HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-13, Page 5The Head. Surgeon., Of the E i bol Medical Company i :3 nowv at Toronto, Canada, aid iriay. arc consulted either u person or by letter on all chronic diseases peculiar to man. algin, ,young, old, Or middle-sgod,whe Etna themselves nervous weak undealiaustecl,whoare broken. down from excess or overwera, resulting in many of the following symptoms; Mental aepres- Sion, perniatura old age, less of vitality, loss of motnory,bad clreanis,diniaess of srght,pal- pitation of the heart, emissions, lank or en- are-ay n- w,rg, pain in theiclneys,laitdpohe,pimples "tile 1 ire face or body, itching or peculiar sen- sationabout the scrottttn., wasting of the orgars, dizziness, spooks before .the eves, twitching of the muscles, eye l.id.,and else- where.,bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss sf will anflabby tenderness iiseles,e st'Ieeu'e to sleep, failure to be rested. by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness of Bearing, loss of voice, desire for solitude, exeibibilit:' of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with 'LEADEN el tct , o il y leoking skin, etc., aro all synctotes ofnerv- ous debilitYthat lead to sustin t aria 1 ath unless purger. The spring or vital force hay- ing lost its tensiou every funotloan wanes in oonseguence, Those who through abuse comm fitted in ignorance maybe Permanent- ay >}r meraitil t ly cured. Senclye ar aciciress for boort on0 diseases peculiar to an. Books ` sent free sealed. kleart-disease, the symptoms of which aro faint spells, mina° lips, numbness palpitation, skip beats, hot fl.uslies, rush of .hood to the bead, ...lull pain in the heart with beats strong, rapid and irregular, the second beat ciuicicer than the first, pain about the breast bone; etc., can positively bo cured. No cure no pay Sena for book, Ad - dross M, V. I tTBO AI, i t Aland onald Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. ,Tan 1-3 year The dry goods house of J. J. Hart & Son at Oswego, N.Y., was Closed yesterday on Judgment obtained by Chaplin, of New York for $23,645. The firm say they will pay dollar for dollar. ] or'Over YiTty Years, . Mn6.,WxNSLOIV's Soommo kiraur has been used by millions ofmothers for their child- ren while teething- If disturbed at night and broken of your rest bya sick child suf..Tering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soethiag Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing.. It will relieve the poor, little sufferer immediately. De -pend upon it, mothers,there is no mistake about it. It cures Diarrhoxa, regulates the Stomach and -Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gams, reduces In- flammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system.. alIrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for cauldron teething is pleasant to the tate and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States. Price twenty- five cents a bottle. Sold by ,all druggists throughout the world.Be sure.tind ask for t111'[1iS WINSLow'S soo'nn w SYntrr," DrILaROli'S COTTON ROOT PILLS Sate and absolutely pule. Most powerful Female Regulator known, The only safe,srl;re and rehoble pill for agile, Ladies ask druggists for LaEoets Star and Crescent Brand, Take no oilier kind. Beware of olroap imitations, as they are daxljer-. oris. Sold by all reliable druggists. Postpaid on receipt of price. ADIEU/CAN PILL 00.' Dorgojt, 11ach, 'or sale in Exeter by 3. W. nrewniu;r; Stuart and Perry Culbertson, grandsons of the late millionaire, W. S. Culbertson, of Louisville, Ky,, who were cut till' With `0oo each for horseracing, are taking steps to contest the will. Why don't you try Carter's Little Liver Pills? They kite a, positive cure for siclt headache, and all the Ills produced by a disordered liver. only one pill a dose. The steamship Orizaba. from Yucatan. arrived from New York yesterday, having on board a lineal descendant of Christopher Columbus who comes here to attend t h Columbus celebration. CHANGE IS WELCOME. ear suffer- ed twenty y SIS ed from Rheumatism, Dyspepsia, Poem Ap- petite, etc., and received no benefit from the many medicines I tried, but after taking five bottles of R. 13, E. I can eat heartily of any food and am strong and smart. It is a grand medicine and has made a wonderful clfange in my health. Mas. W. H. LEE, Harley, Ont. Jack Gentry. a notorious outlaw, - was killed yesterday near Covingtpt, Va., by Sheriff Byers and two deputies. Gentry was wanted for four murders recently committ- ed, and was killed while resisting arrest, No other EmrwsIon equals Blflburn's Cod Liver Oil Emulsion in pleasant taste, nourishing power or curative effect. Frank Kalma, a Russian, died Tuesday night at Tonawanda, N.Y., with every symptom of Asiatic cholera Ile was sick only ro hours, Flis five-year-old son is sick with the same disease and will die. A FAMILY FRIEND. The medical faculty of Queen's Univers- ity at Kingston has passed a resolution re- gretting the action of, the medical council in reducing the amount of practical anato- my requiredof students. Consumption. Cured. Ain old physician, retired from practice having bad placed in his hands by an East ludia missionary the formula or a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent euro of Cons= ption, Bronchitis. Ca- tarrh, Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also n. positive and-adical cure for Nervous Debility and all 2 ervous Com- n7•tints,afffiep a alas%* tak'uect-f ^:."b'ifdor'ul to ive powers in thousands of cases, has Tat 1 felt it his duty to make it known to his suff- ering;follnws. Actuated. by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, 1 will sena free of ritarge, to all who desire it, this recipe, in German, French or English, with. full directionsfor preparing and using. Sent by mail by addressing with Stamp, naming this paper. W. A. Novas, 820 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y ' James Glhssford, aged 74,who came from Scotland on the same vessel as the late Sir John Macdonald and: his parents, died yes- terday in Glenburnie, near Kingston. Plso's Remedy ibr Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Cold by druggists or sent'by mail 50c. D. T. Hazeltine. warren, Pa. : flflT: N. ROWE Has been appointed sole agent for the �° ggh� �e q cni . iii E DRY EAR fi H THE �S��d�� CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room, A want in every house- I hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. $75 00,00 . --.ill persons wlto want— CHEAP CONEY at 5i, 6 and 63 PER CENT should call ----a t the—. Off co of no H. QO . LflS c aL Tzo� SIRS,—I have used Dr. Fowler's Extract. of,\ hd Strawberry in my family for years and can highly recommend it for summer complaint, diarrhoea, cramps, etc. MRs, GEo, WEST, Huntsville, Ont. Yesterday Rev. 13. Canfield' Jones, of Westchester, Pa., formerly of Port Hope, was married to Miss Annie Chisholm, daug- hter of Mr. DuncanChisholrn, Q.C., at the First Presoyterian church, Port Hope. rY Deran_er.,eut of the liver. with constipat- ion, injures the complexion, induce pimples, sallow skin. Remove the cause by using Carter's Little Liver fills. One a dose. Try then.. Major Magone, aged 82 years, has' just arrived in Chicago from Grant county, Ore- gon, having walked the whole 2,1oo miles to be present at the dedication of the World's Fair buildings. He started in Jul.-. RICH PLUM PUDDING. This depicious conftction is niceLy cal- culated to produce dyspapsia,.heartburn, biliary troubles and. headache. Burdock Blood Bitters is equally calculated to cure these troubles and has proved its power in hundreds of cases.' B.E.B. :reguvates and purifies the entire system. Charles Jones, a chief of division in the Treasury departmer3t 'riot Washington, drop - F peen"dead in ire -Treasury buitdiiigg day. He was from New York and had been in the department 3o years. The Prince of Pictoral Remedies. Dr. Wood's Norway. Pine Syrup cures Coughs, Colds, Asthma, hoarseness and Bronchitis without fail. Thre: hundred of the best citizens of Troy,'renn , took a colored prisoner from officers yesterday, handgd him and riddled his boily with burets. He was charged with attempting to assauLt a white girt,. Charley Mitchell, the pugilist is locked up in London for savagely striking an old man and rendering him insensible. Both men had been drinking. Oji, What a Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps of the sure approach of that more terrible disease Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford, for the sake of saying 50e., to run the rislc and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Shiloh's Cure will cure your cough. It never fails. The baseball clubs.iu the United States. are said to have Lost heavily during the past season. A 52 -club scheme has been decid- ed upon for next year. W01i5E AND WEAKER GENTLEmEN,--I suffered for three days very severely from summer compLaint and co,trd not get relief but kept getting worse and worse till the pain wes almost unbear- able and I became very weak. Some friends advised Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild Strawberry, and after'I had taken the first dose I found much relief and it did not fail to cure me. I do not intend to be without this valuable medicine if I can help. it. Wm. T. GLYNN, Wilfred. Ont. In expressing his strong desire for a civil funeral M. Renan exclaimed, "I am in the situation in which thechurch seizes on ti. dying man.,' The action of Carter's Little Liver Pills Is pleasant, mild and natural. 'They gent- ly stimulate the liver, and regulate the bow-, els, but do not purge. They are sure to please. Try them. A New York despatch says John 13. Cook aged 40, of Galt, Ont., shot himself dead at his boarding place, 22 Irving place, yester. day. BETTER THAN GOLD. GEbrrnsb rt1.—I have used Fowler's Ex- tract of Wild Stratvherl'y for bowel coni - plaint and can say there is no other remedy as good. M1ts+ JAMES DENNISON,e , Ont. Boise City, rdaho, is now heated with hot water from the hot singings a mile from the city. The cost well be 50 per cent, less than coal Long Worms, Pin Worms,Round Worms or Tape Worms are promptly destroyed and _removed by Dr, Low's Worm Syrup, Yesterday morning the side -wheel steam- er Puritan and the twin screw steamer y Rich aid Peck had a race of 56 m1108 in Long Island Sound, the goal being Tort Schuyler The screw vessel won by a toile and a haif 'rail B. N, d. ACT. The great British North America act nowadays is to buy a bottLe of 13. 13. 13. and cure yourself of clyspcpt,ia, constipation, headache, liver cnmpLarnt or bad brood, and it is an act that .always attains the de- ,Sires result, SAFE B IS caL9S 2UG.4R-•CO.TED CIISi0I1 'f�(L�fllpu Having opened ened C:71, new Tailor Shop in Hamlin's Store I wish to inform the citizens of Exeter and surrounding country that I. am prepared to do all kinds of Gaston Work oa $tIIt1 NOTICE. All patrons will receive careful guaranteed tion and ail work is ,,uaranteed TO BE A GOOD FIT AND THE BEST OF WORKMANSHIP. EACH PLUG OF THE MYRTLE NAVY! Having had several years of experi- ence. I solicit a call. Yours, etc:, to UREEC j 11aStreet, in 3 Costoni Tailor. Exeter, Ont, CLOT' —SEND FOR— ILLI-T3TRATEri r7 p CATALCl17'LJE of Ladies Specialties, ADDRESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen-st. E., Toronto, Ont. 3(ention this paper. 'Regulates the Stomach, Liver and'uowels, unlocks the Secretions,'Pu: ifiesthe 'Blood and removes alt im- purities from a Pimple to heworst Scrofulous Sore. .;. CU E -S DYSPEPSIA. iiLiOUSNSS; CONSTIPATION, HEADACHE. SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR. STOMACH D1Z INE S S. bRcPSY, F2HEUMATIStA, SKIN DISEASES To IS MARKED IN BRONZE LETTERS. GENUINE NIUINE NO N E OTN� E J 5 rL SNELL, t�si.t.a. E r EXETER ONTARIO Has now in stock 1a rniture pY HEUndertaking t'LDQUARTERS. CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town were you have an assort- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any length desir. ed. COVERS. A fine . line of covers just arrived, have your furniture ro covered and made new in the latest styles, FURNITURE. In furniture we have the largest and best stock in town at the lowest prices. MOULDINGS. An endless variety of picture mouldings. httin and nits IN THE FOLLOWING LINES : West of England Suitings and Trotts eringe, Scotch Tweed Suitings and Trouser Ings. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. N'2,1 W. G5 B ssett's Lusty. Viral. Class .Horses and Rigs. SPECIAL RATES WITH COMMERCIAL MEN, Orders left at Bissett Bros.' Eardwaye Store, will receive prompt attsntioll. TERMS - REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. W. Gf, 13ISSETT,, OOkSGQtiOoitaOt COMPOUND. .A. recent discovery by an old pbysioian. Successfully 'Merl 'monthly. by thousands of ly safe and reliable media- ine disegvoreil. Beware of unprincipleddiugii,,fists who offer inferior medicines in plane of this. Ask for 000100 COTTON Moor Ogan ounn, tale cio substitute; or ineleso V and 4 three -cent Can ada postage stamps in letter, and we will send, scaled, by return inall.Full sealed par- ticulars in plain onvelope, to ladies only, 2 stamps. Address Pond. A.11y Ut►ni2)any,I4 $ Fisher Blook,181 Woodward ave., Deti cit' alich. gra Sold in a:lawn:a at DR, LUrz S, 7 BoowOIio's and, by ell druggists every- where. S. GIDLEY. .101.10161 Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Griggs Stationery. EX0101. usiGai d d ! ii EMPR1UM, .---TIIE-- E.'1.'i .6. RAL- SHAVI G —PARLOR. EXETER, ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Fld�Fr ',iGt �" POtilogas AL.t.,. rtPrs 'krt4' 1: '''lwpy 404'0 9W± wiw ifev' 4%t s r s .owwre everry. lotinf ,beitattrwyrly1.tegwt- di%tc$. Wry- ;tlwotrw,: it tics Asa dtwt 1 od+ttto ro cotor:carott/MAT! e'e j,,tortntess, Thot aro .eqt zt c•atilattl . THOTEL LoNfloN, o rTARIo L & 3 MARTIN, Proprietors. CHRISTIE S Livwcri) First Class RIOS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWK SHAW HOUSE OR AT THE STABLE WILL BE PROMPT LY ATTENDED TO. werxrs0 _ zacc,.===.e.b2.4 Telephone Connection FAIR! FAIR' Call and see E. R. FISH, Tonsorial Artist, when visiting the Fair. Ladies' and Chula! e 's i He will give you a Hair Cutting. Clear. as Shave, av e, and. a � 'S% ail' Cut A. Eastings. READ AND LEARN, That oar Planing Mill, Sash Door Ss Blind Factory is fitted up with the latest improve remits. We aro -prepared to do planing and matching, band and sorollsawing. furring moulding, grooving and all kinds of maeh- inework on shortest` notice. In our LUMBER YARD you .will finch a large and well: assorted stock of all kinds of building materials. Pie e.arcl hcmlock.lum- ber dressed and not dressed. See our stock of x and x x x Pine Sarin files manufactured. by the best makers in Ontario. We also have a large stock of A 1 Cedar Shingles which are excellent value. No.1 Pine Lath con- stantlyin Stock We have alarge stock of barn sash, which we can furnish with or without glass. We are fitted up with 'maoh inery specially adaated. for makin g all kinds of Tamils and Cisterns.wliich we can furnish to our customers on short notice. We show tltingaea ffeltiv in thitunys liarned. for watering cat tlitai' S b Qi,wf;=3 1tg abaitet is stili a. - in fi i# a5id _'v ng entire r 'tb PERKINS & E[Rg PROP. We eary the most complete stock of Musical instruments in the county: PIANOS, ORGANS, VIOLINS, ALSO SEWING MACHINES,"BICYLES: FARM IMPLEMENTS &q,,. The above instruments always on hand. Terms to suit Purchasers. GIVE ITS A CALL, EVERYTHING AWAY DOWN Orth".a all of Whitr e tAtb� ,-x"c,sd �!aapcjE sem' ROSS & Main. Sri;:; in the Latest Style. Shaving; Parlor -near the Post Offieti Farmers' �I, iia iar�iy , V1�J A ' PRICE LIST: Zurich 5.13. !Flour Family Choice Pastry Bran Shorts Royal Spice Wheat Chop Pea Oat ii 1.15 Any quantity in lots of a ton or over n be urt,hased by •cahlnl,,g . V1'lleat C t! t Market Ptieos. 1PC$1ETr1W BALL 1.80 1.90 0.60 O:;b 6.00 0.90 1.00 Apsy IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU,WANT TO Buy or Sel! Town Property IF YOU WANT TO Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT Collections lake Call at Mr. duo, Spackman's Real Estate Agency. Business Transactions strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACt.N, Box 44 IS R. S. Richardson; Soh Ric '. Man. Prop 4;z rf LER 7 ar !Lip RtB L 7cu s 6 *C•�L 1C CHOLERA ORBLI5 DIARRHOEA sENTERY ANDAERA LL: lo COMPLAINTS CHILDREN orADULTS price, IMITATION BLWARE AKE OWN We hear a great deal in the papers about the PuxiTY of Baking Pow- ders, but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. If you send us 8100 for two , subscriptions we wil l a+l so"send you formula for making yoiir own Ess. Lemon, Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- pern1it.It, etc. Outthis out and send with money,or mention: this paper. MAKE YOUR OWN The Puritan Baking Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directions 'or making it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit to your r laQ, neigh, rs will be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cents tion to ottr 'our1aal, which is the best raper for', for one year's subscription p ,) the l money - published in the English language, and no fancily can afford to do without it. Address MEDI&IAL ADVISER, BoEnYilIe, �iit4 �6,