HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-28, Page 111,1 3. REAL ESTATE F E OR SAI. .8. HELP WANTED ONLY ONE BLO SQUARE., 3-bedr home. 3-piecea bathrooms; Living room and entry h broadloom carpets. A r are tile. Mode cupboards, hook u and _ _rxe High-. has storage room, cooler room .and furnace room with one-piece bath. AH heated by hot water gas fired system. Roof has been newly shingled. Attic is large and floored. This • is situated on a large lot approximately 89 x 104. Phone us • for . an appointment to see this home which has been completely redcorated recently. i�LTOR CK VROVI oom brick nd 2 -piece room, dining all have new Other floors rn kitchen p for washer M BABYSITTER wantedi in my own home, five days a week. Phone 524-6267. — 35x , CONSUMERS in Goderich or _rural area of Grand Bend . need Medicines, Spices,. Flavorings, Cosmetics, etc. Start your profitable business with famous "U. a wleigh Products. Write Rawleigh, Dept. (G,H, or I) -216-5Q1, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Que. -de basement ---WA° TRESSES-Itill�t tpaiFt=bine; 200 acres 1 Goderich, app workable, no bu Vendor will ho and accept payment. 0 miles from oximately 150 ildings. $17,000. Id first mortgage $5,000 down CLOSE TO LONDESBORO. 18 acres of good land on .which is built a. _small steel barn, one • building good for chickens, pigs .or horses. One business building suitable for store, soft ice cream or other. Frame house with bathroom, furnace, modern -kitchen cupboards and 4 bedrooms. Highway location close to schools and stores. • O option Apply 33, 34, 3-bedroorjh, Goderic bath, newly LAKEFRO $11,500. PHOTO cottage, close to furnished, 2 -piece painted, on ;.large NT LOT 216' x 436'. LISTING•SERVICE GOD RUTH ' 5 CL C ERICH AGENT VAN DER MEER 5 Montreal St. GODERICH 524-7875 INTON AGENT LARKE ZINN 482-7838 lb. WA NTED TO RENT couple three -b D TO RENT by working — in Goderich,— two or edroom house with to buy. No children. Box 8, Signal -Star. — 35,36 • . H P . ELP WANTEi Apply in person, Goderich Restaurant. — 35tf WOULD yofi like to earn extra - money in your spare time? Phone 524-6129. — 35 36 , 10. WANTED (General) `COMPLETE household effects' or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231. — 42tf WANTED — Music pupils, beginners piano. Commencing first week of September. Phone 524-74691— 35 11. EMPLOYMENT WANTED AGGRESSIVE young man desires any type of full-time employment. Phone 524-9279. — 15tfnc WILL DO dressmaking in my own ' home. Clara De Vries, 128 Eldon Street, phone 524-6106. — 34,35 MOTHER with R.N.A. training will care for small children in my home. Phone 5.24-7816. 34;35 WILL do babysitting of pre-school children while mother works. Phone 524-9100 between 5and 7p.m.-3.5 12. TENDERS WANTED TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE TENDERS FOR DRAIN Seated Tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m. , Saturday, August 30, 1969, for the construction of the McCANN MUNICIPAL DRAIN. Generally, the work consists of , the clearing, spreading and i>e in 'of approximately 12,800 L.F. of open drain involving .approximately 16,000 c.y. of material, plus the supply and installation of 10 L.F. of CMP with end protection. 4,14 4.4 %ti ea Y, EXPERIENCED woman for • general housework in modern home. Person with references, preferred but others considered. Phone 524=6669. 31tf ELD req com • reps 34, ERLY Goderich lady uires housekeeper- panion,: -light-duties. Please y to Box 11, Signal -Star. — 35 , • • M 0 p WOMAN WANTED m attire woman ;wanted ;in local ffice to work part-time (1 - 5 .m.) Monday to Friday. Typing. ssential, knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. Write stating - age, experience, qualifications and references (if anyt to Box 9, Signal -Star. — 33tf n.c. RELIABLE woman full or part-time for Nursing Home. Apply at Maitland Manor, 15 Bennett St..W. — 34,35 PART-TIME switchboard operator and receptionist. Mature person preferred with knowledge of typing necessary. Apply Business M anager, - Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. — 34,35 MALE HELP WANTED We Require Men For Production Work In Our — Plant-No.--tin-Stratford and' lant-No: 1-in-Strattord- and' Plant No. 4 in Mitchtbll No experience necessary: Life insurance, Hospital and Medical plans paid for by Company after completion of probationary perriod. APPLY TO: PERSONNEL DEPARTMENT STANDARD PRODUCTS (CANADA) LIMITED 1030 Erie St. Stratford, Ontario 35 PIN BOYS WANTED • Apply in Person LITTLE BOWL. Goderich -DISHWASHER Full or Part Time Apply in Person CLUB GRILL 6 Goderich Bids shall be submitted in two parts: (a) Supply & installation of pipe and (b) All other work. All tenders to be accompanied by a certified deposit of 10% of the tendered bid. Subject to a $10.00 returnable deposit, plans and specifications may, be obtained at the office of the consulting engineers, Gamsby & Mannerow, Guelph, .Ontario, or at the office of the, Township Clerk, RR 4, Goderich, Ontario. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. C. Straughan, Clerk, Township of Colborne, -RR 4, Goderich, Ontario. 34,35 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORNE • GRAVEL TENDER Sealed tenders, dearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned "until the hour of 1 p.m., August 30, 1969. Supply, loading and hauling approximately 4,500 cu. yds. of Pit gravel. 1,000 cu. yds., supply and deliver, of 5/8" crushed gravel to Lots -8 and 9, Concession 11 and 12. Spread to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent., ' Gravel free if taken from Colborne Township pit. Lowest ' or any tender not necessarily`. accepted. Marked cheque of 10% of tender price must accompany all tenders, Work to be done in September or as requested by Road Superintendent. Total Price per yd. pit run Crushed Total Mel Good, Road Superintendent, • Township of Colborne, RR 5, Goderich, Ontario. 34,35 give ... so more will live HEART FIJIID +- a 13.. AUCTION SALE MORTGAGE'SALE OF VALUABLE FARM. PROPERTY 100 ACRES Under and by virtue of the powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the subject property at RR Duann„,,, Oritarici,'-Towiasliip1', n on of Ashfield, County of Huron, on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969, at the hour of .2:00 in 'the afternoon the following property, namely. ALL* AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township .of Ashfield in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the followjng: The south half of Lot -One (1) concession Seven (7) Western Division, Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres more or less. This . property will be sold subject to a reserve bid - TERMS: Ten percent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY ' AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, 480, Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario. -', . 33, 34, 35, 36 IMPORTANT ANTIQUE AUCTION SALE Of imported glass, china and furniture from England at the 'McKay Hall, North .Street, Goderich, on Saturday, September 6, 1969 at l p.m. . Grandfather clock; wall clocks; shelf clocks; brass candlesticks; Bird's eye maple frame swing mirror; stained glass windows; ' scales; music cabinet; wing chair; eabrioleg chairs; dining room chairs; carved chair; 4 Windsor chairs; corner chair; carved hall'• tree; carved oak sideboard; curio cabinet; carved corner cupboard; sideboard; pine wall cabinet with stained lass; games table; chest of drawers; blanket box; cradle; coal boxes; iron pots; flat irons; lanterns; bugles; spy glasses;. hanging lamps; toilet sets; epergne; cranberry' glass; satin glass; art , . glass; press glass; quantity of colored glass; sword; antique gun; etc. Terms — Cash. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. 35,36- TOWNSHIP 5,36- • AUCTION SALE , of Household Effects from the home of the late Miss Laura E. Farrow, from 31 Waterloo Street ( the corner of Lighthouse arid Waterloo Street) Goderich, on Saturday, September 6 at 1:30 p.m. _,the following: 9. piece walnut dining room suite (including a china cabinet); Chesterfield and chesterfield - chair; Chesterfield; 2. upholstered .arm chairs; walnut love seat; ' 2 piece modern sectional studio `couch; wicker love seat and,2 wicker chairs; wicker arm chair; 4 piece Jacobian hall set ( table, chair, mirror and hall tree); wall ,mirror; , grandfather's clock, (walnut cased); fireside screen and brass fender; cup mc -lc (antique); 4 drawer cherry chest (antique); walnut (small) 2 shelf cabinet; pedestal tables; 2 oak hall tables; oak side serving tibTe; walnut eon sore table; end table; bedroom chair; oak executive swivel chair; 3' piece walnut bedroom suite; metal bed with box'rigs; metal bed, inner sp `' : ttress; mahogany dresser dresser; 3 drawer chest;; r, ntal rug 101 x 71/2,;, orient . h' rug 9 - x 61/2; 3 broadloom bedroom;rugs; bridge light; 2 tri -lights; Dumont 21 inch television; cabinet radio; Electrolux vacuum cleaner; Johnson floor polisher; 5 pair of blue corduroy drapes; 2 cots; 2 feather ticks; scatter mats and runners; electric range; refrigerator; 6 piece chrome breakfast suite; step stool; metal utility table; 5 Bentwood chairs; 5 kitchen chairs; lawn chairs; card tables; clothes hamper; ironing board; medicine cabinet; step' ladder; dishes including a..6 piece dinner service; glass ware, cooking utensils; 2-22 gauge long rifles; 12 gauge shot gun; 8 inch circular saw; numerous other articles. ' Terms—Cash ° Mr. Fred bice Proprietor Edward W. Elliott Auctioneer. 35, 36b 13. AUCTION SAI, - MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE -FARM PROPERTY -- 450 ACRES Under and by virtue of ,the powers of sage- contained in certain. mortgt fs which will be produced at the ,time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the subject property at RR 1, Dungannon, Ontario, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron, on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969, at the hour Of 2:00 in, the afternoon the following property, namely ALL ' AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, Situate lying and being in the —Towwnship---of -- Ashfield -- in --the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the following: PARCEL 1: The west half of Lot two (2) Concession seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres more or less. PARCEL 2: Lot Two (2) Concession Six (6) Eastern Division Township of Ashfield, less the east half of the east half of the lot, containing 150 acres more or less. PARCEL 3: The north half of Lot three (3) Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres more or less. PARCEL 4: The east half of Lot Two (2), Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, save and except the following part: COMMENCING at a point on the east limit of said Lot distant one (1) rod or 16.5 feet south of the point where such easterly limit would be intersected by the line dividing the north and south halves of the lot; THENCE west parallel with the south limit of the said Lot sixteen (16') feet; THENCE north parallel with the east limit of , the said Lot "to a point twelve (12') feet north of the Creek crossing the Lot; THENCE east parallel with the south' limit ''of Lot sixteen (16') feet to the east limit thereof ; THENCE southerly along the east limit of the Lot to the place of beginning, containing 100 acres more or less. This . property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the, balance in thirty days from the °date thereof. . • Vol' further particulars and conditions of 'sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY AND - MURPHY', 18 -The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, '480 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario.. 33. 34, 35, 36 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY —.150 ACRES Under and by virtue of°°°the powers of sale contained in a certain mortgage which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at , the subject property at RR 1, Dungannon, Ontario, Township of 'Ashfield, County of Huron, on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969, at the hour of 2:00 in the afternoon the 'following property, namely ALL AND SINGULAR that certain 'parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the following: The south three quarters of Lot One (1), Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, containing 150 acres more or less. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. • TERMS : -Ten per' cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. For further • particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the -‘Mortgagees, 'or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, 480 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario. 33, 34, 35, 36 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE HURON - 3EAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON, We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We pick ttp -calves and small pigs as a service to you. co collect 482-9811 Lic. 169-C-68 50tf HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich -- 24tf t .. 14. SERVICES AVAILABL".E BENN . BJERG General Contracting 202 Queen St.,. Clintcin - Phone 482-9372 25,tfn GRAHAM ELECTRIC , Complete Electrical Service Residential -- Commercial — . Industrial 155 Keays Street Phond 524-8670 Goderich, Ontario. v . SCREENED TOP SOIL (stone, grass and root free) - _._.—LANDSCAPE -WORK ... (light dozing, levelling, backfilling, etc.) BACKHOE WORK (excavating, etc.) CEMENT ---GRAVEL also for lanes and yards, fill, etc. LYLE MONTGOMERY Clinton 482-7644 evenings or Clayt's Gulf Service 482-7661 LAMB'S DELIVERY MOVING HAULINS PHONE 524-9657 Reasonable Rates - 14-22 CUSTOM chain sawing, lots cleared, trees trimmed, --firewood and logging. Reasonable rates Call for appointment anytime Phone 524-6632. — 4tf ART'S LANDSCAPING Seeding, Sodding, Shrubs FREE ESTIMATES 166 Bennett St. E. 524-9126 22tf FOR your Antenna Sales ane Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. — 32tf - • • We cut window blinds, any size, to your specification. Priced from $1.89 • SMITH'S OFFICE SUPPLY (formerly McEwan's) Albert St., Clinton ACE RADIO and • TV Servk , 'Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., "Ioderich, Ont. Phone 524-7;'71. — l tf,- DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391• BRICK WORK, fireplaces, stonework, chimneys, barbacue and incinerator and repairing stucco. Ray Squire, Port Albert, -phone Dungannon 529-7636. — 1 ltf Highest prices paid fore dead stock. Up to $1-5.00 for cows. Up to $20.00 for horses. Call collect 881-3459 Walkerton. GRAF STOCK REMOVAL Walkerton lotf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED -MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write -or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482.3320 — 13tf CUSTOM _BULLDOZING CHAS. BRUINSMA Bayfield ,565.2846 15, NOTICE #o CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF ALICE G.ERTRUDE COOK, LATE OF THE TOWN OF OOAERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW, A8 persona claiming' Against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to that undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1969, after which date the assets will be. distributed. . DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. -• 34,35,36 17. BUSINESS NOTICE We will be: eiose-S1.' ..frtain. September 1 to September 9 inclusive for annual vacation. Verna's Beauty Salon. — 35 18. PERSONAL ANYONE knowing any information about the John 4' Bowie family or relatives of same, living.in Goderich 1878 to 1890, please contact Mrs. R. B. Dunlop, 53 North Street. Phone 524-6329 or 524-6500. — 34,35 15tf EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS NEW INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS Estimates Withodt Obligation Contact, R. E. RUTTAiv Wingham — Phone 357-1077 1 ltf The C.P. & T. Fund,commi ttee of Goderich Odd fellow and Rebekah lodges have wheelchairs and other equipment for loan, free of- charge. Contact Amos Osbaldeston, Park Street, phone 9623; or Fred Fritzley, Wilson Street, phone 7217. — 38 CLINTON COLOURS Interior, exterior decorating Spray painting, sprayer rentals 482-9654 ' GORDON CHARTER P.d. Box 641, Clinton, Ont. 32tf • AL GRANGER'S TV Repairs To All Makes Of TV By Licensed Technician 258 Huron Road Phone 524-8925 34tf C. & W. SALVAGE We buy and sell scrap,, metal PHONE S24.9$14 AND 52409502 i2tf 22. TO GIVEAWAY HOME for good collie farm dog. This dog is good with cattle or ' pigs but is not fond of children. Phone 524-6462. — 35x A. BIRTHS SCHOEMAKER: At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, Ontario, on August 23, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Herman Schoemaker, Goderich, a daughter, Elizabeth Ann. FRECHETTE: Cpl. and Mrs. Gilles Freshette (nee Sylvia, Powell), St. Jean, Quebec, are happy to announce the arrival of their chosen son, Trevour Gilles. • B. DEATHS LAWTON, Lillian: At her home in Toronto, on Friday, August 15; 1969, Lillian Lawton, sister of Elmer A. Diamond of Miami, -Fla.; step sister of James Horton and Grace Bogie, both of, Goderich; aunt ' of Margaret Anne Williams and Gloria Austin, both of Detroit, Mich. Funeral Service was held at the Chapel of Morley S. Bedford, 159 Eglinton Ave. W. at Lascelles Blvd., Toronto, on Thursday morning, August 19, 1969, at 11 o'clock. Cremation. Interment of ashes in Colborne Cemetery. The Lodge Funeral Home was , in charge of arrangements. - 35 C. BRIEFS WILLIAMS CEMETERY_ MEMORIALS ' And Inscriptions Stratford =- Ontario Ronald C. McCallum Representative 215 Wellington St. S., Goderich Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 BOND'S tailored to measure, EXTRA PANTS FREE SALE: New shaped look for 1969 from $79.50. Sale ends September 30, at McLean Bros. Men's Wear, on *'he Square, Goderich. — 35-39 D. IN MEMORIAM. FISHER: In loving memory of our, dear parents and brother. Aaron Fisher, December, 1954; Jennie Sprung, August, 1964; Ross, October, 1964. I do not often get to stand, By the spot where you now lay, But you are ' always in our thoughts, ° Today and every day, — Always ,remembered by the family. — 35x MUNDAY: In loving memory of a dear wife, mother, gra n d mother and great-grandmother, Daisy May Monday, whom God called home, five years ago, August 3'0, 964. . J Beanti(unnemories are.w.ws en of • gold, This is the picture we, tenderly hold, Deep in our hearts your memory is kept, To, love and to cherish and never , forget: • — Always remembered by husband and,.family. — 35 ALLISON: In loving memory of a dear grandmother (Nanny), Mrs. Joe Allison, who passed away one year ago, August 27, )968. Nanny, you gave me a name that was so dear, I'll always cherish throughout the years. You left without saying goodbye, lliut with this name you'll never die. Sadly missed by granddaughter; Ladybird. -- 35 P WILLIS': In fond and loving remembrance of our beloved son, Emmerson Densmore Willis, while obediently working under tons of Sifto Salt lost his life in the effort. "Never for one Slay forgo- tie n." — Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Johnstone. —35 ti} t';►QDF UC} $fl'N':U4,-ST4R :TORS» ' '. Alga* illi) 11 D. IN MEMORIAM . - ; Fi ENGAGEMENTS ALLISON: In loving Memory 9t a 'dear wife and rnotiter who passed away „August 27, 1958. We had a mother with a heart of gold, Who was to us more than wealth• untold. Without farewell she fell asleep, With only memories for us' to keep..• Clod needea -pew star in • heaven, A beautiful light to. shine, And out of this world of sorrow, He ebose this dear mother of mine. She never said goodbye to us,, Perhaps it's -just as well, If' she could have spoken before she died, These are the words she would have replied. This -_m.lfreeP-ofi rd: mrine. -has--ti passed, announce the engagement of her 1 love you all to the very last, Weep not for me, but courage take, And love one another for my place on -Saturday, October 4, — Alwasake.y s loved and sadly missed 1969, in Victoria Street United by husband, Joe, and daughters, . Chur Perky and Bess. — 35 — 35 Mr: 4n:d Mrs. Nelsou 'Rock, ,8 3, Parkhill,. Ontario, 41100411cti4 the engagement . of theii` daughter, Ruth Lorraine, to Mr... Roy Wallace Hardy, on of Mr.. and Mrs. William Hardy, RR I Belgrave, Ontario, The wedding to take place Saturday, September20, 1009;„ .„ in St. Paul's Anglican Church, Thedford, Ontarint, 35 Mr. and Mrs. Edward Cook, Goderich,„„vish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Laura Grace, to Jack Spearin of , Seaforth, son or the late Lawrence Spearin and,, Mrs. Spearin. The wedding to take, place on September 13, 1969, in the United,Church. -- 35x , . daughter, Beverley Anne,- to Mr. Dennis Allen Doll, son of Mr. - and Mrs. Ross Doll, all of Goderich. The wedding will take ALLISON: In loving memory of a dear grandmother (Nanny), Mrs. Joe Allison, who passed away one year ago, August 27, 1968. We miss you Nanny every day, Our love for you will riever fade. You left the ones that loved you dear, But -we all knowohat you're still near. — Always remembered by your grandson, 'Stephen, and granddaughter, Kimberley Mabon. — 35 E. CARDS OF THANKS COUSINS: We would like to express our thanks to neighbors and friends for their acts of kindness and sympathy during the loss of a husband and father, Richard Cousins. Special thanks, to Lodge Funeral Home and to those who helped in so many ways. — Ruby Cousins and family. — 35 SCOTT: My .sincere thanks to the friends and relatives who sent cards, gifts, flowers and treats. For flowers from the United Church, from the UCW Unit 1. Those that visited meat Alexandra Marine and General Hospital; also Dr. Deathe, Dr. Waiters .and Dr. Voakes, the nurses and the girls in green_ ; to Pastor and Mrs. Fry, and the friends who remembered me on my birthday; neighbors who had Charlie for meals and those who sent baking to our home. Also, thanks to Mrs. -Lois Haines, Mrs. Elizabeth Kirkconnell, Mrs. Peart Womb and Miss Ramona Hanna. M.y ,sincere :thanks to all who helped. — Elsie Rosalind Scott, Auburn. — 35 HAMILTON: I wish to say thank you to all my relatives and friends who were so kind to me while a patient iri Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Special- thanks to Dr. J. W. Wallace, nurses, staff and girls in green on first east. — Jane Hamilton. 3'5 Please accept this as my letter of appreciation to _ those ' who visited me, sent cards of consolation, flowers, etc. while I was a patient in Clinton Public Hospital; also to Drs. W. A. -©akes, R. W. Street and to all personnel on west wing' of hospital. Sincerely yours, Clare Longhurst. 35 PHILLIPS: I wish to thank all my kind relatives and friends for their visits, cards and `flowers while 1 was a • patient' in Alexandra Hospital. Also thanks to Dr. N. C. Jackson, the nurses and staff. -- 35x F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr and Mrs. James H. Whaley, 11 lidiana 'Street, Kitchener, formerly of Goderich, are pleased to announce the engagement df their' daughter, Carol Patricia, to Mr. W. C (Bill) Steyne, 144 Lorraine Avenue, Kitchener Mr. Steyne is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Peter Steyne of Walkerton, Ontario. The wedding will take place Saturday, September 13, 1969, at - rpm in- St: -A Ioysrus' Church! Kitchener. — 34 G. COMING EVENTS GODERICH Women's Institute meeting, Thursday, September 4, 1969, at 2 p.m. in MacKay Hall. — 35 GODERICH Duplicate Bridge Club will meet Tuesday September 2 at 8 p.m. MAPLE LEAF Chapter IODE will be held at the home of Mrs. J. Stringer, 57 St. David Street, Tuaesday, Septezr'tber 2, at 8:15 p.m Help Wanted Good salary • plus commission for truck route must be in good physical condition. Apply CULLIGAN WATER CONDITIONING 376 Bayfield Rd. GODERICH REMEMBER . HELP YOUR REQ CROSS TO HELP %j%aivs te• r. r:.t , •„•,..,y,..? J"r STEWA RT A LUMINUM SALES FOR 12 YEARS serving, t' people of Goderich a. ' •rea with quality Alcar. aluminum products. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP 20 YEAR GUARANTEE ALUMINUM SIDING, WALLS, SOFFITTS ANI) FACEBOARDS ALSO WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS STEW.ART ALUMI NUM - SALES 101 Victoria St., Goderich 524-8821 - ,, TENDERS Tender prices for about,5,000 yds. pit run gravel to be delivered on four 'different sites. Prices per yard, contractor supplying gravel, and prices per Yard, township supplying gravel. Prices to be in by August 30, 1969. ROY TYNDALL, Road Superintendent. GODERICH TOy\INSHIP