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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-07-03, Page 6
OPiERICI.1 SIGNAil-STAR, THURSDAY, JULY 3,1969 CLASSI.FIFI) RATES WORD CLASSIFIED For Sale — For Rent Help & Employment "Wanted Services Available Lost and Found To Give Away 5c PER WORD, MINIMUM $1.00 , • .CLASSIFIED DISPI AV Real Estate — Tenders AUctio n Sales Public Notice Business Notice .$1.40 PER INCH $1.00 PER INCH witik contract (10 -inch weekly minimum) NOTE,- A charge of 25c will be added to Classified Accounts REQUIRING BILLING or pnpaid in 30 days. Deadline for taking Classified calls is 12 NOON, TUESDAY THE SIGNAL -STAR PHONE 524-8331 1.- ARTICLES' -F' O: SALE " PLAYPEN; chest of drawers; smalls wardrobe; three quarter fold -away cot; baby crib. Patterson's' , Used Furniture. Phone 524-7616. - 27- SUPERCYCLE, 7 SUPER CYCLE, girl's, 24" wheel. Mrs.'. A.' MacDonald. Phone 524;7865. - 27x 1961 MORRIS Minor 1000 in fair condition for parts or road, use if safety- checked. Has some chrome engine parts. $50,or best - offer. Phone 524-9314. - 27 28" LADY'S bicycle; 26''_ girl's bicycle; small . tricycle, cheap. Phone 524-8828 after 5 p.m. - 27 MODERN t wo-bedroom bungalow, large lot, oil furnace, built-in cupboards. Close to uptown, schools and churches. For further information write William Knox, or phone 523-9382 Blyth. - 27,28 •.HYGIENIC supplies (rubber goods) mailed postpaid in plagn, sealed envelopes with price list. , "'Six samples 2;5c; 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-53, Nov -Rubber Co., , Box 21, Hamilton, Ont. - 1 t1' EAVESTROUGHING on house or barn. Metal flashings. Roof repairs. CHIMNEYS built. Free estimates. Morrison Bros., , Luekhow. Phone 528-2546. • ,8tf -1. ART9CLES FOR .SA° GOLDEN Falcon, Orbit travel trailers; Tagalong tent trailers; tenting supplies: Chrysler outboards; Springbok, Crestliner boats. Sales, Service, Rentals. Campout trailers, Stratford 393-5938. - 17-27 CUT ` flowers, peonies, Sweet William, etc., geraniums, mums, zinnia plants. °L. R. Holman, 187 Cameron Street. 'Phone 524:88.52. --• 19tf • FOR all your tropical fish requirements -- visit Flower Fashions, 72 The Square. --- 91f COMBINATION welded steel picnic table and seat supports, finished in aluminum color. See there at Matheson Welding; °Service Ltd., 360 Cambridge St., Goderich, Phone 8791. - 26x,27x 15 H.P. I✓vinrude outboard motor and . tank. Phone ,529-71.13. -- 27 GET YOUR SPRAYS Insecticides Herbicides Fungicide's Weed Killers Fly and Insect Sprays VAPONA STRIPS We Specialize in Advice on HOUSE and GARDEN SPRAYS TANK SPRAYERS GRASS SHEARS PRUNERS CHARCOAL BRIQUETS and LIGHTER FLUID GOWER'S INDUSTRIAL AND ' GARDEN CENTRE 7^5 Hamilton St., Goderich 524-8761 . f\l'T'CLIFS FOR SALE.- - 3. REAL ESTATE FOR' SALE • 3, REAL ES'T'ATE FOA SALE 3, REAL ESTATE FOR SALE. -ONE 15 ft. Falcon House.11100.1.01.111111111K. Trailer, ke new. Phone 52.1-8821. --•- 26 2. CARS, TRUCKS FOR SALE 1963 AUSTIN 850 ( mini -minor),,. ,radio, seat belts, block • heater, windshield washers, low 1'icileage, good condition. .$350 safety checked. Phone 521-'8061. 27 1963 PLY'1IOU'I'li, no rust, good mechanical condition. Phone 524-7826. - 27,28 GOOD Selection of used cars in A•1 condition, .fully reconditioned ;Ind guaranteed, trade - ins accept -tad and terms '+ available. Rouse Auto Electric, West St,_ - l l tf INVENTORY SALE Five -piece Colonial dinette suite with drop-leaf ta"hle. Sug. List $169.50. Only :$,12-1.50. One only round Colonial table and four chairs. Priced to clear 'AS IS. ,1.4i. List $189.50. Only $139.50. One only . Sealy Colonial Continental bed. Single. Sug. List $129.95. Only $89.05. Kroehler • 'two-piece chesterfield suite. Sug. List $322.00. Only $229.95. Sklar two-piece chesterfield suite.,Sug, List $329.00. Only $239.50. SAVE $110.00 Troiste•r two-pfece chesterfield suite ••- semi -attached cushions. Sug. List $385.00. Only $275.00. • d Ki'Igour seven -piece, dinette suite with arborite top table. Sug. List $299000. Only $219.50• • Restoric bed chesterfield with comfortable spring -filled mattress.-.Sttg. List $229.95. Only $179.95. 10 -piece bedroom group -- includes. double • dresser, chest, panel bed, quilt top mattress and box spring, two foam pillows and boudoir lamps. Only, $199.95. One only modern bedroom suite -- includes triple dresser, shadow box mirrow, Tour -drawer chest and bookcase bed. Sug. List $299.95. Only $199.95. BLACKSTONE FURNITURE 34'WESTSTREET GODERICH W, J. HUGHES Real Estate --General Insurance Office 524.8100—Res. 5248491 38 EAST STREET COMMISSION RATE 3% on Houses in Goderich I MMEDIATE POSSESSION Storey and half red brick, centrally Located. Fireplace in living room, two baths, den, large rec room. Modern bungalow on quiet street. Central location. $10000 DOWN Centrally located duplex, needing some repairs. Two 3 -bedroom units. Private JUST• LISTED , House plus 3 extra building lots; located, i3ti Rich St. Full price only $6,900 with just $2,900 down. GOODBYE BOSS - We have• just listed a General Store, which we believe to be the best i'ti the Goderich Area. This ., store - handles groceries, meat, as well as farm supplies and is situated on; a paved road only 10 miles f r"o m ' ' Goderich. Solid` construction, new gas furnace, living quarters; 4 bedrooms, Living room; modern kitchen and 3 -piece bath. Present owner has operated this business for over 12 years. So if you like meeting E 'eople and you would like to own a successful business which entrance. has gross sales over $37,000, CHARMING WEST END plus free living, don't wait until Spacious 9 -room home, 2 -storey. it is too late, call today. The Lovely lot. Fireplace, huge home alone' is worth the asking 3. 'DEAL ESTATE FOR SALE family kitchen,. utility room, 2 price and included in the ....... bathrooms. A real beauty. purchase price is all business Demand location. equipment. This may ,be your Deluxe split level, West End. oppdrtunity, • therefore please . 3 -bedroom home on double lot. contact Jack Cummings for Maple St. more information. WEST END HAROLD W. SHORE Real -Estate Broker General Insurance 38 Hamilton St. 'Real Estate for Sale FOUR-BEDROOM BRiCK This centrally located four-bedroom brick home has a large ' broadl'oomed living room, bright dining room and modern kitchen and laundry room, It is heated by gas furnace. and provides a large amount of living space at a moderate price. See this one today 'by calling Fran•• Rae at 9557. NEW TRI -LEVEL BRICK Just finished, this •.'beautifed tri -level by Eastbank Buildings Ltd: features large bright living room with wall-to-wall Kordel broadloom (the very latest on the market), dining area, contemporary kitchen - with 'furniture' finished cupboards, three spacious bedrooms, ceramic -tiled four -piece bathroom with vanity and colored fixtures, basement and is heated by. gas fired forced air furnace: Large garage attached. Exterior is entirely,, of brick and Kaiser • aluminum. Priced at $22,500. There are • terms available. See this house soon. LOTS . . Building lots at Port Albert near the lake. 7.5 ft. frontage by 200 ft. deep. Only•$2,150 each. Building Lot Situated on Nelson St. , ibis close -in lot has frontage of 52 ft., and would make an ideal buildin. locution. Only $2,150.01) Dial the office at 524-727,2 or Mrs. Fran Rae Representative 524-9557 - HOUSE For Sale --- insulated Krick house ,Ioeated it 62 5t. Andrews Street. For information call 521-7 107. - ,26.`�,l 3 -bedroom modern, (family kitchen, large living room, lovely treed lot. New brick ranch type bungalow. Broadloomed, cardinal kitchen with dining area. Immaculate condition. Immediate possession. Mortgage at 7'Yr. Wellington St. Fancily home on +large lot. Full basement. 1`bediamin, bungalow, West • St. 1 -bedroom, , 2 -storey home in good condition. West St PRIDE IN„OWNERSHIP Fir1t time offered. lied brick l h ree • bed room home in immaculate condition. Natural trim. ,Youngstown cupboards in family kitchen, dining room. All the comforts and conveniences I'or,gracious living built into this charming home. Modern ?-bedroom bungs+,low, Jones St. Large 101. 3 bedrooms, den. Large lot. South St. 2 -bedroom bungalow, dining room, close to Square. 2 -bedroom h11nga1ow in inunaculale cundilic+11. Large 101. 2;storey.• I-hedrimin home in central location. Elgin Ave. lour• bedrooms, 2 baths, dining room. This home could be pt r•chasccl under \'.L A. Blake Si. Deluxe 3-bedr(1onc modern bungalow, rec room -'2siorey.reel brick, la=med lot. Elgin Ave. 1 -bedroom, 2 -storey '-home with extra 11>,t..., SPACIOUS COLONIAL. '.5 find 6 :bodroorns, :/ baths, broadloomed living ruofn and dining room., fireplace. Entire duplex very well kept. One block from the Square. Goad financing on properly. • BUY AN INCOME PROPERTY TWO' extra lots . with • th ree-bed room h u use., three-piece hath,in the 'village of - Dungannon Phone 529-7656. --- 97 -27 • STORE building, •'''corner lot, 100' x 65', room for business and apartment or three apartments-, also • a new Toleder-- scales. Village.' of Auburn. Apply Box 91, The Signal -Star, • Goderich. -- 27 • FOR'D - GODERICH ,IX 0 0 2 Q W 0 1 C1 0 0 0 CC 0 MOTORS -= FORD — GODERICH MOTORS FORD (FORD GODERICH MOTORS — FOLD 0 v 2 0 N .n ,0 MONEY MAKER - LITTLE POINT FARMS - We offer 'a fine variety store business. Located opposite the entrance to the Provincial Park where over 80,000 people visited last season. The building, less- than a year old, of brick construction, new and modern with living gciarters included attracts the customers' from the highway. 10 acres • with 325' of Hwy. frontage, a wonderful opportunity for a Veteran to make use of his V.L.A. .loan. Develop this property into any number of enterprises, depending on your own prefere,taces and talents. Call for an 'appointment. to inspect this top-notch- --investm.ent, The potential here is unlimited. PROSPEROUS -HOBBY FARM ('cinsisting of 5 acres, 160' Hwy. frontage in an, excellent location. This valuable property ss a 14reat.-in\•estrnent for the man who loves horses. There pare 2 barns, a new implement shed, ps+ddercks, ,.,and:-- all in - A-1 condition. The 1'/2 -storey, solid "brick, 3 -bedroom modern home is only 7 years old. It has a finished recreation room, double garage, kreautil•ul landscaping and lawns. Give this property very serious c'cinsidcration, it has so much to offer. The owner will carry the• First Mortgage. Shown . , by 'appciintincnt only, contact Anne Masterson. ACREAGE FOR SALE A qu.+Ii1N built brick cluph'x silualed on a Large lot, 2 and :1 bedrooms. Excellent location., complete privacy. $1,0001 DOWN East 5t. duplex. 2 and 3 bedrooms. Why pay rent'? 4 UNIT APARTMENT 1 and 2' bedrooms, rented. Best location. Lowdown payment. Store and 2 apartments, il.ist off Square, Brick building. • $15,000 down, 2 stores and 8 apartments. Good income. Brick home in the country, double garage, 2 bath-, den, spacious living room with fireplace. - Modern two-bedroom home, one acre, close to Goderich. Lot, V.L.A.,"$x,500. Lot, Napier St., $1,600. Lot, Highway 8. $1,500. Lot, Brock SI., $1',250. Lot, Britannia 'Road, $8,500. Lot, Picton St. West, $2,500. ('ohourg and Wellesley, overlooking lake`. Lots 1' and 2. • House and 15 acres on highway. Financing! arranged. - 75 acres, highway 21, north. COTTAGES New cedar log lakefront cottage. 2 sun decks. This is truly a O dream cottage, Privacy. MHilltop,- Lake view. Insulated 73 modern cottage.. -b - , = Spacious cottage with 2 extra lots. Close to Goderich. O Lakefront cottage. Large sign O porch. Close to 'Goderich. c.n' Rita Allen -n Deb Shewfelt C7 223- Huron Road - 524-9581 1 54 Essex St. - 524-8480 v GODERICH MOTORS► — FORD — • Ebb M. Ross 9? Newgate St. - 524-8786 5 IN* ONE A('RE Well treed and landscaped, lieaul.il'ul 'setting for a home. 12: . ACRES - .Goderic>h-. Township, ideal building location, spring creek. :35- ACRES -- Located on I-Iwy. 8 only 41/2 miles from Goderich. 72 ACRES --- Bush property in Ashfield Township. Ideal retreat property, could be subdivided. 150 ACRES Just listed. Priced to sell. $110 an acre, close to Port Albert and sandy beaches. ANNE MASTERSON, 524-6138 JACK CUMMINGS, 52.4-8951 FOR BEST RESULTS PHOTO -LIST YOUR • PROPERTY WITH • DON HOST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 43 WEST STREET G O D E R I C1- —. 524-8951 Ii9NTEE 3% COMMISSION • ON HOUSES IN GODERICH Nealy— --- new , cedar , cottage, furnished,' 3 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, 'kitchen ° with good cupboards, living rooni has window facing lake, large verandah: Drive right to the cottage.. $15,000. Only two miles from town. Cottage on large lakefront lot 216' x 436', 3 bedrooms, living' room, kitchen, 2-p1ece bath,. Furlyshed and newly painted. $11,500. 5. TO RENT' ' ' 4 -BEDROOM brick house, furnace ,and bath, 2 miles from Blyth. Contact Mason Bailey. Phone Blyth 523-9338 - 2'7,28 2 cottages on level lot 120' x 100'. One 1 -room with 3 -piece bath -- 5 years old. Other 3 -room. has fireplace. No hills to climb. 520,000. Second row lake lot, south of Bay field. Would divide into several Tots or acreage for privacy. Nicely could be private owner desiring wooded. $8,000. 133 acres of rolling pasture land and bush. 266 rods of length along Maitland River. Ideal l'or camping, ski -doping. $25,000. eimmorm 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED -• LADY experienced in altering ladies' garments. Box 82, Signal -Star. - 20tf ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN! REALTY' LIMITED - PHONE 524-9662 3% commission Rate .` Cn Houses in Goderich 2 Two-storey red brick - double garage large lot „- four bedrooms - living and dining room `-• family size kitchen. ,See this at your convenience. We 'have two houses under construction. See these before you • buy. Our salesmen will be pleased to show them at your convenience. Twelve -acre river iront property. Entrance off Highway 21. Treed and level. An added attraction is its closeness ..to the lake. Priced RIGHT for quick sale. Two=bedrocem, 1'/a -storey, with separate garage, living room, -kitchen and three-piece bath. Trees in backyard. One -storey stucco, ctwo-bedroom home. West end location. New furnace. Pull basement. Finished front porch. Separate garage. SMALL two-bedroom house at 212 Jones Street. Phone 52.1-9218..- 25 • This attractive two-storey brick home west encs location features FARMS double living room, dining room -and modern kitchen, 3 10 -acre. pasture farm, $10,500. bedrooms . and bath up, 200 -acre pasture farm, $12,000. extensively broadloomed. ' 200 acres in pasture, all tiled drained, 'good fences. 80 acres on Highway 21, 4 -bedroom home' 'with 2 bathrooms, forced air - oil furnace. $16,000. 100 -acre farms `from $16, 500 to $25,000. .. - LARGE BRICK BUILDING IN SMALL TOWN. $90 a month rental income from grocery store. Drilled well supplies water to ten houses at $21.00 a year each. Living quarters consist of - 1st floor, large living room, large dining room, kitchen with many. Kirch cupboards, laundry room, conservatory, :3 -piece bathroom; 2nd floor has,5 large bedrooms and 2 -piece bath; d•oul�lce garage' and workshop has breezeway leading to private swimming pool. Paved drive and ' parking lot. 3 extra Tots incld in price of $25,000. Building lot on Regent Street. PHOTO LISTING SERVICE GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN - DER MEER 55 Montreal St. GODERTCH 524-7875 - CLINTON AGENT CLARKE ZINN 482-7838 5. TO RENT , PLAN your holidays now --- in a 15 ft. Traveller 'frailer. in new condition and 1111 conveniences. Frig, gas stove, also hydro or gas Tight. Sleeps six: Priced reasonable by week or molath. Phone 52.1-8152 or can he seen at •Goderich Car Rustproofing, 239 Huron Road. -"2511' THREE -bedroom • cottage on - sandy beach 6 miles north of Goderich, Available` .July a;►d August, Phone 52'1-7262 or 524.74.78, Goderich.'- 26tf CAMPER• Tent Trailer, fully equipped. Phone 524-9238. - `26,27 • - APARTMENT - twb-bedroom Heat and hot water supplied. In the Colborne House. $75 per month. Apply McGee Motors. - 25 • TO RENT. $1.00 per day rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease, etc. Service Electric, phone 524-8581. - 8tf HEATED two -room ' apartment; all facilities included; suitable for one person. Phone 5-24-7626. - 27x FIVE -.room duplex with gas heating. Phone 524-7977. - 27 LAKESIDE family cottage, 3 miles north of Bayfield, with all conveniences. Will rent by week or month. Phone 482-3393. - 20tfn TENT TRAILERS, ' utility trailers; camping equipment. Bonk early to • avoid disappointment. . Phone Gordon Steepe, 482-3364. - 20-28b FURNISHED upper apartment. Clci to school. Abstainers. Available July 1. Phone 524-8416. - 26tf ,. ROOM and board ,available. Phone 524-8773. - 26,27 GROUND floor light housekeeping robin, completely furnished. Heat, light and use of phone included. • Suitable for working •reran. Miss Mary B. Howell, 1.2 St. Vincent Street, phone 524-8642. 25tf " TENT TRAILER. Apply. Nile • .} Motors, or phone 529-7113. 'I' W O - b e4 r a o nn upstairs 27,28. ' apartment, suitable for two adults. On the Square. Phone 10,10 IIT two- bedroom 524-8480."9.-- 25,26 'apartment On the Square; freshly decorated, front and back entrances. Telephone Fh4-R ,17,r 27. Spacious 4 -bedroom, one -floor, attached garage. Large living room and dining area, both with nearly new broadloom. Extra large kitchen. This beautiful home is situated on a large treed lot. This immaculate 2 -storey red brick 4 -bedroom home has everything for -5a. growing family. Large kitchen with 'dads of cupboards, living roots, dining room, utility room and two sun • porches. Paved driveway: Double garage. Situated on a large lot. - CAMPING trailers. Call 624.6280 or 524-9295. -- 27 This income.proparty.is•situated in West- end on a large lot and contains - 3 bedrooms in each apartment and has been lately renovated. See. it at • your convenience. BRUNO LAPAINE Phone.524-8957 LES PENTLAND Phone 524-9007 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8;000.00 early for the right person, Full or Part-time. Age 21 to 70. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay 'with us a, long time.' Contact Nowa! Ed Bauer, Wingham, phone 357-3805. - 26,27,28 CARETAKER REQUIRED FOR COUNTY OF HURON Full-time employment; duties to commence at 4:00 p.m.` -`each day. Good working conditions and excellent benefits. Apply in writing to the undersigned no later than 12 noon Friday, July 18th.. JOHN G. BERRY, CLERK -,TREASURER COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. 27,28 TWO me'n for steady employment in grain elevator. Apply Cook Bros. 'Milling Co. Ltd., Hensall, phone 262-2605. -27 RECEPTIONIST -- Mature, typing essential: Reply stating age and experience. Box 91, Signal -Star. - 27 10: -WANTED 'Peneral) COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231.. - 42tf WANTED -•, Companion for elderly lady to live in. Free living accommodation,.. No housework involved. Write Box 87,' Signal -Star. 22nc HOUSEKEEPER and companion ' Apply Box 93, Signal -Star. - 27,28 11. EMPLOYMENT WANTED COMMERCIAL' graduate 21, desires employment. Experience in public relations work, hotel clerking. Phone 524-9279. 15tfnc,• 5 TO RENS' • TEENAGER would like job • 0 babysitting. Experienced and --= �-- • — --- likes -children. Phone FORMAL WEAR -27 RENTALS Dress right for all occasions We are agents for: Flreeman's Formal Rentals PICK -ETT & CAMPBELL LTD.. Goderich Clinton 6. WANTED TO RENT 4 TWO or three bedroom house or , ground. floor apartment. Adults only. Reply to Box 75, Signal -Star. - 16tf 8. IIELP WANTED NEEDED IMMEDIATELY -• housekeeper -companion for elderly 'lady living in Bayfield. Phone 565-2864. - 25b , TWO experienced teenage- girls would like housework or looking after children.- Phone 524-9190. -27x RENOVATIONS: Rec rooms; custom work furniture; all types of building and repair. Ed Vincent, .phone 524-6280. 51tf GIRL, 18, with three months Nurses' Aid experience wishes light housework or posiion of mother's helper. Will care for school age children' or assist elderly people. Phone 524-9543. THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU. HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU CHALLENGE - OPPORTUNITY ADVANCEMENT BANK OF MONTREAL 15 SEEK1NG MATURE MEN Who Desire To Improve Themselves And Their Position We offer a comprehensive • management development programme and competitive salaries. Improve your management skills through our university education programme which offers full tuition refunds. APPLICANTS -SHOULD BE RIECENT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES • ' OR —HAVE MINIMUM GRADE 12 WITH ONE TO FiVE YEARS' BUSINESS EXPERIENCE READY TO MOVE UP? Please apply in person at The Bank of Montreal, The Square, Goderich, Ontario. 27, 28, 29 A • t i USEDCAR..1© • ,. -7:7ZJ, , : -.,..;-'---.,• :..:: ' - . i:$4 rty.gret.ii' .w.� PRIGS. P 1 1965 Meteor Rideau 500, 4 -door, V-8, automatic, with radio. New lime gold finish with,ebonytop. Really sharp! Reconditioned as new. If this is your style - move fast -`- it won't be here long at this price. Lic. H85-583. Our Price $1,495. 1966 Volkswagen, - 2 -door. . Refinished in gleaming black. Good, reliable, economical transportation at a price that's really economical too! Lic. H82-886. Makes an idealsecond car at only $1 ,095. , 1967 Ford Custom, 2 -door. Arctic white with simulated black 'vinyl top. Economical 6 -cylinder with automatic transmission: Balance of ,.; • new car warranty: Lic. H55-469. Don't miss this one at $1,887 1964 Comet 202, 4 -door, 6 -cylinder, standard transmission, radio, finished in candy apple red. Lic. H83-634. Let's make a deal! • • We're only asking $995 for this beauty! - SEEING IS BELIEVING — ,SEE US TODAY OPEN NIGHTS TILL 9:00 P.M. — SATURDAY Goderich M < "hone 524.7308 or 5524-7309 35 TILL L ,d South 6 e • St., Goderich (FORD GODERICH MOTORS — FOLD 0 v 2 0 N .n ,0 MONEY MAKER - LITTLE POINT FARMS - We offer 'a fine variety store business. Located opposite the entrance to the Provincial Park where over 80,000 people visited last season. The building, less- than a year old, of brick construction, new and modern with living gciarters included attracts the customers' from the highway. 10 acres • with 325' of Hwy. frontage, a wonderful opportunity for a Veteran to make use of his V.L.A. .loan. Develop this property into any number of enterprises, depending on your own prefere,taces and talents. Call for an 'appointment. to inspect this top-notch- --investm.ent, The potential here is unlimited. PROSPEROUS -HOBBY FARM ('cinsisting of 5 acres, 160' Hwy. frontage in an, excellent location. This valuable property ss a 14reat.-in\•estrnent for the man who loves horses. There pare 2 barns, a new implement shed, ps+ddercks, ,.,and:-- all in - A-1 condition. The 1'/2 -storey, solid "brick, 3 -bedroom modern home is only 7 years old. It has a finished recreation room, double garage, kreautil•ul landscaping and lawns. Give this property very serious c'cinsidcration, it has so much to offer. The owner will carry the• First Mortgage. Shown . , by 'appciintincnt only, contact Anne Masterson. ACREAGE FOR SALE A qu.+Ii1N built brick cluph'x silualed on a Large lot, 2 and :1 bedrooms. Excellent location., complete privacy. $1,0001 DOWN East 5t. duplex. 2 and 3 bedrooms. Why pay rent'? 4 UNIT APARTMENT 1 and 2' bedrooms, rented. Best location. Lowdown payment. Store and 2 apartments, il.ist off Square, Brick building. • $15,000 down, 2 stores and 8 apartments. Good income. Brick home in the country, double garage, 2 bath-, den, spacious living room with fireplace. - Modern two-bedroom home, one acre, close to Goderich. Lot, V.L.A.,"$x,500. Lot, Napier St., $1,600. Lot, Highway 8. $1,500. Lot, Brock SI., $1',250. Lot, Britannia 'Road, $8,500. Lot, Picton St. West, $2,500. ('ohourg and Wellesley, overlooking lake`. Lots 1' and 2. • House and 15 acres on highway. Financing! arranged. - 75 acres, highway 21, north. COTTAGES New cedar log lakefront cottage. 2 sun decks. This is truly a O dream cottage, Privacy. MHilltop,- Lake view. Insulated 73 modern cottage.. -b - , = Spacious cottage with 2 extra lots. Close to Goderich. O Lakefront cottage. Large sign O porch. Close to 'Goderich. c.n' Rita Allen -n Deb Shewfelt C7 223- Huron Road - 524-9581 1 54 Essex St. - 524-8480 v GODERICH MOTORS► — FORD — • Ebb M. Ross 9? Newgate St. - 524-8786 5 IN* ONE A('RE Well treed and landscaped, lieaul.il'ul 'setting for a home. 12: . ACRES - .Goderic>h-. Township, ideal building location, spring creek. :35- ACRES -- Located on I-Iwy. 8 only 41/2 miles from Goderich. 72 ACRES --- Bush property in Ashfield Township. Ideal retreat property, could be subdivided. 150 ACRES Just listed. Priced to sell. $110 an acre, close to Port Albert and sandy beaches. ANNE MASTERSON, 524-6138 JACK CUMMINGS, 52.4-8951 FOR BEST RESULTS PHOTO -LIST YOUR • PROPERTY WITH • DON HOST REAL ESTATE LTD. REALTOR 43 WEST STREET G O D E R I C1- —. 524-8951 Ii9NTEE 3% COMMISSION • ON HOUSES IN GODERICH Nealy— --- new , cedar , cottage, furnished,' 3 bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, 'kitchen ° with good cupboards, living rooni has window facing lake, large verandah: Drive right to the cottage.. $15,000. Only two miles from town. Cottage on large lakefront lot 216' x 436', 3 bedrooms, living' room, kitchen, 2-p1ece bath,. Furlyshed and newly painted. $11,500. 5. TO RENT' ' ' 4 -BEDROOM brick house, furnace ,and bath, 2 miles from Blyth. Contact Mason Bailey. Phone Blyth 523-9338 - 2'7,28 2 cottages on level lot 120' x 100'. One 1 -room with 3 -piece bath -- 5 years old. Other 3 -room. has fireplace. No hills to climb. 520,000. Second row lake lot, south of Bay field. Would divide into several Tots or acreage for privacy. Nicely could be private owner desiring wooded. $8,000. 133 acres of rolling pasture land and bush. 266 rods of length along Maitland River. Ideal l'or camping, ski -doping. $25,000. eimmorm 3. REAL ESTATE FOR SALE 8. HELP WANTED -• LADY experienced in altering ladies' garments. Box 82, Signal -Star. - 20tf ALEXANDER AND CHAPMAN! REALTY' LIMITED - PHONE 524-9662 3% commission Rate .` Cn Houses in Goderich 2 Two-storey red brick - double garage large lot „- four bedrooms - living and dining room `-• family size kitchen. ,See this at your convenience. We 'have two houses under construction. See these before you • buy. Our salesmen will be pleased to show them at your convenience. Twelve -acre river iront property. Entrance off Highway 21. Treed and level. An added attraction is its closeness ..to the lake. Priced RIGHT for quick sale. Two=bedrocem, 1'/a -storey, with separate garage, living room, -kitchen and three-piece bath. Trees in backyard. One -storey stucco, ctwo-bedroom home. West end location. New furnace. Pull basement. Finished front porch. Separate garage. SMALL two-bedroom house at 212 Jones Street. Phone 52.1-9218..- 25 • This attractive two-storey brick home west encs location features FARMS double living room, dining room -and modern kitchen, 3 10 -acre. pasture farm, $10,500. bedrooms . and bath up, 200 -acre pasture farm, $12,000. extensively broadloomed. ' 200 acres in pasture, all tiled drained, 'good fences. 80 acres on Highway 21, 4 -bedroom home' 'with 2 bathrooms, forced air - oil furnace. $16,000. 100 -acre farms `from $16, 500 to $25,000. .. - LARGE BRICK BUILDING IN SMALL TOWN. $90 a month rental income from grocery store. Drilled well supplies water to ten houses at $21.00 a year each. Living quarters consist of - 1st floor, large living room, large dining room, kitchen with many. Kirch cupboards, laundry room, conservatory, :3 -piece bathroom; 2nd floor has,5 large bedrooms and 2 -piece bath; d•oul�lce garage' and workshop has breezeway leading to private swimming pool. Paved drive and ' parking lot. 3 extra Tots incld in price of $25,000. Building lot on Regent Street. PHOTO LISTING SERVICE GODERICH AGENT RUTH VAN - DER MEER 55 Montreal St. GODERTCH 524-7875 - CLINTON AGENT CLARKE ZINN 482-7838 5. TO RENT , PLAN your holidays now --- in a 15 ft. Traveller 'frailer. in new condition and 1111 conveniences. Frig, gas stove, also hydro or gas Tight. Sleeps six: Priced reasonable by week or molath. Phone 52.1-8152 or can he seen at •Goderich Car Rustproofing, 239 Huron Road. -"2511' THREE -bedroom • cottage on - sandy beach 6 miles north of Goderich, Available` .July a;►d August, Phone 52'1-7262 or 524.74.78, Goderich.'- 26tf CAMPER• Tent Trailer, fully equipped. Phone 524-9238. - `26,27 • - APARTMENT - twb-bedroom Heat and hot water supplied. In the Colborne House. $75 per month. Apply McGee Motors. - 25 • TO RENT. $1.00 per day rents you an electric rug shampooer. Removes spots, grease, etc. Service Electric, phone 524-8581. - 8tf HEATED two -room ' apartment; all facilities included; suitable for one person. Phone 5-24-7626. - 27x FIVE -.room duplex with gas heating. Phone 524-7977. - 27 LAKESIDE family cottage, 3 miles north of Bayfield, with all conveniences. Will rent by week or month. Phone 482-3393. - 20tfn TENT TRAILERS, ' utility trailers; camping equipment. Bonk early to • avoid disappointment. . Phone Gordon Steepe, 482-3364. - 20-28b FURNISHED upper apartment. Clci to school. Abstainers. Available July 1. Phone 524-8416. - 26tf ,. ROOM and board ,available. Phone 524-8773. - 26,27 GROUND floor light housekeeping robin, completely furnished. Heat, light and use of phone included. • Suitable for working •reran. Miss Mary B. Howell, 1.2 St. Vincent Street, phone 524-8642. 25tf " TENT TRAILER. Apply. Nile • .} Motors, or phone 529-7113. 'I' W O - b e4 r a o nn upstairs 27,28. ' apartment, suitable for two adults. On the Square. Phone 10,10 IIT two- bedroom 524-8480."9.-- 25,26 'apartment On the Square; freshly decorated, front and back entrances. Telephone Fh4-R ,17,r 27. Spacious 4 -bedroom, one -floor, attached garage. Large living room and dining area, both with nearly new broadloom. Extra large kitchen. This beautiful home is situated on a large treed lot. This immaculate 2 -storey red brick 4 -bedroom home has everything for -5a. growing family. Large kitchen with 'dads of cupboards, living roots, dining room, utility room and two sun • porches. Paved driveway: Double garage. Situated on a large lot. - CAMPING trailers. Call 624.6280 or 524-9295. -- 27 This income.proparty.is•situated in West- end on a large lot and contains - 3 bedrooms in each apartment and has been lately renovated. See. it at • your convenience. BRUNO LAPAINE Phone.524-8957 LES PENTLAND Phone 524-9007 LOCAL MAN REQUIRED I need a representative for my firm in this area. This opening may be worth up to $8;000.00 early for the right person, Full or Part-time. Age 21 to 70. Can you make short auto trips? We hope you will start soon and stay 'with us a, long time.' Contact Nowa! Ed Bauer, Wingham, phone 357-3805. - 26,27,28 CARETAKER REQUIRED FOR COUNTY OF HURON Full-time employment; duties to commence at 4:00 p.m.` -`each day. Good working conditions and excellent benefits. Apply in writing to the undersigned no later than 12 noon Friday, July 18th.. JOHN G. BERRY, CLERK -,TREASURER COUNTY OF HURON COURT HOUSE, GODERICH, ONTARIO. 27,28 TWO me'n for steady employment in grain elevator. Apply Cook Bros. 'Milling Co. Ltd., Hensall, phone 262-2605. -27 RECEPTIONIST -- Mature, typing essential: Reply stating age and experience. Box 91, Signal -Star. - 27 10: -WANTED 'Peneral) COMPLETE household effects or small lots wanted. Call C. & E. Furniture, 524-7231.. - 42tf WANTED -•, Companion for elderly lady to live in. Free living accommodation,.. No housework involved. Write Box 87,' Signal -Star. 22nc HOUSEKEEPER and companion ' Apply Box 93, Signal -Star. - 27,28 11. EMPLOYMENT WANTED COMMERCIAL' graduate 21, desires employment. Experience in public relations work, hotel clerking. Phone 524-9279. 15tfnc,• 5 TO RENS' • TEENAGER would like job • 0 babysitting. Experienced and --= �-- • — --- likes -children. Phone FORMAL WEAR -27 RENTALS Dress right for all occasions We are agents for: Flreeman's Formal Rentals PICK -ETT & CAMPBELL LTD.. Goderich Clinton 6. WANTED TO RENT 4 TWO or three bedroom house or , ground. floor apartment. Adults only. Reply to Box 75, Signal -Star. - 16tf 8. IIELP WANTED NEEDED IMMEDIATELY -• housekeeper -companion for elderly 'lady living in Bayfield. Phone 565-2864. - 25b , TWO experienced teenage- girls would like housework or looking after children.- Phone 524-9190. -27x RENOVATIONS: Rec rooms; custom work furniture; all types of building and repair. Ed Vincent, .phone 524-6280. 51tf GIRL, 18, with three months Nurses' Aid experience wishes light housework or posiion of mother's helper. Will care for school age children' or assist elderly people. Phone 524-9543. THE RED CROSS IS PEOPLE LIKE YOU. HELPING PEOPLE LIKE YOU CHALLENGE - OPPORTUNITY ADVANCEMENT BANK OF MONTREAL 15 SEEK1NG MATURE MEN Who Desire To Improve Themselves And Their Position We offer a comprehensive • management development programme and competitive salaries. Improve your management skills through our university education programme which offers full tuition refunds. APPLICANTS -SHOULD BE RIECENT HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATES • ' OR —HAVE MINIMUM GRADE 12 WITH ONE TO FiVE YEARS' BUSINESS EXPERIENCE READY TO MOVE UP? Please apply in person at The Bank of Montreal, The Square, Goderich, Ontario. 27, 28, 29 A • t i