The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-21, Page 16Ask for this booklet. It tells how you may obtain an IDB loan to help start, modernize or expand ,your business. ............ INDUSTRIAL DE V'LOPMENT BANK TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN DUSINEg§18 LONDON, ONTA 2.91 Dundas Street — telephone: 438.8363 idb INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK Ci�1 forA Source of Finan Canadian Business 4, A • It A� OtODERICH SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21, 1969 • lawns Choose right seeding time BY A. R. BUCKLEY Experiments carried out at the Plant Research Institute at Ottawa have shown clearly that t4rfgrasses establish most 'Satisfactorily here if sown between • Augu t 24th and September 15th. Warm soil tem bring quick ger soils are dry •cultivating and are on the decli year and the s crisp,..rool nig ideal conditions for the of grass. Before you are rea . y to sow the grass seed, the are must be properly prepared. As you would not attempt to build a fine house on a weak foundation do not attempt to build a fine lawn on a poorly prepared seed bed. Around a new home remove all the stones and other ° construction debris that are often buried below the soil surface. If there is any top soil left, move it to one side. Then grade the land making sure that it slopes slightly away from . the house. Avoid terraces, if possible, and fill in depressions or pockets. Next dig or rototill the subsoil to a ' depth of five or six inches. Level the area off and add at least four inches of good top soil. In some subdivisions the final grading of the area is often completed by the contractor and the topsoil has been added. In such areas, though, the soil must be loosened by a rototiller where the heavy equipment has compacted it to a road -like surface. 'As the soil is being worked, mix in a complete fertilizer such as 10-6-4'or 6-9-6 at the rate of two pounds of nitrogen to 1,000 square feet of lawn surface. This would be 20 pounds of 10-6-4 and 34 pounds of 6-9-6. Select a fertilizer which has at least half the nitrogen in an organic or slow release form. If your soil appears to lack ' humus, work in organic materials such as good compost, peat moss or leaf mold at the same time that you add the fertilizer. - Rake or grade a new seed bed after rototilling so that Pio hollows, mounds or depressions exist. There is Flo need to rake and rake to get a dusty, .pulverized surface. Quite often the, seeds that germinate best are those that drop into crevices. Soil particles up to 1/2 or 'A inch in size are quite acceptable' in the' finished lawn surface_ A `pebbled' type surface helps to prevent washing of the seeds during heavy raids and will not cake on drying. The finished lawns will not be any better than the grasses planted in them. Select a good mixture . f turfgrass seed for your la n. For an average well prepared and irrigated lawn W. E. Cordukes, turf specialist at the Plant Research Institute, recommends a mixture • containing 80% •Merion • Kentucky bluegrass plus 209- Norlea ryegrass applied at a rate of 3 pounds per 1000 square feet. Alternatively a blend of Merion Kentucky bluegrass along with the commercial Kentucky bluegrass (60%) plus 30% creeping red fescue, and10% ryegrass. makes a good lawn mixture under these conditions. For moist shaded sites Kentucky bluegrass, • rough stalked meadowgrass and red top May be used. For droughty soils or shaded areas a mixture containing '25% .._`cent city'_._. _.13ttcegr 60% , ° creeping red fescue and 15% Canada: bluegrass should provide a satisfactory turf. ratures will 'nation, and enough for andling. Weeds ° e at this time of rtening days owth G . if • For prairie conditions where irrigation is not possible a mixture containing 20% Kentucky bluegrass, 20% creeping red fescue and 60% Russian wild used. Seeding can best be dorte with a mechanical seeder which one can often rent from a local garden centre or Borrow from a neighbor. Sow half the seed in 'one direction and the other half in the opposite direction. The area should then be raked lightly ° with a leaf rake . to incorporate the seeds and rolled lightly. Keep the seed bed moist, but not heavily saturated - after seeding, until the grass becomes well established. • 41, • SEEDING THE LAWN ryegrass should be • To avoid washing the seed from the soil, sprinkle lightly and often rather than applying the occasional heavy spray. On steep slopes or terraces use a mulch of chopped straw one or two straws thick to prevent erosion of soil and seeds. Alternatively, terraces may best be sodded. This is not usually necessary on level areas if proper watering is done and no heavy rains occur. Netting or :sifted sphagnum . moss will also act as mulch ,to conserve moisture and. prevent erosion. Any covering that is loose enough to admit rain and some sunlight and yet prevent the drying out or washing out of the seed may be used. Germination of the seeds --should take place in two weeks. If the weather stays warm it will be necessary to mow the grass before winter. Wait until .the grass is over 2 inches high, set the mower blades at 11/2 inches and cut. Be very careful about this operation for ft is so easy to pull out the riew grass plants by their roots. Use a very sharp mower — a reel type is better for this purpose than a rotary type, - because unless you are careful the, rotary mower may leave small heaps of grass that will smother the new seedlings. 1 NEED INSURANCE? PHONE MacEwen Insurance Agency 44 North St.. 524-9531 ia Business Directory Ronald -L. McDOnald CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St navid St.. 5244253 Gedarich, (Wiwi* Als 4/ 145 ESSEX ST...GODERICH. ONTARIO Available For PUBLIC OR PRIVATE PARTIES • BINGOS • CONCERTS DANCES • CONVENTIONS . Catering to Luncheons • COCKTAIL PARTIES • BANQUETS, ETC. Special attention to weddings ' PHONE 24.9371-er-524426*- i Alexander and Chapman -GENERAL INSURANCE REAL ESTATE PROPERTY, MANAGEMENT Canadian Imperial Ranh of Comrnerce Building Gederlch D101 '5244662 THIS SPACE RESERVED .FOR YOUR AD . R. W. BELL � OPTOMETRIST .. The Square 547661 A. M. HARPER CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 40 THE SQUARE TELEPHON■ GODERICH, ONTARIO 5247562 • w ffer Good to Sept. I Only All the neot season's colors and silhouettes ., . . all our new ,fall stock that has just arrived, this is what we are offering for a limited time at -a 10% discount. A small deposit' will hold any item until that first cool day grrives and you ' decide you want it. 13uy now and save on new fall mer, chandise, on sale before the season has really begun". • • tr 4