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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-14, Page 8
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1.1., WIMP IMINIM maws *PP= 1010100 WOW .7muirOs• "m.o. rxrA7, IPIMPIIII OIMINIA *p..... 'mom Ilolimpl 41116110. . 4$0010.1111. orlopip... ' ..... opir..00. .1.01,11M4 ......". ......, W.". N.V.* ,I, \\v -&•„1,11-1". \\( mom. winippm osipmers 1110,J 1. 1111.11. -10 .I.."li"."1""MialinnitrtrAITI 1.11.1111114"1111-NOM.10,71."...."11....1.1.1m.mw...1111.r. 111".."...11"v 40;11111r". "VP' -'1&111P- 1"."11111.11varir amewp_MM )1n AO, **WV. igatri" r „ omit. Illarepl. amvimuo '01.11103.1. ' . 1.19.10, 119111 1 1. Who's. buried in Grant's. Tomb? What was George Washington's first name? 11,111•1011011 Who discovered I Newton's Law? Who wrote Beethoven's Fifth? L NINNOAS.11.1. sammell• imENNIO tinswomm Ommilmin mookommoi assommim gnomon. molmONNoli 00.•••••11.10 When did they fight the War of 1812? .•••11111•111M 11••=1.11•1191 Which weekly newspaper gives you all the local shopping news? Which weekly newspaper gives you'Goderich' District news? Which weekly newspaper has beer . serving the, community since 1847? Which weekly newspaper do you read? 1,? .37 WEST STREET 111101•11111MMINMIM mom. ••••, 001•001.1111•0 oberitb ipal= AINIAMMISMINI 010101010,41101 40110110.11..1.10 WASI•1•11110 1.1111•11101011111 onmelanno• 4111111mormo siormaliAlo onommdmi •••••••... sionimMe 1104.01•••• 1•1•11...1“ .11111111111. (So what if you missed the first five? Nobody loves a know -it -a11.0 - 1 . . • • 111•11111111MO 524-8331 011111.1111111111 10.11111100 • 1