HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-07-03, Page 54 C L.. „ 4 • A series backgrou School, McLare _Colborn aI- Of paintings by 'famous Canadian artist _yvas. the and for the annual Awards Night at Colborne Central Thursday June 26. The paintings were from Jack 's collection. Under the new elective program at e this year, students have been studying art under Mr. McLaren who has conducted monthly lectures. During the awards presentations are left to right, Phil Maine, (standing), Mrs. David Gower, Bob Jewell, John H. Stringer, Mrs. Bryan Hallam, and Jack McLaren. • • • • • '1 Kingsbridge Klippin gs Mrs. Jim Martin Correspondent . 529-7139 •••••••••••:•••••••••••••••• • • • • ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• • WEEKEND HAPPENINGS rs. Murphy .addresses M and Brian Of Haurmilton visited r. and Mrs. ArthDalton with. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Courtney. - Joe's sons, Gary and Wayne, t. Joseph s graduates . spend' Week's holidays with the • have returned to -Hamilton to Daltons. Floyd Courtney, • younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe With less than one day's notice Mrs. Dan Murphy, housewife and mother of six addressed St.b Joseph's grade 8 - graduating class, clergy, parents and teachers for her husband, a Goderich lawyer and school trustee, who was unable to make his scheduled appearante • last Friday due toli trial. Mrs. Murphy spoke an the edUeationaL features of -a recent hree-week charter flight to six European countries she and her husband took with about 250 members and wives of the Canadian Bar Association, "Her resume of the trip was detailed and deseriptiveg and made you feel right there," commented a . parent. The 18 grads with their guests attended Holy Mass at 9 a.m. in , School drama program, • The Theatre Hour Company, administered by Toronto's St. Lawrence Centre for the Arts, will begin a new follow-up pro.: in its tour of secondary Sch: • s during the next school year. The Company, now entering its seventh season, was designed to be a live audio visual aid to literature courses and an entertaining introduction to the theatre. This year, in addition to giving a regular performance, the follow-up program will ,offer workshop sessions, demonstrations, readings and classroom discussion. The new program is aimed at relating the • work of the Company more closely to the course and art the church and adjourned to the . school gym where. a breakfast of .ham, eggs and dessert was served by the grade -7 girls. Members of the combined Kingshridge, St. Augustine and Lucknow C.W.L. prepared the • meal. • Father - Nagle's Council K. of C., Goderich contributed toward the pins and diplomas. Addresses were given by Principal, Clem Stefflet; school trustee, Oscar Kieffer; special guest, Mrs. Dan Murphy; and St. Joseph's School Information Association chairman, •Neil Stapleton. The Valediction was given by Janice Foran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Foran, St. Augustine • who was later presented with the C.W.L. Citizenship Award by educational convener, Mrs. Joe O'Keefe. Ricky Boel, son of Mr. and Ms. Joe Boel received the Scientific Achievement Award from Ross Eedy on behalf of the two major farm organizations, the OFA' and OFU. Graduating pins. were presented by Mrs. Raymond Boyle, St. Augustine; Father H. Galea, pastor of Kingsbridge gave out the diplomas. Mrs. Pete MacDonald represented The ° Lucknow C.W.L. members at the head table. Members . of the 1969 graduating class are: Lynn Austin, Ricky . Boel, Frank Bongertman, Wayne Courtney, Anne Dalton, Janice ' Foran, Harry Franken, Joanne Hendriks, John Hickey, Leona Hogan, Gerald Knoop, Judy' Moran, Joe O'Keefe, Mike Penich, Leo Redmond, Janice Vanderburg, Henriette Van Diepenbeek, and Mary Van activities in the schools. Rooy. GODERICH 30 THE $QUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDMONED SHOW TIMES: Sunday through Thursday, ONE SHOW ONLY—At 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday—TWO SHOWS—First Show starts at 7.30 p.m.; • Second Show at approximately 9.10 p.m. THUI:!S., FRI., SAT., SUN., MON., TUES. Six Big Days July 3 to 8 PRI% nEwmno donnnE woonwnRo RODERT.WIIGRER unnmna "TacHracollon./Pii,mvisior IIUNNERSIL\ NEVAlAil•FOREINI PICTURE Saturday (July Si Matinee 'at 2.00 p.m. Starting Wed., July 9 for Four Days "AFRICAN SAFAR1"., An International Award Winning. Picture—In Color ,Courtney made his First Holy Communion on Sunday here. Mr. and Mrs. Nick Perry, Detroit, are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Dodds, , London visited with relatives in the area. (nee Patricia Ann Martin). SCHO9L EVENT ROUND -UP Tuesday, June 24, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert Wilson, RR 1, Riply entertair ed their asociate teachers, spouses and St. • Joseph's Church clergy with a steak barbecue at their home. Wednesday, June 25, Grades Kindergarten to Grade 4 enjoyed a barbecue at -Boiler Beach, near Kineirdine. Some of the mothers attended. On the school - grounds Grades 5 to 8 roasted hotdogs and afterwards entertained themselves in the school gym with a "sock hop. Baha'i conference y outh held Mr. and Mrs. Albert Durst of Cherrydale Farm near Benmiller hosted 20 Baha'i youths at a conference at their home over the weekend. The young people ' attending, besides the Dursts' four children, all of whom attend local schools, came from London, Sarnia, St. Catharines and Oshawa and ranged in '--afe from 14 to 24. Mrs. Constance Sayer, professional opera singer and TV actress shared teaching duties with her husband,. Professor Jay .M. Sayer of the University of Western Ontario. ' • Professor Sayer, formerly a movie and television actor from Hollywood, California, is currently teaching drama and communications in the Department of English at the university in Londoti. Since there are no churches or. clergy in the Baha'i Faith, the Dursts offered their farm to the youth group for their weekend activities of prayer, meditation, study and seminar descussions of the teachings of their faith which now includes over ,ten million members in every country and island of the world. The basic tenets of this modern, independant, universal religion are the Unity of' God, His Prophets, His Religions and mankind. Thus its membership embraces former Christians, Jews, Moslems, Buddhists, as well as men and women of every national-, social, intellectual and racial background, including Canadian Indians and Eskimos. Thursday June 26, -Award afternoon, where athletic; public speaking, and attendance awards were presented. Flound-- and About With ,Martha • Sunday the fog was so dense 'down at the harbor that altho' you could hear the ship's .born blasting out you couldn't see it a couple of minutes after it left the dock — but you just KNEW it wasn't far away. Lobking towards the elevators you could see a small circle of the first group and they appeared to be on a high hill (like a castle in the eVening mist). It was a very beautiful sight since I have never seen .a castle - showing thro' the mist! You couldn't see 'any part of the harbor where the big takers are resting, and I couldn't see the towers of the Siffo plant behind me. So it was DENSE! But it was different — and you knew you were seeing a wonderful sight, . which like the sunset is never the same, never duplicated or copied — ORIGINAL, like a painting, it is almost impossible to have two. exactly alike. Speaking of paintings, if you haven't any you wish to show or sell, don't forget to come and see the display which will be under the trees . in beauttftti Courthouse Park, July 17, 18 and 19. There will be paintings and other hand crafted articles from sculpture to mugs and aprons — also, each day, there will be baked goods ("made by hand”) for you to enjoy. The merchants, I hope, will have real bargains and lots of them on the sidewalk in front of their stores — and a big invitation to go inside and see other bargains. We hope • the weather will be fine, surely, by then. For our friends in Florida, Arizona and all points north and south — the weather has been --- lousy!.Too much rain, short bursts of sun, then great humidity — and naturally — storms, which have wrought havbc in different areas around — and in — Goderich. So now you know why I say we can only hope for good weather. At any rate, we are stepping out of . the cool wet season into hot tan — fast tan — weather and just TRY and "keep your cool, man!" From "up top" looking out over the harbor, I was amazed to . tiNsEr DRIVE-IN . • GODERICHil SUNSET Dam, 14 T H E AT RE THEATRE - (.% ,:•••• CLINTON c":thtwi HOW - ..., HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION RD. 4 • PHONE 524-9981 A "Mustang" Theatre . THURS., • "SWISS "The ' ' Starring SAT. July 3-4-5 . All" . FRI., Walt Disney's FAMILY ROBINSON". Greatest Adventure Of Them PLUS SECOND FEATURE ---•-• A Western "COMANCHEROS7 JOHN WA'YNE and DEAN MARTIN SUN., 'WARREN "They ' PAUL "They could MON., TUES., July 6-7-8 AY ' . . But ihey "BONNIE & CLYDE" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) -- tam BEATTY and FAY D NA chased boredom with a hail of bullet — PLUS _ "COOL HAND LUKE" (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) —--", Starring NEWMAN and GEORGE KENNEDY beat him .4. They could chain .him_.. couldn't break him" Watch for "Gimmick Night" on Monday d Tuesday WED., THURS., FRI., SAT.,— July 9 to 12 "HOOK, LINE and SINKER" Starrin. A Comedy --- g Jerry Lewis - `-, Peter Lawford - - Ann Francis , — Plus Second Feature — .,.., "GUNS OF NAVARONE" "High rat -- ing adventure yarn"Starring Gregory Peck - - David Niven- - Anthony Quinn vomerneelm Even, Wednesday isr`Tamily-N-righe.' at TM Sun$et. Carload, Truckload or Busloq,d---AdMission is Only $1.25 per vehicle. . . • see how "Sitio Island" has filled up. They have started another building — close to the pier — a 128 feet diameter salt silo. It certainly is a big operation over there now a lot ,different to the little road circling thro' the swamp just a few years back. Recently I touched. up a painting had done of the harbor — from this very point "up 'top," in the early spring — or late winter — I think would be a better description — as you could see the little circle of the road and the huge drifts of snow which pile up along the shore. At that time the drifts were pretty dirty , from the weather and dust from the big coal pile I 'spose — so the contours really showed up behind the little old Fish Shanties along the wharf. You will see it at the Art Mart — and I know it will bring back a lot of "cool" memories. Here is word from the "Sing for Fun" group of Benmiller. OODERIckl SiONAL.STAR0 TUtIftSPAY,JULY 6 They now call theinaaiVOS the "Jolly MilleXa" ^"r* and 1 think that Is a1.118t right' narueote they are'reallY jellt OW AO Of sing forfun. You we sureenjoy their singing and the nice part is that you can sing along with them. Sunday evening on the thirteenth at &p.m, 'on the lawn at Benrailler Church you can sing along and relax and enjoy a nice evening with them. They want you to "go, as 'you are" — NEED INSURANCE? PHONE , MacEwan Insurance Agency 44 North St.. 524,9531 BINGO at LEGION HALL Saturday, July 5 at 8.30p.m. 15 GAMES - 1.00 The Prize for each regular game will be $12.00 4, Share- The-, Wealth Jackpot Combined JACKPOT OF $90.00 IN 58 CALLS. Sponsored by Branch: 109 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One Under 16 Permitted To Play DINING IIIA7fl; 7MpArio 17 RISMURANT*TAVERN & DANCING Friday, July 4 THE DIMENSIONS Saturday, July 5 DESJARDINES ORCHESTRA Bayfield Rd. — 524-7711 • The 411**10ng 14. community prOjact and you owe to nJoy leite YeUr frier* and- "(iompony". they are sure to be OKI you were s'o thoughttuL • • itiartbe, 1 , I BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON pox Office Op.ns at 8.00 p.m. t: THURS. & FRI. July 3 and 4 A BigCountry Music • Double Feature 'GOLD GUITAR' Showing at 9.15 p.m., — Starring Del Reeves & Mary Bowes ---__ 'A TIME TO SING' Showing at 10.30 p.m. —Starring ' Hank Williams Jr. and Shelley Faber's Both Features in -Color Cartoon SAT., MON., TUES. July 5-7-8 — DOUBLE FEATURE _ 'SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL SHERIFF' Showing at 9.15 p.m. — Starring JAMES GARNER With Joan Hackett — In Color4 'Sam Whiskey' (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 11 p.m. — Starring ANGIE DICKINSON Burt Reynolds and Clint Walker Color - Cartoon WED., THURS., FRI.- July 9-10-11 — DOUBLE FEATURE - 'BUONA SERA, MRS: CAMPBELL' • Showing at 9.15p.m. 'Adult Entertainment) — Starring GINA LOLLOBRIGIDA And SHELLEY 'WINTERS L...c.j4, In Color — PLUS _ . . °Play:Dirty' , (Adult Entertainment) Showing at 11 p.m. — Starring Michael Caine. Color Cartoon I • CARTER'S SHOWS' EAST ST., GODERICH July 16 - 17 18 mg 19 • Midway and Games Of Chance • Fun For Everyone SPONSORED BY GODERICH KINSMEN CLUB PROCEEDS FOR COMMUNITY SERVICE WORK • .• • *aritosiglaimoorearreitiamc , • a