HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-13, Page 8otice,
Visitors sand Ticket Holders are
requested to hunt up
The Mart
GOODS will be given entitling callers
to a choiceselection bought to meet
the wants of
The MART, Sept. 20, '92.
See'_v & Treas.
Will be found the
Stock of
Buy your blankets at the Big Bank-
rupt Store and sieve money.
Ladies! Call and see -rieve's sea-
lettes before you purchase elsewhere.
North. Perth election trial will be
hold in Stratford on Saturday next
15th inst.
Itrrdock Pills never gripe, gic,,en or in
Jere, They cure Constipation and 3ic-
The stock of the insolvent Bissett
estate will be sold by auction on. Mon-
day next.
Gerte' undererear 20 per cent. below
regular prices at the Big Ban1 rapt
It is .supposed that the insolvent
Bissett estate will pay nearly 100 cents
on the dollar.
Mr. Thomas Hartnoll began the task
of digging the ditch on Main' Street
Tuesday morning.
There you go again! You forgot to
cast an eve to McTavish & Co.'s new
"ad." on local page.
Special collcetions will be taken up'
in the Trivitt Memorial church next
Sunday in aid of the Diocese of Algo-
Something special and women's and
girls!! good strong walking boots at the
Big Bankrupt Store. Do you want a
No other Sarsaparilla possesses the
Combination, Proportion and Process
which make Hood's Sarsaparilla pecul-
iar to itself.
Miss Louisa, daughter of lir. Wm:.
Hawkshaw, of Parkhill, formerly of
Exeter, was married at Parkhill yes-
terday (Wed.) to Mr. Will Schrosenberg,
of Toronto.
Mr. L H. Dickson attended the meet-
ing of creditors in connection with the
insolvent Bissett estate at London on
Monday in behalf of the local creditors
and was appointed inspector to loot;
after their interests.
20 Cj_jJTS---As an in-
to new subscribers, we offer the ADvo-
ca.rn and the "Medical Adviser and
Farm Help" till the lst of January
1893, for 25 cents. Send in the names
Mr. Thomas Carling says he is per
fectly satisfied with the exchange of
hats which occurred on Monday even•
ing at the James Streetehurch. Should
the owner of the one he (Mr. Carling)
is now wearing wishes it, he can have
the same by calling at the store.
All the great naval powers and
many of the smaller ones to whom iuvi
tatioms were sent by the United States
State Department to participate in the
naval display at New York neat=
have accepted the t
signified -there'
Overcoats for men and boys at clos•
est prices at the Bi„ Bankrupt Store.
Mr. Robert Lang has severe! gangs
of men in the country peeking fall
and winter apples this week. In diff
erent sections the erop :is reported
abundant and good prices are being
Read the new "ad" o£ John Treble,
Harness maker, in another column:
Bois offering some rare bargains,—
Snell BrosCo. •Llso bate a new ad-
vertisement in this issuer, --See Carling
Bros. change' in this week's,
There will be a partial eclipse of the
son on Oct. 20th, visible throughout
Canada. The eclipse wilt begin at noon
standard time, and end at 3 p. m.
Rattier more than 60 per cent. of the
solarsur•face will be obscured by the
Our Junior Lacrosse Team visited
Clinton on friday of last week 'red.,
played a match with the junior club of
that place. The match resulted in fav-
or of the Clinton team by a score of 2
goals to 1. Oar boys speal. Well of the
way they were treated by the Clinton
According to, the crew postal law
newspaper publishers can hold for
fraud anyone who takes a paper from
the office and refuses payment; and the
man who allows subscription to go un-
paid, and then orders a postmaster to
mark a paper 'refused" and sends
notification to the publisher, lays him •
self liable to arrest and fine.. '
The insolvent Andrew real estate
consisting of furniture,, ware rooms,
factory and machinery, land, etc., w'is
disposed of ou Mouday- to Messrs. John
and Wm. Atkinson, of this place, who
will open out a furniture business
shortly. These young men aro well
and favorably known here ani no
doubt there .undertaking will be
crowned with success.
13elow are the mine longest words in
the English Language at the present
writing, and they are orthographical
monsters, too. Here they are; take off
your coat and engage him for a round
or two:-Suticonstit utiona.list; Iueom•
prehensibility; Philoprogenitireness;
HonorineibilMed inity; Anthropophag•.
' nerian i
e D s ro ort'
, p p tenableness; Veloci-
pedestrianistic'tl; Pr oantitiousubstaion
ist; Tr ansnbstanttatronableuess.
We hear a surprise is is store for.
our neighbor Dr. Browning, who is on
his way from Old England, where he
has been adding to 'his stock -of profcs
oiona>;,love by visiting and enquiring
into the methods adopted by the Great
Hospitals tyle R The .Government
e absence to appoint
e minty_ f,„'
$ l
.e arks l'ol' Sete.
The undersigned, has several first
class farms for sale on easy terms,
J, Spnoitausee Exeter,
W anted.
Never too late to rnoncl. 5000 pairs of
boots and shoes that need . repairing to
be left at the leading boot and shoe
store next door to the post office, G.
Wednesday, the IJthr inst.
Ott the above date, the Rev. H. J.
FIamilton, 13. A., of Wycliffe College,
Toronto, who has been accepted as a
Missionary to Japan, is expected to bo
in Exeter and will give a missionary.
address in the Trivitt Memorial Church
Every one invited to attend.
The Great Family Medicine of the
There is, probably, no family medi-
cine so favor'ab!', and so widely known
as Davis' Pain•Killer. It is extensive-
ly used in India, China, Turkey --and,
in every civilized country on earth,not
not only- to counteract the climate in.
fluences, but for the euro of bowel
troubles, Cholera and fevers, It is used
internally for all diseases of the bowels
and externally for wounds, burns,
braises, etc. Sold by druggists gener-
ally. 25c. fora big bottle,
Another Assignment.
In our last issue we announced the
assignment of Bissett Bros., this week
we announce that of Walt, Andrews,
who has been conducting a furniture
business hero for nearly three years,
during most of which time he labored
under financial difficulties, owing . to
the fact of having a vets small start-
ing capital, which launched him to the
wall on Thursday last. He assigned
to dfr. John Gill. Shortly after the as-
signment he left for Detroit, Mich., and
we have since learned that he has se-
cured a situation.
PerNonilt.. Mention.
Mr; Hugh Spackman was in Port
Stanley and St 'Thomas on Tuesday,
attending the consecration and dedica-
tion of two new Masonic Halls. Since
his appointment as Grand Steward this
is his. first call to duty. ---Mrs, D. Davis
and Mrs. Ed. Dyer have returned from
a yisit to Zurich.—Miss Mary Miller,
daughter of Mr. David Miller, V.S.,'sue
ceeded in obtaining a g fi}st price as lady
driyer at the Kirkton fair last week
Although only an amateur she handles
the reins with great skill and shows
every appearance of accomplishing the
art of driving and managing horses.-
Mr. Russel Manning is attending the
Toronto University.—Mr. Warren
Snell, who was visiting relatives and
friends in Clinton for a few clays last
week,, returned hume'on Sato, .d
• It is the fall of '92, and we would specially invite you to inspect our
Which are no* being opened up.:
A revelation iu fine goods and fair prices: 4Pe i.re going to do business with
you because, we have exactly vshat yon want, and •our prices are sirnply' irre-
sistible, Our fall and wii.ter attractions will cause a. tear out: Such new styles
as we show in all do partnients leave nothing to be asked for. In quality and
variety our fresh new lines are strictly :first class in every detail. We have the
• disposition, the ability turd the elegant goods to ple'iso es is buyer.
Our Dress Goods and Dress Trinummg s b. Y far the neatest.
In Gents' Ties we lead,
Itt hats, the newest and hest.
T11'Suitin.gs no better.
Full range i11 Crockery, Groceries, Boots and Shoes, Etc., Etc.
Our complete assortment insures perfect satisfaction in the selection of goods to
satisfy indiuidual tastes. You will find our 'large stock made up entirely of
goods that are trustworthy, servicotsble,and the best of their class,
Everything at the Lowest Possible Prices
Comte in and See
How Foie we will treat you.
How well we will please you.
How mulch we will save you.
Or. GarIa's 3at1arg La p Finer
It is better than all others.
in Town,
and at prices that
defy all kinds of
3"° A. Stewart.
The Best of the Season.
DON'T Miss IT.—The Concert to be
given bythe celebrated Elocutionist,
Miss Sara Lord Bailey, assisted by the
best local musical talent, promises to
Surpass anything ever before given in
Exeter. Remember the date, .October
24th, in Drew's Opera house under the
auspices of the Main -street Epworth
League. Admission 25 cts.; Reserycd
Seats 35 cts. Plan of Hall at Brown-
ing's Drug Store Read •cvliat the Press
Says; Miss Bailey's reputation as an
elocutionist is rapidly extending, and
leer performance last night was calcu-
lated to add cerisiclerably to. it. Her
recital of the "Chariot Race" from Ben
Eurg could nut be surpassed --Toronto
Eanpire. A great audience listened to
the evening' of song and recital in the
auditorium last night by Miss Sara Lord
Bailey, of Boston. Miss Bailey's ren
dering of "Life for Life" has never
-been excelled in Toronto and several
requests were sent into the auditorium
office to have it repeated tonight.
Toronto Globe. The selections mention-
ed and others, as highly spoken of as
these, are to be rendered in Exeter.
Prize Winner.
The following l razes were awarded
Mr. Simon Campbell, Usborne, at the
differcnt fall fairs this year for agri-
cultural horses, The list is a very
creditable one and speaks highly for
the superioi' high bred class of horses
he raises;—lectern Fair, London—
Brood mare, 1st; foal, 2nd; S-year.old
Mare, 1st; 2 year-old, lat. Granton—
showed Six animals and secured five
first prices and one second. Exetei—
Team, 1st. Kirkton yearn, 2nd; brood
mare, 2nd; foal, 2nd; also first for ear-
riage mare.
Comp tispiv 'Vaccination.
The West Zorra council has adopted
Mita:iye compulsory vaccination, bear•
irrg in mind, no doubt, the terrible vis
),ration ef small -pox they lied a few
years ago. This action is taken: on
the recemrmend'ttton of the Board of
Health, and the medical he Lith officer
has been instructed to 'visit every
school and vaccinate eveey scholar
Who has not been y vaeina-
Rqd in the last seven years. Twenty-
Avit cbnts is the foe.
EG't 'S$ lairs are over we want
ar regularly from all our corres-
pondents. There aie always items of
interest that can be sent from each
place. If you are out. of supplies let
us know; or if there, is no correspond
ent in your locality, recommend one
to us, or act yourself. Came now one
and all be up and doing!
Snell Bros. F. Co., pork packers and
cattle dealers, have commenced their.
winter packing, and will have on hand
Tender Loins, Spare Ribs, Heads, Feet,
Shanks, Fresh Pork Loin, Sausage and
Bologna, Cuttings and allkinds of
fresh and salt pork, at lowest eash
prices. Parties ' wanting fresh lard
can get their crocks and pails filled by
leaving the same at the Packing
House. Office and Packing House,
James Street, Exeter.
There is not and there cannot be
any smoking tobacco superior to the
"Myrtle Navy" brand, A wrapper of
brighter appearance and higher price
it is possible to get, but all wrappers
are very poor smoking tobacco and but
a single leaf is wrapped round a plug.
The stock used in the body of tha
"Myrtle Navy" plug is thevery best
which money can purchase. The pow-
ers of the Virginia soil can produce
nothing bettor, and no other soil in the
world can produce as fine tobaceo as
that of Virginia.
A. successful operation ofamputation
was performed on the person of Mr.
John Willis, Exeter North, on Satur
day, by Dr. Wishart, of London, assist.
ed by Drs. T. A, Amos, H. K. Hy nd
man, of Exeter, '1'. P. McLaughlin, of
Dashwood, and others. The arm
had been diseased for some time
and all sorts of treatment had been re•
sorted to, but to no avail, so on the
above date the limb was taken off
midway between the elbow end should-
er. The patient is recovering nicely
from the treatment.
The annual Sabbath school anniver
versary of the James street Methodist
church was held on Sundayand Mon-
day. The Rev. John Holmes, of Park-
hill, preached eloquent sermons Sun-
day morning and evening, while the
Rey. J. S. Henderson, of Hensel], gave
a lengthy and interesting address in
the afternoon. Large gatherings eag-
erly listened to the words which fell
from the, lips of both speakers, being of
such an impressive nature. On Mon-
day evening a tea was served from 5
to 8 p. m. to the scholars and residents
'of .the village and surrounding count
ry, After the repast hari been dispene-
ed with and the throng of people had
beteme comfortably seated in the body
of the church, a lengthy programme
was carried out, the Rev. A. L. Russell
occupying the chair. Addresses were
delivered by the Revs. W. McDonagh,
pastor of Main street Methodist church;
John Holmes, of Parkhill, and Wm.
Martin, of Cavern Presbyterian church,
interspersed with songs of braise by
the choir. The church lied been taste-
fully decorated by the ladies, and ev-
ery other convenience was afforded
those in attendance. This, like many
former odes given under this auspices,
was a success. Proceeds amounted to
Them, '; 1 itie '.anl.rupt''stock
of furs a' Broderick's Store, Exeter, bas
been a great success. Good and cheap
goods will tell. A few. of those Seal
and Persian Lamb capes and jackets
loft, half price -takes them; and one
Persian Lamb mantle left, it goes for
half price. See these very. choice Seal
and Persian. Lamb caps and storm
collars,all at a bargain, together with
a lot of buots aiid shoes, hats and : caps,
and gents' furnishing, also a choice lot
of teas, which. will be offered very cheap
in 5, 5, and 10 lb. lots. - Remember the
place, opposite the town hall, Exeter.
13th October, 1892. J. W. BRCDFirtICli
For not a few years John L. Sullivan
was she most lied -about man in Amer
Ica, and since he has taken the very
short step in his business from predom-
inant celebrity to being of no account
at all he has still been misrepresented.
With all his fanite—ancithey have. not
been few—John Lawrence Sullivan
was not the man to cry 'wolf. When
he was bes:ten at New Orleans heack
nowledged defeat and he has never
made the statement attributed to him
that his food was poisoned. "I was in
the best possible condition, and I was
beaten because I met -a younger and a
better man" is what he still says. John
L talks as he used to hit—straight
out and to the point.
$eaforth Dye Works.
All orders for the.above Dye Works
can be left with E. H. Fish.
New "old"
Ilave ,you read McTavish 8. Co.'s
new "ad."? If not do so, he quotes
things away down.
On Friday between Exeter and Robt.
Sweet's farm, lot 4, North Boundary, a
scribbling book containing a full ac-
count of a sale. Pinder will be suit
able rewarded by leaving same at this
office. 2-t
Sick Hist.
Mrs. Frank Smale has been confined
to her bed during the past week with a
severe attack of inflammation of the
bowels.—Mr. Geo, Dayis has been ill of
late with rheumatism. He isslowly
improving: --Miss Eliza Wood was tak-
en ill suddenly last week and since
then has been confined to her bed. Her
condition has somewhat improved and
a speedy recovery is looked for.—Mrs.
Ed. Bissett's health is improying slow
ly, after being confined to her bed for
several days.
J oyse vs Bicycle.
There can be no doubt now that ,the
bicyc'o can get away from the fleetest
horse: Nancy- Hanks accomplished a
great feat in covering a mile in 2.04,
but the wheel ridden by Windle made
better time by a seoond and two-fifths.
It May be doubted now if ever the
horse will back the load. Bicycling in
still in its infancy, whereas the race
horse is a very ancient institution.
The one has the advantage of being.
much more susceptible of improv e-
ment than the other.
There stra.vod on to tiro premises, Lot G,
s.nth Batindery, Stephens toar, Owner can
hicwe oevio by ro, ,ing propert end plying
expel+eds, .(, 1irr:cf,x, Centralia 1'.0,
ypassedh s final examina-
tion as barrister, has entered into a
partnership with Mr Eason, of Leam
ington.—Mr, H. C. Brewer, of the Mol
sons Bank, Clinton, was in town on
Tuesday.—Mr. John Laidlaw, ; student.
with Mr. A. Tennant, V•S, left on Tues
day morning for • Toronto, where he
will attend the Veterinary College;-
Miss Millie Davis, after' having a visit..
with friends in Clinton, returned here
on Saturday—Miss Kate Atkinson wits
attending the fall fair in -Clinton on
Friday.—The Misses Hawkshaw left
yesterday morning for Parkhill where
they will attend the wedding of Miss
Lou, daughter of Win. Hawkshaw.-
Messrs. A. L. Handford and . Theodore
Sweet, of Mitchell, spent Sunday here. -
KESTLr.—In. Stephen, on the 8th tnst,,
Nehemiah, son of Charles Kestle,
aged 31 years and 11 months.
On Monday last a son of Mr. Isaac
Johns while picking apples fell from a
tree, dislocating and fracturing his
elbow joint. Mr, Robt. Cann also fell
from a tree on Friday, fracturing sev
eral ribs and hurting him internally.
He was in a critical condition at one
time but is now doing as well as can
be expected.
We have the largest stock of
Dress Goods
Ever Shown In Exeter..
We are showing an
Irn.mense Stock
German Mantles
E J. Spackman & Co's
essay ortg`as any brdinary lamp filler.
+- Bec$use it is non corrosive, as it is zinc and tin. which form a mag-
netic action and keep it from corroding.
5.—It will do the We kin one-fourth of the time.
6.—It 'will not soil the floor'and shelf,
7.—It never sweats oil.
8.—It gives you perfect control of the oil.
9.—It is always neat and safe.
10 -It will strengthen the lungs,
This Can has been examined by experts and pronounced to be the best
they ever saw
Handy, IGa1thy9 Reliable and Chea a.
They are wanted in every house 'where .coal oil is used. The fastest selling
article in the market. •
Our efforts to please the Ladies
of this vicinitywith something neat
in MILLINERY stylishEY fin.ll
appreciated, a careful buyers wall.
always find. it to their advantage to
see through h out° stock before invest-
Our Dress pod , stock is complete and in
Black Geis we have the best
vaOues in the Trade.
Our Stock- of Tweeds and Over
coatings embraces all the newest
things in the market and the prices
we give you make the sale ofan outfit
easy. $1.00 BUYS A GOOD SUIT.
Some Startlers for Fall Trade:
UnionGreyFlannel. Special � e 10C
G6 6f
cc All 'aol 17c
c6 Canton 64 E6 7c
All Wool Under Shirt 50c
value in ladies' hosiery & gloves.
All Wool Tweed
November Delineator to hand at