HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-20, Page 1Subscribe for The EXETER ,ADVOCATE, Only gi➢ from now till ,Tanvetry cep ,spa: Give it 1t trial. O'' 7o Zt,all Tim ADVOC TE OFFICE --*w.ien in need of.— Sale Bills, Rand `;Bilist Letter Heade and Envelo1io3—in #act all kinds of pre seting. VOL* IV EX TER, ONTARIO TR: TT RSDAY OCTOBER: 20, x892,. NO 279 'like olscros, Sank (Chartered by Parllamont,,r850,) Paiti up Capital. $2,000,000. Rest Fund.... .:. , . 1,100,000, Head office Montreal, F. WOLP1 RSTAN THOMAS, Esq., erenstisl.AL MANACEII. Money tvclvancod to' good Farmer's on their own notes with one or more endorsers at -7 per cent pax. annum. Exeter Branch. open every lawful day from 10 a. mato 3 p. m.., Saturdays 10 a. m•. to 1 p, m A general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES allowed for mon- ey on Deposit,Receipts. Savings Bank at 3 per cent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jari 28, 'S8. Sub Manager THE Oxeter b drat.?, Is published every Thursday Morning, at the Ogee, MAIN -STREET, EXETER. By the SANDERS' PUBLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. - One Dollars' t ' c 41 `Advance. .E.aireirl= sUe a gist]aoa- u snft h n rrearpa es are p aid.iA-n without s eeific directions will bo published till forbid and ehargeIfaccordingly. Liberal discount made tor,.trWuscient advertisements inserted for long ,'periods. Every description of .JOB PRINTING turned out in the finest style, and at moderate rates. Cheques, money ord- ers. &c. for advertising, subscriptions, ote. to be made payable to Sanders & Sweet .. PeoVRtrrrul' Church Directory. • TRIVITT ME:XORIAL CnistiCil.--Re}. F. Fatt, ' Rector. Sunday Services, 11 in.Hem and 7 p. m. Sabbath 'School, p• ly Communion. ist Sunday of, each month at Morning Service. and in n1oo 4th Sun hs of ve y tmu — days', after Evening Service of thoonth. Holy Baptism on 2nd Sunday of emelt month at morning service. METuoDIST CuURCJI--James-st , Itev..A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 p. m. MAIN STBEET-Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas- tor. Sural ey Services, l0 3e a.m. and 6 30 p.m. Sabbath School2.30p.in. PRESBYTERIAN TERIAN CUURCiI.Rev. W. Martin, Pastor. Sunday Services,ll a. m. and 6.30 p. In. Sabbath School, 9.4F a. m. A'roresaaonal Cards. KINSMAN,L.p S,'Fanson's Bloclt. two doors north of Carling Store, afA1N STREET, `r, Exr:'rl:n, extracts teeth *alio (.t train. Away at liensall on 1st Fridays Ailsa Craig on end and 4th Tuesday; and Zurich on last Thursday of each month. CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal Co College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office ' Exeter, Ont. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extraction. of teeth. line Gold Fillings as requi.recl. Medical. B WHITELY, M.b , C. M., PHYSICIAN and Surgeon. Officeand residence— Corner Victoria and Eigin streets, Goderich, Ontario. TNR. J. A. RROLLINS. OFFICE—MAIN ST. 1l Residence—Corner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. DG• R. T. P. MCLAUHLIN, MEMBER OF the College of Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Aceouch- eur. R. T. A. AMOS, M. D;, C. M , Member of D College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons 'Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical College, Toronto. Ofiec—Dr. Cowen's old stand. Legal. D H. COLLINS, BARRISTER,, SOLICIT - It. OR, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Office—Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. LH. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR e of Supremo Court, Notary Public,Con- veYancer, Commissioner, &c. Money to loan Office - k anson's Block, Exeter. ELLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC itors, Conveyancers, &c. ' B. V. ELLIOT. J. ELLIOT Auctioneers. 11BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Anet--. e ioneer for the Counties' of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Bales promptly attended to and termsreason able.Salos arranged at Post office,'pVinchelsa J. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, Licens- �.ed Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur- on and Middlesex. Residence: • 1 mile south of Exeter,:On.t. Sale Orders by mailer other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. T BOSSENBERRY,:Henaall Ontario. •Lie - E• ensed Auctioneer for the Countysof Huron and Perth: Charges -moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. mlueree Licensed Auctioneer for the 1J• County of Huron. Sales Conducted on reasonable terms, Farm and Farm Stock a s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made at this office. 17ILED. W. FARNCOLIt3, I Provninoial Land Surveyor and" Civil En • ieer. Office, Over Post Office, iliain street, Exeter, Out. AIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon' Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary ,College Toronto, (Successor to Wm. Sweet, V. S ) Over i8 years practice. Oiiiee and residence one 1,loek oast of Richard Piekards stere. Opposite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont. r ,. ,A.RNBST ELLIOT. AGENT PeaE The Western Fire Assurance Company, of Toronto The 'tsa nix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England The Alliance Fire Aseur. Co'y., Of London, England in -street Offioo:--Ma i Exeter, Ont. FOR SALE,, An upright Piano (ifadon he ltiscla) —7 octs aV0-0,1niostnew, Apply attlifsoffiei • 1)IiOPER T li FOR SALE. Sittiate'1 on the corner of Waterloo and Williamstrcets,consisting of three' lots, en which istittle test a frame' house, Stable, a number of Trait bushes and trees, The loca- tion is in a splendid lout of the village. leo further peeticuiars apply to Mn. Ao,rnnu Bowrl°. TENITYS ON. 111T 31E23 Of FII. Wreath neo a chaplet of laurel To place on his cold marble brow Well o'er the bar has he sailed Moaning winds can't reaoh'hi,n now. Peacefully, cheerfully dying, Death had. no terror for lin n, the great in the Abbey, Sing oat his favorite hymn. Breathe his name softly for quiet; .Lies the king poet now dead .Long will his name be remembered, Often his poems bo road.: England thy son has departed To that bourne from. whish no one re- turns. Added one to the immortals, Like Shakespeare, Milton and Burns. N. EVER HUEDON WIETla1S. MAS. - tTsborne, on the 16th inst. ! the wife of John May, of a son. ' 18EASEL'S. HO r$1%.7 -ITS Marlette, Mich., on the 10th Inst, Mary Ann, infant deueehter of. Beery and Mary Ana Hoist, aged 1 month and 19 days. RA net IA (t SLAVIN—LAST—In Exeter, on the 17th inst., at the residence of Mr. James Stewart, by the Rev; S. F. Robinson, of Walkerton, William J. Slavin, of Usborne, to Miss Jane Last, of Iain less 'h.iiutr•dine papers please copy. . TO PREVENT THE GRIP Or any other similiar epidemic, the blood and the whole system should he kept in healthy condition. If you feel worn out or have "that tired feeling'' in the morning, do. not be guilty of ne- glect. Take Hood's Sarsaparilla to give strength, purify the blood and, prevent disease. Hood's Pills` cure liver ills, jaundice, biliousness, sick headache, constipation,. I eafortil BSc Work. All orders for the above Dye Works can be left with E. H..Fish. Lost. On Friday between Exeter and Robtr Sweet's farm, lot 4, North Boundary, a scribbling book containing a full ac- count of a sale. Finder will ,•be suit. able rewarded by leaving same at this office. 2-t !'area for Sate. Tho undersigned has several first class farms for sale on easy. terms. J. SPACKMAN, Exeter. Wanted. Never too late to mend. 5000 pairs of boots and shoes that need repairing to bo left at the leading boot and shoe store next door to 'the post office. G. Manson. The Seat of the Season. DON'T MISS IT. -The Concert to be given by the celebraled Elocutionist, Miss Sara Lord Bailey, assisted by the best heal musical talent, promises to surpass anything ever before 'even in Exeter. Remember the date,` October 24th, in Drew's Opera House under the auspices of the Main -street Epworth League. Admission 25 cts.; Reserved Seats 85 cts. Plan of Hall at Brown- ing•'s Drug Store. Read what the Press says: Miss Bailey's reputation as an elocutionist is rapidly extending, and her performance last night was calcu- lated to add censiderably to it. He recital of the "Chariot Race" from Ben Hurt could not be surpassed. -Toronto Empire. A great audience listened to the evening of song and recital in the auditorium last night by Miss Sara Lord Bailey,, of Boston. Miss "Bailey's' ren dering of "Life for Life" has never been excelled in Toronto and several requests were sent into the auditorium office, to have It repeated to'nig'ht.-- Toronto GM/ie. The selections mention- ed and others, as highly spoken of as these, are to bo rendered in Exeter. Farm Advortising. * ' It is a fact that farmers, es a rule have not become accustomed, as the city merchant has, to the advantage of advertising articles which he has for sale There is no reason why this should continue to be so, if it pays the city or town rnca'thant to • bring This wares to the notice of :.the public, it certainlywill pay in equal proportion, the farmer or stock raiser who desires to dispose of soine of the products of his farm.: It is often the case that Dien in widely apart sections of the country have articles or stook' which they could' exchange to mutual acV vantage. Moro frequent still is the case that a resident of one township is destrious of buying ,just 'suclt articles or stock as residents of another to,vn- ship have for sale,but not being -aware of this latter fact the sale, which would be Mutetally`advantageous, cannot be made. Again, it is het 'unfrequeotly the case that a farmer has implements which he wishes to sell, but not being disposed to go to the expense and trouble of en auction sale is corflpelled to allow them to remain on hist hands Until perhaps they atte perfectly use• INTL All thig is true. .And the best medium for advts. is the ADVOCATE, round.. A purse containing money was found bet We milia and Moors, rifle 29th ult. t y person I nee lost stash eau have same y calling 011 MI Fi ink Rieke, 'Petty - lug property and paying charges, Davie, Pain The best and. most popular Family. Medicine hi the world, A blessing 4o the rich; a friend to the Door; within the reach of all, it has s,lve,d niorc lives and relieved mord suffering incidental to travelling than any other medicine, 25c. per bottle, 1aege caste: 1)n Mendey evening last the, Exeter Bra' aiid se tatlded M,>p,„„T Qrnas Oke' and prose EH`fl"iRM"'' n� his 'esteemed wife with a beautful upholstered rock- ing chair.Mr:Oke has been an ever faithful worker in the band, and to show their appreciation of his valuable services, presented this token. After' theband p1eying ssceral beautiful selections, all wore invited inside,'s hen Mr. Bert Fiske made the presentation in a Sew able remarks, to which Mr. Oke made a suitable reply. After the above a story social and enjoyable time was spent in various amusements. Brewster. Mr. and Mre. Wm. Collins from near 13rnccfield 'ioi•e visiting friends in these darts on Saturday and Sunday last, -Mr. end; Mrs, McGuire, of Exeter, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robt;. Taylor on Sunday last,—Miss Jennie Pollock, accompanied by her cousin Miss Mary Ann Pollock, of the B Line, left for Detroit on Wednesday of last week, where they intend spending the winter —The Misses MtDongal, who have spent the last six weeks in these parts visiting relatives, returned- to their home in Sarnia on Saturday ]ast. —Mr. Wm. Fulton, who has spent the last two weeks consulting ft doctor in Toronto has returned hoine not much improved in health,w*e are norry to say,. Cromarty Xboti-'f ten years age, a company, said >r;o be located in Colorada,succced- ed in duping some of our best aild most prosperous people. Cromarty was, at that time, fioaded with flaming tlescrip tions of a val fable silver mine, and stock was issuecl which sold readily' as people thought they "knew" certain members • of thee company. No one' doubted for an instant the genuineness of the affair. The eempany has lately been writing1'er more money, but as no handsomtw dividends have, es yet, hese paid the people refuse to pay 113). The query is: "Was there a silver mine." -The Foresters' Ball was a grand success in every way. Over one hundred couple wore present. What- ever the Foresters do, is well done. Arthur went down to "Meadow Farm" to get his t.onv curried but got 'barred' out.—The residence of Mr. Malcolm L amond will soon be completed. Stafa. Stafl'a football club succeeded in de- feating Mitchell on the evening of the Fair; scorc2 to 0. The Mitchell play- ers came out expecting to 'do' the vil- lage but soon found out that the Staffa boys had more activity than they ex- pected. Our boys intend playing for the "Crawford Cup", and are now ready to accept challenges from any amateur duly—Mr. A. W. Hotham has resigned his position as teacher in No. 5 and has engaged with the Trustees of No. 3, Hibbert, at a handsome salary. The trustees are to be congratulated for securing the services of an energet- ic and successful teacher.—The follow- ing ai'e the officers in the foot ball club for this season: President, R, P. Nicslhols vice-president, James Barbour; secret- ary, T. ecretary,'T. M: Ilanhilton treasurer, Wni; Jeffrey; captain, F. D. Hutchinson; managing committee, J Purdon, W. Sadler, C Hambiy, T. G.Thompson and James Hill. Zurich. J. F. Schuettlei is having his house repaired.—Council meeting was held here in the Town Ilall ]ast Saturday.- A number of the "boys" spent Sunday. in Parkhill. -Miss Cook and 'Mrs. Burke, of Dashwood, were renewing. acquaintances in town ]ast Friday.' We have this week to chronicle the death of Mn Chas. Godboldt, of Illinois City, Wis. Deceased came to this vit. Jago several months ago to visit his brothers, and while here his sickness increased until lastSaturday morning' when he passed away. The cause of his death, was a lung complaint. --The remains were taken to Berlin and burn id last Monday. We extend our" heartfelt sympathy t3 the sorrowing. friends.—The Rev. Beaund,of Crediton,' will occupy.the pulpit of the Evangel- ical church next Sunday.—Mr. Abra- ham Wai'libald and family, of ' Berlin Were the guests of his „ parents of this village last•week.—Mi Samuel Hersey, of Exeter, was in town Tuesday,—Mr. Hartman Happel, of Berlin, is in the village on business The ADVOCATE TO THE END OF 189'2 i FOI. • • ; 'Bargain 7. f e af Westernt t w: rio, always Le w ding, never Following. o z Round/ o s Turn the Se r SOD. S. Ilse the wheel of thought; never ceasing, never ending; so it is with us, forming new ideas continually, ally, givin to our customers' for each season something new to wonder at, admire '1.nd purchase. Our` progress has been a triumphal .march. The strides of our 'business during the past four years have been something startling • j t LABOR, UiztiringIy and without linear. 1 . n i�� , <., OR T ,: _ %'9'a are never throu„h, worm ing and .plain -line- in the interest of our Customers, and we can spy to you, that our labor has resulted in the building tai of our moat os, business. .11. reputation made step after step ty ste lder industt'y stud careful rnwnagement can on Iv be mnfntcta,lei `.'nrougls constant vigilence and ood judgeinelhtq; these eve unceasingly bring to bear on our business Alla yet. Bye c . e :.tiii satisfied. Our rxiotto is 8t 11:-' sss O ARDS N e Wo are goin,r abe ri of Vie trade on the' vehicle' of popularity. Dur goods, our styles and our rices gain the favor of buyers, If you have not done business with us, coma and lot us do busieeis together. P 2 0 37 1;.<..,,. to talk of Fall oods. We have been. for '7061.47.4 o rye y i - up our immense new and. pleased, yes, well pleased, are we with the A=t"ray of Beauty. -cos Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods . In thiselepartment you cannot ie1p being 'strucks With the Superior 3nerit of our rich display. • We invite the inspection Reed court the eriticievl of every capable and well posted buyer, as we can satisfy the re- fined taste of even the most supercritical. Ask to see our '• special makes of Black Goods. We can please you in. quality. We can please you in price. We have a Iine of Black "Peau do Soil" silk that is the best value we have ever shown. To our immert of . Flannels and Woolley. Geedti;. Never were we so well prepared for am Immense trade in Woollen,, Our stock of men's, women's and children's uuderwear and hosiery is yery large. We lead, Iet those who will, folI w 0 Gent's best 4 ply linen collars for $1.00 per,doz. Gents good wool sox 15e. per pair. Gents' pure wool shirts and drawers U2ic. 7r-TrAncle Cllothinp we Just a Wort fb our boot can do well shoe- stock For you. Piles of Men's suits, Piles of Boy's suits. Piles of Men's Overcoats. Piles of Boys' Overcoats. Ail at prices away below regular dealers. Suits anode to order at correct prices for the buyers. A Snap in Elack Worsted Suits Made to your own measure. Fit and workmanship guaranteed. $18.00 buys the Best Black Worsted Sitit in our shop, and no house in town can show you bettor. Try us for your next Wait. Which is complete. Prices were never lower. We show many exclusive lines bought under most favorable circumstances. Ask to see the new lined Boot for women and children. The Boss Boot for Fall and. Winter A full assortment of furs of' all kinds at closest prices. Flu' Coats, Fur Caps, Fur Boas, Fur Muffs, Fur Collars, Goat Robes. All going at closest cut prices. Last but not least coyly °c arw i; 1[01 We claim to have oiie of the best and most complete stocks or Millinery and Mantles lirestein. Ontario. -This new branch of out business is under the able management of. ,; ‘‘Late of Paris" axeSTRONG q Who is acknowledged to be one of the leading milliners' in Ontario. We can safel3r assure tiatisfaction to anyof our Patrons who intrust their Millinerywork toons°. Miss A1z�lstr � Our ASSORTMENT o Ready Made CANTLES Is away above ? c average. Every garment being made for this seasons trade. ` We can coveova. good money on orn mantle. In Mantle cloths and Fealette1, e have some choice hoods Again we say: "Come We want to do business with on, ii Ley