HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-21, Page 14d AUGUST SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY, 21, 1969 �. GAID�'1�H .•,. TODAYS CHILD BY HELEN ALLEN Tints( aelegram Syhdicate Ann Landers Sex ris no cure .DEAR ANN LANDERS: The • -wedding will be in September, I hope. My fiance and tare having a serious disagreement about the guest list. Hank wants to invite three fellows he met when he worked in his father's warehouse this summer. I've seen them and they are nice enough, but ,1'm afraid they'd Ike uncomfortable with our family and friends. Their ethnic. ,and- cultural backgrounds are different from ours. (No college.) It's going to '—°•'be-a•--formal--reddi"ng ,,rad.Ldon:.t,.,_„_.a,..nole ..aui.sc'lid- w. _woolei have plea,. of rich people w in this think we . should put these to quit going steady because `his ar�r-force-and trained as -fighter fellows to the expense of folks were putting, heat on him his real name but they call him The book also pointed out that because he looks like Frank that many of America's Sinatra) asked me to go steady wealthiest pepple have never•put last December. in. a . day's work. They just Ile gave me his De Molay pin happened to be born into the in January and I felt' like -the right families.. luckiest girl in the world; lwas Of course you will never print IDU per cent true to Frankie and this letter because you pander to didn',t look left or right`. When • the lowest common other fellows called tine on the denominator and are careful phone 1 said, "I'm scary but I'm never to agitate the status quo. I� rankie s., girl so dont waste your time." PLATO Yesterday. Fra.ikie wrote me DEAR PLATO: , There are • My young brother and 1., ares very close. We always have been. We slept in the same bed for years, shared the same teachers in school, spent our summers together at the fami- ly cottage, and fought furious- ly .about . such things as who was going to get the bike that 'day. Even the war didn't keep us apart. We .both • served in the Timmy's wide' smile is clue to this baby's delightful disposition. Seven m he is a happy, ,responsive, 'sociablc boy who goos and chuckles and laughs out loud and makes friends with every one he meets. Timmy is big, sturdy, healthy and very active, developing at a high average rate. He eats and sleeps well and is greatly interested in toys. He has big brown eyes, fringed by long lashes, scant fine dark hair and olive skin. All that is known *of his father is that he was probably part -Negro. His mother is white. He needs a warm, loving, active home with other children, and parents who will welcome him on his own excellent merits, without concern over hazy background information. To inquire about adopting Timmy please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Serv- ices, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For other informa- tion about adoption ask your local Children's Aid Society. a• good onths old, James Richardson & Sons Ltd. Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524-8388, GODERICH country who were born poor and they didn't rob, cheat, steal or bribe anybody. But how does it happen that 'a smart fellow like you measures success in $ and c? l didn't say rich means successful and I don't believe it. But apparently, you do. obtaining clothing which they to pay more attention to hist surely do not now own. school wort:. He claimed he still I told hank that since the want' to marry me (in about ten bride's family pays for the or` eleven years) and said he'd 'wedding her wishes shpuld take- check from time to time to precedence • when there is an make sure I dpn't. forget him. impasse. What do you say'? - Isn't this pretty rotten after I THORNS 1N THE -ROSES gave him the best ten months of DEAR THORNS: The bride's: my life? Do you think maybe he family pays for the wedding, but is not telling the truth and that when the festivities are over, the he wants to dump me because couple has to live together, .and there is somebody else? -- MISS it helps if they are on speaking DEMOLISHED DEAR MISS DEMOLISHED: If there .isn't somebody else'' there ought to be. I'm against going steady • for a long list of reasons which I have spelled out in this column repeatedly: Play the- field and !earn what a wide, wonderful world it is. The prig some of you hids pay for "school security" is too darned high. terms. If Hank wants his warehouse buddies at the wedding invite them. And "don't worry about the formal dress. They'll probably rent, like some of your fancier friends. P.S. `They'll probably behave better, too. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My steady- and I are both 18. A few. months ago my face. began. to break out. I've never • had pimples before. in my life. Jake says my glands are rebelling against pent-up emotions, I'Ie insists that sex is the cure. It sounds ,logical. Please advise me MISS UGIT DEAR MISS: Are the, boys still using that old clinker'?. If it were .true I'd worry about all the young girls with lovely coni'plexions. Thank your hero for offering' himself. It was a noble gesture. Then go 'to a doctor and take 1 -IIS advice. DEAR ANN LANDERS: 1 just read your reply to "Kentucky Cat". You said, "There is plenty .of room' at the top created by people who went to sleep up there and fell off." Now really! Where is "The Top", Ann. Landers and why did they fall off? rI just read a book on the rich andthe super -rich which documents the fact that the wealthiest families in. America got that way because 'they were devious and avaricious. They exploited labor and piled up their ill-gotten gains DEAR ANN LANDERS: I before taxes got steep arn- a girl A16 and already my, Naturally, the crooked whole life is ruined. Frankie (not politicians helped a lot. pilots, sometimes at the same stations. We were both shot down. We ended the war with the same rank. The only real . difference was that he could put the letters D.F.C. after his name. But I was' able count -"s. er that with, horror prison camp. AYS to tal es about OR A SAFE . +IOME SWIMMING POOL. YOU MUST HAVE GOOD FENCING- WITI4 A GATE THAT 1-OCKS ...AND BE SURF SMALL CHILDREN 'ARE SUPERVISED IN AND AROUND THE POOL Yes, we've been very close. So close that ' we sometimes remember to send a card at Christmas. And we make * a , point of correspontdin; every three or four 'years, And at least once, a decade we have a visit. It happened this past week- end. There's .a lot to "get ,caught up ' on" when you meet your little brother so' seldom. And -hay, slid.Ke _get SA ulit. u4! He arrived Friday evening in his colonel's uniform, ablaze with ribbons, That night we got caught up until 5 a.m. on Saturday. Saturday night we did evert better, getting caught up until 7.30 . in the Sunday a.m. And Sunday night we got caught up until 1.30 when, thanks to a merciful providence,, he had to leave to catch a bus to catch a plane back to Colorado Springs and the panic buttons. I learned a lot of things. That I still owed him $9 for' my share of the bike• That his only child has married, a very wealthy Englishman and has cars, dogs,: servants, the works. It's the only money in the en- tire family connection, as far as I know, but I can't see low I'm going to get my hands on any of it. And I learned (this is how close our family is) that a fa- vorite uncle of mine had died over a month ago. Uncle Omar had reason to detest me. As an infant, I had "Cried• lustily and steadily throughout his mar- , riage, which took place at my parents' home. .But he forgave, and offered a big helping hand on acouple of occasions when I needed it 'like plasma. A mule -skinner in World War I,' he worked hard all his life, did well, had a loved and loving family and died peacefully at 75. A good life. BUS NESS DI ECT My kid brother and I con- jured 'up a host of forgotten faces and incidents, most of • �AA • unexpected guest them funny. The incidents, that is, not the faces. We had some good sport talking Otta- wa Valley English, which is unique on this, or any other continent, We recalled with pride Mountain Jack Thomson, —a great-uncle who was the ter- ror of the lumber' camps, The only man who could lick him was his brother, my 'grandfa- ther. • Perhaps" T Should =` envy—the --- young brother, He's had an ex- citing, roving life in Europe and North America. He is com- pletely bilingual, in excellent health and will be retiring on a fairly fat pension, But I don't. 1 wouldn't want to be a serviceman, even a colonel•, put on the shelf in my prime. He. has no home, a scat- tered family, and must sort himself out for a new life, at a time when most of us are eas- ing off a little. Does he envy me? I live a comfortable, middle-class life, own my home, have a good job and only two rotten kids. No, he wouldn't touch it with a ten -foot pole. And perhaps that's why we get ,along so well. No envy, which can be a destroying ele- ment in any relationship. Just brothers who are completely different in outlook and tem- perament, but. retain- the ,warmth of childhood. affection and shared experience. Another reason we get along well, o' course, is that we see each other so seldom. There should be a lot more of -this '(that is, not seeing each other) among families. They'd last longer and finish stronger. But next 'time' he visits, I think I'll arrange. for a couple • of hospital beds in advance. We'd never make it through another weekend of "getting caught up." I • 6 DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE N 1' 0 NEW GODERICH:, RESTAURANT Steak House and • Tavern Ivan H. Steckle Your Y MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Of Canada .Representative 84 Kingston St., Goderich 524-8882 Mr. H. Baxter 74 Arthur St. WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE -BARK -THEATR.E BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINT, WALLPAPER Cards For • All Ocessions • Gifts • Books • Stationery Supplies • Records ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 'East St. Ooderich $UILDING MATERIAL • PAINT • WALLPAPER • CARPETS • TILE • LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Mrs; Donald McKenzie 159 Brock St. McARTHUR R'EILLY LTD. and * FRIGIDAIRE, * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service - Alvin Daer 162 Mary St. GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square — Godericli low Owned and Operated' by C;hurk Iow�ll f 10 ,s .The Names Of Six Sinal -Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be Fuud InOneOf These Ads Now Showing B11111111(111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111114 EXCELLENT ;SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe 14• Different Styles I H DAVE :GOWER'S1 ndustrial &Garden Centre amilton 5t. 524-8761 __PaIa1 Henderson __ • 1 1 8 Blake St. W. 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Russell 87 'North St. MEN'S WEAR i •.Q For That CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR 1 EAR L RAWSON • MEN'S WEAR 11 On The Square, Goderich THIS /SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD TELEVISION e PHILIPS PHILCO Colour Television SALES and ERVICE 524-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich ✓ ` I` TRAVEL SERVICES ✓ DIP 1 SHOE STORES , 1' For FASHION RIGHT SHOES . The Pface To Go Is ROSS SHOES The Square Goderich J Lnalli }Ino it YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE GOOtRICH _-52443G6 _ , U � RESERVED n THIS SPACE FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD • D. A. KAY & SON Painting and Decorating Contractors • Painting, Wallpapering, Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING 8 Pounds—$3.00 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fully Attended ' 1 West Street LAUNDROMAT S4 West St. 5249953 GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE THIS SPACE RESERVED „ FOR YOUR AD Mrs. Chas. Videan 90 St. Pairick St, For The FINEST in FURNITURE • Be Sure To, See Our Display Of W RIGINAL Ott PAINTINGS THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AC 1,0 For The Fashion Look SPROULE SHOES SHOPPE Footwear For The Family Kingston St, Goderich 524=904 Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. Look tor your nam. and address in the ads. - , —.Take the' Business Directory and suitable Identificatit + to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared assd wick up your by Saturday nloht clesin•S. Only Subscribers to the Signal -Slat, are 44404.