HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-14, Page 18SA GQDRRIC%I SIGNAL -STAR, THURSDAY AUGI,JST 1t4; 1969 THE ITHUMB A period of enforced th Re discovering England• ey failed in their own life," a statement which may To the City, with the inactivity has . provided an Normandy And in Canada. . opportunity to read more widely It is significant that where the than usual. One of several books -Romans left mainly forts — .. • was "This England," a Colchester . Rochester — compilation of fascinating text Lancaster 7 Winchester -- and superb illustrations such. as' Towchester etc, the Normans the staff of the National left minsters, • organizations, Geographic Society are so expert education and the Domesday at producing. • • Book, a' monumental assessment its interest lay, not least, in of the country. It "' is all so the vast sweep ortTf a-WhtCh it- , reminiscent;--©f--what--dear- Darcy. surveys. True you only pick up McKeough hopes to do with the story in B,C. 55-54 when Ontario today! They gave to the Julius Caesar first "visits" language such words as tax, Britain.. Nearly a hundred years prison, charit, jury and joy. later Claudius arrives and decides Most , of all the word to do something about it all. "parliament" from the parler„ _ Interestinglyit was a mere fouf to discuss. ,You. have only to centuries later that Rorie finally read Hansard to realize how recalled her troops. "discussion" has been Itat stretch of prostituted for vituperation requires no gre •the . imagination ` to realize the Roman Legions were faced with the oldest form of warfare: guerilla warfare and we can assume from the numerous forts • and roads they were forced to build that, by and large, the native population was hostile: Four centuries and the best troops, in Europe, yet Britain was never subdued, the Chinese she absorbed her invaders. Pondering all this, one - is inevitably drawn to a comparison with.. the conditions which have pertained in Vietnam for some years now. Will U.S. troops still be sending home optimistic reports of progress to Washington in A.D. 2469? well hold to this day. In 1642 Guildhall and all the pomp and Charles I invaded the Commons circumstance of a Lord Mayor's with several -hundred swordsmen banquet; turtle soup a must and to arrest five members who had Gag and Magog looking on. The. defied him. The speaker rose and Bank, the old lady of said: "I have neither eye to see, Threadneedle 'Street, and the nor tontue to speak here, but as StockP Exchange where the the House is pleased to di><ect- motto has always been "Dictum me." Parliament is rooted in the meum Pactum," My word is my Saxon Witai}, so that now the Bond; something for the T.S.E. Queen.xeigns, but does not rule. to emulate,. Lloyds with the Today the English greet the— uttne fie , where you can sun, but they carry umbrellas, insure anything on earth at a yet when their way of life is price. Wren's St. 1L'aul's, one of threatened they pay for its the 52 churches designed by suivival in blood, toil, tears And him; St. Paul's where Nelson and sweat. Wellington rest and where Sir Piccadilly is named for 17th Winston Churchill lay in state. Century tailor whose "Who would true valour see, let "pickadills" were stiff ruffled him come hither." The Inner collars. Eros was the mythical and Middle Temples where law nowadays. To • revert to son of Chaos, which show how has been taught for 600 years. assessments for one short appropriate is the statue of Eros, Here in the magnificent halls moment: Birmingham was set in the middle of a circus you can see a table made from assessed at 20 shillings. in the where the traffic chaos of the the timbers of Drake's `Golden Domesday Book. Oh to have sixties is in full bloom. Marble Hind.' lived in 1066! Arch mobs once cheered the The river and the Pool of While Britain absorbed all her hangings on Tyburn Tree, where , London with its hundreds and invaders, she managed to the gallows was large enough for hundreds of freighters and segregate and assume most of 24 at a time. barges; one of the latters alone their better points. Most England has always survived ., holds $13,200,000 worth of obviously their endeavors are by reason of her navy and it is brandy. The ., Tower with the best remembered in the language not surprising to find Nelson on White Tower built by William wherein "ton" = a form or his column in Trafalgar Square, the Conqueror and the Crown village; "Burg," a fort. "Caster," still expecting every man to do Jewels with the .Imperial State a Roman'station. "By," a Viking 'his duty. crown, some 3,000 jewels homestead. The _ Saxon is In the spruced up stalls of the including the Black Prince ruby, remembered too, in such place many mews, which once housed worn „by Henry V at Agincourt. names as "Thundridge" • after spanking pails of carriage horses, The Thames too means the Thunet, the Saxon god of we. now find sports cars garaged. Oxford and Cambridge boat thunder. But the oldest names At Sotheby's the day's auction race. It spells Hampton Court To push the simile ,one stage are Celtic: "Penzance" from of 124 old masters fetches which Cardinal Wolsey built and Itirther, recall the actions of the,,, "sant" and "pen" _ `a holy cape $2,591,400. • which. Henry VIII coveted and Picts and Scots, whom the and "Lizard" from "ard" and In The British Museum you', got. Here he brought five of his Roman's gave up as past prayer, '"lis" = a high court. Then too, will, find six million books, the queens. Wren has here too and it so that, in 122 a wall was built just as when Britain went to Rosetta stone and the Elgin was at the "palace that the along the narrow neck which , France and. Belgium in 1914-18 Marbles. Regent's Park offers the conference was held which extends' from Newcastle in the and the- solidiery gave their own Zoo; Chelsea its flower shows on authorized the King James Bible. east, to Carlisle in the west. Its phonetic rendering of place the grounds of Sweet Nell's In -the lovely gardens can beseen purpose was to contain . these names such as Wipers,'Pop, and Royal Hospital for Pensioners the mammoth vine, which has. wild men who had discovered so Armonteers, so the Normans from the Services. Then there is been bearing fruit for . four long, long ago that whilst boggled at pronouncing . such Kew Gardens, whose scientists centuries; and of course the -concentration of force may be names as "Scrobbesbyrigsur" introduced quinine and rubber Maze. the key to subduing enemy which they called at first to the Far East; Kew which has Following the course of the concentrations, a concentration Salopiscira, but later abbreviated been called "a finger ,print of river we reach• Runneymede, could be held at • bay by to the Salop of today. . • world flora." Look in at the( where naw "iced lollies" reign judicious use of terrain and by. Gradually the Normans were Abbey of Westminster, built- by where once the Magna . Charta . small bands of raiders. Do you absorbed and . gave place to Edward the Confessor 900 years was signed; William I built a suppose that when ' Mr. Plantagenets and Lancastrians, ago. - Number Ten Downing wooden keep at Windsor, soon Macnamara propounded his to York -and Tudors, Stuarts and street was ,built in 1660 by Sir replaced by Henry II's Round electrically charged, 'and -° Hanover, to Saxe-Cobourg and . Henry Downing, a graduate of Tower. Here in 1348 Edward IV. electronically .alarmed, wire . finally to Windsor. , Harvard and one of Cromwell's returned from the field- of Crecy fence along the DMZ in Vietnam .spies. It has been the Prime to institute the " Order of the that he paid silent tribute to a LONDON Minister's <sidence since 1733. Garter, which only 25 men may • Roman Emperor named It was Samuel Johnson (not =R . Hadrian? How about the guerilla . L.B.J.) - who said: "When a man forays of Queen Boadiceaand is tired of London, he is tired of her Icenes, sacking first . St. Albans, . then Colchester and finally Londinium itself; Londinium, the Saigon of A.D. 6t . It was the decline of the Roman empire which required the return of all the . Legions from Britain, in spite of Constantine having been proclaimed Emperor of Britain in 306. Ninety four short years later Rome called it a day and -pulled out -in A.D. 400. There was a Saxon'invasion in " 449 and then "peace" for 40Q years until the Danish hoardes came to stay in 865. King Canute reigned from 1016 until 1035, but in • 29 years he failed to hold back the tide. Britain's final invasion came in 1066- with- the Normans and for three centuries England's Kings spoke French. What a pity that now we have to learn It all again! Looking back, over • nine centuries, it is noteworthy how successful the Normans were in colonizing Britain; how signally KEEP COOL See Our Large Selection of FANS Air Conditioners KEEP. DRY With An ELECTROHOME Dehumidifier Hutchinson Radio — TV. — Appliances 308 Huron Rd. 524=7831 vi Bisi,essDirectoy:a Ro.ald L. McDoaId------- CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 39 St ,avid St.. 5244253 Gid•rich, Ont*rie . diulagfkAivik 145 ESSEX ST.. GODE*ICH. ONTARIO Available • For •:W, , P I LIC OR PRIVATE PARTIES BINGOS • CONCERTS DANCES •,. • CONVENTIONS •- Catering to Luncheons • COCKTAIL PARTIES BANQUETS, ETC, Spieist st}IetMion Ito waddirlisr IPHONE 5244311 or 524.9214 Aiexarlder and --Chau.,_ GENERAL INSURANCE, REAL. ESTATE PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • Canadian Imperial Sank of -Coinmorc• Building Goderich Dial 5244462 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD R. W.. BELL OPTOMETRIST Tho &more P14661 p• 44 THE SQUARE TELEPHONE OODIRICH, ONTARIO $244S42. A. M. HARPER CHARYORED ACCOUNTANT wear -at one period of time. The late Earl Alexander of Tunis was Chancellor of the Order of St. Michael and St. George, which order has its chapel in that gem Of Edward IV's architecture, St. George's Chapel., „ The .name Windsor is all that remains of the Saxon " \ indlesora" = the winding shore, which the river certainly is. The Thames Valley is redolent 0T13 oligtteld; Why Disreali is buried. It was Disraeli who made Queen Victoria Empress of Indiva, and whose astuteness bought a vital share of Ontorio Hydro to four mile Bruce T Ontario Hydro will rebuild a 4.1 -mile Bruce Township road to provide access to the Bruce nuclear powei -complex, under construction on the Lake Huron shoreline, midway between tort Elgin and Kincardine,. the Suez Canal for Britain. In this • same county of Bu c kiiighamshire is "The Jordans," where William Penn was born. Oxford, University which dates from 1229 is a treasure house --in its own right. George Washington's great great grandfather was educated at Brasenose College, whilst Oriel sired Sir Walter Raleigh. The town dates from 912 when, was ca ure rem the -Dail -es by Edward the Elder, whose son founded a mint here. The ubiquitous William I appeared in 1067 and" built a castle of which rebuild a ownship ,road travelling to . artd from the complex. Hydro will pay the entire cost of the road rebuilding and assume responsibility for maintenance during the construction period. The road '` will be turned over to the township when the Bruce complex is completed in 1978. It is expected tenders will be called in late August with completion scheduled for the summer of 1970. The road, running west from Highway 21 between Bruce Township Concessions four and five, will be designed and rebuilt to facilitate trucks and heavy construction equiriment The Charles Pounder Music School RESUMING GUITAR AND ACCORDIAN LESSONS After Labour Day Guitars And Accordions For Rent or Sale If interested please sign in space CHARLES PONDER, 196 Widder St. Goderich, Ont. NAME indicated Enroll Early ` Phone 524-7541' ADDRESS , PHONE AGE Instrument Desired Do You Have One? Partr one. remains adjoin the County Hall. The county of Oxfordshire contains 'enheim Palace, built 'for the victorious' Marlborough after the War of the Spanish Succession, and subsequently, .where _ Winston Spencer Churchill was born; To be Continued. *"This England" Publd by National Geographic Society, Washington] .C. NEED INSURANCE? PHONE MacEwen Insurance Agency 44 North St.. 5244531. A..,... - n Two hree? You need Three Savings.Accounts. To provide you with the greatest amount of interest on your savings and,at the same time, assure you maximum money flexibility, - Victoria and Grey urges you to adopt our "Three -Account" Plan. '\With our "Three -Account" Plan, you get 4% on your regular savings account and you may issue cheques on it. .- 63/4% on a special savings accot nt on which you. may not write cheques but from which you may make, withdrawals at any time. 81/2% on Guaranteed Investment Certificates. Start Saving today at Victoria and Grey. VG The senior Trust Company' devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. RL4 and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 W. R. Curry, Manager 524-7381 Elgin and Kingston .Streets, Goderich What goes on in LaSalle Towers during the winter? Natural gas heat, for starters. • Clean, evenly circulated, 'fresh - air' natural gas heat keeps every resident of. Burlington's fashibn- able LaSalle Towers in wall-to- wall,comfort. - - Eighteen roof -top boilers do the job. , And the job is considerable. There are 220 luxury suites in the 19 -storey apartment building Plus three large penthous Why did the owners oLaSalle Towers choose natural` gas? Dependability was their first reason. A flame can't wear out. As well, natural gas ,is both easy and economical to maintain. And the versatility of natural gas entered into LaSalle Towers" management's considerations, too. Natural gas is the energy source which produces the hot water, that allows tenants to enjoy .the apart, erii swim: Eng" po-01 cin th r.:iAest winter day_ Natural gas heats the sauna And keens everyone in the build- ing •in ,lean r;lothes by pr)werinu the. hot 'A,ater siioniy for 16 la'rr- dre anew Union Gas TOTAL ENERGY FOR TOTAL COMFORT Why not give some thought to .natural gas?' Whether you have to house more pecple than LaSalle' Towers Or less There's no more modern, r1,pore economical way to heat a factory, a"n 'office, a .store, ' school or a home. Your heating contractor or gas c.urnpany representative has the whole story. See him. He knows what goes on. 14 ATTENTION home owners If you are located on the same side,of the street as ages line which was installed prior to - April 1, 1968 and:you change to a natural gas.central heating system from another fuel between now and September 30, 1969 . You- -may qualify for a 5O ALLOWANCE or... A completely installed charmglow GAS LAMP And if you install a new automatic p,as water hgater At`_the_same time as you. Convert to your' natural gas central heating system as stated above in lieu of: the foregoing offer You may receive an ,ALLOWANCE of • $50 Plus a 2,YEAR'S FREE R.ENTAL on the Gas Water Heater or... " $100 ALLOWANCE See your heating contractor, department store or call Union Gas Company. • V 0 4 • i • • r •