HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-07-31, Page 131 a G! Garden, notes Gentians, the BY A. R. BUCK LEY The chances are, if you don't • grow gentians you' have never really experienced the thrill of growing a real blu ., ! ower. For no other flower exhibits a greater range of blue than these A showy perennials. Since, by planting various species, these can be + had in bloom from April until October, - it seems strange that . they are not more often seen in gardens. Gentians are not tall .plants; most of the best ones are alpine • species that grow less than a foot Manrot our *lovely natives .. reach a height of 18 inches although some of the more coarse weedy kinds will grow higher than this. Many of the 800 species are • easy to glow and they will make fine edging plants fdr your border. others are at their best alongside a pool; some are admirable for planting in a wet moist bog or marsh garden, and many are good plants for the perennial border. Some of the gentians have large plump upturned trumpets of deep or light blue, others have slender tubes, some short stemmed and some with long stems, some with - curled back • flower petals, others with the trumpet almost closed at the end. . Because of the fficulties encountered with the dila-Ration of the high 'alpines and rock garden species, gentians have a • reputation of being hard „ to grow. In the main, however, if a few necessary factors in their culture • are taken , into consideration, the majority are as easy to grow as most other border, pool and rock plants. One of the greatest • drawbacks has been- and still is their scarcity. Because of'• the lack of good alpine specialists in most of Canada there are : few places from which plants of gentians may be.. purchased, but there are many places in Canada, ✓ Europe and in the United States that sell seeds of .the more vigorous types, and, there are rock garden societies that send 'seeds to members. The easiest to grow of the pure blue gentians is the crested * gentian, (Gentiana septemfida), ' a species with bell-shaped Pesticides - necessity • and threat • r. Mites, bugs and blight take a big bite out of Ontario's food production. The battle to control these destructive pests is vividly presented in a • new Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food film "The Chemicals of Plenty." The 25 -minute, full-color production points out the advances made in the use of pesticides to maintain 4 production and quality of field and horticultural crops. b.. The progress being made in pesticide research is discussed by Dr. Richard Frank, director of Ontario's Pesticide Residue Testing Laboratory, Dr. earnest Mastromatteo, toxicologist with the Ontario Department ' of Health and chief of the Occupational Health Service, Dr. William° Mountain, director of the Canada Department' of Agriculture Research Station at Vineland, and Byron Beeler, a+ director, Soils and Crops Branch, Department of Agriculture and Food. The film is of interest to both farm and urban groups, and can be obtained from the Film , Library, Information Branch, • Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food, Guelph. blooms produced in August on. foot -high plants, A much- more refined species is the Caucasian gentian (Gentiana lagodechlana) which flowers much later and is; in fact, one of the best of late flowering dwarf perennials. Fn yne's Gentian (Gentiana freyniana) is a larger flowering crested gentian with brilliant bells of bright blue. One of the most beloved of all gentians is the spring flowering gentianella or stemless gentian (Gentiana acaulis). This is a low,growing large -trumpeted .pure• = -blue - of-- easy -- -culture;- although it does hake a reputation of .treating a well-prepared bed with disdain by flourishing better in a hard -packed adjoining path. It is hardy in most of eastern Canada if given a little loose straw or evergreen . bough protection, but flourishes best in a peat moss -sand mixture ,and in moist soil. Koch's gentian (Gentiana kochians) a slightly taller species with similar flowers to the stemless gentian is- more amendable to most conditions. The willow gentian (Gentiana asclepiadea) whose flowers are purplish blue and are produced in late summer grows about two feet high and is a good border plant for any garden. Another autumnal beauty is the heath gentian (Gentiana pneumonanthe). It grows in the marshes of Europe and Siberia and -bears its dark indigo flowers on 12 -inch stems from June to September. It should be grown near a moist pool in a sunny exposure. One of • the most . glorious genttans is our native fringed gentian (Gentiana crinita): It is true blue, grows 16 inches high and carries • dozens of fringed -petalled flowers. This is a - bienntal that will reproduce itself abundantly from the seeds it produces every two years. Real -dyed-in-the-wool rock garden enthusiasts will overlook the above kinds and will concentrate on the exquisite yet more restrictive alpines none of which is more beautiful than Macaulay's gentian (Gentiana X macaurayi), the Chinese gentian (Gentiana sino-ornata) and the Spring gentian (Gentiana verna). rue- blue flowers The stemless gentian, one of the darkest of alt blue flowers. -• CDA Photo. Macaulay's gentian is a hybrid but the others may be raised from seed. All form central rosettes of grassy foliage with radiating stems, making prostrate plants eight to twelve inches in diameter with large upturned trumpets borne ' on plants four to • six inches high. Do not apply lime to any of this group for they grow' only on acid soils although Macaulay's tolerates slightly more alkaline or less acid conditions. The Spring, gentian is the finest but most difficult to acclimatize. " As most British Columbia readers will verify this will grow like a weed in some gardens and yet will prove extremely difficult to establish in others. The Chinese gentian bears - large upturned blue trumpets on , a prostrate plant. This species above all others will only grow in lime -free soil, a necessity that makes it extremely difficult to - grow in the Ottawa area, where a peat -leaf mold bed must be provided and care taken. to preserve the acidity .of the soil • by an occasional treatment with aluminum sulphate. The most essential factor in growing gentians, except those that prefer boggy conditions, is .perfect drainage. After this has been attained treatment of the plants may reasonably vary within wider ranges . in different gardens or 'conditions. In eastern Canada ' most will require protection during the winter. On the prairies restrict your selection to Gentiana andrewsii, HEALTH & SAFETY . Mainly or. Mit: • by Carol Hart els - Neatness Counts in Medicine Chest What is rectangular, often impressive -looking and may contain pirate treasure, medicines, tea or odds -and -ends of little value? It's found in the holds of ships, bathrooms, and many a dusty attic and it's generically known as a chest. The most valuable of all can be the medicine chest. But while it may contain a treasury of life- saving items, it also may cause trouble in your household if it is not properly • maintained. The Council on Family Health, a non-profit organization created to promote health and safety' in the home, has a few suggestions worth considering. Your youngster is by nature a would-be mountaineer. Someday he may decide to climb the bath-. room sink and explore that shiny --- bax-on._the _w.alh_Keep_him frotn - ' •® getting into it by putting a snap • lock on the door. • upper portion should be reserved Mother may think she knows exclusively for medicines and the - what is in all of those strange lower part for toiletries and looking bottles. But if the labels other grooming aids. are badly soiled or missing, she The medicine section again Should not rely on memory. Dis- should be subdivided into two card all those which are not parts — one for internal Medi- " clearly and completely identi- cines, those that are swallowed, fiable.. - • and the other for external medi- If you go to the medicine chest cines, those that are applied- to at night, be sure to turn on the the -surface of the body. light.' You need a clear, alert A•laundry marker or write -on - mind when you select the rnedica- 'adhesive tape should be used to tion you need. identify each section so the whole Your medicine chest should be family knows where items belong planned more carefully than any and will help keep the cabinet other place in your home. Ideally, neat. there should be an extra cabinet These simple measures will that houses only medical sup- help keep your family constantly plies but most mothers have only alert to the need for careful ban - one to work with. dling of medicines to assure each • First, the, cabinet should be is used only for the purpose for divided into two sections. The which it was intended. 0 e, TO THE CITIZENS OF THE TOWN OF GODERItH MONDAY, AUGUST 4TH, 1969. Having Been Fixed Iy Resolution As A CIVIC AND PUBLIC HOLIDAY All Citizens 'are requested to `govern themselves accordingly. DR. FRAN MILLS, Mayor 43. Gentiana septemflda and Gentiana pneumonantha and experietnent with the others in different locations and provide winter protection. • In general the gentian needs "sun. The real problem is to give them enough ,sun without 'too much heat at the roots. To overcome this do not let them • dry out and provide them with a mulch of some kind. Finally place them where they can remain undisturbed through the year. If you can grow native orchids you can • grow the choicest of the gentians. If you . can grow any perennial well you can grow the others. 00:01. B 8I ;19'.T'.AL. w 1'7!LTU `.! R$ Painting? use thesetips_ HOUSE PAINTING ADVICE The best time to paint the outside of your home is durum a relatively dry time of • day, according to the Canadian Paint Manufacturers Association, Wait until the morning dew has evaporated and the temperature is above 40 degrees, day and night. Your task will be more pleasant and the quality of the paint job will be improved if you start on the coolest shadiest side and paint around your home, STEWA RT ALUMINUM - SALES FOR 12 YEARS, serving • the • people of Goderich and area •with quality Alcan . aluminum products. EXPERT WORKMANSHIP 20 YEAR GUARANTEE ALUMINUM SIDING, WALLS, SOFFITTS AND FACEBOARDS ALSO WINDOWS, DOORS, AWNINGS STEWART ALUMINUM SALES 101 Victoria 'St. Goderich 524-8821 Contest No. 4 painting In the shade, PAINTING TRIM1 Your outside painting can be simplified If you first remove all shutters, screens .and storm . windows suggests the Canadian Paint Manufacturers Association. These -should be painted on saw horses or other supports, with the -1- grass covered with drop cloths or newspapers.. PAINTING PLAY AREAS When painting the exterior of 1. Look both ways be- fore you cross the sure&f: 2, Keep. from between parked cars. - 3. Ride your bike safely and obey all signs and signals. 4. Play your games in a safe place away from the street. 5. Walk when you .leave the curb. 6. Where there a`r a no sidewalks walk on the Leh side of" the road facing traffic. - your home, take`a few minutes to work a little paints around the children's play area. suggests tli ...__ Canadian Paint Manufacturers Association, On: metal -. play equipment like swings and slides; sand down_ chipped areas- and apply+ a rustpinhibiUng primer. Then enamel it in the brightest colors. r' Wooden equipment • . ,- like 1 sandboxes -- should be lightly sanded and then finished with an exterior type enamel, Elmer says: FIN T E BROKEN RULE At, 4 TU DI( r • 11:01104011 Single or Group Poi* and .POOsporti 524- 187 i1f1 Akt. ,ftvidrcsiderieli �j kr, kcvpi •r Air MAY 1 The Eimer rule broken here is ;number C•CM• (RAMBLER SCRAMBLER) BIKES TWO BOYS' TWO GIRLS'. TLYTE ACCESSORY KITS Each kit contains valuable items for your bike. wwwelmwIlmwe HOW TO ENTER 1, , Show w h i c h Elmer rule is being broken . above, then COLOR the picture. 45 2. Any Canadian child of elemen- tary school age may 'enter. 3. FUI out box with your FULL name and dddress. 4. Cut out &along dotted lines and mail to .address shown in box. 5. All entries become property of Elmer the Safety Elephant. Judges' decision is final. ONARWSAFEflLEAGUE ammillwonow MAIL BEFORE AUG . 5 TO: ELMER, 80X 4072, STATION .A, TORONT' "NT. NAME ADDRESS (Town or City) TELEPHONE AGE ....... Boy Girl J You get a lot more than good looks when you; go Pontiac right now. And that's a great deal. Chances ,are, your Pontiac dealer's got just what you want- the right deal and the right Pontiac. What's more, his extra -large stock -of new cars means you can probably get immediate delivery. Right now! ' f . .. .....-„,....,....----,... .*,,, .,,,,,N\ ..: 3 .. •-LS.+-:•:{ �ni � Yi :v..,.��. ,t row „r r,: r .. : •:,, 'i:.��: Parisienne Sport Coupe 37..,,Ha milton Street, 94. ,'.' d0 k V10( PP+44v -8. That's a BreakAwy Deal. See your local authorized Pontiac Dealer Reg. hitcGeo & Sons Limited MARK OF EXCELLENCE , GOderich, Ont.