HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-14, Page 121 • .�I RICH SIGNAL STAR TFURS ►AY, AUQUST 14,1969 R. CARDS. OF THANKS The C.P. & • T. Fund Committee of Oddfellows and Rebekah Lodges would like to thank the people of Goderich and vicfnity foi: helping to make their Tag Day a success. First prize went to Dianna Oke; second to Nancy Stott and third to Jean Wraith, 33 JOHNSTON: I wish to thank all my relatives and friends for the fliAvers, gifts, cards and visits while ' l: was a patient in Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. SAecial thanks to Dr. Deathe, Dr. Flowers, nurses and staff of first floor east. — Elaine Johnston. -- 33, 1 BAKE' e wisIrto t an al`l our friends and neighbors for their kindness and thoughtfulness during our recent loss. Thanks to all who sent flowers or mass cards, offered cars, or helped in any other way. -- Mrs. Ida Baker and, -family. WHITE, I would like to express my -sincere thanks to all my friends and relatives who sent cards, gifts and flowers and, visited me during my recent sta-y in- the hospital. Special thanks to . the- nurses on second east, I)r. Deathe and Dr. Jackson. -- Nancy White. -- 33 MOODY: The family of the late Pearl Moody wish to express their sincere thanks to their friends, relatives and neighbors for their messages of sympathy and the many acts of kindness shown them during their recent bereavement. Special thanks to the Goderich Rebekah Lodge 'No. 89, for their part :in the service and the t lovely lunch served after the funeral. — 33 immastisessie F. ENGAGEMENTS F. ENGAGEMENTS Mr, and : Mrs. James Ernest Slater, Goderich, announce the forthcoming marriage of their. daughter,oyce Marie, to Mr. Kenneth Harrison, son of Mrs. , James Harrison and the late Mr. Harrison, of Scarborough. Marriage to take place Saturday, September 6, 1969, at 2:30 p.m., at St. ,George's Anglican Church, Goderich. — 33x G. COMING EVENTS BINGO, Royal Canadian Legion Hall, W i ngham, Ontario, Wednesday, August 20, 8:30 p.m. 15 regular games, $10 prize. 2 share -the -wealth, 1 $50. special — must o. Jackpot $600 in 7 calls. — 3 - GODERICH Horticultural Society Summer Flower Show in North Street United Church hall Saturday, August 23, 3:30 to 9 p.m. Admission, adults 50c. Sale of flowers -- -Bells Of Ireland, etc. -- 33 21 -DAY fully escorted coach tour, September 5, to Salt Lake City, San Francisco, Los Angeles, Las Vegas, plus 'many ' more. 5360 based upon- twin sharing. Tour escorts — Allan Reid and Willy Strub. Contact The Coach -House, 29 East Street, Goderich, 524-8366. — 33,34 Mr. and Mrs. Herman Harding', of Lakefield, wish to announce the engagement ' of their daughter, Marie Elaine, to • Mr. °Frank Harold McLarty, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd McLarty, of Goderich: The wedding will take place Saturday, August 23, 1969, at ° Lakefield United Church„ Lakefield, Ontario - 33x Mr.' and Mrs. Robert- Jewell, RR 4, Goderich, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Mary Elizabeth, to Mr. Frederick Leslie Pellow, son of Mr. and Mrs.. Thomas Pellow, Woodstock. The marriage will take place on Saturday, September 6, 1969, at 7 • p.m. in Benmiller United Church. — 33 • Mr. and Mrs. X. P. Sherratt announce the engagement of their daughter, Maureen Leona, to Don Wendel Sheardown, son of Mr. Jaynes Sheardown and the late Mrs. Sheardown. The wedding will take place„ Saturday, September 6, 1969; at .12 o'clock noon, in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church. — 33 :i' VY•::4:4:•Y': THE GODERICH Art Club are holding a display and sale of their paintings on the grounds of the Museum on Saturday and Sunday afternoons of August 16 and 17, 23 and 24, 30 and 31. In case of rain, show will .. be withdrawn on that date. BUS .LEAVIN.G for .CNE Wednesday, August 27. For - information phone 52.9-7921 or 524-7929. — 33,34 RESERVE SATURDAY August 23rd for Goderich Junior "B" Hockey Booster Club Chicken Bar •B.Q.., 4 p.m. - 7 p.m., Court House Square. Adults 51.75, children $1.00. Tickets available at Denomme's Flower Shop, or phone 524-8453.-31.,2,3. 1963 Plymouth, 4 -door, new paint and tires, all safety checked. Lic. 5388K. Only $795. "Bair" -d us in mind; 524-8311. FOR RENT`, Goderich Housing Aut,hority will receive applications for 3-bedroorh • family units. Priority will be given to_ applicants with 3 or 1 children. Rents range from 579 to $85 per month. Maximum gross allowable income eligible, for these units, would be 5510 per month.. Applications are available at The Signal -Star office, 37 West Street. J.. H. Aitken, Secretary -Manager. "We planned originally to, build a sixty toot silo, but the boys in the construction gang -said there already was a sixty footer in the area and we should go for a record so we did," said Horace Crawford, RR' 6, Goderich. "There it stands — sixty-two feet high." At this height the silo on the farm of Mr: Crawford is the equivalent of a six storey building. •Seen pouring the last concrete form are the crew of Shoonderwoerd Bros., Silos and Elevators, of Mitchell. Dwarfing th'e`former silo, the new,structure will be equipped with automatic unloading and loading devices, which will deliver silage t� "the bins simply by the touch of a button. "I believe the future in farming includes automation and labour saving equipment," Mr. Crawford said. nuuurililuuuuuunlruunuuuuul�uuununuuuunuununnnnnlunuulnluullnuumnnuumunuuuuruul�uuuununnununurmuuuuuuuuuuuuuununui Lawson - Clark reunion held at Seaforth The Lawson -Clark Reunion was held at Seaforth Lion's Park On August 3 With 75 ,persons 'present. Races and a peanut scramble were enjoyed by the'chTldren. Various adult competitions were held. These included ladies longest dress, Mrs. Jack Busby; men's most colorful socks, Jack Medd; egg throwing contest, Mr. - and Mrs. Jack Medd; kick slipper, contest, Linda Suplat and ' Warren Hannah; sack race, Jim Medd. A delicious smorgasbord was THE WHITE STAG Colour—White with woodgrain panel- ling on front and gable. Ramp. Optional equipment—Planter box, Tight anchor rods, pegb9ard bracket holder. Model 69 147.00 SPECIFICATIONS GREENeRIAR 'Door on Gable Side of Model 567 MODEL 65 '61 served. During the supper hour prizes were given for — women with most jewellery, Mrs. Bob Lawson; men with most pennies, Charlie Brindley; youngest grandmother, Mrs. Stan Fowler; •longest name, Marshall Stonehouse. The committees for 1970 picnic were named — president, Mrs. Charles Brindley; secretary, Mrs. Stan Fowler; sports committee, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Glew, Mr. and Mrs. Warren. Hannah; lunch committee, Mr. and Mrs. Reg Lawson, Mr. and SAVE ON YOUR OWN WAREHOUSE Gel A Low Cost STORALL BUILDING High Storage Capaci 1 THE GREEN BRIAR Two-tone green door on gutter side. Model ' • 67 has door on gable"side. Model 65, 79.40 s. Lorne ,.awsonand Mr. and Mrs. Fred Warren. - The 1970 reunion will be held at Kinburn Forester's Hall. Policearrest woman; charged with forgery Goderich police arrested Mrs. Elizabeth Jane May, 22, of Streetsville; Gregory A. Pitman, 22, of Calgary and William Borkow§ki, 23, of Tyban, Saskatchewan in Kitchener last Saturday. Mrs. May was charged with forgery and the two, men with uttering. The charges stem from an incident in which.. a, .$355 gle.,gue, drawn on a Stteetsville batik, was presented`by two men at .the ,Goderich branch of the Bank of Montreal. Kitchener detachment of the OPP who stopped Mrs. May on a liquor offence, say she admitted the cheque forgery. 'The three appeared in court here on Monday and were remanded until Thursday.- will close 'CFB Clinton Continued fro m, Page 1 300 civilian workers and 300' stressed that no firm'Iplans have students (the number. varies .beb...-made1or_relocation-of--the--- - during–....the.–yeast) ..-generate -a School of Instructional disposable income of nearly Technique or the new warrant $5100,000 aQnually. officer school which will only open here in November. Mayor Symons said it was too early to speculate on what effect the phase-out may have locally, but noted that the entire area will be affected — the district around the town "perhaps every bit as much as we are." Reeve Worsell, who represented Mayor Frank Mills of Goderich, remarked that the two-year gradual closing would reduce the impact, but he -voiced concern about the dozens of Goderich .residents who work at the Clinton base. The Seaforth mayor was invited, but could not attend. Officials at CFB Clinton indicated that township councillors were not contacted in advance. Mr; McKinley complained that too' . little notice of the impending decision was given the communities involved and he said closing a base in an area like Clinton while increasing the size of already -big bases "makes a sham" of redevelopment efforts and programs to help slow -growth areas. He said the DND has appointed a senior staff 'member to assist in the base closings and he promised to keep in close touch with the official. The transfer" of training from Clinton will save the government an estimated $4.6 million yearly,' the minister said. Lt. Col. L. C. Morrison, assistant director of information services at Canadian. Forces Headquarters in Ottawa, told newsmen" .at CFB Clinton that the 400 service personnel', T4' The armed forces learned a great deal from the sudden closing of the Centralia base and the resultant hardships several years ago; said Lt. Col. Morrison, and can certainly handle the Clinton closing in a better manner and "the long lead time is a real break." " The DND spokesman said he was well aware of the problems encountered in the Centralia shutdown and gave assurance that the department "would certainly -try tosee-that nothing like that happened" in Clinton. K Will present summer flower show The Goderich , Horticultural Society will present their summer flower show ' in the.' North Street United Church on Saturday, August 23. The show Twill be open to to public from 3:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. There will also be .a sale of flowers featuring the Bells of - Ireland. This show will include many varieties of cut flowers as veil as arrangements. Mrs. F. H. Jessop .and Mrs. .Jean Barnett are ' the co convenors of the show: Plan ,all day "softb ill tournament The Goderich Industrial Softball League are planning to hold an all day„ softball tournament on Labor Day. This was announced just before press time on Wednesday and no further details were available at that time. 1963 Acadian, 4 -door, .6 automatic, repainted, fully reconditioned. Lic. H81829. Only $895. "Bair" -d us in mind; 524-8311. NOW APPEARING AT ELM HAVEN MOTOR HOTEL HWY. NO. 8 WEST CLINTON THE DELUREYS JUST BACK FROM A NIGHT CLUB TOUR IN THE UNITED STATES, CUTT!S RED &WI:1TE Foodmaster INSIDE W & 0 -, OUTSIDE W x D x H DOOR OPENING W & H APPROX. SHIP ;.'T 72'x5744' 771,5'x63'x69' 33'x605'4' 72' x 1944' 7744' x85' x 77' 35' x 66' 190 230 SANDALWOOD *Model 11, door In centre 69 •71 1001' x 72' 1231' x 72' I06'3,7744'x7844' 1271'x771 '180' 48'x66' 56'x66' 290 330 WHITE STAG *Model 71, door In centre 69 . 'n AQUA HOUSE 1001'x72' 1231' x 72' 106' x 7744' x 1844' 1271' x 771'x00' 4'1(66' 56'x66• 290 330 72' x 1221' 7714' x 128' x 75' 35'x6044' 320 di% ALTHE NAME TO BUILD ON” 141111, ODERICH BUILDIN *DIVISION OF GODERICH MANUFACTURING (SALEM LTD. (ENTRE, cAM'BRIA RD. AT ANGLrSEA ST., GODERICH, ONT., 524.8383_. ,As•N S�i`KS AVJj • Y:'c'�yi fNf'[T,r!/ l{ .. ... ,1. a f nr F! :t 91 VICTORIAST. Open . Nitely. Until 10 p.m: PRESN_K11LED_- CANADA GRADE `A' EVISCERATED- 3 to 4 Ib. AVG. • A 4 4 A 1 SCHNEIDgR'S RED HOT WIENERS RINDLESS BACON', , SIDE BACON SCHNEID°ER'S 6 OZ. PKG. lb. 65' COLD MEATS 4 AYHPIECE 89ioio6k4„° 239' 394 IDEAL FOR BARBECUE CHICKEN LECS or BREASTS SHIRRIFF – 24 „ILA. MARMALADE .b.5 4 SALADA — 60's I TEA.. BAGS 14STOKLEY FANCY — 14 oz. HONEY POD PEAS ROSEDALE - 48 oz. TOMATO JUICE RISE 'N' SHINE — 3Y4 oz. •-• a 49' . QRANGE CRYSTALS 69' JELLY POWERS HEINZ — 14 oz. 4894' SPAGHETTI IN SAUCE 3F$100 0 R BRIMFUL 19 oz'. ` CHOICE TOMATOES 48$1°° ROSE WINTER -- 12 oz. 5it$1o0 �... SALAD RELISH IBONUS PLASTIC 10's GARBAGE BAGS - KLEENEX BOUTIQUE . :..µ.. TOILET TISSUE sr SUNLIGHT POWDER DETERGENT a I .r�lr_u■_ 390° 6 ROLLS 894 GIANT CHASE & SANBORN — 10 oz. INSTANT COFFEE TEASEBAGS 90's CORNFLAKES 5890° 12R$1°° f (� 5°s1 - R $r ■ 69' 394 DIGESTIVE — CHOC. CHIP — SHORT CAKE — 16 oz. PEEK FREAN COOKIES 28$1°° KLEENEX BOUTIQUE STUART HOUSE ,-- 12" x 50' a94 FOIL'WRAP GARDENE.AND 14 oz. CY PE 894 3XES - 'F'OR 65' immismommumimmolmlo 4 • ,