HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-21, Page 110. 11' 3. REAL ESTATE ' FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED ifisINTEE 1 G1. I�MITIiI-.`Y ' ONLY ONE BLOCK FROM SQUARE, • 3 -bedroom brick home: 3 -piece and 2 -piece bathrooms. Living room, dining room and entry ill have ne,w _ bro:aloomcarpets. Other floors are tile. Modern kitchen cupboards, hook up for washer and dryer. High dry basement has . storage room, cooler room and furnace room with one-piece bath. All heated by hot water gas fired system. Roof has been newly shingled. Attic is large and floored. This is situated on a large Jot approximately 80 x 104. Phone us for an .appointment to see this home which has been completely redcorated recently. �► 200. acres 10 miles from Goderich, 'approximately 150 workable, no buildings. $17,000. Vendor will hold first mortgage and accept $5,000 down .payment. CLOSE TO LONDESBORO. 18 • acres of good land on which is built ' a small steel barn, one building good for chickens, pigs or horses. One business building suitable for store, soft ice cream or other. Frame house with bathroom; furnace, modern kitchen cupboards and 4 bedrooms. Highway location close to schools and stores, 3-bedroorn cottage, close to Goderich, furnished, 2 -piece bath, newly painted, on large LAKEFRONT LOT 216' x 436'. $11,500. • PHOTO LISTING SERVICE r GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN DER MEER 55 Montreal St. GODERICH 524-7875 CLINTON AGENT - CLARKE ZINN 482-7838 5. TO RENT ELDERLY Goderich lady requires housekeeper - companion, light duties. Please reply to Box 11, Signal -Star. - 34,35 FEMA IE clerk required for clerk -teller duties at local bank. Experience. preferred. Apply in writing to Box 12, Signal -Star. - TENT TRAILERS for rent. Apply Nile Motors. `. Phone 529-7113, - 34 MODERN three-bedroom ,nearly new 4,1touse for rent, newly 1 decoalte }':" . Plii1ahle' September' 1. Phone,524-7630. - 33 'LARGE three-bedroom apartment in Colborne'House on Hamilton Street. Heat and water supplied, $80 per month. Available September lst. Apply McGee Motors, 37 Hamilton Street, or phone 524-8391. - 34 ON THE SQUARE - two-bedroom apartment, living room, kitchen and bath. No pets. Not suitable for children. Rent very reasonable. Phone 524-7775 .between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m. - 34tf ✓ ONE -BEDROOM apartment, furnished, > all conveniences. Ridgewood Park, phone 524-8891. - 32tf 4 - UNFURNISHED three-bedroom heated apartment. 38A The Square. -Adults. • Phone • 524-7926. -- 32tf _ _ A 6. WANTED TO RENT WANTED TO RENT; A house -by September or October in town or country by couple with r one child, Box 3, Signal -Star. - 31-4 WANTED TO RENT by working couple - in Goderich two or three-bedroom house with option to buy. No children. Apply Box . 6 Signal -Star. - • 33;34,35,36 TWO or three-bedroom house or -apartment- Young couple with. no children. Phone AP Beange, 524-7391. - 34 APARTMENT or house by couple with two children. Phone 524-7936. - 34 WANTED TO RENT - Two or three-bedroom house •' by September 20. Must vacate present house by that date. Excellent references. Phone 524-6803. - 34 8. HELP WANTED HELP WANTED - Short order cook and dishwasher. Apply Pizza Patio,- 33,34 EXPERIENCED woman for general housework in modern home, Person with references preferred but others considered. Phone 524-6669. - 31tf EXECUTIVE SECRETARY - This position offers a challenging career. An experienced person with shorthand, typing. and facility in the use of dictating equipment is desired. INVOICE CLERK -TYPIST - Experience in ' general office procedures,., trrocessing purchase orders and invoices is desirable. Both positions are availatlle in Separate School Board Office, Seaforth. Apply -. in own handwriting, giving experience and references, to P.O. Box 718, Seaforth, Ontario. MAKING A LIVING FROM 8 TO 5? . You can be a success from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M.! It is that little extra . ambition that can make the difference between being average or out in front. A second job enrolling Ontario Automobile Association memberships may make the difference for you. Find out how, no obligation. Contact Charlie Lee, Wingham, phone 357-1383. - 32,33,34 AVON CALLING Mature ladies with 18 hours of spare time per week required to represent our top quality guaranteed products. Contact Mrs. Milison, . 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 451-0541. -31,2,3,4 WOMAN WANTED Mature woman,. wanted in local office to work part-time (1 - 5 p.m.) Monday to Friday. Typing essential, knowledge of bookkeeping helpful. . Write stating age, experience, qualifications and references (if any) to Box 9, Signal -Star. - 33tf n.c: START IMMEDIATELY a Serve consumers with Rawleigh Products in Goderich or rural area of Grand Bend. Experience unnecessary. ' Write Rawleigh, Dept. (G,H, or I)-216-406, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Que. RELIABLE . woman ' fully. or. part-time for Nursing Home. Apply at Maitland Manor, 15 Bennett St. W. --' 34,35 PART-TIME switchboard operator and receptionist. Mature . person, preferred with knowledge of timing necessary. Apply Business Manager, Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. - 34,35 SALES OPPORTUNITY Look around! Investigate other offers! Then come and see us! Then decide which offers you the opportunities for development, income, satisfaction and future. • • position, greatest training, security, QUALIFICATIONS COLUMN: 1. Desire to succeed. 2. Ambitious and aggressive. 3. Sales experience not necessary. 4. Good background. • 5. Automobile required. The men -we select will receive: 1. Two weeks of highly 16. WANTED (General) COMPLETV. household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231. - 42tf WANTED Musicians: For new C & ,W Group. Lead guitarist, bass guitarist, rhythm guitarist and vocalist. Must be 21 or older. Union member or willing to join, Write giving complete resume to Box 13, Signal -Star. * 34 WANTED - A quantity of oats right out of field. Phone 524-7037. - 34 WANTED - Used guitar. Must be, in good condition. Phone 524-7105 after 5 p.m. - 34 .WANTED -- Baby • sitter by September 1, 'either in own home or mine. Phone 524-8668. -34 ,specialized theoretical training (expenses paid).. 2. Outstanding earnings (guaranteed income from commissions while servicing established accounts). 3._ Group bospitalizatiooe major medical, income protection -and life insurance. 4. Retirement program which is second to none. 5. Promotions are fast to those who show managerial capabilities. Por appointment 'phone Mr. K. Pedersen,. Wingham, 357-3539, between 9 ,a.m. and 8 p.m. Thursday and Friday. EXPERIENCED' CAR SALIESMAN We have an opening available for an experienced car salesman. This is a very stable position with a future, and we offer ideal working condition,fringe benefits, ample lot time,Niemo supplied. Remuneration open to discussion. AO replies held in strictest confidence: Phone 524-7308 for an appointment. Apply to Gerry Parrott; Sales Manager, Goderich Motors. ELDERLY woman would like woman companion to live in. Free rent for light duties. Write or phone Mrs. Kelly, Kintail, 529-7309 Dungannon. - 33,34 DISHWASHER,short order cook. Apply in person to Goderich Restaurant, West Street. - 33tf 11. EMPLOYMENT . WANTED AGGRESSIVE young man desires any type of full-time employment. Phone 524-9279. - 15tfnc WILL DO dressmaking in my own home. Clara De Vries, 128 Eldon Street, phone 524-6106, - 34,35 MOTHER with R.N.A. training will care for small children in my home. Phone 524-7816. 34,35 '12. TENDERS WANTED - w 13. AUCTION SALE 13. AUCTION SALE • MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY - 100 ACRES Under and by virtue Of the powers of sale contained in certain mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public Auction at the subject property at RR 1, Dungannon, .Ontario, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron, on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969, at the hour . of 2:00 in the of t erno 2 n .. the following, property, namely. ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and being composed of the following: • The south half of Lot One (1) Concession Seven (7) Western Division,' Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres more or less. This " property will be sold subject to -a reserve bid. TERMS: Ten percent of the purchase • money to be paid down at the time of sale and the • - balance in thirty days from the -date thereof. For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, 4$0 Richmond ' Street, Chatham, Ontario. TOWNSHIP OF ASHFIELD Gravel Tenders TENDERS will be received for loading and hauling 8,000 cu. yds. of pit gravel, minimum of 700 yds.' per day. State price per yard one to three miles and each additional mile. Job to be started on ,mile. before September 1, 1969. Tenders to be in the hands of the road s4perintenderit, Joe Maclntyre, RR 3, Goderich, phone 529-7675; by 6• p.m. August 2.31- - 33.34 TOWNSHIP OF COLBORRNE TENDERS FOR DRAIN Sealed Tenders, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned up to 6 p.m., Saturday,. August 30, 1969, for the construction of the McCANN MUNICIPAL DRAIN. Generally, the work consists of the clearing, spreading and levelling of approximately 12,800 L.F. •of open drain involving, approximately 16,000 c.y. of material; plus the supply and installation of 10 L.F. of CMP with end protection. Bids shall be submitted in two parts: (a) Supply & installation of pipe and (b) All other work. All tenders to be accompanied by a certified deposit of 10% of the tendered bid. Subject to a $10.00 returnable deposit, plans and specifications may be obtained at the office of the consulting engineers, Gamsby & Mannerow,' Guelph, Ontario, or at the office, of the Township Clerk, . RR 4, Goderich, Ontario. Ldwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. B. C. Straughan, Clerk, Township of Colborne, RR 4,.Goderich, Ontario. 34,35 _IOWNSH.IP OF_.CO.L.BONE. GRAVEL TENDER • Sealed tender's, clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the undersigned until the hour of 1 p.m., August 30, 1969. Supply, loading and hauling approximately 4,500 cu. yds. of Pit gravel. 1,000 cu.»» yds., supply and deliver, of 5/8" crushed .gravel to L• .ots_$. and 9, Concession 11 and 12. Spread to the satisfaction of the Road Superintendent. , Gravel free if taken froth'' Colborne Township pit. Lowest or any ' tender not necessarily accepted. Marked cheque of 10% of tender price must accompany all tenders. Work to be done in -'September or as requested by Road Superintendent. Total Price per yd. pit run Crushed Total Mel Good, Road Superintendenea + Township of Colborne, RR 5, Qoderi h, Ontario. •' 34,35 33, 34, 35 36 MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE • FARM PROPERTY, " 450 ACRES Under and by virtue" of the powers of sale contained in certain ' mortgages which will be produced at the time of sale there will be offered for sale by Public " Auction at the subject property '',at RR 1, Dungannon, Ontario, Township of Ashfield, County 'of Huron, on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969, at the' hour of 2:00 in the afternoon the following property, namely ALL AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron and Proving of Ontario and being composed -of the following: PARCEL 1: The west half of Lot two (2) Concession seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, containing 100 acres more or less. PARCEL 2: Lot • Two (2) Concession Six (6) Eastern Division Township of Ashfield, less the east half of the east half of the lot, containing 150 acres more or less. PARCEL '3: The- north half of Lot three (3) Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield; containing 100 acres more or less. MORTGAGE SALE OF VALUABLE FARM PROPERTY -150 ACRES 'Wider and by virtue of the powers of aaale contained in a +certain mortgage which• will- be produced at the time of sale thhre will be offered for saleby Public `,Auction at the subject property at RR 1, Dungannon, Ontario, Township of Ashfield, County of Huron, on Friday, the 5th day of September, 1969, at the hour of 2:00 in the afternoon , the fallowing property, namely PARCEL 4: The east half of Lot Two (2), Concession Seven (7) Eastern Division, Township of • Ashfield, save and exceptthe• following part: COMMENCING at a point on the east limit of said Lot distant one (1) rod or 16.5 feet south of the point where such easterly limit would be intersected by the line dividing the north and south halves of the lot"; THENCE west parallel with the south ,limit of the said • Lot sixteen (16') feet; THENCE north parallel with the east limit' of the said Lot to a point twelve (12') feet north of the Creek crossing the Lot; THENCE east ,parallel with the south limit of Lot sixteen (16') feet to the east limit thereof; THENCE southerly along the -east-limit -of-the:bot-to-the-place of beginning, containing '100 acres more or less. This property will be sold subject -to a reserve bid. - TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. . For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderi h;'Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, 480 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario. 33,34,35 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE GRAHAM ELECTRIC Complete Electrical Service Residential— Commercial - I ndustrial 155. Keays Street Phone 524-8670 " GodeYich, Ontario. VACUUM cleaners; sales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Vara,' phone'Hensall 26? -5350. 48tfn ALL ' AND SINGULAR that certain parcel or tract of land, situate lying and being in the Township of Ashfield in the County of Huron and Province of Ontario and, being composed of the following: The south three quarters of Lot One (1), Concession Seven ,(7) Eastern Division, Township of Ashfield, containing; 150 acres more, or less. This property will be sold subject to a reserve bid. TERMS: Ten per cent of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale and the balance in thirty days from the date thereof. • For further particulars and conditions of sale apply to MESSRS. DONNELLY AND MURPHY, 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario, Solicitors for the Mortgagees, or to LESCO MACHINES LIMITED, 480 Richmond Street, Chatham, Ontario. 33, 34, 35 COMPLETE DISPERSAL SALE of high quality Holsteins, new slab silo, dairy equipment and miscellaneous items on the premises. Lot 34, Con. 2, Goderich Twp. 3 'miles south of Bayfield or 9 ' miles south of Goderich on Highway 21. The , undersigned ' Auctioneer received instructions to sell by public auction on , Friday evening, August 22 at 7 p.m. Holsteins cow - second calf fresh one week with calf at foot; cow, milking carrying second calf, rebred in May; 2 cow, fresh two months rebred; cow, milking, rebred carrying second calf; purebred cow, fresh three months; cow, fresh six weeks; cow,. fresh two months; cow, fresh three months, rebred; cow, fresh two weeks, calf at foot; Purebred cow, fresh two months, rebred carrying second calf; 2 cows, milking, carrying fifth calf; cow, milking carrying fourth calf; 3 heifers, milking, all rebred; 6 heifers due in November . and December; purebred Holsteins, bull rising two year old. • • • This is an extra good dairyherd selected from high -producing blood lines. Dairy Equipment - Surge 2 -unit milking machine piping for 28 cows; 14 milk cans, pail and strainers; 28 steel stanchions; 14 water bowls; New _Idea 7 -ft. power take -off mower like new; Cockshutt 4-barside rake; Slab silo 14 x 30, used two seasons. No reserve as owner has other interests. Jan Koene Proprietor Alvin Walper - Auctioneer Phone 237-3300. -33,4b 13, AUCTION SALE CLLARING AUCTION SALE of household effects and antiques for Mrs. .Josephine Mary Lynn, 43 North Street, Goderich, on " Wednesday, August 2.7, 1969 . at 1 p.m. . Westinghouse refrigerator with across' the tdp freezer; Beach electric stove; Easy washing machine; Singer electric sewing machine; Lewyt vacuum cleaner; Rangette; 4 chrome chairs; 4 wooden `chairs; woodenkitchen table;,round table; folding table; utility stand; china cabinet; corner cupboard; bedroom suite; bed; dresseri cheat of drawars wash stand; wardrobes; chesterfield and chairs;'- studio couch; small tables; foot stool; what -not; platform rocker; hostess chair; mantel clock; dishes; frames; mats; lawn chairs; garden tools; stepladder; lawn mower;°etc. Tereus - Cash - House Sold. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer,' Goderich, 524-9064. 33,34 '14. SERVICES AVAILABLE ESTATE AUCTION SALE of household effects ' and 'antiques for the late Mrs. Oliver Cook, 95 Brock Street, Goderich, on • Saturday, August 23, 1969 at 1 p.m. 21" - Admiral TV; Moffat ,refrigerator with top freezer; 24" Westinghouse electric stove; Regina electric broom " (tike' new); Beatty washing machine; Electrohome humidifiet;'electric tea kettle; dishes; chrome suite; utility table; utility stand; buffet; studio couch with 2 matching chairs; platform rocker; end tables; coffee table; bedroomsuite; single bed; wooden- bed: roil -sway- . __bed; dressers; blanket box; sewing box; Singer sewing machine; commode; wash stand; trunks; quilts; oil lamps; crocks; electric fan; lawn chairs; garden tools; etc. , Terms - Cash - House Sold. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer. • Goderich,' 624-9064. 33,34 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE BENNY BJERG. ,- General Contracting 202 Queen St., Clinton Phone 482-9372 251fn HURON DEAD STOCK REMOVAL CLINTON We pay $5 to $15 for fresh dead or disabled cows or horses. We pick up calves and small pigs as a service to• you. Call collect 482-9811 169-C-68 .50tf SCREENED TOP SOIL (stone, grass and root free) LANDSCAPE, WORK (light dozing, levelling, backfilling, etc.) BACKHOE WORK' (excavating, etc.) CEMENT -GRAVEL also for lanes and yards, fill, etc. LYLE MONTGOMERY Clinton • 482-7644 evenings or Clayt's Gulf Service 482-7661 LAMB'S DELIVERY MOVING HAULING PHONE 524-9657 Reasonable Rates - 14-22» CUSTOM chain sawing, lots cleared, trees trimmed, firewood and logging. Reasonable rates. Cab for appointment anytime. Phone 524-6632. - 4tf s:; -4 1s1 THE MATTER OF THE HOME • repairs, remodeiimESTATE OF HANNAHg, ELIZABETH CORY, floors, tiled ceilings. SOMETIMES KNOWN -AS eavestroughing, panellir1`g rec. ANNIE CORY, LATE OF THE rooms, kitchens, etc. No job too VILLAGE OF' AUBURN, IN small. Free estimate. Workmanship guaranteed. Phone THE COUNTY OF HURON, 524-9387. = 21.tf . GODERi! li $IONAL-ST4iiitt THURSDAYMGUS I�,1900 I .., n ,�.+. -- •I •TMX. •. »•»MVS} Ti:1R-•'' ♦;5�i}..M ^ • d y 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE, ..19, LOST .ASI The C,P. & T. Fund committee of Goderich Oddfellow and Rebekah lodges have wheelchair, and other equipment for loan; free of charge. Contact Arno Osbaldeston, Park Street, phone 9623; or Fred Pritzley, Wilson Street, phone 7217: 38 CLINTON COLOURS Interior, exterior decorating Spray painting, sprayer rentals 482-9654 GORDON CHARTER P.O. Box 641, Clinton, Ont. 32tf C $ W SALVAGE (Formerly Goderich Iron and Metals) End of Nelson Street WE SELL - Reinforcing • Steel: - Structural Steel -- Angle Iron -,Channel Iron - Eye Beam - Pipe all sizes - Plate steel etc. — Flagstone WE BUY - Steel - Cast - - Radiators - Batteries - Copper . - Brass - Aluminum - Lead etc. D LOST ' UQ shell' cat, wearing . col* th010, inputated tail,. Child s pet. Rewpd,. Phone 52499147. 34x 22. TO GIVE AWAY TO GIVE, -,AWAY -- Border Collie, three months old, female. Phone 524.840.3. - 34 A. BIRTHS. SCOTCHMER: At Alexandra Marine and. General Hospital, Goderich, on August 13, 1969, to Mr. and°'Mrs. Ron Scotchmer, Clinton, a dais hter, Jennifer ane. HOOK: At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Qoderieh, on August 16, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Stephen ' Hook, Egmondville, a daughter, Martha Mae. • RITTINGER : At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on August 18, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Rittinger, Goderich, a son. Yard open daily, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Except Sat., 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. CaII Anytime .524-9514 AL GRANGER'S TV Repairs To All Makes Of TV, By Licensed Technician 258 Huron Road Phone 524-8925 34tf 15. NOTICE to CREDITORS ART'S LANDSCAPING Seeding, Sodding, Shrubs FREE ESTIMATES 166 Bennett St. E: 524-9126 . 22tf FOR your Antenna Sales ana Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 ' Mary Street, phone 524-9089. - 32tf We cut window bl.inds,'any size, to your specification. Priced from 31.89 SMITH'S OFFICE SUPPLY (formerly McEwan's) Albert St., Clinton DOG CLIPPING and grooming. Poodles a specialty. Phone 524-7219. -31-34 , ACE RADIO and TV Service, -Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone'524-7771. -ltf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGEE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 BRICK WORK, fireplaces, stonework, , chimneys, barbacue and incinerator and • repairing stucco., Ray Squire, Port Albert, phone Dungannon 529-7636. - iltf .: All persons claiming against, the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of - their claims to the undersigned on or before the 28th day of August, 1969, after which date the assets will be distributed. Highest prices paid for dead stock. Up to $15.00 for cows. Up to $20.00 for horses. Call. collect 881 -3459 -Walkerton. GRAF STOCK REMOVAL Walkerton - 10tf SEPTIC TANKS CLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 - 13tf HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call. Superioram n c , phone 524-8892, Goderich 24tf CUSTOM BULLDOZING CHAS. BRIJINSMA Bayfield 565-2846 15tf EAVESTROUGHING AND LIGHTNING RODS NEW INSTALLATIONS , v . & REPAIRS 'Estimates Without Obligation Contact R. E. RUTTAN • Wingham --Phone 367-1077 110 DONNELLY & MURPHY, 18 The Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Solicitors for the Estate. 33,34,35 IN THE ESTATE OF' ALICE GERTRUDE , COOK, LATE OF THE TOWN OF GODERICH, IN THE COUNTY OF HURON, WIDOW, All persons claiming against the above Estate are required to forward full particulars of their claims to the undersigned on or before the 15th day of September, 1969, after which date the assets • will be distributed. DONNELLY &,MURPHY, II 18 The Square, Goderich, Ontario: Solicitors for the Estate. 34,35,36 18., PERSONAL ANYONE knowing any information about the John Bowie Wilily or relatives of same, living in Goderich 1878 to 1890, please contact Mrs. R: 'B. Dunlop, 53 North Street. Phone 524-6329 or 524-6500. _ 34,35 19. LOST AND FOUND LOST - German Shepherd female. Answers to name of "Lady." Colborne Township tag and name. Phone 524-6393. - 34 BAER: At Alexandra Marine and General Hospital, Goderich, on August 8, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Ron Baer, a son, Scott Douglas. LOST - August 14 - Bluewater Highway, three miles north of• Bayfield, - six -month-old female Beagle, gold and white with a spot In middle of 1`orehead. Answers to name of Taffy. If• found, please phone Richmond Hill TU -3269. Children's pet. - 34 C. • BRIEFS WILLIAMS CEMETERY MEMORIALS And Inscriptions Stratford - Ontario` Ronald C. McCallum. Representative • 215 Wellington St. 5., Goderich • Phone 524-6272 or 524-7345 D. IN MEMORIAM, SPAIN: In loving memory of a dear mother, Mrs.»,John Spain, who passed away seven years ago, August 19, 1962. Just a thought from us who loved you,.. Just a memory fond and true, In our hearts you will live forever, Because we thought the world of you. - Lovingly remembered by the family. - 34 -ELLIOTT: In fond memory of 'a dear mother, grandmother and great grandmother, Mrs. Ethel M. Elliott, who passed away four years ago, August 17, 1965. e God took her home, it was His will, ` But in our hearts she liveth still•. = Sadly missed by her family. - 34 . SPAIN: -In loving memory of a dear mother, Violet Spain, who passed away seven years ago, August 19, 1962. A golden heart stopped beating, Twirl busy hands at rest, God broke my heart to prove to me, He always takes the best. ' - Always remembered and sadly missed by son, Peter. 34 E. CARDS OF. THANKS • NETLL: . We would like- to express our thanks to the people of . Goderich, friends and' relatives for their acts of kindness and sympathy during the loss of our father, Herbert • Neal. Special thanks to the Stiles Funeral Home, Salvation Army, Capt. Ralph Hewlett•, Mr. Turner of the Historical Society and Randall Marriott. - Karl and Fred Neill- and -families. - 34 RYAN: We wish to thank our friends and neighbors for their kindness to us during the recent loss of our mother. Thanks to all who sent Mass cards - and ' sympathy cards. Special thanks to Rev. Fr. Galea and Rev. Fr. Mooney for their spiritual help. - 34x ELLIOTT: We wish to convey grateful thanks in this way to the many friends who sent cards or called with expressions of sympathy in connection with the death, August 11, of our daughter-in-law, Mrs. Arthur Elliott, of Bayfield. - Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Elliott. - 34 Classified Ads. _ continued on 'page 12 •S THE BANK OF NOVA SCOTIA Requires ' • Oualifiet-feirsonnerfor New Branch To Be Opined Approx. September 2 Previous Teller or Related E perience g eferred APPLY IN WRITING TO BOX 6 Interviews fci be held Augiusl 10th, 1869