HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-28, Page 66 GODERICH SI9NAGSTAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 28, 1969 ( From the Minister's study - CAPTAIN RALPH HEWLETT Salvation Army - Following a walk in space Outside a .capsule, one astronaut answered questions for school children on his return. One girl wanted to know if he felt any closer to- God during the four -clay orbit. "Not realty," he said, "But let me tell you there infinitesimal and insignificant as to see the earth pass. below you, so that you can see a continent at 'a time-. 14rything is so vast and you are so small." God is Lord of a vast universe in which the earth is but a speck of cosmic dust. The landing on the moon -and eventrup to it have stretched our minds.A greater and more Worthy concept of God has resulted. Psalmeight was' ,probably written, by King David. It- is probably a record of his shepherd's days, when under the midnight sky of Palestine, brilliant- with stars, he mused on t. things _ deep and high,, on the mystery of the universe, and man's place in it, and his relation. to the Creator. In verses three and four of Psalm eight he asked a question that seems very modern "When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers, the moon and the stars, which You have, ordained: W hat is man, that You are mindful of Him'? and the son of man. that You visitet (care for) him'?" Physically man does not strike a very • imposing figure. -Compared to the solar system he is infinitesiinally small. Why - should such a great God bother' with such a trivial thing? Why should God care for the likes of us? From the Bible we learn that brute grandeur is not the ultimate in terms of measuring anything. Sometimes we'are all too impresed by something broadest. in 'Genesis 1:27 it is recorded that man was made in moral and spiritual likeness • to God. Ile has a soul. This is the distinguishing feature , of man from all creation. Without that characteristic Man would be just another piece of molded putty. God is not only great in terms of brute grandeur but also in terms of the kind of attitude. that is His towards man.'This is far more impressive than the heartless fact that He is the ultimate in raw power. Again we must turn to, the Bible to discover this amazing truth. -In John 3:16 we read "For God so loved the world, that Ile gave His • only begotten Son, • that whosoever believeth in Ilim should not perish, but have everlasting life." This gives man his true value: Ile is SO important Wit [1 God that God sent His Son to die on' the Cross so that the evil marring his existence could be forgiven and cleansed. All that there remains tor us to do then IS to repent of the sin that would rob us of all benefit from our privileged position. We have a great God. Let's not undersell. Him by thinking of His greatness in physical terms only. Obituary RICHARD L. (DICK) COUSINS Richard L; Cousins; 159 Wolfe Street; died suddlbnly August 18., 1969. ire was 56. Mr. Cousins was born May. 15, 1913, at West Wawanosh a son of Richard Cousins' and „the former Minnie Johnston. He lived in West Wawanosh until moving to Goderich .35 years ago. . Mr. Cousinsthad been a truck driver most of his life and was employed with Edward Fuels for the past 17 years. He was predeceased by a sister, Mrs. Vic (Agnes) Hoy. 'Surviving with his wife, the former Ruby Hutchins, are three Sons. Jamas, Robert, and "THE BURL • TODAY" During a four-year tour" or duty in Japan with the Uniiect States Air Force, Lieut Col. R. M. Mason became con- vinced of the power of "those. little paper misstoriaries," as he describes the Scriptures he distributed. t;sing the bi- lingual edition, published by the Japan Bible So,ciety, of the New, Testament in Revis- ed Standard Version nglisb. and Colloquial Japanese he became an enthusiast for giv- int the Scriptures to the high sChool students in his Sunday chuui_class „arici„ Tpeifirst copy of the hard- cover New Testament which he bought was given to 'b. girl napiect Kazuko who helped in. his home. She immediately tead it through, not just once but several times, and also in- volved her mother in reacting it. Mon Col Mason nntirod that Kazuko was no longer carrying her now worn Testa- ment. Thinking she might have lost interest, he asked what was happening with her Bible -reading. She replied: "I cannot read much now, for I am reading to my father in the hospital. He keeps the little'book there and says it is very good." Needless to say.. that night she took a fresh copy of the New Testament as a gift for her father. Encour- aged by this, Col. Mason shar- ed Scriptures with a number of young people whom he taught and counselled at the , Military .Chapel and was sur- prised at the enthusiasm with which they were ''received and. studied. He and his wife gave away :..everal hundred alto- gether during .service in Jap- an. Donald, alt at home; three daughters. Shirley, at home; Mrs. Atvin(Reta) Johnston, .Goderich;* and Mrs. Marcel (Ruth) Buchanan, Goderich; a brother, Warner Cousins, G oderich, and four grandchildren. A private family service was held at the Lodge . Funeral Hohie, Thursday afternoon, August 21. Rev. C. A. McCarron officiated. Interment was in Maitland Cemetery. Pallbearers were Joe Moore, Charlie Hutchins, Clayton Edward. Victor Hoy. Tom • Philips and. Marcel Buchanan. Lawn bowling Three games of mixed. doubles were held at the Goderich Lawn Bowling Club on Saturday, August 23, with 24 entries from Goderich, 'Clinton, Lucknow, Wingham, Seaforth and Windsor. Bert Gray of Clinton was first with three wins plus 28 for an aggregate of 45; second, Jack Fisher, Lucknow, three wins plus 1.5, aggregate 36; third, Ray Nye, Windsor, three wins plus 7, aggregate 30; fourth, Lee Ryan, Gderich, two wins plus 20, aggregate 38; fifth ,(position drawn for after tie for fourth), George Allison, Goderich, two wins plus 20, aggregate 38; sixth, Lorne Dale, Seaforth, two wins plus 14, aggregate 35. SUt4OA ¥ SERVICES CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET . • 4,14,,,,,r0:04. • 41, BIBLE SCHOOL. CLASSES FOR EACH AGE GROUP, 10 a.m. NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS TO STOP PHONE:524-6445 or 524-929 11:00 a.m.- SUNDAY MORNING SERVICE "Destination Unknown?" Evening Service -"Total Family" Hour -7:30 p.m. (Full Fa'rnilies Recognized) Wednesday, 8:00 p.m; 4 Bible Study and Prayer ------- PASTOR—R-EV,K EN (\MTH-1-MM H WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH The frustration of waiting was off -set for these visitors to the Penny Carnival when -they finally got a trsarknocking down the tin cans. Like all cans, these didn't stand up to the battering they got and had to be replaced at intervals. It wasn't too hard a job and supplies were unlimited. The cans carne from the refreshment booth which did a brisk business all day. THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH • Park Street at Victoria H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor SUNDAY SCHOOL - 10:00 A.M. WORSHIP 7, 11:00 A.M. EVENINb SERVICE - 7:00 p.m. - All Welcome - FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH (Baptist Convention of Ontario and Quebec) MONTREAL STREET near the Square - A WELCOME TO ALL -- 10:00 a.m. - Communion. (Nursery and Junior Church) "NO MORE SCHOOLMASTER!" Minister: Rev. Arthur Maybury, B.A., B.D. 13th Sunday after Trinity — 31st 8:00 a.m. HOLY COMMUNION. 10:00 a.m. - LITANY AND SERMON. Nursery at 10 a.m. SUMMER SCHEDULE ENDS TODAY Rector: REV.G. G. RUSSELL, B.A. B.D. • The Booster Club Chicken Barbecue was held in Courthouse Square on Saturday, August 23 with reSidenstrom the town and surrounding area stopping in for chicken. The birds were cooked over a 50 fool -long open pit and were serv,ed with potatoes, roasted' over the same pit. Volunteer Booster Club members took turns doing the turning which was °a warm chore on a very warm day. The d, barbecue was to aid the Goderich Junior B Hockey Club. - staff photo. - s ,t, -, • ' IIIIIIIIIIIIA,,IIIIIIIIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIMIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiI118111111111111118111111111111111118111111111111111811111111111111 AT ANDERSON'S (NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE) EVERYTHING YOU NEED, TO START 1f0R SCHOOL YEAR Complete Range of Leather Briefcases • Zipper Binders • School Bags Pencil Cases • Etc. • Large Assortment of 3 -Ring Notebooks • Refills • IndexDividers • Spiral Notebooks • Scribblets Is Steno Pads Rulers • Pencils • Erasers • Etc. FULL PRICE RANGE OF PENS — BALLPOINT, CARTRIDGE, ETC. SEE OUR PSYCHEDELIC BINDERS, CLIP BOARDS, ETC. FREE DRAW 8 TRANSISTIOR DESK PEN SET RADIO g20 ENTER SHEAFFER -"COUNT THE CARTRIDGE" CONTEST With Purchase of $10.00 or more EXTRA FREE BONUS Vinyl Note Portfolio with Pad Blue wIth White, GDCI, $2.00 value- Free Shop Early and Avoid Opening Day Rush! ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE IPAtit smut. GODERICH Goderich ota,cf&I Mr. and Mrs. H. Bosnell have returned from a vaeation Spent in Cork KerrY, Mayo and the Joyce Country., Ireland. Robert "Bob" Brown and his wife; Susan, are viSiting with his parents, Mr: and Mrs. George Brown, Penny and Dan, before returning to Western University in London to enter his second year in law. gob is Director of • Public Relations for Lakehead Exhibition- during4he- summer - months. Mrs. (Capt.) J. Vickers recent guests were Tommy Ginn and John Heron of Kitchener; Mr. and Mrs. William -Vickers and family, Donna, Dianna, Darcey Lynn; Mr. and Mrs. Mark Petru of Sarnia; Mrs. Anna Petru from Prague, Czechostovakia.Warrant Officer and Mrs. George Sheppard " and family, Mark, Timmy, -Rita, Alan and Glen from Brighton; Mr. and Mrs. C. Spain and family of Kitchener; Davici Vickers and his friend of Sarnia. -• - Mr. Ron Creaves, Kenneth McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. Warner McIntyre have returned from 'flu ndas, Untarib. Wheie they visited Mr. and Mrs. Fred McIntyre and Mr. and Mrs. Stan McIntyre. T. PRYDE and SON MESAMIALS — MARKERS & CEMETERY LETTERING CLINTON — EXETER — SEAiORTH Goderich District Rasiresantativas FRANK McILWAIN 324-7*61 ar 200 Gibbons St. — 5249465 REG. J. BELL 45 Cambria Road S. -- 524-1484 dimmumumr `Organist -Choirmaster -=-`' Miss Marion Aldous, A.Mus., Mus Bac. Knox. Presbyteritin Church TETEREV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WitLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise SUNDAY- AUGUST 31st ONE SERVICE ONLY - 10:00 A„Mo ° Sermon: "Cross-E)(aminino The Christ" (Nursery Accommodation) Guest Minister. THE REV. WILLIAM A. HENDERSON, B.A.' Woodstock, Ontario Guest Organist: Jarnes McArthur, Sarnia • Fellowship Time On The Front Lawn AfterService (In case of rai, in the Church Hall) Enter to Worship Depart to Serve North Street United Church CHECK YOUR SCHOOL. WARDROBE NOW This Is The Year Of The .• D. B. double breasted SUITS CO-ORDINATES BLAZERS moo a.m. - WORSHIP. Supervised Nursery Sermon: REV. W J. MAINES Rev. -J. Donald MacDonald, B.D. Minister Rev. W. J. Maines, B. A., Assistant Minister Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.C.T.M., Organist and Choir Director - VISITORS WELCOMED - Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle SUNIDAY SERVICES SA1RTS- SWEATERS SPORTSHIRTS AND ACCESSORIES 10:•00 a.m. -SUNDAY SCHOOL. ,..11:00 a.m. and .7:00 p.m. CHURCH REV. R. CLARK, Pastor Victoria Street United *Church The House of Friendship Rev. Leonard Warr SUNDAY, AUGUST -31st 11:00 am. - WORSHIP SERVICE. With The "G I DEONS" Pickett & Campbell Limited CLINTON The Store For Men Goderich 10:00 A.M. — BENMILLER WORSHIP " • SERVICE. With The "GIDEONSH• Tourists and Vacationers ,W -E -L -C -0 -M -E - Miss:Patrica Durst Benmiller Pianist Mrs. J. Snider Victoria St. Organist & Choir Leader KEEP DRY With An ELECTROHOME Dehumidifier (PENTECOSTAL) UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH Pastor: REV, OMER • HENDERSON Friday, 8:00 p.m. - .Youth Services. SUNDAY SERVICES 10:00 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL. 11:00 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. - CHURCH Corner North and Nelsqn MacKay Hall WE -L -C -O -M -E 62 CAMBRIA STREET NORTH SUNDAY, AUGUST 31st 9:50 a.m. - SUNDAY SCHOOL • 11:00 a.m. WORSHIP SERVICE 7:00 pm. - EVANGELISTIC SERVICE. Mid -Week ,Praver Service Wednesday 87.01. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOH" Pastot;:. REV. C. A. JOHNSON, B.A. PHONE. 524-6887 •