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.Guide to a .happier vatOtios..
Common Barber
host to stem rust
• The shrub Common Barberry remove an ornamental bush with,
is a ,necessary link in •the life sentimental value, the
cycle of stem rust — a--ngus seriou.sness of the • current
that can cause from partial to a situation -must be considered and
complete loss to •our cereal all bushes eradicated.• -
crops, sameof our grasses may Common ° Barberry is a
also' be damaged. ,This shrub was graceful bushy shrub 6'-8' high
* sold as a major ornamental until with numerous stems. It may be
1915. Due to severe rust losses confused with spiraea,
at that time, the further sale was • honeysuckle or forsythia from a
prohibited. During the past fifty distance. The leaves have
years, plant breeders • have been sawtoothed edges and are
reasonably " successful in normally green, but there are a
preventing crop losses by the few purple bushes. The flowers
ei introductionof rust -resistant are pale yellow and in the fall
varieties. Within •receht years., soft red oblong berries hang in
new, rabes hybridized on clusters like currants. Two other
Bartierry leaf area, have identity features are the many
appe'ared which will attack not sharp spines usually in groups of
only our present cereal varieties - three in the shape of a letter T,
but also the plant breeding and the bright yellow wood
• material used to produce new . easily seen by scratching off
Varieties. Systemic seed some of the grey outer bark. If
treatments and foliar sprays are in doubt of the identity call
being investigated but as yet , your weed inspector, .or contact
nothing has •been .developed to R. D. McLarenscio Crop Science
control stem rust by means Dept., UniverSity of Giielph,
other than the removal af the Guelph Ontario. All bushes
• bush itself. •located and destroyed should be
Many of th.e'original Common reported to the above office,
Barberry PIantinp are still A similar program was,
growing and the population •is instituted in the United Stater
building up from bushes ,that during the early thirties, and the
have grown from seed spread to nineteen bordering states
wasth land by birds or water. involifed have been cleared
Due to the seriousness of this except for a few areas of rough
* situation, the Federal ., and land that must be resurveyed
Provincial governments setup a periodically..
• Barberry Eradication Program in Eradication Treatments
the spring of 1964. The work in Stump treatment — This
the first few years was mainly in treatment is economical only
rural areas_As this is now almost when a- few Shrubs exist. The
complete the co-operation of shrubs should be cut off slightly
% urban people is sought in order above ground rel and •.the
to complete the work- irr-tbwns stumps painted or sprayed with
and cities. The eradication must either, a strong solution of
be complete as any bushes left brushkill -(2,4-D/2,4,5-T) or
will be a ,source of leaf area for' Ammate X. -
• the fungus to hybridize and to Basal Bark treatment — This
grow as well as a source of seed treatment is usually used when a
is to produce new infestations. large number, of bushes exist or
'Each person in possession of the proper equipment, is
land hiss ars obligation to remove •available. The shrubs are sprayed
• Vacation time is here and to
the people sof Ootario and its
visitors, the Province offers •
fsiscinating variety in holiday
enjoyment: With its
Immeasurable .wealth of natural
vacation areas, Ontario has
endless appeal for those who
enjoy the out-of-doors.
The forest.% waters, fish and
wildlife are economic assets
which. cannot comp e y
measured in a tangible manner.'
There are other values which stir ,
the emotions, relax our tensiops
and influence our happiness and
contentment. ',These values are
available in our Provincial Parks.
To provide for large numbers of
visitors to the 95 Provincial
Parks, certairvdevelopmenthas
been "necessary to enhance
enjoyment and to ensure health
and safety. Such development,
however, has been kept to a
minimum to ensure protection
of each park environment.
Camping facilities in most
Provincial Parks are governed to
some extent by the environment
of each park. Each campground
has a specified number of
campsites, each of which is
equipPed with a table, a
fireplace, garbage container arid
space for a car and tent.
that throe waters 'marbe made &MS, _„anlinals and human
easily accessible to theo public, hiStory, becomes more
the Department, of Lands and ineaningful to park Visitors. The
Forests ha: set aside "Water . programs are quite informal and
Access Pointe' adjacent to theto. are enjoyed by both adults and
Some of these- access points are children.
serviced by roads; docks, and
jumping off spots for fishermen, , RULES
hunters, campers and canoeists. Parks are fragile things.
They are not to serve as camping •Plants, animals, natural and
or „trailer grounds, or for historic objects and facilities, are
exUnded pa
bushes from his property. If a from all sides to a height of
person fails in this diity he is not ' about three feet with a mixture
only subject to the penalties of. •of brushkill and stove oil.
• the Weed Act, but also weed (2,4 -D/2,4,5 -T, 1:1 2, 113. acid
inspectors may enter his per 10 gallops of stove oil).
property and destroy the shrubs
thereon. Through the years,
similar programs have been°
necessary/ to protect ativhealtiv----
and fooct supply and although
some. people may not like to
' Crippled
The annual Open House at
Woodeden Camp for crippled
, children will be held Sunday,
'July 6 between 2:30 p.m. and
p.m. Alt residents- and
visitors to this area are mopt
• welcome to drop in and observe
ohe of the most comprehengive
camping programmes for
crippled children in the world
Woodede'n is one of five
camps owned and operated by
vi the Ontario Society for Crippled
Children and financed through
• contributions to the annual
Easter Seal Campaign.
The camp is located between
London and Komoka 'on
Springbank Drive.
• Industrial
• „Farm,
• Factory
Plain or safety toe. Choice of
seven sole materials.
Om.* we
142 The Square
• Goderich, Ont.
Swimming facilities are
available in most, Provincial
Parks. Many' of the designated
swimming areas are supervised
by beach patrols during certain
daylight hours, in accordance
with sposted • signs. On most
beaches, change -houses are
provided. All bathing waters are
tested regularly to guard against
• dangerous pollution. „
Drinking Water
Adequate safe water is
• available in Campgrounds and
• picnic areas. Water supplies
include treated water under
pressure and deep drilled wells
equipped with hand pUmPs. All
drinking water sources aretested
regularly and conform with
accepted • public ' health
Water Access Points
Throughout the Province or
Ontario, there • are many
thousands of lakes and rivers
within the vacation areas. So
Hiking And Walking Trails
• here for all to enjOy, and
regulations protecting them
against abuse are meant to
Whether you plan an hour's ensure your pleasure. You will
walk or a 3 or -4 -day hike you eniQY your visit more if you
will find your trail in one of"."-ktiow that you will be leaving- -
Ontario's Provincial Parks. This each park just as beautiful and
increasingly popular form of unspoiled as you found it.
Dogs and Other pets are
recreation is placing new
permitted in parks, but they are
demands upon the recreation
not allowed in beach areas and,
facilities of Ontario and each
year new trails are opening in they must be kept on a short
leash at all times.
parks. •
, Most .of the trails to date, in - -Campfires for cooking
Provincial Parks, Parks, are only one or obtaining warmth are permitted.
We ask that visitors use the,
two miles long, but much longer
trips are possible in SWIM of the fireplaces in the areas where
larger Provincial Parks. As an' they are installed and also warn
them • that all fires must be
example, the 27 Mile long
Highland Hiking Trail in • g.
xtinguished before they are
Algonquin Provincial Park, will left
eventually become part of an oats, are subject to the
extensive system of trails into regulations of the Department of
the park interior. Address your Transport and they may not be
enquiries to the district offices left- unattended except at a
for up-to-date information. • 'designated place under authority
of a lease, agreement, regulation
Canoe — Tripping• or campsite permit.
• Garbage containers are
Camping and fishing trips by
• canoe'y , once popular only M Provided everywhere. Use them.
May we also remind parents
Algonquin and Quetico Parks,
that your children are your
are now enjoyed by thousands
responsibility. Do not rely on
of vacationers from "' the
others to protect them.
H al i Liu r t on • Highlands hi
Southern Ontario to the shore of THE CREED OF THE
James Bay and the Manitoba' CAREFUL CAMPER
border. Descriptions for more
than 70 routes have been
prepared including those in
,Algonquin, •Killarney, • Lake.
Superior and Quetico Parks.
Interpretive Programs
Adding • interest to the
visitor's •stay in a number of
Provincial Parks are the
Naturalist Service and
Interpretive Programs. These
include. museums outdoor
exhibits, conducted trips,
illustrated talks, and labelled
trails. Through the programs,
visitors beeorne familiar with the
park and • see many features
which _might -ordinarily be
overlooked. The • park
environment. consisting of
geology, landform, climate, soil,
A good camper: Properly
disposes of garbage by burning,
or placing it in the, containers
supplied. Leaves campsite as
clean, or cleaner than he found
it. Respects the rights .of his
fellow travellers. Leaves a small
supply of fuelwood forthe.next
camper. Treats all park facilities
, as he would his own personal
property. Asics the ranger in
charge when in doubt. -
.For, general information . on
other vacation opportunities in
Ontario • consult: The
Department of Tourism and
Information, Parliament
Bu dings, Toronto, Ontario.
, „.• .
• 4:::::::::45:;e4;:..:,•:••••,• • •
acesetter Values
This year's cars at less than
. Youalready know where most prices are going. Up. So
-you'd.-naturally expect the brand-new '69 cars shown
' here to cost a lot more than last year. Fact is, many,'
. cars in this year's line-up from Cl-iintroletcost less,
mildh less:than last year's models. For instance', the
2 -door Impala, equipped with power disc brakes,
rrisrbo Hydra-matic transmission, whitewalls,.
wheel covers andhead restraints, plus a bigger
motor than last year,. is yours fo0120.50* less
" than last year's figure. And Comparable savings
are waiting for you on many Nc4a,-
• Chevelle and.. Camaro models. In
other words, you cartbuy many
of this year's cars at less than 0,
last year's prices. Which is
what putting you. first is all
about. From the top, Chevy
Nova, C-hevelle Malibu
Camaro and Impala.
ast year's prices.,
•"":':Z5ss.• • ,,,,
• •••
•REGULAR 16.00
o 48.00
Sizes 9 to 18 Some Half Sizes
We have a large. group of dresses that we
have reduced greatly. You will find nothing
but the latest styles and colors .and the size
range is most complete. Cirop in soon and
pick out yours. Yet, this is a clearance of
summer dresses at a time when you will need
Every Chevrolet has to make it
before We mark o1
'Based on manufaiduriVs suggested al a x int 1: in retail
prices, including fem
deral iles and exctse fax tattl
suggested dealer delivery and handling (purges.
acesetter Values
Open All Day Wednesday