HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-13, Page 4THE
swrx,z, Props.
(11;ISDA*7‘ Ntobor Uth11892,
the United States sold on
Tueseay, eold t Ele,45 per 100 ounces.
Teere are in a silver dollar 412e
grains of meeting wheal 90 per cent
le:saver, Titus the pet:e silver in a
dullar of the United. ;.3tates was
mi that davworth es1.56 cents in gold
',111 ether words, three silver dollars
were isot quite equal to two golddoll-
ars lu vaIu
We shall be told. that it inakes io
differenee what the value of the silyer
'dollar may be, se long as the !solder
ean exchange it foe a gold dollar at
• Or e•tta buy a Slollar's• worth of
goods or it, or can use it to extinguish
sedebt of a dollar. True. But how
long will the bolder of the silver dollar
be able to these things? The gold
aupply of the United States is suffering
rapid depletiou,. Silver cannot be ex-
ported, but gold goes eut by every
steamer. An(1 eyidences accuinulate
that, within the United States, the pro
teess of hoarding gold has begun.
Evidences of another kind also begin
to appear, People are required to take
ut cents' worth of metal and to call it
a dollar. In return, they haye begun
to give 64e tents' worth of goods and
ea call it a dollar's worth. Nothing is
clearer than that prices will adapt
themselyes to the actual values of the
eurrency. In former ages kings be-
lieved they could make money cheap
and plentiful by reducing the weight
or debasing the quality of the coin. A
pound svould be a. poundehey thought,
whether it weighed a pound or a quar-
ter of a pound. People were compelled
te accept a quarter of the silver they.
bad formerly received; but they found
•kheir remedy in giving only a quarter.
as much value.for it. R will be found
that a repablic cannot do what kings
were unable to do, It cannot compel
gteople to give a hundred ceuts' worth
af bread, or shoes, or coal, or clothing
for 64- cents' worth of silver. And al -
=tidy dealers are nominally putting
ap their prices. That is, they,esse
fug less in quantity fora,:
they gave Sebselee
the t tee
Peeled Department a the United
States of no loss a sulls time $6,3e$,286
-salad that in elle detiarttnent Moue!
P,erhape it la not too teueli to eay that,
with the present system of cerreetion
carried ea in sueh a scale ef mune
tude to seeurts the Presidential eleetiou
there will be Seethe); reyelatiens made
of dsfe,leatimas in the public treasury.
We have had seversa such reyelatiohs
in Canada, particularly in Quebec dur-
ing the Mercier aaininistretion; but
nothIng cempared to the enormous
jobbery and corruption so coalmen in
the neighboriug Republie. The moral
tone a the community is being lower-
ed to an appaling degree by such rev-
elations; and it behoves the leaders of
Government to look well to it that
their subordinates are acting in good
faith. So far as the present adminis
tratiou of Sir John C. Abbott is con-
cerned, we have reason toZbelieve that
they have set their face sterely against
any repetition, of the irregulartties
carried on a year or two ago by cert
gin official eabordinates; and that the
stringent act passed by Parliament
toucaieg the Civil Service manage.
meat will effect the needed cure. It
must, however, be matter for satisfact-
ion to our people to know that the fi
nances of Canada are at present in a
healthy condition; and, if we may
judge from the past, the approathing
mission of Premier Abbott and his lei
mince Miuister to England, to replace
the Canadian loan so soon to expire,
will be auccessful in the highest de
Erastus Wiman recently addressed.
a meeting. of workingmen • and told
them that the state of Society in the
United States was one a industrial
war, and that signs were not wanting
of an immense 'upheaval consequent
upon the dissatisfenlion f the laboring
classes Rev-. Principal Grant took up
the wages question before the Pan -
Presbyterian Council, and after eulog-
ising co operation and profit-sharing:
concluded that the solution of existing
difficulties would. be faciliated whee
both employers and employees actedin
the spirit of true Christianity, and sres.
spaded each other's rights.yaneiloy-
ers, espeaiele -lhoss uss ,were, too
Pea considering What
not what in aqui-
were entitled to. In
Amber number of the Content's.
-Cleary Riview, Mr. John Rae thus de.
scribes the working of boards of arbi-
tration in the north of England: "Iron
smelting is a trade in which disputer;
and strikes used to be very prevalent,
because it is peculiarly subject to
great fitmetuatious, in consequence of
irregularities of demand and frequent
technicat elsanges; and indeed, during
the very period of this experiment of
conciliation, it was undergoing one of
the most trying changes—the change
from iron to steel, in consequence of
ins Bessemer process, which has re-
duced the number of puddlers by two-
thirds during the last sixteen ,years.
But since the establishmeet of these
Boards, in the north of England ,in
1869, and in the Midlands in 1872,there
has been nothing whatever in the
shape of a strike in the former district
and only one in the latter, and eyen
that one was too insignificent to de-
serve the name. Certainly; as Prinei
pal Grant says, these are the pressing
problems of the time, and more import-
ant than matters of ritual and forms of
creed is thoquestion, how shall the in,.
terests of employer and employed be
reconciled' and industrial peace secur.
Canadians need care for is
sea that none of the depreciated sil-
wer dollars remain in their hands.
Notwithstanding the repeated assert
funs of pessimistic grumblers to the
contrary, Canada's financial outlook
fe again eeeorted to be perfectly satis
iasete ne official returus from the
Department of Finance at Ottawa, just
fee hand, reveal a veil cheering condi
tion of things,—showing that our
country is on the fair road to national
prosperity,and that the business affairs
a the Dominion are conducted on a
around financial basis As we stated
net very long ago, despite the very
heavy remission of duties last year ey
the Governmeat—by which on the ene
ankle of sugar alone the people of
Canada were relieved of $3,500,000 in
the shape of taxes—at the close of the
asst financial year there was still a
aurplus of revenue over 'expenditure
to the extent of half a million dollars.
Unexplained, this sum in itself might
asseeeer small; although it was a decid
edly better ehowing than the deficits
which were the order of the day under
tete Grit regime, when Sir Richard
Cartwright was Finance Minister. But
when we teem iuto account the large
renaissiore of duty on sugar,—which
'has yirtuady giveu to our people a
face breakfast, now that their tea, cof-
flee-and sugar are admitted free of
deity under the Government's wise
rolicy—the surplus of last fiecal year
was eminently satisfactory, And now
what is the position of affairs? Ae-
sending to the latest bulletins, we have
at present a serpl es for the first quart -
or of the financial year of 83,560,539.
Cemparing the returns of the corree
yesnaillsgstarec months of 1891 with
ehose of 1892, we find there has been
during the last quarter of a year an
moreasc of surplus to the extent of
$578,891, Such are the figures; and
• tea as everybody knows, speals loud
see than words Now, it is customary
neetortain Grit politicians, and tlisir
• preemitatives of the press, to give a
ettega eoloring to everything; American
to institute ate invidious aon-
exast between ue and the United
&sates, But what will be said when
recent telegrant We learn that
ereWee dsacit yoar in the
Around About Us.
Graham*Bros., St. Marys, exported
two hundred and eightynne horses to
the British market this week.
body of Mrs. F. B. Sheppard, one of the
victims and the, first found of the M-
atted steamer Nashua, which founder.
ed in Lake Huron On the morning of
October 4th, clifted ashore on Tuesday
morning south of the piers at Goder.
Two clerks who were working in
the cellar of Cowan's hardware store,
Dttndas street, London, on Friday ,not.
iced a large volume of smoke suddenly
arise frote that section where a large
quantity of paints and varnishes are
etored, The alarm was quickly given,
and the brigade sooe extinguished the
fire, thstighnot before the vasnish tine
had become dangerously 'heated. The
actual damage was not great, but it
was a close call.
A very serious fire took place Satur
day night at the residence of Peter
Heine'"at Langsidte near Luck -
now. About 11 o'clock the inmates of
the house awoke to find that the house
was blueing. All the family were
badly burned excepting one boy. Mrs
lawn wee badly burned abott the
'leek and arms; Mr. tezell had both his
feet badly burned, and a girl eleven
years of age WaS burned to a crisp.
The tause of the fire is unknown. The
loss is about $1,000. There was to in-
UevoartnieraDnoWelee Accuse:ea
—Mr, James Hamilton, see of Mre,
Mary Hatailton,FellarteuCeeners,weet
on all excarsioa from Detroit to Cleve-
land on SUDOay WOk last, and on the
oat's retern he was missed from
anima"the passieugers. On Friday las;
the body- was pieleed up near Cleve-
land, in a badly decomposed state, ad
was removed. tp Failao;ou, for later"
went. He must bave fallen from the
boat unnoticed, Ile was about 28
ytars of age.
A world's eonyontion of Cbristiaes
at Work svill be held in Trernoat Tem-
ple, Boston, for seven days, November
10th to lath, 1892. It is convened no
der the auspices of the Intereational
Asseetation of Chrietian \Yorkers in
the United States stud Canada, but the
delegates are not limited to members
of this association. An evangelical
Christiane et:gaged or interested in
aggressive Christian effort have the
priyile,ge to attend as delegates. The
subjeets to be considered will relate to
matterconnected with aggressive
Christian and benevolent work, mole
especially to plans and methods of
work fer readying the classes not
readied by the ordinary ministrations
of this Gospel.
The following assignments have
been made in the Province of Ontario:
Cardinal, George W. Thompson, furne
ture, assigned in trust to James Clint;
Exeter, Bissett Bros,, tinware, etc,, as-
signed in trust to 0. Armstrong, Lon-
don, Walter Andrews, furniture, as
signea in trust to John Gill, Exeter;
Ottawa, L T. Rochon, grocer, essigned
to James Bailiff, Ottawa; Smith's Falls,
John D. efeBeth, baker, assigned in
trust to James A. Allan; Teronto, FI, S
Dickson & Co., office suppltes, assigned
in trust to James Dixon; Toronto, R
Maddocks, cigar manufaeturer, assiga
ed in trust; Scott St Cross, builaers and
planina mill, assigned ia trust to
Campbtell and May, Toronto.
The wedding of Dr. J. R. Shannon,
one of Goderich's popular townsmen,
to Miss Aggie, youngest daughter of
Hon. A. M. Ross, created unusual inter-
est on Wednesday last week. They
were married at St, George's church
by the rector, Rev. Mr. Yeung. The
church was crowded and many had te
turn away. The bride was handsomd-
ly dressed in white silk, tulle veil and
orange blossoms. The bridesmaidethe
Misses Cameren, Hamilton and MeDeu
gal, wore cream crepen dresses and
leg,horn hats. Miss Gretchen Myers,
neice of the bride, the maid of honor,
was dressed in white. Dr. Ross, broth.
er of the bride, acted as dereemsman.
The full choir attended' and sang "The
Yeiceetlieer BTeithed O'er Eden," and
otliel music. Among the many and
valuable presents was a deed from the.
bride's parents of the family residence
hereand an oak cased upright piano
from the groom's father, Dr. G. C.
Shannon. The happy couple left for
the east by the 2 o'clock teain in a
shower of rice and good wishes.
The barge Ryan, whieh was in tow
of the steam barge Nashua, arrived
in Port Huron on Wednesday last
week and reported that'"the latter
foundered off Goderiely on the clay
mentioned. She let go the s tow line
about ten miles north of Gocleride
after having lost her deck load. of lum-
ber and haying disabled machinery.
Later on she was flying, a signal of
distress. The Gartwick searched for
her for four hours, but could find noth-
ing of her or the crew. The Nashua
was commanded by Capt. Richard
.-RPft 1°t7=977v/
2b(fss Lottle'AEtte.-:-.1 el;:..'. -;:d
Is the sister of Mr. W. S. Huntley of
Cortland, N. Y. a well known car -
pettier and builder. Her frank state-
ment below gives only the absolute
truth concerning her illness and mar-
velous recovery by the aid of Hood's
Sarsaparilla. She says:
00. L Hood St Co., Lowell, Mass.:
"Dear Sir: Twelve years ago I began to
have hemorrhages andfour years ago became
so low that the physicians told me
There Was No Hope
raid 1 should soon die. I could not be moved
from my bed. Under any face were napkins
continually reddened with blood from my
mouth. A- naiad eat nothing and had no
action of the bowels fora week, The doctorS
said the cause was ulcers in the stomach. At
this time my mother said she wanted to make
one moro trial, and asked if I would take
Flood's Sarsaparilla. I told her it would bo
A Waste of Money
but finding it would comfort her, I began tak-
ing It. In a few days the bloating " Sgan to
subside, I seeined to fool a littlo stronger, hilt
thought it only fancy. I waS so weak -I could
only take ten dropa of Sarsaparilla at first.
In tWe weeks I was able to sit up, a few niin-
utea every day. In a month II castld walk
morose 640 VO0t111. Ono day I asked what
they were to have for dinner, and said I
wanted something hearty. My inother was
so happy she eried. It Was the
MEI 'rime d §'aad Fegt Nun-
gry fov Two Years
1 kept 00 with Hood's Sarsaparilla ancl in six
months was as wanes over in my life. It is
now` sour years since I recovered, and I have
not had a day's sicknesS sinee, nor any limner-
rbage. If ever a human being thanked the
good Lord on berelea knees it was L 1 knoW
that Hood's ,sersaparina, and that alone,
unsmestionaley Waseca Anay li,ifo."
XesSre. Sager 6c Jennings, the well known
druggists of Cdrtlaed, say that Miss Huntley "is
a highly respected lady; hes statement of what
tiloocPs SarsaParilla
Has done or her is .wortily the highest cond.
dasses' II: sees reale eves Inas vo,
ON in the stilly night,
When Cholera Morbas fottnd nuto
Pain Killer" fixed me rigee
elor waltened those around ate.
Most OLD PEOPLE are friends a
Perry Davie
and often its very best friends, because
for many year's they have found it a friend
ie steed. It is the best Family Remedy
foe Bum, Bruises, Sprains, Rheumatism,
Neuralgia and Toothache. To get rid of
any such pains before they become aches,
Buy it right now. Keep it near you.
Use it promptly.
For sale everywhere. IT KILLS PMN.
er, mid was oweed by the Sturtevant
Lumber Co., of Cleveland, where she
was built in 1868. She was valueat
$15,000. A depaech from Goderich
says --Telegraphic inquiries along the
shore of Lake Huron have failed to
find any trace of the steam barge Nas
hua, which is believed to have found
ered off this port last weak, Mrs, Capt
Millets and Mrs Capt. Shepherd wore
on board, in addition to the crew of a
dozen nien.
Is the sad etor f sni
this si de rom im-
pure and insufficient blood, the disease
locates itself in the lymphatics, which
are composed of white tissues; there is
a period of,foetal life when the whole
body consists of white tissues, and
therefore the unborn child is especially
susceptible to this dreadful disease. But
there is a remedy for scrofula, whether
hereditary or acquired, It Is Hood's
Sarsaparilla, which by its powerful ef-
fect on the blood, expels all trace of the
disease and gives to the eatal fluid the
quality and color of health. If you de-
cide to take Hood's Sarsaparilla, do not
take any substitute.
TRH (11tH41 Nt431XtD1r, ea,eilr, quickly and,
ermanently restores Weakness, xtisssoesosss sae I104t Ildannuod.
A OVARAIPMV speci4c for Fits and Neoploia, Hysteria, Dirsiness,
ConvIsions, Nervous prostration cased by tlio use q 1 Tobacco or
Alcohol, 1,oss of 'Power in either Se; involuntary Losses caused by
over -indulgence. We guarantee six boxes to cure any case or refund
rooney. 4t. a box, 0 bozos for $5. Address 148.4gente Span.
IllEetlloino Co,. DetroXt, 504 by druggietti.
Sale .ip. kixoetor by. Ali. W. Brovvning,
To soe bow your stock, of FALL aod WINTA SUITINGS is for
the eenling seasons,
Of Course You Haven't
And when the cool Days and Nights cons° you will be
in a BIG HURRY to get one of the NOBBY TWEED SUITS that GRIEVE is
selling. for
01 perhaps you wain a fine OVERCOAT, if so, we have a
Large and Complete Stock to Pick from.
And in Bleck suits we do them all for quality and cheapeess.
If so, see What we are making for
2.7/5 Wein/r1-1 $8.75.
ahd we make all those goods up IN GOOD STYLE with the best Trimming
See our 75o. Tweeds, and we cut our own goods free
of charge.
Remember the Place.
iture busi
There strayed on theyremises of the under
signed, Lot 12, Concession 9, Us borne, on or
about the 26t1i August, 5 yearlings (I steer
and4 heifers). Owner can have same by
paying expenses and. proving proporty.
rr. BnowN, Winchelsea . 0
:Ratu Puking loll
Hogs Wanted. Dressed
or Alive.
Dressed. Hogs bought subject to the
following conditions: -2 lbs per cwt.
off; 5 lbs extra if shoulder stuck; 3 lbs
for either bungegut or gullet, if left in.
All Hogs to be cut through
from Tail to Throat.
Highest Price paid for HOp'8
weighing from 100 to 200'
pounds, dressed,
SNELL2,103 & Co.
—Bargains in --
Harness, Trunks,
Valises, Whips,
Rugs, Boots,
Shoes,Rubbers 8,3c.
John Treble's, Main-st.
Half fox Felt Boot, Grain, $2.00;
Pelt Boot, Loose Socks, Grain, .$2,25;
Men's Rubbers, 50c;
Women's Rubbers, 300;
1Vlissese Rubbers, 25c;
Skilled Workmen, are MI-.
ployed to manufacture the
goods,and the best of ma-
erial s used..
Proinpt attention given to all kinds
of repairieg.
My Stock is well assorted arid every
is guaranteed satisfaction
The Prices Mall a gale every tii110.
Call and be convinced.
Amidst all Blow & Bluster
Still takes the lead in the Fum-
y to call on people in need of
warerooras and see my stock
this line.
r ere vrox neatly .one oil shortest notice.
Remember I have also a
handsome line of
Undertakilig Goods always on haiad.
Any calls in this line will be promptly attended to and satis-
faction guaranteed every time,
Stand next Molson's Bank. ROBT. N. ROWE.
%CS >21,C11.11,....1211
The undersigned havinss" handsome-
ly fitted up hie parlor andrestaurant
--will serve—
during the Summer Season. Also a
large supply of
Confectionery, Bread, Buns
Cakes &c.
Visits Exeter every Wednesday and
Saturday afternoon. All orders left
with George Sanders promptly attend-
ed to.
Oysters and fruits of all kinds in
tbeir season.
One Hundred and Forty-one
handsome Photographs oi
In One Grand „
picru E
All the Conservative
Members of
1892parli mer1t1892
Including extra large size photographs of Sir John
Abbott, Premier, and Sir ,John Thompson, leader
of the House of Commons, surrounded hy the
Cabinif Ministers, and grouped on either side the
members of the House from every Province in the
Dominion, making a totalo,f to splendid photo-
graphs; every one a p,erfact likeness.
This great picture is a reproduction by Photo-
gravure process on copper plate of the picture
presented to Sir John Thompson by the Conserva-
tive Members during the last session.
Tits EMPIRE has secured the copyright to repro-
duce this Grand Picture. It is printed on special
plate paper in photographic inks, and is 3 feet 6
inches by z feet 4 inches m size, and makes a spice.
did picture for framing. A key giving the name of
a.tch member and constitueney represented is printed
on the margin, making a valuable work of reference.
Will be made for this Grand PrOmpurn,
but It Will do
Ye Every Gubsoridor for the
ookly E pre
FOR 13934
TISE SVssitty tn.:plus is without doubt the best
Weekly for St.00 published in Canada, containing
to pages of latest news of the day. Special depart-
ineMs on Agrieuhure, Woman's Empire, Cur
Curiosity Shop, Old World Diary, the 1tttb8t Sport-
ing Events, etc. only Ono Conar per year.
Sent to any address in Canada or 1110 United States.
EVehy subscriber will get the Premium Picture as a
Present. •
Send in your subscription at once, or order
through our kcal agent,
StrDLt, Eucr. AdatZ8. TN= mr,trin; Toronto,. 1.'rett
A complete stock of
Pure andReliable Drugs
PatetItmegicius, sDoligos,
illvillist's suppties
At rightand reasonable prices.
and Family Receipts
Carefully Prepared.
0011611011 Fowler
the best in the market.
When in need of a
Wilihr Omni
The Clothier,
Who gives the best satisfac-
tion obtainable in
the village. -
He also has a
gl ; p
i)tggit OtOthi
In his quarters:
Over F. J. Kt -light's Grocer
tour Patronage Solicited,