HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-21, Page 88 GQUERICH SIGNAL•STAR, THURSDAY, AUGUST 21,1969 ' v d New mcsiager named to MORDC V Western Fair puts accent on family With this year's accenton a "family affair," the 1969 edition of. the Great Western Fair swings open its gates on Sept. 5. and runs through Sept. 13. - nine Directors of the Midwestern the sand and gravel resources of -,fun-packed days of wonder, Ontario Regional Development the entire area excitement and entertainment Council left a; meeting this The ."ravaging" of gravel pits for the whole family. month in a much more in Perth County has been. the Who better than. George Kirby optimistic frame of mind than subject of a discussion by Perth to headline the opening three when they arrived. County erouncil on seve?al nights of the all -free grandstand For one . th1 g, MODA has a. occasions. show? Kirby has attained new general manager. He is Councillors feel, and ,dot international stature as an Milton" Phillips of Ottawa, at without reason, that the day's'`"-Ampressionist, but he ' is also a present assistant general manager not far' distant when townships unique blend of comic, of the Eastern Ontario Regional will find it difficult to secure raconteur, singer, pianist and ,..-good-grade-gravel -for-ruse on� siialectician. vhn....has llgl te,d.-_..leaptea, ry-one-feeling.�a�little• Develip�i'tetit.�"-�.Counerl:.. Far--- another thing, MODA has been township roadsdare not audiences in four continents. In better. Al Cherney - "Mr. able to consolidate its debts, ' hard -surfaced. Good vel is a career spanning 25 years, Fiddler," is one of Canada's with the exception of one also needed for construction of Kirby has entertained in North best. account, 'under one bank loan of new roads and rebuilding America's top night spots; And that's only the $10,600 - much less than had existing ones. toured Europe, Australia and grandstand show. There are been reported earlier. Another plan is to encourage Asia; appeared in most top hundreds of other attractions But most important of all, the the e'ounties and lnunicipalities television shows and performed going on alt day at the Great directors are now free to talk to meet some of the demand for with many of the world's leading Western Fair Sept. 5 through 13. with officials of the recreational space by providing personalities. General admission $1.25. Kids municipalities in the four -county additional local parks and picnic Sharing the limelight with area of Perth, Huron, Waterloo areas. Kirby is the Sound of Ireland - and Wellington. It is also suggested "The Irish Rovers," a lively Until a number 'of studies consideration be given to a group who can belt out snappy, were completed, directors, had system of development and/or robust tunes, and in the been asked not to discuss MODA's past accomplishments and future work programs. The ban has now been lifted. The directors decided to adopt a suggestion by Gerald Fatum, of Fergus, that groups of directors meet with county and municipal ,councils throughout the area to fill in the elected representatives on MODA. "Most councils don't know anything about MODA," Mr. Fatum commented. Warden James Hayter, ., of Huron County, pointed out that most of MODA directors are not members of councils. "So often," he said, "councils appoint people to jobs and then never hear of them again. People don't seem to realize when they are named to a board . or commission they have . a responsibility to report back to the body -+which appoints them." T. H. Isley, Reeve of Waterloo Township, said when his council .makes an appointment he asks the appointee to report back at every ",meeting of council. •However, he agreed, this is not the usual practice. Several of the directors mentionedways in which MODA had been of assistance to -the municipality they represent. Walter Gerth, Milverton reeve, said the, village; whichf-has been • looking for' a dentist for several years, has a "good prospect" obtained 'through MODA. The dentist read a MODA brochure on the area, became interested in this part of Ontario, and is considering settling here. , "If MODA has done nothing more than attract a dentist to Milverton, its efforts would be worthwhile," Reeve Gerth commented. He explained there is a large farming area around Milverton whose residents have to travel many miles and, wait a long time to receive dental treatment. " A sampling of some of the plans which have been formulated by MORA as the result of a number of studies of the area, include a program for the controlled development of administrators. a gala evening 01 taugnter,, To this fabulous line-up of talent an extra bonus -- the popular Debbie Lori Kayewho wears her heart on her sleeve for everyone captured by her appealing voice. She sings with rock, feeling and heart. Debbie will be accompanied by the Rhythm Pals and Al Cherney and they will ,also star in the afternoon. performances Sept. 8, 9 and 1.0, The Rhythm Pals - three nice fellows who Make a lot of music and generate an infectious good ' humor that maintenance grants similar to», twinkling of an eye, shift over to _those proposed for conservation -tear-jerking ballads that make authorities. everyone who isn't, want to be Also proposed is a Irish. The Irish Rovers made the comprehensive survey of medical international recording chants services of all types, both with "The Unicorn" and have personnel and facilities, to stayed there ever since. They are indicate the areas of greatest ,four extraordinary young need. musicians who happen to be \Irish and who happen to be very, Port. Albert • very good. ' Glen Haywood who can start Visitors with Mr. and Mrs. an epidemic of laughter when he Clarence Hoy last week were steps onto the stage will emcee Richt' Knight of Sarnia, Gerald, the grandstand show. Rounding Mary, Glen and Elaine Teskey of out the performance is Vonda Desborg, Mr. and Mrs. William Kay Van Dyke who combines Knight and Bonnie on Sunday. talent, ' personality and warm charm to win audience acclaim. Valerie Teskey is holidaying this ' weelith them. Wit, ventriloquism and a Mrs. Roy Petrie returned last polished singing voice are among Friday having visited with Mrs. her outstanding talents. Charlie. Crosset and family of Blasting out a really big Islington the past two weeks. welcome to .all the fairgoers on Sept. 8, 9 and 10 at the Great Western Fair is America's Retirement plan Greatest Trumpet showman Al Hirt, the really big man with the Continued from Page 1 ` 'sweet horn! A great musician who holds - his audiences in to transfer their contributions finger -snapping delight with retroactive to the date of every memorable number he employment with the county 'school. board. • A sick leave credit plan was instituted for administrative staff and non -teaching employees. , Each• worker will be showman. The sounds of "Jaye," ;,all ved , 4.,day :Mak leave per., "Cotton Candy" and "Sugar Yea (t er month) with a Lips" were heard around the maximum 'accumulation of 240 World. "The King" is the most days permitted. , - famous trumpet player the Members of the administrative entertainment world ' has ever staff and ' other non -teaching known'. . • employees will be allowed up to Also on grandstand are the three days' leave of absence with vivacious Golddiggers, the pay .each year, at, the discretion fabulously talented 12 young of the .director of educatid'&t, but beauties who have sung and such leave will be deducted from danced up a storm of popularity sick leave credits. on. the Dean Martin's television Compensation for automobile series. With swing and style that use on board business will be 12 brings a little of the 30's into cents per mile. The ' actual today in a very big way - the amount spent for meals and Golddiggers are now, and accommodation will be yesterday, with a bright reimbursed. tomorrow.- The board will pay half of the The master of ceremonies will hospital and medical insurance be 'golly Hammond. The .plan premiums for all hilarious nightclub entertainer is - administrative and non-teaehing billed as Canada's only truly staff, plus half of a term life bilingual, bicultural comedian. insurance policy for the six chief Hammond combines wit, comedy and impersonations for performs. His title, "The King," stands as tesipimony of the admiration and respect musicians and public alike bestow,. upon this great trumpet 25 cents. Raceway will hold first Saturday meeting Continued from Page 2 collection of more familiar horses. The Goderich Trackman's selections for Saturday follow with the order of finish predicted shown in parenthesis. Roach Secretary, Don Edward, has promised 10 excellent races for the Saturday event. Presents letter Patricia Wilkin was at council last week to .present a letter from Edgar Butt, mayor of Qlovertown, Newfoundland, to Goderich mayor, Dr. G. -Frank Mills. • Miss Wilkin had been selected -to-represent-the-varea.on..a. Young Voyageur program which included a two-week trip to Newfoundland, Dr. Mills had asked Miss Wilkin to present a letter from the town to the mayor of Glovertown when she appeared before council prior to the trip. The letter last week was the exchange. Will hold sunrise program A sunrise White Bean program will be held at the farm of Jack Peck, 1.25 miles west of Kippen Conduct survey ,Interviews ,and surveys: to obtain current social, economic, and cultural information in the Midwestern Ontario Region will be conducted here soon by the research section, Regional Development Branch, Ontario Department 'of Treasury and Economics. These surveys mark. the second stage in the Midwestern Regional Development Program which the Hon. Charles S. MacNaughton, Treasurer of Ontario and Minister of Economics, hat' called a "partnership approach" to regional development. The field work is part of an overall research effort by the Regional Development Branch regarding the,• MODA Region. This ; research is being co-ordinated with other studies, including that of the Waterloo -South Wellington Area. 'The initial MODA Council recommendations and they special studies, including the present field work, will result in a full statement of development, strategy for the MODA region. This statement will be sent to the MODA Council for careful review before it is 'considered as policy. This month, the survey team will cover Huron County. In September it will survey Perth and the northern part of Wellington County. Information will be gathered from municipal" departments, ,iitdustrial commissioners, planning boards, manpower centres, and business. Interviews and surveys are designed to secure trends in employment, industry mix, availability of water, sewage, and power. next Thursday, Aug. 28 at 8 a.m. The variety, herbicide, fertilizer and white mold control demonstrations will be discussed by soils and crops specialists from this area as well as from the Ridgetown College of_ Agricultural Technology and Canada Department of Agriculture research stations at Harrow and Woodslea. Another feature will be a brief look at some "do's and don'ts" with respect to the' use of bean harvesting equipment. Of special interest will be comments on the market situation by' Bob' Allen of Brucefield, chairman of the Ontario Bean Producers' Marketing Board. No one will go home hungry for•'knowledgeor food. Elanco!s bean pots will be operating and coffee and doughnuts will be served by area ladies. All those interested in the production and marketing of - white beans are invited to attend this event sponsored by the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Association and the Ontario Bean' Producers' Marketing Board. . M ROYAL ONTARIO EUMOBILE 1 r a ROYAI. ONTARIO 'MUSEUMOBILE VISIT THE DISPLAY IN GODERICH ON THE SQUARE AUGUST 20 to AUGUST 31 1 P.M. to 8. P.M. CLOSED MONDAYS AND TUESDAYS •--••••••1100G- :17') fes' f- 'ADMISSION FREE - GROUP TOURS ARRANGED AT THE TRAILER J The Royal Ontario Museum presents a look at the,fatcinating world of Archaeology. Artifacts from arotartd the world and the province. Visitors to the Museumobile will be introduced to the work of ROM archaeologists and their "digs" in five different areas: Old Jerusalem; Gorlin Tepe in Iran; Altun . •I-Ia in British Honduras; and in Ontario at Hungry Hall (an Indian burial area) and Fort Albany (an early trading post). The displays that tell the story consist of colour and black -add -white photographs, text and real artifacts . (there are no reproductions). This advertisement published in the public „interest by the Goderich. Tourist Commission IY A few of " the other horses which are new to Goderich this year are 'MOLNAR'S'T BYRD, KIN O'BATTLES; SPEEDY FALLEN, STAR HENLEY and MARGRET HARMONY. . FIRST 1. MISS EDNA MAY, can't sell short here (4). 2. YVONNE GRATTAN, could win all (3). 3, NORTH BAY,• they have to beat this one (1),. 4. VALLEY SILK, recall not very impressive (6). 5. FERGUS BEN BURNS, looks to need a few (5). 6. STAR HENLEY, 'worthy --.challengen-(2): 7. SCOTTISH SIX PENCE, not today (7). A.E. MISS DYNA-MITE, some chance if in. SECOIIQ ' , 1. DERRY MAY, showed she was last outing (1). 1 ANGUS MAC, worthy opponent (4). 3. KATHY KID, could make amends (5). 4. LOCHINVAR BIMBO, might strike for show (6). 5. ARDEE, broke in last (2). 6. MEADOW ARK, not out of it (3). 7. COOK'S BROGUE, looks to have potential (7). A.E. WORTHY WONDER, could do in an open race. THIRD 1. MISTI PHILR.ICK, capable of reversing this (2). 2. FRANKIE TAR, factor for. top prize (3). 3. WAYNE EXPRESS, better race needed (5). 4. PAULINE BARS, maybe another day (6). 5. HILLSIDE PRINCESS, would be a price (7). 6. GREENWAY GRATTAN, upset threat (4). 7. JERRY G, in the hunt for the best (1). A.E. ARGYEL FANNY, not likely. FOURTH. 1. KIM BROOK, could be the dark one (4). 2. THE QUIET MAN, will argue always (3). 3. HIGHLAND G, one to beat (1). 4. MAGIC BONNIE ROSE, like a price (5), 5. JACQUELf NE CHIEF, factor for Lsser award (2). 6. GOLDEN DALY H, not today ,(6). , 7. ELDO.RA'S IRISHMAN, some other time (7). A.E. BIh'IIY' DIMPLES, factor if in. FIFTH 1." PRINCE SHERMAN, down in class (1). . 2. MOLNAR'S. T BYRD, race good at Dresden (6). 3. BILLY 'LEE CHIEF, just starting (7). 4. GLENVAR, could make it a double (2). battle always (3). 6. BILLY ROYAL, may wake up here (4). 7. SPEEDY ELLEN, has shown good speed (5). SIXTH 1. GLEN'S JOHNNY, long shot (5). 2. CHIPWOOD, can't see here) (6). 3. MISS HOLIDAY AXW. C,' in the money (3). 4. BLUE GLEN, long winless (4). 5. MISS PAL, pass today (7). 6. DEEP RUN STAR, surprised last time (1). 7. VIRGINIA DUNDEE, may force the issue (2). A.E. SCAPPFR BARS, wake up chance. SEVENTH 1. LINDA B HOOVER, in winning form may get this call (1 2. MISS JANICE WHO, jumped in last (6). , • 3. HILLSIDE JOE, wait a while (5). 4. MARJEAN CHIEF, waiting for a price (3). 5. MARGRET HARMONY, merits some thoughts (7). 6. MR. DINO, chance for part (4). 7. GLEN AXWORTHY, will hunt for win (2). 'A.E. 1Vl'EADO'W HARVESTER, in tough. EIGHTH 1. BACHELOR GIRL, will dispute this (2). 2.t' TYE BAR, overduefor a big one (4). 3. FLASH FIRE C, . finish back at Greenwood (3). 4. EXCEL MAC, upset threat (5). 5. THE FLYER, flying 'high today (6). 6. CLEVER 1 H1LL, best bet of the day (1). • NINTH 1. DWAC, would make it a double (3). 2. MIDNIGHT SAM, could chancefor part (4). - 3. F. W. DUDLEY, out classed (6). 4. CHECKIT, very sharp' and dangerous (1). 5. MARY GLENFORD, will need her best today (5). 6. DOUBLE D BOY, Dresden invader (2). TENTH 1. ROBIN ADAIR, need a trip at oval (7). 2. SABATONE, could win all (1). 3. BILLY CANTON,- rot ready (6). 4. MY SON JON,•lust a.few more (5). 5. DEL'S GAL, will argue this (2). 6. DEEP RUN RICHARD , charge home (4). 7. LOCHINVAR 'ROBBIE, may wake up (3). A.E. GARY DAY, not today. Best Bet Of The Day CLEVER PHILL KEEP COOL See Our Large Selection 'of FANS Air Conditioners KEEP DRY ' With An- EL'ECTROHOME Dehumidifier Hutchinson. • Radio - TV Appliances 308 Huron Rd. .524-7831 IN.TERN ATI SPEEDWAY NEW 1/.2 MILE HI -BANKED ASPHALT OVAL NAL AUGUST 22.RACE :3`0 TIME 8 SUPER - MOIMPIDS1 • .SEE A FUII FIELD ,OF CANADIAN & AMERICAN STARS EVERY WEEK GORDIE DUKES WARREN CONIAM JIM SHAMPINE NORM MACKERETH JACK GREEDY 'BENTLY WARREN JOHN CLAPHAN Al. KERR 1T .Wlll BE STAR STUDDED /NTERIVAT/ONAl SHOW rr111 IIIIIIIIIIII#O11111111111""11" III lllll" II III 5 5 15551111111"t11111s sass 55.55 sss..1" 111111, �n.• • Delaware 27 International Speedway I° Tn.hnto . Meioses F GIN ourrururrrrrrmossiOorrrrrruururrusolimerrurrmrrrrrrlersom ruurnri Eastern Daylight Saving Time • 0* 0 a M 0 0 M