HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-07-31, Page 6• . C ot*It' CH SIONM.•STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 31, 1969 4 .fir ,rY4.tir�1 . ..'r '.{::;.;�• ?{;grid :tiff{.; {; •: {'v :•: •.. amosimitammiwoullims t CLASSI F I Po RATES WORD CLASSIFIED For Sale - For Rent 'Wanted Servicle Available Lost and Found To Give Away •5c PER WARD MINIMUM $1.00 CLASSIFIED DISPI AV Real Estate - Tenders Auction Sales Public Notice Business Notice SIMPER INCH $1.00 PER INCH with contract 110 -inch weekly 'minimum) • NOTE: A charge of 25c will be added to Classified Accounts REQUIRING BILLING or yrnpaid in. 30 days. Deadline for .taking Classified • calls Is 12 NOON, TUESDAY THE SIGNILLSTAR PHONE 524-8331 r" - r 1. ARTICLES FOR SALE 1. ARTICEES FOR SALE - FIFTEEN little pigs 6Y2-7 weexs, NORGE CUSTOMATIC fridge, old. Phone 524-7080. -31x- very good condition; 14 cu. ft. • Ideal for cottage. $75,00 or best offer. Phone 524-8061. -31 1 9 6 8 .BR'IDGESTONE _ -Motorcycle, 50 stepAhrough;' - row mileage. Good condition. Phone 524.9447. - 30,31x ti :;':: }:titin•:{ti}•':�'::•r:iY;tir •, � :}jti•: ?:;t: t-�:�.�^' 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE '3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE LODGE FURNITURE WEST,ST Used Singer Sewing Machine with built-in zig-zag, in good condition. Priced for quick sale. For free home trial calx Lodge Furniture, 524-7521 • or 524-775.6. OLD ENGLISH RUSTIC ARTS Bayfield Ontario Phone 565-2817 30, 31, 32, 3:3 CUT flowers, lilies, shasta daisies, floriosa daisies, gladiolus, zinnias, etc. L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron Street. Phone • 524-8852: - 29tf FOR all your tropical fish. requirements' visit • Flower Fashions, 72 The Square. - 9tf • SINGLE BED, springs and rails, $10. Call at 170 Wilson Street after 7 p.m: -31x ARTICLES FOR SALE THREE SETS built-in. cupboards; three kitchen sinks. Phone 524-7237. -31 HYGIENIC supplies (rubber • goods) mailed postpaid in plain, , 16 FT. aluminum boat with 50 sealed .envelopes with price list. h.p. Mercury motor. Phone Six samples- 25c; 24 samples 524-7364,. H. G. Bradley. -31 $1.00. Mail Order' Dept. T-53, Nov -Rubber " . Co., Box . 21, Hamilton, Ont. - 1tf EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashings. Roof repairs. CHIMNEYS 'built. Free estimates. ,Morrison Bros., Lucknow. Phone X328-2546. t--' 8tf ONE large used Frigidaire stove; dautomatic speed •Queen one use ,FERGUSON 8N tractor; 3 -point 2" farrow plough; 3 -point disc; 3 -point cultivator; Ferguson loader for 8N; four bar side rake (Massey); all steel cord wood •saw 32" blade; wagon, gravel box on rubber; 13 run Massey drill (2); manure spreader on rubber (2 wheel); piano, marble top table and dresser antiques. Reason" for selling, ill health. Phone 565-5250.-31 washer; one used chesterfield' and chair. These items are in excellent condition. Phone H, Q. ,. Jerry, 524-9671 or at residence: 524-9300. - '30tf"' PIANO, small upright, with bench, good condition, $150.00; bed, junior size, maple finish, $15.00; washer, Inglis wringer with "pump, $30.00. Phone 524-6510. -31tf PORTABLE. Smith -Corona electric typewriter, two years old, excellent condition. Call 524-7572 after five. °31. BABY BUGGY,, like new; also Jolly Jumper and baby 'seat; Viking ' wringer washer with pump. Phone 524-9013. -31x WEEKEND SPECIALS OQd chests = dressers - beds - finished and unfinished. Prices start at $ 27.50. See our - selection today. One Only Sealy Firm Guard mattress, 4 foot size. , Sug. List $79.95. • Damaged - Only $'39.95.. USED upright piano, Mason and Risch, $1502 Phone 524-9159. -31 ONE coffee , table; two step end tables. Phone 524-7625. -31 FOR SALE - Chesterfield and chair, dresser, two wardrobes, vacuum cleaner, water skis. Phone 524-7868. -31 SWEET CORN now available at Lassaline Orchards. -31-2. 16 CHUNCKS - Phone 529-7214. -31 ENGLISH SADDLE, plus sheepskin pad; single stainless steel sink suitable for hcottage. one 524-9801 after 6 p.m. - 31x Kilgour 3 -piece bedroom, suite, modern • walnut, includes double dresser and chest with,Formica tops, Panel bed. Sg. List $319.00. • Only $229.00. Kroehler 2 -piece chesterfield suite, nylon cover,, reversible foam cushions. Sug. List ;,$269.95. Only $229.00. One only Kroehler tub chair. Priced to clear at $74, Matching large 4 -drawer chest and bookcase bed, light walnut finish. Priced for .quick sale. Only $89.00. Used Kroehler 2 piece chesterfield suite in good condition, priced for quick sale. Baby Crib and Mattress - white, like new, priced for quick sale.. Studio Couch and matching chair used suitable for recreation room or cottage. Only 825.00 BLACKSTONE' FURNITURE W EST STREET GODER ICH BEATTY washer in good condition. Special,. price . for quick sale. Phone 524=9450, -31 16 FOOT Wilker boat for sale. Fiberglas bottom; 1963 40 H.P. Gale motor, electric start. Otaco trailer. Ekcellent condition. $975.00. Apply Morgan's Trailer Court 482-7066. -31b THREE-QUARTER 'box . spring. mattress, like new: Phone 524-9657. -31 CCM BUCCANEER ' girl's sidewalk bicycle, $20. Phone 524-7463, after 5 p.m. - 31 14" ELECTRIC FAN, .like new; dresser; small RCA Victor radio. Phcfhe 524-7616. -31 • 2. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1966 CORVAIR 2 door hardtop, 6 cylinder, standard •shift, $800.00 night. , calls 529-7209 or days '524-6271. -31b 1958 PLYMOUTH, not in running,, ,ci,ition, $35. Phone 524-81,95. •731x 1967 PLt OUTH FURY I, six cylinder, automatic, four door sedan, radio. 32,000 mileage. Excellent condition. Phone 482-3328. -31 196'4 CHEVROLET, fordor, 6 -cylinder, ' automatic transmission, radio. Excellent condition. Phone 524-8875 after 5 .p.m. - 28tf GOOD Selection of used cars in A-1 condition, fully reconditioned and guaranteed, trade-ins accepted ' and terms available. Rouse Auto Electric, West St: -41tf HILLTOP RETREAT 11/2 -storey, 11. -room brick and stucco home recently modernized, < electric heat, 11/2 baths -on .50., acres -clay loans, • , good barn, silo, only 5 miles from Goderich, `asking .$381000 , all reasonable offers considered. Contact WALTER C11,UMPLIN, GRAND. BEND, 238-8081. -- H. KEITH ,LTD., REALTOR, 181 Eglinton Ave. E.; Toronto 12 487-3333 ONLY $1,250.00 s DOWN - Immediate possession of this easy to own, two bedroom bungalow. 3 pc. bath, living room hardwood flooring, kitchen tile flooring, full basement, new wiring and it will be worth your while to inspect this reasonably priced_ home today. ,REDUCED IN PRICE $3000.00 - Now can be bought with a low down payment. Located on St, David St., this could be m into an income property as the house is • large enough for a big family or could be duplexed into two self-contained apartments. An additional building contains a heated " double garage - and Workshop for the handyman. Call for an appointment to see this, - property. WILLY'S.. jeep, rebuilt motor, 750 x 16 tires, ' nearly new. ewly painted last year.. Asking price "$825. Can be seen August, 2nd to 5th at Sunset Beach. Phone 524-7934. - 29,30,31 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE TWO STOREY Duplex - Income property. Hardwood floors throughout.. Close to Square. For information phone •524-6278. -31 TWO BEDROOM house on Picton St. E. in first-class condition, garage, gas furnace. Phone 524-8405 or 524-9158. -31x 2-.c. DROOM house, 50 Stanley St., close to"Square, oil heat. For inspection phone. 524-8167. 31,2,3x VARNA THREE BEDROOM, 11/2 storey, older home on 1/4 acre lot. Hardwood floors, new furnace, low taxes. Reasonably priced with low down_ payment. Easy to s. Call collect. Wilfred P. Br'ocktnan, Real Estate Broker,. London. 438-0511. -31 $6,900.00' FULL PRICE - This 11/2 storey frame house, covered with insul siding can be bought with a low down payment and . easy terms. It is situated p an acre* of land in the town of Goderich. The property can be • divided into 4 excellent building lots. Here is a good investment and' an economical place to live. Make us an offer with your own' down payment. MAKE. US . AN OFFER - 2 storey, , ,modern throughout, 3. bedroom home located on Brock St, Owner living out of town and is anxious to sell. Here is an opportunity to buy a home which is in excellent condition. 3 good sized bedrooms with clothes closets and a 3Jpc. bath upstairs. Spacious, nicely ' decorated downstairs. Full basement, garage" and paved drive -way. • A great family home at'"a price you can afford.. OUT OF TOWN PROPERTY - Opposite Holmesville School. 3 bedroom, frame bungalow with attached garage, on one acre of good garden soil.. Tile floors throughout. In absolute immaculate condition. Owner will consider trading on Goderich property or carrying the First Mortgage. Call to -day. YE OLDE SCHOOL__HOUSE - Solid Stone construction in excellent condition. Located 10 miles from Lake Huron on paved `county road. Has good hardwood floors, heavy wiring, oil space heater, partly partitioned and • panelled, pressure system, toilets, spring well, one acre of good land and plenty of trees. Come and look at the Bell Ringer Special with a low down payment and excellent terms. TWELVE MILES north of Goderich, two miles from Lake Huron, three acres, home surrounded with shade trees. Three bedroom, four piece bath, living room, kitchen, drilled well and small barn. Contact owner, G. Glenn, RR. 1, Dungannon. Phone 529-7656.'-31tf t=i FORD _W 0 O 0 Cg O 1 • t/'i► 0 0 1 1) W 0 0 1' GODERICH M g:TORS' FORD - GODERICH MOTOR S 'Huron County's- TT:7:1FoRD 1967 METEOR 4 -door sedan, V8, automatic transmission, power steering, -power brakes, custom radio, whitewalls, metallic bronze finish. Lic. E24118. $2295 1966 FORD CUSTOM 4 -door, 6 cylinder, _-au-tomatic_ _transmission, finished in metallic turquoise. Economical, , very reliable transportation: Lic. H83338. 9666 Headquarters 1964 FAIRLANEQ 500 Sports Coupe, 2 -door hardtop, 8 cylinder, automatic transmission, custom radio, bucket seats. A sharp little car. Lic. 82666, 9288 1965 FORD Custom 500 4 -door sedan, 8 cylinder, automatic. transm salon, ent-om radio, whitewalls. A reconditioned one owner trade-in that's in excellent condition. Lic. H81625- 9277 A wide selection of older• model used cars at give-away 13 ices. Safety checked and ready for the road. SEEING IS BELIEVING SEE US TODAY OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9:00 P.M.. -- SATURDAY TILL 6 Service department open 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday thru Saturday - All work performed by Factory Trained Mechanics. • Goderich Motors Ltd. la • O rn rig Phone .524.7018 lir 524.7309 - 36 South St., 'Goderich - ".FORD- i GODERICH MOTORS- FORD -GORERICH RICH IVrOTORS THREE CHOICE BUILDING LOTS - Located in the V.L.A. Subdivision. ' Priced from $1,800,00 and up with 1/2 down. Buy now. INCOME PROPERTY - invest in this 4 unit, self-contained apartment building which has an income `ot over $300.00 per month. 'You can own this excellent property for a small down payment with good terms • on the balance. Rents could easily be increased as -these unites have electric heat, and all modern kitchens. Please call for an appointment to inspect. -LERE IT IS - An opportunity, someone has been looking for. 12 'acres of choice- Id -rid; 280' of frontage on the township road, located at the edge of town. Ideal for someone to build who wants a spot in the country or a good investment for future subdivision. SELLING? When offering property for sale, receive competent advice, planned advertising and the service of 52 qualified salesmen. List with Don Hoist Real Estate Ltd. and all these features are available. ANNE MASTERSON, 524-6138 JACK'CUMMINGS, 524-8951° FOR BEST RESULTS PHOTO -LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH DON HOIST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 43 WEST STREET GODERICH - 524.8961 W. I. HUGHES Real Estate -General Insurance Office 5,24 -8100 -Res. 524-8491 38 EAST STREET COMMISSION RATE 3% on Houses in Goderich COTTAGES New cedar log lakefront cottage: 2 ,sun decks. This is truly a dam cottage. Privacy. INSULATED COTTAGE $11,000. New 3 -bedroom cottage, completely panelled. 3 -piece bath. Good sandy beach. B Very .. attractive cedar plank cottage, cathedral ceiling with beams, situated- on a treed lot. Good sandy beach. Hilltop lake view. Insulated modern cottage. Treed lomat. Spacious cottage With 2 extra lots. Close to Goderich. Lakefront cottage. Large sun porch. Close to Goderich. 7% MORTGAGE WEST END -Im ediate possession. Nearly ne ` brick bungalow, 3 bedr.,. ms, custom crafted kitch :n with -lots of cupboards. Deep ... ile carpet, prime location, many ' - xtras ' designed to. save , you mon IMMEDIA THREE bedro baths, dining room. V,L.A. This beautiful 4 -bedroom so brick home is an opportunity f.r truly comfortable .living at moderate cost. Bright modern kitchen, excellent dining room, high clean • basement,- 2 - sunrooms, garage with workshop. Exceptionally good value. ' CHARMING WEST END Spacious 9 -room home, 2 -storey. , Lovely ' lot. Fireplace; huge family kitchen, utility room, 2 bathrooms. A real beauty. THREE bedroom situated on large lot. Modern bathroom. Low taxes. 1,10` x 140' LOT Attractive 3 -bedroom home plus den. 2 baths, bright kitchen with lots of cupboards. Central 'location. This home is priced to sell. Immediate possession. 3 -bedroom storey and half, close to Square. Low taxes. Blake St. Deluxe 3 -bedroom modern bungalow, 'rec room. Elgin Ave. West, 4 -bedroom, 2 -storey home with extra lot. s Deluxe split level, West End. 4 -bedroom bungalow, West St. 4 -bedroom, 2 -storey . hoine in good condition. West St. 7%% MORTGAGE Split level brick, 3 bedrooms and den, , spacious broadloomed living • mom, dining room, beautiful' Hollywood kitchen, lots of cupboards. • 2 baths. Attached garage. Close to schools. 2 -storey, 4 -bedroom home in _central location. Elgin Ave. South St. 2 -bedroom bungalow, dining room, close to Square. 2 -storey red brick, treed lot. SPACIOUS COLONIAL 5 and 6 bedrooms, 3 baths, •broadloomed living room and dining room, fireplace. Entire 'duplex very well - kept. One block from the Square. Good financing on property. BUY AN INCOME PROPERTY A quality built brick duplex situated on a large lot, 2 and '3 bedrooms. Excellent .location, complete privacy. $1,000 DOWN Centrally located duplex needing some repairs. Two 3 -bedroom units. One unit completely modernized. 4 UNIT APARTMENT 1. and 2 bedrooms, rented. Best location. -Low down payment, Store and 2 apartments, just off Square. Brick building. $15,000 down, 2 stores and 8 apartments. Good income. trick home in the country, double garage, 2 ' baths, den, spacious living room with fireplace. House, barn and 30 acres, near Auburn. COLBORNE TOWNSHIP. 145 acres with river frontage. Drilled well. House and barn.. a Black's Point Road, 1 acre. tot, St. David St., $2.500. Lot, Oxford St., $3,000. Lot, V.L.A., $2,500. Lot, Napier St., $1,600. E POSSESSION s plus den, 2 Suitable for . 3. REAL ESTATE' FOISL Lot, Elrod{ St, $1,250. . Lot, Britannia Road, $8,500. Lot, Picton St. West, $2,500. Cobourg and Wellesley, overlooking lake. Lots 1 and 2. Rita Allen 154 Essex St. - 524-8480 Deb Shewfelt 223 Huron Road -- 524-9581 Ebb M. Ross 92 Newgate St. 524.8786 HAROLD W. SHORE Real Estate Broker General Insurance 38 Hamilton St, Real Estate for Sale 5. TO RENT - 8. HELP WANTED UNFURNISHED, two-bedroom' apartment, gas heater, gas water a' heater installed. Near Square. Suitable for ' couple. Phone -_. 524-7-956. - 29 _.- . _.-....._ THREE BEDROOMS 11/2 STOREY. F R AME Located on the Huron Road, this one and one half storey "Wartime Type" home is offered at a "quick sale" price. First time offered. See it,to-day. THREE BEDROOM ONE STOREY HOME On St, David Street this is 'an ideal home for a small family. It contains three bedrooms, living room : and kitchen with built-in cupboards. Reasonably priced. See this one soon. ' NEW TRI -LEVEL BRICK 'Just finished, this beautiful. tri -level by Eastbank Buildings Ltd. features'' large bright living room with wall-to-wall Kordel broadloom (the very latest on the market), dining area, contemporary kitchen . with furniture finished cupboards, three spacious bedrooms, ceramic -tiled four -piece bathroom with vanity and colored fixtures, basement and is heated by gas fired forced air furnace. Large garage attached. Exterior is entirely of brick and Kaiser aluminum. Priced at '$22,500. $4,500 down, balance on one mortgage. • LOTS Building lots'at Port Albert near the lake. 75 ft.' frontage by 200 ft. deep. Only $2,150 each. Dial the office at 524-7272 or Mrs. Fran Rae Representative " 524-95.57 ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN REALTY LIMITED PHONE'524.9662 3% Commission Rate On Houses in Goderich This excellent two-storey red brick home, West end location, with double.daping room, dining room broadloomed and modern kitchen, three large bedrooms, attractive bathroom up, ° large lot, good garage. Immediate possession. Wartime house, 11/2 -storey, good location, treed lot, garage., Owner will take back substantial mortgage to reliable person. Here is the home you have been? dreaming about. One -storey, den, ultra : modern kitchen, fireplace in a large' living room. The basement is second to none and has great possibilities for additional living space. As added features a garage and many extras. Location close to uptown. A real bargain hunter , special. This unit is a real family home. Four bedrooms with kitchen and living room and attached garage located on a good lot all add up to good living. The price is unbelievably low. We will accept your offer. We have,two houses under constructin. See these before you buy: Our salesmen will be pleased to show them .at your convenience. Twelve -acre river front property Entrance off Highway 21. Treed and level. An added attraction is its closeness to the lake. Priced RIGHT for quick sale. Two -.bedroom, . 11/2 -storey, with separate garage, living room, kitchen and three-piece bath. Trees in backyard. This income property is situated in West end on a large lot and contains 3 bedrooms in each apartment , and .has been lately renovated. See it at your convenience. BRUNO LAPAINE Phone 524-8957 LES PENTLAND Phone 524-900'/ LARQE= three bedroom, newly r en.o v ated ' and decorated apartment, Heated, .hot water and T.V. aerial supplied. Phone 524-8124. -3,1tf CAMPING trailers. Call 524-6280- or 524-9295. - 29tf FURNISHED, light housekeeping rooms. Utilities included. Miss. Mary B. Howell, 12 St. Vincent Street. Phone 524-8642. - 29tf THREE BEDROOM modern brick bungalow in new subdivision, paved private drive, cement patio; near new public school and high school. Possession September 1. $130.00 per month. Phone 524-6510. -31tf DUPLEX up and downstairs, completely private. Available September first. $75.00. Phone 524-8480. -31tf TRAILERS FOR RENT - several vacancies still available latter part of August. T. C. Anderson, Dungannon. Phone 529-7230. -31 FURNISHED ' BUNGALOW suitable for two, with modern conveniences. Available November to May. Phone 524-6486. -31,2,3 LAKEVIEW APARTMENTS, 47. Elgin Avenue, have 'a ,one and two bedroom , apartment available. Electrically heated, carpeted living 'room. Near schools and " Square. Ideal for couple, two working girls or quiet gentleman. Fridge and -stove could be supplied. Phone 524-7123. -31 - 5. TO RENT h SELF -contained apartment. Central. Newly decorated. Hall and stair maintained. F.M. T.V. aerial supplied. Ideal for couple. Phone evenings 524-7540. - 26,27,28tf ° LAKESIDE family cottage, 3 miles north of Bayfield, with all conveniences. Will rent by week or In nth. Phone 482-3393. - 20tfn TO RENT. $1.00 'per '/day rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease, etc. Service Electric, phone 524-8581. - Stf . 14' TWO ROOM apartment,,,heated- Suitable for one person. Apply Mrs. W. T. PeIlow, 42 South Street.- -31 tf. • FORMAL WEAR RENTALS Dress right'for all occasions • We are agents for: freeman's Formal Rentals PICKETT & CAMPBELL' LTD. Goderich Clinton SELL REAL ESTATE THE PROVEN "PAUL S. STARR" WAY. If" you are not already licenced, you, will be trained at our special Real Estate School. You will learn how to list and sell Town and Country Homes, Farms, Acreage. Business Opportunities, Vacation Properties, )industrial, Commercial and Investment Properties. YOU will be backed by our very extensive advertising programme in more than 40 newspapers in Canada and the United States. Your ads will appear in our own fully illustrated newspaper which we publish twice monthly and mail to our list of thousands sof prospective buyers. YOU will work . from your own location or from one of .our luxurious air conditioned offices with direct Toronto telephone lines. • YOU will have expert guidance to help you get the best results. Your ads will be written by our Advertising ..Department. You will be supplied , with many mailing pieces plus special illustrated brochures when you need them, with photographs • taken by our own Photographer. Our Sign Department will make and erect special signs when required. Our Mortgage Officer will help you arrange the financing` ' on • your deals giving you more time to work on sales. • YOU will have ample opportunity for advancement to Management positions created by our big expansion programme.` YOU work on an excellent commissionsplit with , exciting -• incentive programmes. If you want to be where the action is, call or write today for a personal interview. ' "TOM MONTGOMERY Paul S. Starr & Co, Ltd., .173 Woolwich St., Guelph. Phone 824.5054. • -31 6, WANTED TO RENT. FOUR-BEDROOM house in Goderich. Reply Box 99, Signal -Star. - 30,31 WANTED TO RENT;. A house by September or October in town or country by couple with one child. Box e'3, Signal -Star. 31-4 TWO TO ' THREE bedroom house or ground floor apartment byrcouple with one child. Phone collect 291-4862 after six. -31 8. HELP WANTED WAITRESS part-time. Apply Bedford Hotel. -31 AVON CALLING Mature ladies with 18 hours of spare time per week required to represent our top quality guaranteed products. Contact Mrs. Millson, 17 Hawkesbury Ave., London 451-0541. -31,2,3,4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY, man or woman to supply consumers in Goderich or rural area of Grand Bend with Rawleigh Products. Can earn $50 weekly part time - $100 and up' full time. Write Rawleigh, Dept. (G,H, or I) - 216-403, 4005 Richelieu St., Montreal 207, Quebec. EXPI RIENCED WOMAN for general - housework iri modern - hone. Person with references preferred but others considered. Phone 524-6669. -31tf EXPERIENCED REAL ESTATE salesman. Be your own boss in your own locality. Highest commigsion. Best of advertising in local and Loudon • papers. Call • Wilfred P. Brockman, Real Estate Broker, 438-0511, or write 32 Daleview Crescent, London 22. -31 RED CROSS IS ALWAYS THERE WITH 'YOUR HELP M • • w 10. WANTED (General) COMPLETE household- effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, '524-7231. -- 42tf • WATED TO BUY - Left hander's •golf set. ' Contact Tom Profit, 524-9040. -31 „ WANTED TO BUY Two bedroom house trailer. Apply Box 2, Signal Star. -31 • 11. EMPLOYMENT WANTED AGGRESSIVE: , young man desires any type of full-time employment. Phone 524-979. -15tfnc ' EMPLOYMENT-- Student nurse with two years registered nurse's training (courseto be completed next year) desires work for., .second ands third week in August. Please pli-one 524-9676 after 6 p.m. - 31. • 13. AUCTION SALE - CLEARING AUCTION SALE of farm machinery, household effects and antiques for Frank Olheiser, RR • 2, Lucknow - 11~ mile south of Lucknow - on Saturday, August 2, 1969 at 1 p.m. Ferguson tractor with Freeman 1 cla d e r ; . Massey Ferguson 3 -furrow plow; 3 -point hitch cultivator; Ferguson 24 -plate disc; manure spreader horse -mower; dump rake; snow blower; Hornet chain saw; hammermill; farm trailers; bee equipment; air compressor; anvil; cedar rails; quantity of steel siding; set of tractor chains; -electric fencer; set of dies. Wall clock; kitchen clock: mantel clocks; clock parts; wall phones; oil lamps; hanging lamp; rocking chairs; parlor table; large spinning wheel; churn; rope bed; frames; accordion; gossip bench; chesterfield and chair; day couch; rugs; platform rocker; buffet; ,desk; chest of drawerset beds; cedar chest; lamps; chest •of flatware; dishes; cokfred glass; part toilet sets; trunks; oil stove with fan; wood and coal kitchen stove; lawn chairs; 22 rifles; fire extinguisher; etc., etc_ Terms - Cash - Farm Sold. Mike Cummings, Auctioneer* Goderich,. 524-9064. - 30,31 HURON COUNTY PUBLIC .LIBRARY invites application for the position of ADMINISTRATIVE-- ASSISTANT • to the County Librarian. Applicants must have at least a Grade 13 education, experience in working with people and a driver's licence. Salary commensurate with education and experience. - Apply to: MISS C. C•ROKE, COUNTY LIBRARIAN • THE COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. 524.7751 31-32 7�