HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-20, Page 8t folt 40 buys a regular $10, 0 jacket a t the Big Bankrupt Stoke, Ladies! Call and see Grieve's sea - .� oti.ce• equested there lbgiven r04DS a a, 1000 Cite '�- 11 t f.& Visitors The«t a choice MART, ri t1 ilii s lath ea da jur. Ela and Ticket holders are to hunt up ival bio Fra FREE EXHIBIT of FANCY he entitling callers: 211, will e ,„ �' selection bought to meet' pu the wants of WI AT LEAST Mt Pe Sa VIIT0R1 l< en __-.-11 — sea Sept. 20, '92. ar ha ' GBxcG yt w 4 Soc`y�Treas.ed { THE 1 B di lit FI BIG ip ni of ti 1Store!! V C NI 81 The Cheapest spot in F Ontario. Western 1 t e ET linirR7 Iltrqg & Dress Goods. c s J, A. Stewart. f THEY Mond- rew's ALL Why! THE WILL DO T. IAT? Go to beat ' J FAM❑TIS S!llaers —ON— E Oct,31,'92 —IN— Hall, Exeter YOIT BE ONE. LOCAL JOTTINGS. 11 00 saved is one dollar made. Buy eire your millinery at the Big Bank rupt Store and sage your dollars. The following has reference to Mr. James Acheson, uncle of Messrs. James, and Thomas Acheson, of this village, who died in Toronto on the .,15th "inst., aged 85 years. His remainwere in terred on Tuesday. Mr. James Ache• son ayes born in 1809 in the count .+, of Antrim, Ireland. He came to " this country with his father's family in 1822, and for some years he worked at home on the farm near Brockville, where his father settled on 200 acres of cleared property. • In 1831 he left home to seek his fortune in Toronto. He obtained a position in the tannery of Mr, Jesse Ketchum, and from that time until his retirement in 1859 he was actively engaged in the tanning business. Taking over the Ketchum -tannery, he entered business for hini- Self in 1889, and for 15 years remained in it in Toronto, At the end of that time he built a, tannery, and removed to Acton, retiringfrom business five years afterwards and returning to Toronto. Mr. Acheson .was a lifelong Conservative, and a farm believer in the National Polley; He married Miss Jane Hamilton in 1845, by whom he bad one son, who (bed in childhood. Mrs. Acheson died some years ago. For 25 nears the deceased lived at 40 Maitland street, and his death yester- day was ataused by heart failure conse- quent upon the Weakness of extreme ,Old a„ e, re before you purchase elsewhere, i�r. T. Prior shipped one hundred d fot'ty hogs to ..oronto on Thurs- y last, rlut'dock fills never gripe, sicken or in - r, They cure Coustipation and nick aduclte.. The Royal Templars of Temperance I occupy the hall in Wood Eros.' ik shortly. 'lie dedicatory services of the • � • • •Chicago,take place on arid s. Fair, day, October 21st. Y. P. S. C. L. convention is to bo d in Winghaai on Wednesday, Nov. 1, for the county of Huron. I he Rev. l+ . Newton ton oe'npied the ipit of Trivitt MVleniorial church at h services last Sunday, 16th inst. 6.001s what the Big 'Banks up or 5, vl t. iskisg; ,for 06,00 jackets. $x8.00 at the 13ig bankrupt Store. A few days ago while some ebi were playing near the xesidenee of Mr. John kla•tiess a stone Was thrown tlhrongh a window, striking, a baby on the Bead, it being; in the cradle at the time. The ehilci'law has en ugly sear to mark the carelessness of the youths D'•. Allen, medical health officer, writes to .Inspector -Ilughes reeolll• mending as a precautionary measure in preventing the spreail._of diphtheria ghat tne. parents of children be reeom mended to see that the children have their teeth washed every morning, and that the rnouth and throat be washed out with an astringent or gargle. The condition of Harry Phair, the wounded detective, of London, remains unchanged,except that there is a grad pal and perceptible weakening of the system,. He has a good deal of'streng•. th left pet,aud while the end may come suddenly it is .possible that it will be posponed for aday or two. The in-• flamation is spreading, and the suffer- er remains unconscious: ldron A quiet wedding' took place et the he petition against the election of James. Grieve, M.P, for North. rth, was dismissed at' Stratford on turday. The roof on the new rectory is com-. ted and the bricklayers are busily gaged Erecting the walls of the -tool house. °'Handsome is that handsome does," d if Hood's Sarsaparilla doesn't de ndsomely then nothing does. Have u ever tried it? The Rev. Fred Helling Fatt preach - harvest thaulsgiving sermons at yfield, Goschen and Varna on. Sun• y last, 16th inst. A number of our sportsmen have en busying themselves of late shoot - g plover, which can be see itt large ambers on farms adjoining the rill. A horse belonging to Robert- Lang u away` on Saturday evening. The iimal was only: slightly injured, hila the buggy received a severe 'eking up, Mr, J. G. Emery has moved into the remises lately occupied by Mr." Wm. erity, on Andrew street, and Mr. Ed.. hristic- will occupy the building ya tted by Mr. Emery. Yesterday (Wed) we • were favored vii laden with second �ith;t sprig heavily rowth red rasp berries grown by Mr. hos. Snell. It contained eleven ripe nd nineteen green berries. Following are the dates set for the earing of Dominion petitions for the. laces mentioned: Welland, Oct. 29th; lope's, Cayuga, Nov. 12th; West. Hu on, Goderich, December' 12th. In some parts of the village rats are leceming a nuisance to many inhabi- ants. If they continue to invade the ellars, stringent measures for kill u hem will have to be „+ Olv. The advocates of disestablishment are calling attention to a summary made up by a newspaper reader of the number of clergyman who have appeared in court as defendants in the past year in England. These are the figures; Breach of promise, 14; cruelty. to animals, 18; bankrupts, 254; elope moats, 17; drunkenness, 121; assaults, 109; various other charges, 84, and 12 more committed suicide.; The manufacturers of the "Myrtle Navy" tobacco invite the very closest scrutiny of its quality. The expert whose trained senses teach him to rec- ognize the exact quality of, tobacco, and the smoker who judges by his ea perienee in smoking it, will both come to the same conclusion that it is of the ye;y highest quality anywhere to be found. It is made of the very finest Virginia leaf and is manufactured with the greatest possible care. The famous Jubilee Singers, nine in number, will app,�ar here on the 31st inst., and promises to` be good. From the following encomiums' of reverend gentleman and the press we are led to A of a behove that their selections ai high nature•and rendered with a very interesting and pleasant effect. Hear what the- Globe has to say about them: "The Yonge Street Methodist Church was filled to overflowing last night to hear the Canadian Jubilee Singers. A very bright and attractive programme was presented. The audience was greatly delighted with man , the plantation son • s e'0r;'Y; ar yi � ad us Pau•sonax>e on Tuesday evening last. Thomas. Oke, a rising young mcreltant of Exeter, Ont., iv as 'parried to hiss Lizzie Shute, of the same place. The contracting parties were very intimate friends of Rev. W. 11. and. Mrs. Gane. This is the " third wedding' ill Mr.. Shute's family solemnized by the rey- erend gentleman. Amid a shower of rice and good wishes, the happy couple left for Windsor, Detroit and points of interest on the west.-Amite rstbur'y Echo t ert:onnt asention. Mr. John Gould, of St. Marys, spent Sunday at ,home. --Me. Deacon and wife, of Windsor, Miss Phdebe Hods- itis, of Lucau Crossing, and ` 'Mi John I3awden, of Lucan, were visiting' at Mr T. Newton's on Sunday. -'Miss Eva Newton, of Detroit, who has been visft- in her parents, left last'week for London: -Mr. George Baker ,eft on Monday to accept a situation in a furn- iture; factory at Wing barn. -Miss Millie Baker, who has been visiting her brother, William, in St. Catharines, has returned. -Mr. Thomas Smalicombe, of Clinton, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs: John Smallcombe on Sunday. -Rev. S. F. Robinson,of.Walkerton,arrived in the village on Saturday and loftier his home on Monday morning. During his short stay in our midst he receive many hearty shakes by the hand, his former parishioners being glad to see him.- Mr. Regionald Elliott, of Toronto, has been visiting here during the'past week.-The'Misses Whitlock, of Walk erton, are visiting their parents here. -Miss Hawkey and Miss Darragh, of Parkhill, are visiting at Mrs. Brewer's. Misses Geary, of Mitchell, were visit login town on Sunday. -Messrs. F. W. and &'nest Farncombe, of London, are spending a few days in town. -Miss H.ndman and Rey. Fred Helling Fatt attended the Huron Lay Workers and S. 8. teachers convention, held in, Stratford on Tuesday and We,dnesda y last week. The bishop of the diocese presided at all the sessions. -Mr. I. Bowerman and wife have returned from Dakota and the Northwest,wherc they have been visiting for some time. -Mr Thomas Acheson and sister Bella were attending the funeral of their uncle in Toronto on Tuesday. It is believed that they are heirs to $5,000 each. -Mr. Charles Tom, of Goderich, has been here on a yis it. - •is—'with Ield scent often our sub- riswi 1 please bear with us. .50 buys a $10.50 mantle at the Big Bankrupt Store. See the values Mr. William Balkwell sold 120 bar els of first class' apples to Mr. IL Lan, short time ago. This was only about two-thirds of the yield of his ,•chard, the remainder being unfit for hipment Mrs. John Gould has manufactured end disposed of 6000 apple barrels this eason, and cannot manufacture them ast enough to meet the demand. The apple crop. ia this section is larger than anticipated. Fruit trees amounting to the sum of 8 were stolen on Tuesday night from building adjoining the Commercial iotel stables.•' They .. had just bean tlaced there during: the afternoon and 'ere in charge of Mr. John Gill. 1 ``'E1�1S"'dit ement n subscribers offer th v - o new, we a AD o CATS and the 'Medical Adviser and Iarm Help" till the 1st of January 1893, for 15 cents. Send in the names The insolvent Bissett stock was die posed of on Monday to Mr. John Mc-. Donull, of Hensall,for fifty cents on the dollar. Haying leased the building from Mr W, G. Bissett, Mr. McDonell will conduct a hardware business in the premises ar heretofore. no 'far p eyed a pretty M on a` huge number of far nerslivirag• in the neighborhood borhood of this certain town. Ile went to them early in the fall, when apples were selling at $1 for fall and $1.50 for win- ter. He offered 75 cents for fall, $L25 for winter, and. they raise, The ' last clause caught many farmers,' and he made heavy purchases. Novy the far- mers are demanding the "raise,," but he coolly tells them that apples' are no dearer now than they were then, and that consequently there is no such, thing as a "raise." Needless to say there are scores of angry farmers there, but the shrewd buyer,cares not so long as he continues to . pocket 25 cents extra p -r barrel. W. T. Foster, of St. Joseph, Mo.,writes under date of October 15th: -"My last bulletin, gave forecasts of the storm waves to cross the continent: from 12th to 16th and 17th to 22nd, and the next will reach the Pacific coast about the 23rd, cross the western mountains by the close of the 24th, the great central valleys from 25th to 26th, and ` the eastern states about the 29th. This disturbance will inaua�urate a warm period, that will extend far into No vember, and the weather will average much warmer. than usual. The cool wave will (t'o'ss the western mountains about' the 26th, the great central val• lea's about the 28th, and the eastern states about the 30th. We will not have much 'winter weather in the northern states before the middle of November, and no real winter until after the middle of December. The winter will be very severe in' January and February." The proposed railway lino between Londou and Bayfield has been consid- (red unfavorably by President Van Borne, oti the grounds that the con nection with the south end of Lake Huron, in the yicinity of Sarnia, would be more useful to the C. P. R. Hunters will have to be careful how they dispose of their'; surplus ' game. The new law makes it an offence for anyone to sell or barter quail, snipe, wild turkey, woodcock or partridge for a period of two years. Store keepers are also prohibited from sellingthese birds. A public meeting will be held in the town hall on Friday evening, ,Oetober. 21st, at 7.80 o'clock, for the purpose of discussing matters pertaining to the welfare of the village,' especially with reference to the Grist Mill, Foundry, and other interests. A full attendance is requested. Mr. Samuel (Ridley, furniture dealer, has had en exhibition' in his show room during the past week the new tura, tura which is to be used in the Odd fellows'. hall. It is made of oke, with plush trimmings, and is of exquisite design and pattern, When placed in the room it will When completing one of the best lodge rooms In Western Ontario, It Is the fall of '02, 1111(1 We would specially invite you to inspect our: GOODS 'Which are now being opened up. goods'r ries. We' are going to do business_ with anddi 0 • �f - fine n tion i revelation p A o � you because we have exactly what yott want, and oar prices are simply 1rre, sistiblt. Our fall and winter attractions will cause a turn out. Such new stal d how in ail de partimeets leave nothing to be asked for. In 'quality aswes l variety ourfresh now lines are strictly first class in every detail. Wo have the 3 disposition, the ability and the elegant goods to please, every buyer. and Dress Trimmings b - far the neatest.. Our Dress Goods >. Dy In Gents' Ties we lead, In Hats, the newest and best. In Suitings no better. Full range 1110) ockei°y, Groceries, Boots and Sboes, Etc. Etc. Our, complete assorttnesit.insures perfect satisfaction in the selection of goods to satisfy indiuidual tastes. You will find our large stock made up entirely of goods that are trustworthy, serviceable, and the best of their class. The following is a copy of an address, passed on Monday and presented to Mr. Charles F. Verity on Wednesday evening on behalf of the members of. 'the lodge S. 0.' E. B. S. by Samuel Sweet, N. D. Hurdon and C. B. Marsh- land. Exeter, Ont, October 17th, 1892. From the officers and brethren of the Sons of England Benevolent Society, Plymouth Lodge No. 63. DEAR BuoTElnu,—Ass your business compels you to leave this town and therefore forces you to sever your con- nection with our lodge, a fact deeply regretted by all of us, we desire before you do so to offer you some recognition of your services as late secretary, by presenting you with this address, and as a token of our high appreciation of,. the valuable work rendered by you wkile acting in that capacity and also as a simple member. During that time you worked welt and successfully for theadvancement of the Order, and we trust that the lessons instilled while in session in the lodge room, may be your tenets through life, and that your meetings in Plymouth lodge with your brethren may always be looked back upon by sort as pleasant recollections. We trust you will identify yourself with the sister lodge of this society in the city you aro about to live, and by doing so, we know our great loss Will be their gain, If ever you visit us you will always bo heartily'. wel cooled by your brethren of this lodge, Trusting the Great Ruler of both hea- ven and earth May guard `and guide you, We are 'ours fraternally, Samuel Svveet,Pres;;Geo Kemp, Sec. Considerable grumbling is being done by farmers in this locality, owing to the apple packers leaving so many culled apples on their hands. They should remember that good prices are realized and that the consumer will have to pay a large price for the fruit, whichshould bo of a superior quality, Let the men do their duty and then the last buyer will receive value fair his Money, . A Prize Portrait Rebus. at the Lowest Possible Prices, Eyerythillg boos Come in and See How Fair we will treat you. How well we will please you. How much we will save you. AELI F1VFiRYPKR0ll-SHOUL» Dr. arIanj1's aitarg Lai1p Filie�. Itis abetter than all others. This young lady has two brothers and a si=ter; each one of whose picture is coma fined in the ab ve portrait. The publish• rs c f the LADIES' PICTORIAL WEEKLY will give a Fane Ladies' Gol t Watch to the person who first can make out the Lace, of the twa brut ars and s'ster ; to the second a Mantel Clock ; to th•e third a Coin Silver Watch to the fourth a t•cautiful pair of Pearl Opera Gla srs;'to ttie fifth a Silk Drtss Pattern ; and a valuable pr'ze wfilalso be g ven to every Terson who is all a to answer this Picture Rebus correc'ly. until one bun !red pr;zes have been awe' d. 3, if there should be that number answering • correctly.an Each contestant is to cut out the ' picture rebus, and make a cross with a lead pencil no the two brothea s'. and sister's faces, and send same to us with finetwo-cent postage stamps, for two copies of the LADIES' PIC- TORIAL WEEI:LY, our popular illustrated journal. Ansu er to -day and enclose'ten cer is ani you may w;n one of the leading prizes. Address, '• F "-LADIES' 1'ICTORIALWOER.LY„ 192 King St. West, Toronto, Canada. For Fall 92 We have the largest stock of Blac c & Colorc Dress Goods Ever Shown in Exeter. We are showing an Immense Stock German Mantles mantles AT POPULAR PRICES, E J Sp ac krnau & Co's SAMWELL'S BLOCK, METER. astfivotimes as long as any ordinary lamp' filler. 4. -=Because it is non corrosive, as it is zinc and tin. which form a maig- netic action and keep it from corroding. 5. -It will do the work in one-fourth of the time. 6. -It will not soil the floor and shelf. 7. -It never sweats oi1. 8. -It gives you perfect control of the oil. 9. -It is always neat and safe. 10 -It will strengthen the lungs. This Can has been examined by experts and pronounced to be the best they ever saw. handy, healthy, Reliable and Cheap. They are wanted in every house where coal oil is used. The fastest selling article in the market. COD DLCmDU & FOLLANO. Our ef''rts to Tease the Ladies of this vicinity with something neat and stylish in MILLINERY fully r buyers appreciated, and careful h ye s will always find it to their advantage to see through our stock before invest- ing Our Dress Coods stack is complete and in Black Coeds we have the best values in the Trade. Our Stock of Tweeds and Over- coatings embraces all the newest things in the market and the prices we give you make the sale of an. outfit easy. $10.00 BUYS A GOOD SUIT. Some Startlers for Fall Trade: Special Union Grey Flannel 10c 66 All Wool.: " 66 17o Canton 66 GG 70 All Wool Treed 30o All Wool .Under Shirt 50e value in ladies' hosiery & gloves.. SOLE AGENTS FOR BUTTERWIWK S CELEBRATED CLOVE FITTING PATTERNS. November Delineator to hared at A. J IYIcTAYIS}I & CO s r 66 46 66 66