is definitely not conducive to the quiet, meditative life. It's murder ,on the physique, because old friends want to sit up and talk all night. And so do we. Daytimes are, bad, too. When I go into town for some milk, it takes me three hours to get home. I have to say hello to Skin the barber, and Skinny the - editor, and all the mer- chants I used to sell ads to and little old ladies who remember our children and . ask embar- -assing questions about what Those a a �. pected `*rpected 'neighbors they're doing now, and then I bump into Don and Mac who are up at their cottages from the States. Desperately seeking refuge, • I drop into the pub for a quiet, cold beer. Within ten minutes I'm talking deer -hunting with Teensy the well-di°iller ' and Murdoch the farmer and Don the car dealer and George the millionaire. It's rude to rush off with my miiii when these hard-working chaps insist on one more round 'for old times sake. Just t'i add to thepastoral peace of our week, we brought Pip the kitten, and Grandad is in temporary charge of Screwy Louie, a spirited young poodle. However, it wasn't all bad., Perhaps the highlight for me was a trip "around the mail" with Grandad, who has been delivering rural mail for 40 years, since the days of the Model T in summer and the sleigh in winter. Ever drive a route with a rural mail carrier? It's an ex- perience somewhat like your first ride on a big roller -coast- er. He belts around those grav- el back roads at a hell of a• p clip, knows every rib and vein in them, and takes corners and hills with the dash of a hell - driver. Each mail box is a personal challenge. He heads , straight for the ditch and you cringe. Misses the ditch by two inches A and winds up right beside the box, so that the mail can be popped in without -leaving the car. Add to this the fact that. Grandad has one arra, and that I'm a coward in a car, and you get the message. Must do it' again some time. In about ten years. After this peaceful week, we've determined to rent a trailer and go off •into the bush somewhere, with no tele- phones, no friends, and just squat there, licking our wounds. With our luck, the . people in the next trailer will be our next-door neighbors,, back home. • .DOUBLE PASSE. TO PARK THEATRE The Names Of Six .Signal -Star Subscrib- ers (Are . To Be F�und In One Of These. Ado's Now Showing mommiuominimmunmm nmoillumlllllmllmnnmmi mlmmuum umnli mmmiffin g Med., . Pleasant folksy story of a boy and . e Thur. e Frit Sat ' an animal done in the Disney Aug. 27, 28, 29, 30. tradition. gil Walt Disney presents First Goderich Showing t� f f Plus Another Disney Production: i F. RASCAL '"HANGYOdIURHAT — E. THE MASKED BANDIT. . 'ON THE WIND" ilnuumunmmlomimnugmimmitionium uulumimimmumm umuummismiti 1 imunnuilf -7` "TSEE-REGULAWADON-PAGE .5 FOR DATES AND TIIMI'ES Now a good salary Opportunity -security for you in a business career Goderich Business College Enroll .Now For, September Classes NIGHT SCHOOL 7 Yping, Book eeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thur -s.. Evening) 524-8521 or 524-8732 2$tf THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR -A0 LADIES WEAR e/r's WIAR ttMlrle Ground Floor Fabric Centre Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion Floor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories Joe Baker 262 Regent St. For The Fashion Look Goderich SHOPPE i MEN'S WEAR Frank. Horton 156 St. David St. For That CERTAIN Flair .MENTS WEAR EARL. RAWSON MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich t— THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES For FASHION RIGHT SHOES Mr. Wm. Melick 266 Tilt St. The Place To 'Go Is ROSS SHOES The 4quare Goderich SPROULE' SHOES Footwear For The f=amily Kingston St, Goderich 5244114 TELEVISION I PHIt,IPS ' PHILCO Colour Television S ALES and ERVICE • 524-9432 R�IVETT'S TELEVISION — RAD10 34 The Square . Goderich v / TRAVEL SERVICES. 1 CEO U L1.0 1t. B o wi e Alfred Williams 153 Palmerston YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE 4 EA ''4, �9{lER 16N - 524-8366 r THIS SPACE . RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS . SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD N a D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering, Draperies, Floor -Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482.9542 Clinton- T COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING 8 Pounds—$4.00 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fully Attended West Street LAUNDROMAT `S4 West W. 524.9953, 4 • CNTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. —• Look tor your name and address In the ads. --Take the Business Directory and suitable. identification 'to the advertiser in Whose ad your,name appearettenst ...Pick up your passes by Saturday night clash*. Only Subscribers to the Signa'"l-Sta. are .allg$hle�