HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-20, Page 5The head Surgeon. Of the Lubon Medical Company is now at Toronto, Canada, and may be consulted. either in porson or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to nian. Men, young, old, or middle-aged, who find themselves nervous weak and exlutil.$tecl, who aro broken down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following symptoms:, Mental depres- sion,pormaturo old ago, loss of vitality, loss of momory,bacl dream s,dtmness of sif;ht,pal- pitatien of the heart, omissions:,"lack of .en- ergy. pain in the kidneys, heaclaohe, pimples on file face or body, itching of Peculiar sen, sationabout t1io scrotam, wastingof the organs., dizziness, speck before ie eyes, twitching of the muscles, eye lids, and else- where, bashfulness deposits in the urino,loss of will power, tenderness of the scalp and spine, weak and flabby muscles, desire to sleep, failnro to be rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness of Roaring, loss of voice, desire for solitude, exeitibility of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEi opN canons, oily looking skidf,oto., are all symptoms ofnerv- ous debility that lead to insanity and death unless cured. Tho ho s vmi)y orvitalforce hay- ing ing lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. • Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Send your address for book on .all diseases peculiar to man. Books sent free sealed.Heart disease,, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness palpitation, skip boats, holt flushes, rush of blood to the bead, dull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second beatquicker than the first, pain about the breast bone, etc,, can positively be cured., No cure no pay, Send for book. Ad- dress 11 i, 'V, LUDOW, 2ciMacdonald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. Jan 1,1 year The last spike in the Adirondack and St. Lawrence railroad was driven yesterday morning by Dr. W. Seward Wcb ,president of the road. The first through train to Montreal went over the line on Octoler15.. Woe Over i ifty Years, Mas. WiVsrow's SOOTHING SYRUP has been used by millions ofmothers for their child- ren while teething. If, disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suf- fering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth P. send at once and got a bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing. It will re ,eve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, in oth ors,th ere is no mistake about it. It euros': Diarrhoea, r__eggnlates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens. the Gums, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to �t the whole system, "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and ';nurses in the United States. price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by all druggists • 'MRS.-WINSLlOw SoSooTan a Sy nut*," for t'i The four hundredth anniversary of the dis fcovery of America and the anniversary of the cattle of Queenston Ileights dere cele- brated by the school children of Toronto yy-e.terday. 'Consumption Cured. P.n old physician, retired from practice ;riving had placed in leis hands by an East Iidiamissioxary the formula of a simple }egetable remedy for the speedy and permit- , ABM clue of Consumption, Bronchitis' Ca- 'tarrh;Asthma,'and all throat and rang (Affections, also a positive and .adioal cure om- hnts Debility all.iscl litiafterhavous ng testedtwonderful . 'curative powers in thousands of cases; has loll it his duty to make it known to his cuff- , kering fellows. Actuated by this motive and adesire:to relieve human sainting, .1. will send free ofcharge, to all, who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with full directions for preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with. stamp, naming this paper. W. A- NOYES, MO Powers Bloch, Rochester. N. Y Weevil in countless numbers have invad- ed the wheat bins of farmers in the neigh- borhood of Carthage, Ill'., and thousands of bushels, will have to be sold at a reduction. • L l • u neat Cough Syrup. Taste Good. Use to time. Sold by druggists The thirteen original states will be repre. sented in the parade at Chicago next Thurs- day by thirteen young women, descendants of the revolutionary fathers. Oh, What a Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease' Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your Bough. It never fails. P A grand banquet at the: Lennox Lyceum last night wound up New York's Columbus celebration. It was attended by statesmen, city officials and diplomats. WOL.oF AND WEAKER. Gct TLLMrrN,—I suffered for three clays very severely from summer cod ptaiiit and co:iLd not get relief but kept getting worse: and worse till the pain wes almost unbear- able and I became very weak. Some friends advised Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and anter I had taken the first dose I fi,uud much relief and it did not fail to cure me• I do not intend to be without this valuable medicine if I can help it. ' Wel. T.'GLYNN, Wilfred. Ont.. The i6 h Regiment has left Homestead, Pa., and the town is now free of troops. The cost to the state of maintaining the troops there was $600,000. Long Worms, l'in Worms,Round Worms or Tape Worms are promptly, destroyed and removed by Dr. Low's Worm Syrup. Two hundred employes of the. Findlay, Ohio, 1h indow Glass 'Company, ,glut wort: yesterdaybeeause of a diswereement over Ka ges. BETTER TEIAN' GOLD. GrNTLr:M1N,—I have used B'owler's Ex- tract of Wild Strawberry for bowel corn" plaint and can say then. is no,other remedy as good. - MRS. .JAaias, DCNNISON, Lake Dara, Ont., United States exports for September show a decrease•of $Si4,000,000 as compared with the same month cast yearn and for the ;quarter ending with September a decrease .of§6,000,000 as cgmpared',vith the sante period last year. More cases of sick headache, biliousness, .constipation, can be cured in less time, with less medicine, and for 1css,money, by tieing Carter's Little Liver Pills„. than by any oth. of means. '1 he Queen Regent of Spain has conferrer] the grand collar of the Orcter• of the Golden Place upon the Deice of Veragua, the last lineal descendant of Christopher Coiumbas A FAMILY FRII,Ni):, bats; -I have used De, FoWler's Extract of VI iid have inmy family for years and can highly veenmm,.nd it for summer .complain. diarrhoea, crampsetc. MRs, Gr no, WEST, Iiuntsvilles Ont 001401. Dr, LaROB'S COTTON ROOT PILLS, Sate and absolutely pure,. Most powerful Female Regulator known. The only safe, slice and reliable pill for sale. Ladies ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Crescent Brand, Take no other rind. Beware of cheap imitations, as they are danger. Quo., Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid =receipt of price, AMERICAN VILLA CO., Detroit, Mich. Tor 'bale in Exeter by J. W. Browning A Troy, N,Y., despatch says the potato crop in that section Is almost a failure and the apple crop is light. RICH PLUM PUDDING. Mg This delicious confection is nicely calcu lated to produce dyspepsia, heartburn, hil- iary troubles, and headache. 13urdocic 13lood Bitters is equally well calculated to cure these troubles, and has proved its pow- er in hundreds of cases. B.13.B. regulates and purifies the entire system. In the 131g Horn' mountains two horse thieves were riddledwith bullets and their bodies cut to pieces by indignant ranchers: If there ever was a specific for any one. complaint, then Carter's Little Liver Pills are a specific for sick headache, and every. woman should know this, Only one pill a close. Try (hem. Mrs. Susan Neil, 7o years old, who lives. on a ranch in Maverick county, Texas,killed a full-grown panther \aicti an axe on Tues- day. CHANGE IS WELCOME. GI NemmlFEN.—For twenty years I suffer- ed from Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Poor Ap- petite, etc., and received no benefit from the many medicines T tried, but after taking five bottles of B. B, B. I can eat heartily of any food and am strong' and smart. It is a grand medicine and has made a wonderful change in my health. .MRs. W. FI. Lag, Harley, Ont. Clifford Calverley, of Toronto, walked across the Niagara river on a wire cable yesterday in 6 minutes 8 seconds. The previous record was 12 1-2 seconds. No other Emulsion equans Milburn's Condi-Liver Oil Emulsiou in pleasant taste, nourishing power or curative effect. Rev. George Herbert Kiusolving, S.T.D., rector of the Protestant Episcopal church of the Epiphany in Philadelphia, was conse- crated a bishop yesterday. Always avoid harsh purgative pills.. They first make yousick any then leave you con- stipated. Carter's L the Liver Pills regu- late the bowels and make you well. Dose, one pill. William Meadows, an old resident of Woodstock and a former pruprit•tot of the woollen mills there, died Tuesday night. Deceased had resided in Brantford of late and was on a visit to i1:s son. THE B. N. A. ACT. The great' British` North America act nowadays is to buy a botu.e of 1.3: B. B. and cure yourself of dyspepsia, constipation, headache, liver cempi,aint or bad ' bLood, and it is an get itha-t always attains thu de- sire;l result. A royal decree, has been issuci] dissol"ting the Italian Chamber of Deputies and fixing November 6 as the date of holding elections MI new members. The new_Iluuse witl. meet November 13. • The Prince of Pictoral Remedies.`' Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, lloarseness and Bronchitis without tail. '"-.zsmnum COTTAGE FOR SALE 01 to rent, frame, containing eight rooms and a good brick cellar, Pituated on Elizabeth street, south of James st• Methodist church. Hard and soft water. on the premises. Possession given 16th Nov., ,92. Appy to T. DEARING or at this office. DELICATE , 11:0620V VIURRAT Sr, LAMATS PUNE SWEET LASTING RICH RARE PUNGENT G.Ar • EDA W ' 'M STILL, HOLDS THE FIRST hLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. 1 U) -SEND FOR— ILLIJSTRATEI1 CATAL❑ i1LTE off` Ladies Specialties. ADDRESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queenst. E., Toronto, Ont. Mention this paper.' THE 'Unlocks P11 the clogged avonnos of the Ro'wols, Kidneys and Liver, carrying OST gradually wit hunt weakening the syse tem, all the impurities and foul humors Of the secretions; at the same time.Cor rooting Acidity of the. Stornaeh, curing Biliousness, Dyspepsia Headaches, l)izzlness, Heartburn, Constipation, Dryness of the Skin, Dropsy, Dimness of Vision, Jaun- dice, Salt 'Rheum, Erysipelas, Sero- fuia, Fluttering of the eart, Ner- vousness, and General Debility these and many Other similar Complaints Wield to the happy influenced BUP.DOC1{ BLOOD BITTERS: For Sale by all.Dealore. TAILBURE &CO.,Proprietors, Toronto. ROOT. N. HOWE Has been appointed sole agent for the THE GANANE o EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. A in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. CIJSTOJU rRo��Npu Having opened a new Tailor Shop in HamlI 8°i I wish to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that I am prepared to do all kinds of 011stofft Walk ail S4Oft631 NOTICE. All patrons will receive careful atten- tion and all work is guaranteed TO BE A GOOD FIT FIT AND THE BEST OF WORKMANSHIP. Haying had several years of experi- ence. I solicit'a calla • Yours, etc., J. W. CREECH, Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Custom Tailor. NG All Li ■ SNELL; s/Zaira. st_ EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock Aatamn aa� 1Ai�ter IN THE FOLLOWING LINES West of England Suitings and. Trous erings, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. SNEL,L $76,000.00. --A11 persons who want— CHEAP MONEY at 51, 6 and 0i PER CENT shouldcall' ---at the -- °face of B. COLLI S C.AUTIOY1 EACH PVC OF TILE MYRTLE NAVY! IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. ONS OTHER Furniture 1 'Undertaking HE PDQUARTERS. CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town were you have an assort- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any length desir- ed. COVERS. A fine line of covers just arrived, have your furniture re covered and made now in the latest styles. FURNITURE. In furniture we . have the largest and best stock in town at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of picture mouldings. S. GIDLEY. . Odd -Fellows Block: Opposite J Grigg's Stationery. Exgigr 115001 EMPORIUM. (‘‘.7.7,7,11r. 8c aF. PIANOS PERKINS & ARTIR, PROPS We cary h the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county. PIANOS, ORGANS. VIOLINS, • A>so SEWING MACHINES, BICYLES. FARM IMPLEMENTS &o,. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE US A GALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN W. G Bissett's Livery, „First rst Class horses and» Rgs, SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMS` O L MEN. Orders left at 1314804 Bros.'Hardware Store, will receive promlt.attsntion, TIDR1O - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. G. BISSETT. EXETER MARKETS. Wheat per bushel 00.63 to0,65 Barley 35 to 40 Oats::. ............... 26 to 27 Peas .. 56 to 57 Butter 15 to 16 Eggs .•.. 14 Et 14 Potatoes per bus . - . - 40 to 40 Hay per ton . • 5,00 to 6.00 aX TEACHER WANTED, FEMALE. For 1893, holding a second or third class eertiticate, for S. S. No. 5, Ilay. Apply stating salary expected. to 3t TBOS, TURNIIULL, Brewster, Ont. —THE ENTRAL -- S:A VINE PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' andChildrUQQ ns. Hair Cutting. A. Iiastings. READ AND LEARN. ' That our Planing Mill, Sash Door &Blind Factory is fitted. up with the latest lin prove men ts. We are prepared to do planing and matching, band and serollsawing turning, remoulding, grooving and all l[iuds of mach- ine work on shortest notice. In our LUMBER YAIID ,you will find a large ancl well assorted stook of all kinds of building materials. Pine ax,d:hemlock lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x x and x x: x Pine Shingles manufactured by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stock ofA 1 Cedar Shingles whish are excellent value. No.1 Pins Lath con- stantly in Stock We have &large stock of barn sash which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted pp with inach- inory specially adapted for in eking all kinds of Tanks and Cisterns. -we can furnish to our customers on. short notice. We show something new in this line fur watering eat - tie in the ffeld or barnyard. ,Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at- tracting much attention, and giving entire satisfaction whenever used. :Call and examine the above named stock, all of whichwill be sold at lowest prices ROSS .& TAYLOR Main St., Exeter Satisfaction Guaranteed. flr')Ff 'ifi 1N'S NA:;rJiLi S8 lfE/DACH! PCIW D i; RS e en tonout medicine f r whluli o1}ly lienal, ira,ghtfer,Tard etete- fronts p,rc rnsdo. See 010 you get the genuine $off. Pitiu e. Iosiet on Laving tlto,,a. They oar* ALL They era ;;ot a CathtrtlG. CITY HOTEL tONDON, ONTARIO. per day. J. & J 11Io11AJtT1N, Proprietors CHRISTIE'S �sgER�AtaLirayri First ClassRIGS R1.�5 ,?trd HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT TIIE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OE. AT THE STABLE WILL BIi0 PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. T'errrx0 : R,ee,=ar-e tory Telephone Connection LAIR! FAR! Call and see E. H. FISH, Tonsorial Artist, whenvisiting the Fair. He will g'is-cx you a Clean, Easy Shave, and a lied" Cut in the Latest Style. Shaving Parlor hear Ole Post Office � ar i��ei Attention,. PRICE LIST: Zurich S. 13. Flour Family'Choice Pastry Bran Shorts $2.10 1.80 1;90 0.60 075 Royal Spice 6.00 Wheat Chop 0.90 1.00 Pea c' 115 Any quantity in lots of a ton or over, can be purchased by. ea (ling. Wheat taken at. Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPC•S1TE Tali-N•EA Lit A CALL Solicited R. S. Richardson, John Richardson, Man. Prop Emig floftl r4taia Agony A IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU,WANT TO Buy or Se1!fTown Pr perty IF YOU WANT TO Borro- v or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections Make Call at Mr. Jno. Spacknian's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential Intending purchasers will receive the best adyice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACKMAN, Box 44 r `1' L R > � D. AWBERR, 1\ COLIC CURE �'� C ALHOLM OLM EP A C QLERANO US Dss:�Q �0:A1�TPS_AND ULT S CHILDREN"AD • prIc e35cTs BEWARE F IMITATION MAKE YOUR OWN. We hear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. AKIN G ' 0 If you send us $100 for two subscriptio?ls we will also send you - formula for making your own Ess. Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep permint, etc. Cut this out and send with ' money,or mention this paper. MAKE YOUR 2WN The Puritan Baking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions for makingit, so that you can sell itat a nice profit to your neigh- bors, will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cents for one year's subscription to our ,journal, which is the best paper for ; 1. ,, , the lnolie published in the English language, and no family can afford to do without It. Address MI DICAL ADVISER, Bomanvflje, out.