HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-08-07, Page 11TO.DAV'SCHIID BY HEIP N QL LEH • `Totbnto`?elegrama y klicatc • r Mark is only two months old and he looks a little " displeased at life. Perhaps it is because the photographer arrived at feeding time and this little fellow doesn't like to • be kept waiting for his meals. Mark is a healthy, normal baby, developing well, of French, Scottish and English ' descent. His small frame is well -padded and he has blue eyes, red hair and fair skin. He is alert and responsive, smiling and cooing, crying only when he's in real trouble. He is accustomed to toddlers and -,older children, so would fit well into a family. This baby -has a good background with no • ° problems. To inquire about adopting Mark please write to Today's Child, Department of Social and Family Service. Parliament Buildings, Toronto 182. For general information about adoption ask your local Children's Aid Society. Note to weekly editors: You, will" be glad to know that ,:-,.four little boys have found adoption homes' through your papers since Today's Child made its first weekly appear - a ance in March. •M r w • 4 4 James. Richardson & Sons ltd. Serving The Feed Dealers of Western Ontario PHONE 524=8388, GODERICH• P ANN LANDERS • No .respect DEAR . ANN LANDERS: Many things are changing in our Society,, some for ' the better, some fbr the worse. One of the most obvious changes is the lack 'of respect for authority. We see it everywhere. Just last week my wife and I attended a wedding. The minister asked the bride, "Do you promise to love, honor and cherish Jonathan?"• The/- word he/word "obey" was noticeably absent: When 1 mentioned this omission to my wife she said it was beeoming a common practice. _What do you -think about it, Ann Landers. - OLD TIMER DEAR TIMER: The word t� used .much ---.in marriage ceremonies any more and I'm sorry. It added a touch of humor .. to an otherwise solemm occasion. ' DEAR ANN LANDERS: I. was born in another country and I came to America ten years ago. I took lessons in English for one year before I arrived here anti I have been trying to improve by going to an adult education class and studying on my own. Perhaps you will be pleased to know that reading your column has helped me >a great deal. You use . simple words and sentences which are not so long that a person gets lost in them. In a reply recently you used the phrase, "feet of clay." Please • tell me what this means and where the phrase came from. I have looked in the dictionary under "feet" and "clay" and I cannot find the definition. Thank you. -- WANTING TO IMPROVE. DEAR WANTING: "Feet of Clay" comes from the Bible. It is .the symbol. of weakness in an otherwise strong person. Nebuchadnezzar, King of Babylonia, dreamed he had seen a great image which had a head`. of gold and fe'et of clay. In his dream he saw the image collapse when it was struck at its base by. a huge ° stone. Nebuchadnezzar doctor and the young woman is demandedthat his wise men my daughter. interpret the dream. With some < If this patient were a stranger reluctance they told him the to me I would wipe my hands of dream `' foretold the fall of the case, but how can I abandon Babylonia because the country my, own child= Please give me was built on a weak fouridatiop. some advice. I am alternately (And they were right.). furious and depressed over this . , frustrating situation. - ST. DEAR ANN LANDERS: LOUIS M.D. Please tell me what to''do about DEAR DOCTOR: If you a woman 27 years old who has a want your daughter to live you'd chronic respirato'y ailment and better "pretend 'she is someone is 35 pounds overweight. She else's daughter and wipe your smokes like a chimney and eats hands of the case. Give her a list everything in ' sight. She -of three, physicians and tell her "forgets".. to take 'her medicine to select one. even•though her doctor has told This young w4bman is using her she is arvery sick girl and it is her illness as a weapon against essential that she follow his you. She is determined to ignore orders. your orders and do as she pleases I' am ra .her... .especially , i.f ius-her. And4t rnay4f you concerned because I am the continue, as her physician. AY$ MOM: DISCARDED PRESSURE CANS 'AND LIGHT BULBS OR HOUSEHOLD CNEMIGAL. CONTAINERS ARE DANGEROUS TOYS FOR EVV:-K.YARD GAMES C AGN. PDOVYARAYlEFERR ATO+SIMGNTLoY i� fcmilh //�l�/inKNCRAS14 It's nice to make a new friend, but most members of our species, the naked ape, agree that old friends are the ,best friends, Last week, I had the best of these two situations, and I am not only delighted but aston- ished, to be alive to report' -it. The only thing that doesn't seem to be functioning is my liver. Must be in better shape than I thought. It began with a three-day visit from qur old friends, the Traplins. We have one of these reunions once a year, and it usually takes a week to get over thenar: -Trap and I joined �tn� ai "f rce. together.`"'1eggy and Suse ° have alwan got along well because they have the same interests. They can talk for 20 v hours "at a stretch. On Tuesday night they went to bed at 8.15. That's a:im. Know what they - were doing? The university ac- ceptance tests. They scored very high. But they were a little dashed when I- told them that high school kids get 50 minutes to do these. It had taken, them seven hours. And you should hear them playing duets on the piano at 4 a.m. One playing Galway Bay and the other Tales From the Vienna Woods. It sounds pret- ty good until they begin to sing. Well, the Traps left, and I settled down for a quiet day of reading and recuperation. Knock at the door. Another olcc friend, Bill Hanna, all set to go sailing. Apparently, though I'll swear it never happened, we'd had a long and involded tele- phone talk setting the time and the day. ,No way out, without being a stinker. So I tottered off sail- ing. A peculiar sport. It takes an hour to get ready. This is hard on a man who is dying on 'his feet. Then you float around for a couple' of hours while the skipper desperately ,tries to catch a breeze no bigger than a belch. Then, suddenly,. there's what we old sailors call a spanking brecze,:and the skipper is hol• lering at you to "cleat your' jib" and "lug your lee" and all sorts of nastyy things, and the dam' boat is • hurtling along with one side almost under wa- ter and your beer has tumbled into the bilge and you are won- dering whether you can still swim two miles._ Back home, . safe, late and burned to a -cinder. Nodding over • a late dinner and the 11 p.rn. news. Dobr-bell rings Cheery young voice, "Anybody home?" And you' go downstairs and there's another old friend,,,_ petite canoe Sauve, ''and she's brought you a beautiful rose from her own garden. And yes, she'll have a gin and a look at the new bathroom and a two- hour talk with Suse, There was only one way out, and I took it. I plunged off in the car next morning for Uxbr- idge xbridge and the Ontario Weekly Editors' annual golf tourna- ment. Host Pete Hvidsten, a Nor- wegian who didn't know enough to go home after the war. But by the acme of acu- men managed to marry off both his kids within two weeks. Gene Macdonald, the man. from Glengarry, Who won the prize for the longest drive of the day he'd N driven 280 miles to get there. He also insisted I buy him -a double every . time I had a double be - 01c1 frien .are beqt gey. A stiff propo*ltion for LvlothUe of with us. two strapping sou: Johnny, James of. /Sown**, who hit .a golf b511 a.quartex 01 a mile. 'Weeklles' d� *n, Wwt ern den Leavens of Bolton,' who played tour' holes. counting the 19th...Charlie Nolan of. Stouft- vine, game ass always, getting tugh e ll despite in painhro. lhullininenthoieHarry $tempte, 'who ran the show, which is rather like tryigg to get 40 rhinocerus to sit up at 'table and put 'on their napkins. JIM Dills of Acton-1Milton, genial gild easygoing as always. And a dozen others: u ---Thatt—why`---it -was— ezpl ally ` pleasant to meetnew friends. Dave Scott ot Fort Erie, the only man I've ever seen whiff foyer times straight while trying to strike a golf ball. And "Ting", the amiable troll who cartoons " brilliantly, and the only man alive who can skate in his bare feet on a coffee table, with . coasters -as skates. And a dozen others. There's nothing, like friends, old or new, if you want to beat Gabriel's trumpet and die a couple of decades before your time. .. ` FIGHT HEART DISEASE GIVE HEART FUND T. PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS — MARKERS & CEMETERY !ATTIRING CLINTON -- EXETER — UEAFORTN G.darkb District R•pr•s.ntativ.s FRANK MdLWAIN 124.7061 or 200 Gibbons St. -- 5244465' REG. J. BELL , 45 Cambria Road S..— 524-7464 BUSI NESS DOU:BLE PASSES TO THE RK THEATRE ALL NEW GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak ,House and Tavern Ivan` H. Steckle Your u 'MUTUAL LIFE ASSURANCE CO. Of Canada Representative • 84 Kingston St., Goderich 524-8882 Mel Cranston Box 1, Goderich WIN! DOUBLE PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions • Gifts • Books • Stationery Supplies • Records 'ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 3t'East St. Goderich BUILDING MATERIAL GODERICH BU-ILDING CENTRE ,5248383 Cambria at Angles. PAINT, WALLPAPER •.'PAINT- • WALLPAPER • _._CAR.P_ETS .. _ • TILE • LINOLEUM , "Your Complete Home Decorating. Centre" Gordon McGratten 21 Blake W. e * FRIGIDAlRE' * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service Mrs. Geo. Ashton 58 BruceSt. GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square -- Godericli low Owned and Operated by Churk 1pw�tr McARTH U R and WELLY LTD. West St. Goderich 111 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD 1 WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe ' 14 Different Styles , DAVE .GOWER'S 1 ndc stria) 13i Garden Centre Hamilton St. 524-8761 Mrs. A. P. Holmes 217 Keays St. PIANOS and ELECTRIC. -ORGANS At The Price You Want To Buy WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Our Reputation Speaks For Itself STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE LTD: 118 Downie St., Stratford 271-6322 FURNITURE d Geo. Ross 166A Thp Square For The FINEST in' FURNITURE LODGE Furniture West St. -- Goderich Be Sure To See Our ,Display Of • ,,ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS The Ncimes. Of -Six - Signal-Star Subscrib- ers Are To Be Fuunci In One Of These Ads • Now Showing 3lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll� • THURS., FRI., SAT. — Aug. 7=8-9 Thurs. 1▪ 1▪ 111111111111111111111111*011111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111MIIIIIIIIIIIiiii SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES "POPI" Starring ALAN ARKIN and RITA MORENO at 8 p.m. — Fri. and Sat. at 7.30 & 9.15 • LADIES WEAR Now a'goo4t saiat-y Opportunity -security _.-for you_in_.a-b usiness_career._ _____ Goderich Business College Enroll Now For September Classes NIGHT SCHOOL Typing, Bookkeeping, Shorthand (Tues. & Thur -s. Evening) 524-8521 or 524-8732 29tf ,.. tADIIS WIt'A IIMITID Ground Floor Fabrio"Centre Bedding Luggage Gift sets Fashion Floor Dresses Coats Sportswear Accessories' W. G. Williams 128 Oxford THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD MEN'S WEAR ' For That • CERTAIN Flair . IN MEN'S WEAR EARL RAWSON 1 MEN'S WEAR On The Square, Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD s 1 SHOE STORES` For FASHION --RIGHT- -- SHOES The Place To Go 1•s ROSS SHOES The square Goderich SPROULE SHOES Footwear For The Family Kingston St, Goderich 524.9174 TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO Colour Television SALES and ERVICE • S24-9432 RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich . TRAVEL SERV CES t �1» �11iI1j1 ,1ltuuir YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE GODERICH . 524-8366 ..1,1111111M WINN 1111/111111. i TF 'IS --'SPACE RESERVED n , FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED ° FOR YOUR AD l • D. A. KAY & SON. Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering, Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING 8 Pounds—$3 °00 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fully Attended West Street LAUNDROMAT 54 West st. 524-9953 CONTEST RULES Each week the names grid addfestas of 6 subscribers will appear In the Business Directory. —Look tor your name and address in s°y —Take the Business Director and -suitable i nfflcatien to the adverflsar In whose ad your name appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturday night closing. Only Subscribers to the Signal Stas are eligible. tro