HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-06-26, Page 164A GODERIOR SIGNAL STAR, THURSDAY JUNE /6, 1969 enu of the week • ROW, Of POrk 4, 'tomato Treat • • Frszen X:ireen Beans • Qnterio Canned Plums Crisp Cookies While awaiting abundant SUppliep of fresh Ontario fruits AM vegetables, take full advantage of canned and frozen produce in a variety of ways, • reMInds the Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. Versatile Ontario canned tomatoes added to a raspberry jelly makes a delicious, unusual .salatl addition to any meal. This scrumptious dessert will quickly become a family favorite. Your guests will request a copy of this recipe for their files! 2 cups icing sugar 3 tbsp. Cocoa 3/4 cup butter or margarine 1 egg yolk -3-tbsp. evaporated milk • 20 (1 small ' pkg.) graham crackers Maraschino cherries Sift together icing sugar and Cocoa. Melt butter or margarine over low heat. Add sifted Cocoa and icing sugar; stir until well blended. Remove from heat; add egg yolk and ev.aporated milk beating until smooth. ,Spoon a layer of chocolate mixture into a 9 by 5 -inch loaf pan lined with aluminum foil. Spread well in corners. Cover with a layer of biscuits. Repeat with a layer of chocolate and add a layer of biscuits ending with a layer of chocolate.Cover and chill in refrigerator until set about 3 hours or more. Remove .-from pan; place on serving dish ,then remove aluminum foil. Make a design on top with a fork; garnish, with cherries: Yield: 6-8 servings. Choco pineapple (ream Be yenturesothe arid use apple or orange juice to replace the pineapple in this delightful, cloud -like fruit cream dessert. 2 tbsp. Cocoa 1/4 cup sugar 11/2 tbsp. flour 1/8 tspt salt 11/4 cups pineapple juice 1 egg yolk 1 tsp. butter or margarine 1 tbsp. sugar 1 egg white .11 Measure into saucepan Cocoa, sugar, pour arfd salt; mix until well blended : Add 1/4 cup pineapple juice; mix . until smooth. Blend in egg yolk until smooth; add remaining juice then niix. well. Cook, over medium heat, until mixture boils and thickens; stir constantly. Boil 1 minute; stir constantly. Add butter or margarine; allow to cool, stirring occasionally, Add sugar to egg white; beat until mixture stands in peaks. Fold meringue into chocolate mixture. Pour into four dessert . dishes; chill well. Garnish with fruit before . serving. Yield4 servings. Experienced Decorator INTERIOR, RE -DECORATING PAINTING and WALLPAPER Reasonable Prices Free Estimates Radius of 15 Miles of aoderich W. Pedersen 167 Brock Street Phone 524-6667 After Six 25tf TOMATO TREAT 2 cups Ontario canned tomatoes 1 pkg (3 oz.) raspberry jelly powder 1 tbsp. vinegar 1/2 tsp. sweet basil salt to taste 1/4 cup celery, dice4 If tomatoes are whole, cut in chunks. Combine all ingredients except celery. Heat until jelly powder dissolves. Cool; add celery. Pour into mold. ,Chill until set. Unmold and serve on crisp lettuce: Health Tips How do you stop bleeding'? With a superficial cut or wound, normal clottind will probably -stop bleeding -vdthout much attention. With serious bleeding,4 St. John Ambulance recommends that you apply firm pressure directly on the wound. ,If sufficient pressure is applied bleeding will always be controlled. It is best to apply pressure through a thick compressible dressing bandaged to the wound. However, if bleeding is profuse and no dressing is available, d9n't delay — press directly on the wound with your bare hand. If a -foreign '• body is stuck fast in the wound don't try to remove it — apply pressure around the wound. It will also help to get the patient lying or sitting down, with the wounded part elevated above the level of the heart. Food shorts „COCOA HINTS MINT FLIP — a cool summer . beverage for all ages. Mix 1/3' cup sugar, 3 tbsp. Cocoa with 3 tbsp. boiling water together until free of lumps. 'Stir into 6 cups chilled milk; beat in 34 tsp. peppermint extract. Pour into tall glasses; garnish with _mint sprigs then serve immediate Yield: 6-7 'servings. CHOCOLATE TOPPING — a chotolate fudge type of dessert. sauce. Combine 1/3 cup sugar, 1/4 cup Cocoa, few grains salt, 1/4. cup evaporated milk, 1/2 cup corn syrup and 1 tbsp. butter or 'margarine in saucepan. Stir bonstantly; cook over low heat until boiling then boil 2 minutes. Remove from _heat; add 12 tsp. vanilla. Serve hot or cold over 'ice cream; pancakes ,or cottage pudding. Yield: 1 cup. CHOC° NIBBLES — a chewy tidbit to munch any time. Blend together v4 cup Cocoa, 1/8 tsp. salt, 2/3 cup sweetened condensed milk. and V.4 tsp. vanilla, Mix in 2 cups shredded coconut. Drop by teaspoonfuls on lightly greased cookie sheet. Bake in 350 degrees. F. oven 1245 minutes. Remove from •pan while warm. Yield: 11/2_ dozen. 'QUESTIONS PLEASE Have yoil recently wanted a recipe for cat food? Or maybe you've been wondering if maple syrup can be frozen'? Or should you freeze all those sandwiches that were left over from your little girl's birthday party (the children seemed tO prefer the cake)? These questions are samples of . the consumer inquiries directea to the Consumer Section of the Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. The two home economists in this busy section did not have a recipe for cat food, but they were able to tell the lady with the leftovers that sandwiches containing egg white, mayonnaise, lettuce or tomato should not be _frozen. They suggested to the other writer that the freezer is .an excellent place to store -maple syrup, provided she leaves extra head space in the jar or can to allow for expansion. If you have a question regarding food selection, preparation, use or production, take advantage of • the Food Council's information service. Direct your inquiry to the Ontario Food Council, Ontario Department Of Agriculture and Food, Parliament -Buildings, Toronto. Oh, yes the Consumer Section doesn't have a recipe for dog food either! s • FOR YOUR FIRE INSURANCE See or Phone MALCOLM MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT U WEST ST. 524.9442 a July Food Outlook Beef prices are expecd,to remain at high levels next moi according to Canada Department. of Agriculture's July Food Outlook. Pork prices may rise somewhat but broiler chicken will be in plentiful supply at relatively low prices. Turkeys, especially broilers, will be in adequate supply at slightly advanced prices. BEEF: With supplies Lower: and demand strong beef prices can be expected to remain- at high levels. PORK: Prices- may rise somewhat. EGGS: Wholesale prices are expected to- advance seasonally. POULTRY MEAT: Broiler chicken will be in plentiful supply at relatively low prices. Turkeys, especially broilers, will be in adequate supply at slightly advanced prices. FRUIT: ,Strawberries, raspberries, loganberries, gooseberries, blueberries, peaches and plums ¶i1l appear on the market at in -season price. APPLES: Some early varieties will be available at seasonally high prices. - VEGETABLES: A wide variety will be in good supply slightly somewhatiater than last year. V • Consumers' news and viewsVii. 1117 by reel, Consumers' Association of Canada ;. The quickest way to. spend your money faster than you cdn make it is to be an "impulse shopper." , • There is hardly a supermarket or department store that is; not putting'' its best foot forward with a display of merchandiseso plated as to tempt you totbuy before you have a chance to think about. costs, quality or even if you really need it. Merchandisers employ, quite an arsenal of tactics to •get you to spend that "impulse dollar." A few years ago, a supermarket enticed ' buyers I • to the delicatessen counter with the use of cooking odors. The °same method has been used. successfully to increase the sale of coffee. Many non-food items are placed strategically at the ends of traffic aisles to bring impulse sales. This is where upright or spinning racks or toys,,, tools or "things" offer such seeming_ bargains. Display's at cjieckout counters, ' near 'escalators in department stores, ' special markers and price tags, as well as package desigfi and color are all intended to attract you and do have a very tealfffect on yottr shopping. Their common denominator? All cAntribute to items in your shopping cart that compare. 13e choosy — don't buy the first model that catches your eye — it may be the best buy tor you but take the time to be sure. impulse buying can create problems in some families and without' a plan leave less than enough for necessities. It may be all right to shrug your shoulders and say "oh .welr as you toss some small item into your shopping cart' — but even these small purchases can quickly add up. to a sizeable sum. ,Just check it and see. Consumers' Aociation of Canada , is located at, 100 Gloucester St., Ottawa 4, Ont. Enquiries as to membership in CAC should/be directed there. you never interfcled to buy. Consumers' Association Of Canada - is not suggesting that merchants are trying to trick or fool customers but they simply want that "impulse dollar," Higher markups and higher profits comefrom impulse sales — just Vain good business from their point of view. Obviously the first line of _defence and the best wly to keep from tripping' over that "best foot forward" is to plan your shopping. Make a list — especially wheR you are going to the supermarket. Do not shop when you are hungry. Slow 0 down — stop long ehough to compare the items on that eye -revel shelf with those nearer the floor. Manufacturers try to have their top products displayed. on the higher shelves at your eye. level but a less expensive, similar produtt, lower down, might do the job just as well, PRICES SLASHED DOOR BUSTER FRIDAY 10 A.M. -Values to $19.95 One Lot Ladies Shoes ..Dres, Casuals, Flats Big Value! Reg. $39.95 3 Pc. McBrine Luggage Sets $24.88 Special! MEN'S AND -LADIES Hush Puppies Reg . $11.95 $9.55 • Reg. $9.95 $7.77 Bargain! Reg. to $10.95 MEN'S Desert Boots $6.88 McBR1NE LUGGAGE * Wide selection of Matched Pieces 20% OFF SALE STARTS ,FRIDAY 10 A.M.. You Won't Believe Your Own Eyes! THIS IS A STOREWIDE, SALE! r, NAMES YOU KNOW AND TRUST! HUSH PUPPIES SISNIAN DACKS McBRINE - CROSS BONNIE ° STUARTS DUTCHIES MOHICANS CROSBY SQUARE YOUR 9CHANCE TO SAVE MANY DOLLARS! SAVE to HALF and MORE TELL YOUR 1RIENDS AND NEIGHBOURS LET THEM SAVE TOO DOOR 'BUSTER SATURDAY 10 A.M. Values to $7.95 One Lot. Children's Shoes r;77 To size 4 Big Value! Reg. $7.95 Nurses. Shoes *N'ationally Advertised $6.44 Special! Reg. to $17.95 One Lot WOMEN'S DressShoes $8.88 * Includes Orthopedics Women's Casuals Re,. $5.95 , Reg. $7.95 1 $3.88 $5.88 Copyright — Wm. E.• Loeber 1963 mwsionsiminnumemonsommilo SO GREAT IS THIS' SALE WE WILL CLOSE ED. AND,. THURS. TO --MAIM DOWN ALL, PRICES!. INOT JUST A FEW • ITEMS PICKED FOR, ADVER- TISING 130 tArratiR Sr -irt stA'ek 4047t *NSivt , DON'T YOU DARE MISS THIS! PRICES SLASHED DOORBUSTER MONDAY 10 A.M. Reg. $5.95 WOMEN'S CASUAL Canvas Shoes 1.22 * Ideal For Vacation and every day wear Big Value! Reg. to $25.95 Men's Dress Shoes $18.88 * Includes DACK'S! Special! Bargain! -"— Reg $14.95 • Men's Loafers $10.88 RATHWELL SHOES 56 LUCKNOW - • 0) .) o 0 ,