HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-10-13, Page 1.........m,..,................... St1.1).801.1be for The EXETER ADVOCATE 1, Only gO from now hill Tannery ist 1303. (live it a trial. VOL. IN 10.01.1109EVSEMSIMVamir-WX.,.....01.116.11k EXETER Tito ADVOCATE °PUCE -when in, need sn,le Bflls, linalti 13111s, .1:4ette Heads and Envelopes -in fee all kznrlsef pie tin e,, ,411...0.am!..mrassauclown......sasem-AROW, ON'TARIOq THURSDAY OCTOBER 13, 1892. NO 278 The Nialsorts Bank.. (Chartered by Parliament, 1855.) Paid up Capitel... .. $2,000,000. Rest Fuiid. 1,100,000, Hotta office lf on treat. F. WOLFERSTAN THOMAS, Esq., GEN1311AL MANAGER, Money advaueed to good Fartner'e on their • Own notes with one or more eudorsers t 7 per oent per annui.n. Exeter Bra,nch, Open every lawful dey from 10 a. m. to 3 p. me Saturdays 10 a.m. to 1 p. m A general banking business transacted CURRENT RATES %Hewed formon- ey on.Doposit Receipts. Savings Bank at 8 per cent. N. DYER HURDON Exeter, Jan 23, '83. Sub ganager THE ete'AZ)11.1roficcti,e Is published every Thursday Morning, et the Office, IVIA,IN-STREET, - EXETER. By the SA.NDERS' PT.J.BLISHING COMPANY. TERMS OF SUISSCItIPTION". One Dotter per annum if paid in Advance. 01.53 if not so paia. aireclemertesien.G. 1.szetec, or .21-ppiacce- tics% No paper discontinued until all arrearages are paid.. Advertisements without specific direetions will be published till forbid and eharged. accordingly. Liberal discount made for transcient advertisements inserted for long periods. Every description of JOB PRINTING turned outlet the finest style, and at moderate rates. Chenusgemoney • &e. for advertising, subsuriptions, etc. to be made payable to Sanders Sz Sweet PROPRIETUlie Cheireli 1Direetory. __Tnevirr Ms:moaner. Cnuitow..--Itev. F.1[ Nett, Rector. Sunday Services, ii a. m and 7_31. nee. Sabbath echeol, a pena. Holy C ern un ion , ern Sunuar tidal '111.411-1. tie itte'rrning seryiee.ancLin months of five Sun- days, after Evening Service of eth Sunday of the mouth. Holy Baptisrn on enti Sunday of each ixtoetli at morning service. ,A•I' METHODIST CIIITROII-40aDeS-St Rev. A. L. Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services, 10.30 a. m. and 6.30 p.m, Sabbath School, 240 Ts m. Mn &rimer -Rev. W. McDonagh, Pas- tor. Sunsiey Services, le 30 a. m. teed 6.30 pan. Sabbath School 2.30 le tn. _ _ PRESBYTERIAN CRITRull.-110V. W. "Martini Pastor. Stmeay Services, II a. m. au d 6.30 p. m Sabbath School, 9.45 a.n... rrofessionai Cards. Tr. KINSMAN, L.D.5, Fanson/s Block two doors north of Carling Store, MAIN STREET, EXETER, extractsteeth velthotet pain. Away at Hens:all on Friday; Ailsa Craig on teed and. 4th TueSheril anct Zurich on last Thursday of each. mouth. CH. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal . College Dental Surgeons, successor to H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office Exeter, Out. A safe anaesthetic given for the painless extreetion of teeth. Nine Gold Fillings as required. medical. y 13 WHITELY, M. De C. M., PHYSICIAN . ancl Surgeon.. Office and residence - Corner Victoria ana Elgin streets, Goderieh, Ontario. TNR. J. A. ROLLINS. OFFICE -MAIN ST. • .3,esiclenee--0orner Andrew and North Streets, Exeter, Ontario. DR.T. P MeLLUGHLIN, MEMBER OF the College cif Physicians and Surgeons Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and Acconch- eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont. ▪ T, A. AMOS, M. Do C. M, Memlsor of College of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario; lieenth.te of the Royal College of Physicians and. Surgeon* Edinburgh; licen- tiate of the Permit), of Physieians and Sur- geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical college, Toronto. Office -Dr. COWER'S old stand. ' UNSIIIIIIafarl.,*Offa•Pefla•BI• H. COLLINS, BARRISTER, SOLICIT - Olt, Conveyancer, Notary Public. Offiee-Over O'Nell's Bank, Exeter, Ontario. Money to Loan. 1 II. DICKSON, BARRISTER, SOLICITOR • of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con- veyanoer, Commissioner, See. Money to lean Office -Fa nson!s Block, Exeter. PLLIOT & ELLIOT, BARRISTERS, SOLIC- ..124 itors, Convoyaneerer &e. B V.ELLIOr. J. ELLIOT Auctioneers. TT 'BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Meat - AL • ioneer for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne Sales promptly attendea to andiermsreason %hie. Wes arranged at Post office, 1Vinehelsa AJ. ROLLINS, latd of Manitoba, Lieens- ed. Auctioneer, for the counties of Eur - en and Middlesex. Residence: 1mile south of Exeter, Ont. Sale Orders by mail or other- wise promptly attended to at reasonable prices. BOSSENBERRY, Hansen. Ontario, Lie- . owed Auctioneer for the Countys of Huron end. Perth. Charges moderate and satisfaction guaranteed. T HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for tbo .11-4. County of Huron. Sales Conducted on reasonable terms, Farm and Farm Stock a s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made at this office, VRED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land 11 Surveyor and Civil Engineer. Office, Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont. J) AIV)) MILLER, Veteritiary Surgeon, Graduete of the Ontario veterinary coitege,Toeotto, (successor to 'Win. Sweet, V. S) Oyer 18 years practice, 011itse anct residenee one block east of RieharaPielcarcts store. Opposite Simile g Rink, Exeter, Ont. mornemeemmisomegenestemmetearsmommommoommiemsome E ARI/DST ELLIOT. eoreer role The 'Western Fire Assurance comeany, of Toronto The Phenix Fire Insurance Co'y., of London, England. The Alliance Fire Asset., Co'ye of London, England. Ofecee-Mtien-street, Exeter, Ont. FOR BAIA, Ala veerliebt Pfen o (Itairon 11 leek ) it aeo--aimostnew, Apply et this biles GEO. A. HYNDMA Exeter, TEAS FOB TIE BEST AND COFFEES. Wheat per bushel.. $0.63 to 0,65 Barley ..... . . 35 to 40 Oats......... Peas Butter Eggs .. Potatoes per bus ...... 40 to 40 Hay per ton' . ..... 5.00 to 6.00 26 to 27 56 to 67 15 to 16 '14&14 London Huron & Bruce Rai/way Passenger griIII0 Table, GOING NORTH., 11.111 . p.m. Lontion,delet 8.05 1.25. .LecanCros'g 8.47 5.20. Clend.elloye 852 528 Centralia 105 .5.45 EXETER 9.16 5.57. Hensall 9.28 0.09 Kippen 9.34 047. Brueellehl 9.42 e.20 Clinton 10.00 C1.15. Loriclesboro' 10 19 7.03 Blyth 10.28 7.12. Belgreve 10 42 7,27 Wingb are 11,00 7.45. .....101•1400411.011,d01•10001.10 MM. BOYS WANTED. GOING SOUTH. a M. p.m. Winghem 705 340. Belgrave 7.54 1.00. Myth 7.38 4.15, Londesboro' 7,47 4.25, Clinton 8,07 4.45, Brueefielcl 8.26 5.04 Kippen 8.34 5.12 Hansen 8.41 5.19" ' EXETER 8,57 5.57 Cen.tralia. 0.095,45 Clandeboye 9.18 5.56 Lucan Cros'g 9.24 6.02 London ri,,rr 10 15 64.5 12:SISSOWN,40=1/01. About 30 boys or, men wanted eek„ once to pick apples, for which liberal' S ages will be paid. Apply to Wia. BA LICWILL, London Road. TEACHER WANTED, FEMALE. .Eor 13,98, holdihoe, second e hird class eertificate, for S. S. No. 5, Hay. Apply stating sa expected. to 30 Tuos. TtreNenee, Brewster, Ont. BOAR FOR SERVICE: Tho nurlersignect will keep for service on Lot 15, Con, Srd, Stephen, a thoroughbred Berkshire Boar. TERMS: -$1, payable at time of service, with privelege of returning if necessary. Jas. WILLis, Prop. Stephen. .& few days ago while Wm. Hag, shaw, jr , was attending to his cluties on the farm, ho put out his hands to catch a barn door, which the wind had caught, when a large nail penetrated the palm of his hand,-Mi.Sidn"ev San ders has been ill during the, past week with an iuward trouble, but has now fuley recovered from the attack. -Tho masons hove completed the cellar for Wm. Dearing's new house. 'Kippen. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jarrett return ed on Wednesday to their home in the township of Maughan, after.a ViSit to friends in Stanley. --Miss Annie Jar- ottt, daughter of Mr. John Jarrott, re turned honie from Manitoba last Nveek after a stay ,of 10 months in the prair. ie province. She reports bwood crops there and reports thing's 10o1inge well generally.---Kippen • Council Royal Teiriplars of Temperance intend hold, ing an optnemeeting in the public hall en Friday evenitig, October 14th. .An exce$1eit programme has been proper ed, cOnsistieg of Vocal and instrumental music, readings, recitations and dia- logues. .A. cordial invitation is extend ed to every one. Dp II n•nwr I i AT CHAT Chatham, Oct. 11. -The mysterious diseppearauce of a considerable anToun t of cash from the teller's box has thrown the °Metals of the Standard Hank in this city lute a state of excitement. The amount iniesing cannot be erated, for the reason that officers, from the president dowe, are reticeet,anq 1:01.48„p to furnish the, re i This -m eer e„ , Seen trlof ames st. Met etits6,ehurch. Hard and soft water on the premises. Possession given 1.6th Nov., '92. Apply to T. DEARING or at this office. • .......reasoose=m-c.1=2.4=3,==thramersemr, .Brewster. Mr. and Mrs. Robe, Taylor spent the latter part of last week visiting friends in Forest.-A1r. J. Curts was hastily summoned to the bedside of his father, who is lying at the point of death, on Friday of last week. -The hull of the steam barge Nashua, which was wrecked on Lake Huron in the storm on Wednesday last, is aground about a quarter of a mile north of Taylor's grove. -Miss K. Gilmore, who has spent the last six weeks yisiting her sister, Mrs. Hoist. Taylor, has returned to Forest, accompanied by Miss Jennie Taylor, where they intend engaging in the dressmaking business, -Mr. S. Ross spent Sunday last in Forest. Grand Bend. The farmers in this yicinity are bus- ily engaged in takingup their roots at present, the weather being fayora,b- le.-A number of friends of this limn- ity attended the Parkhill air on Wed- nesday, Oct. 5th, mid report having a good time. -Miss Bella Tetxan, Miss -Mary Ann Pollock, of A B Line, and Miss Martha Pollock, of Brewster, in. tend starting for Detroit on Wednes- day, where they intend to spend the winter. -On Tuesday evening, Oct. 4th, at the residence of the bride's fath- er, Mr. R. Pollock, Mr. S. A. Carrier united in holY. bonds of matrimonV Miss Mary Pollock and Mr. Edward Desjardine. A happy future to the young couple. Stalirey. FARM SoLre,-Mr. C. H. Reed hae sold his farm, lot 13, Hayfield Road south, Stanley, to Mr. John Reed for the sum of $3,500. The farm con- tains 42 acres and adjoins one of Mr, John Reed' e other farms. Mr. Reed is to be congratulated on his purchase,sis it is a good farm aucl it, together with his other land, gives him a fine farm of over 220 acres. -Goon On Saturday last Staribury Brothers delivered to Messrs Charles Mason and P. McGregor, oa 13rucefleld, an exceed- ingly fine team of three year old geld, Inge, whieh weighed 1,560 and 13660 respectively. TheY were bred by the Messrs. Stanbur,y and were the stock of the well known stallion Kenilworth, o........e.•••••••rearematormes. %MAT STRONGER PROOF Is needed of the merits of Hood's Sar, entwine, than the hundreds of letters, continually corning in telling of marv- ellous mane it has effected after all oth- er remedies had failed? Truly, Hood'e Sarsaparilla possesses peculiar curatiVe power unknown to other medicines HOod'e Pills cure Constipatien ey . storing thc peristaltic, action of the all- menteranal. They are the besb family cathartic. ne easy- -access e eprem ises. It Will "probe blr, reach $5,000, if not more. A Govern mesa detettive has been for several days investigating the affair, but is not yet ready to report. 'rhe baeile is fully secured by guarantee bold. Varna. FIRI1.-0n Sunday. morning, 4th inst., about half past nine; our citizens were srartled by the cry lof fire. It was soon ascertained that Mr.Morrow's store was on fire. When {list seen the smoke was burstingout through the roof and siding. In a few minutes about one hundred people had gather ed to aid in extinguishing,the flemes, pails and aees were secured, and in a very short time holes were cut in the roof and plaster, and two streams ot water were continually playing into the seat of the fire. Men, women and children strenuously fought the fire for -over one hour, when: it was got un- der conerol. A great deal of goods •was destroyed by the water, the dry woods especially which had been car- ried out, as it wan thought at one time that the buildingP could not be saved. The loss heestimated at $1,000, fully covered by insuranee.---Mr. Robert McCook who ha,s been manager of Mr, Morrow's store for number of ,yea.i.s, left on Monda,y morning for Harring- ton, where he has purchased the store formerly run by Mr. White, of that place. Mr. McCool has the ability and experience necessary to make a sue. ceas of his business, and We are sure. he will do well in Harrington. He has the well wishes of the 'people of Varna. He ha's engaged Mr. John Wanless to assist him as clerk, and he could not have made a bettor choice. Zurich. Miss L. Cook, of Hensel], was the guest of Miss Lippert part of last week -Mr. Joseph Broderick, of Berne,Miche but formerly of this neighborhood, is renewing acquaintances in these parts at present. Joe says he likes Michigan and we wish him succe,ss.--Mrs. Dan Davis and Mrs. Ed. Dyer, of Exeter, were the guests of Mr. D. Steinbach last week. -Mr. Sam Hauch, of Dash- wood, was in town last Saturday. - The bridge 0Yer the Big Marsh Ditch ie now completed and appears to be a stton 0. strtleture.--Mr. Pre(' Hess, our watch and elock repairer, and Miss .A.Ilan, of Blake, were last Wednesday united in the holy bends of matritnony Our best 'wishes go with the hewly married couple, aiid natty their 'future life be one of happiness and prosperity. -Mise Lizzie Latta, of Chiselherst, after spending' several days visiting - in town, has returned honee.-Mr, D, Steinbach, merehante has greatly im prored the appeeratice of lite Store by puttitig in a large glass front -Apple pecking' hes commenced rind the crop in this section appears to be very good -D. Steinbach, general merchant, has cfecured the iServicee of 'Arisie Edith Lang. of Harristom to conduct his inilliaery department, and le now pre- pared to sUpply the Wits Of his yari otir etwfortieriii; et, rms. I Buy yonr new Mantle and bat HEYwoop.-in Usborne, on the 120h . ----- , the Big Bankrupt Store, Their stoe , inst., the wife of Joshua Heywood, of i 18 au new and values rightTry. 18010 ' , FANsole -In EXeter, on the 8th inst., the Wife of Samuei Fans* of a son. at Jonerseelx.-In Hay, on, the llth inst., wife of Wm, Johnston, teacher, of a daughter. Aenennw.-Iu Exeter, on the We inst., the wife of Ira FL Andrew, of a son. MARIalLe1.61 ES. AlkaXNE-Por,rsome.-At the resi dence of the bride's father on the 4th inst., ley Rev. S. A. Carrier, Mr. Edward Desjardine, to Miss Nancy Pollock., All of Stephen. Ceez--Snfrree--In Amherstburee, on the llth thee, by the Rey. W. Ie. Gene, Mr. Thomas Oke, to Miss Elizabeth, clanghtar of M. 'I'leetna,s Shute, both of Exeter. Wedding in neatly printed, on short notice at the ADVOCATE office. Bidduiph.. The annual harvest thanksgiving services are to he held in St. Patrick's church, Hicldulph, on Sunday, the 16th inst. at 3 p m. H. Shaw Of Ll.Ic-all, iC announced to preach a "Thanksgiving Sermon." The church will be,decoyated for the occasion - and appropriate hymns rendered and prayers offered A epeeist collection ,is requested for the purpose of aiding in the. erection of now sheds for the ac- comodation of the public. All are wel- come! There will also be a harvest social entertainment on Friday even- ing, 21s0 inst., at the residence of Mr. Phineas Rueter, 4th concession of Us borne --under the auspices of the ladies of St. Patrick's church. .Refreshments .nd tea will be served from 6 p.m. to 8 s)in,--after which an attractive pro err'emrne will be offered. Look out for ,s%Ancithing good. Admission -15 cts,; ehtldren 10 sits, Come one -Come ell. .)* ebert John Knox Gore chargerl Ith perjury, was on Satu;day com- tied tostandhis trial at the next eMsrt of competent jurisdiction of the County of Irs .sircin. The priioner is the man who GT:VA:teed the attaele upon he c haractar of a c. Cameron, P., whic.h led up to the libel suit at the reeollt Assizes. Gore, when he heard that Cameron had determined to pros acute the newspapers, left the country, and went to Detroit. From that place he wrote a letter to Arec„ Caineroe, t. pressing contributiontar the wrong he bad done him, aud ended by making an affidavit that he had been used as a tool by the politicians opposed to Mr. Cameron. 'When the libel trials were on he returned to Goderich, but hear - that a warrant was out for his arrest kept in hiding and evaded serviem Af ter ehe trials were over he appeared on th.e street, and was arrested. The, adjourned trial of the case was heldein the town hall before Messrs. Horton and Willia,ms, JP's, and Mayor,Butler, and the prisoner was sent up for trial as before stated. The affidavit made by Gore at Windsor is said to be of a sensational nature Sharon. Mr, Wm. Rowe and family leave shortly for Michigan, where he has purchased farm property and intends residing. His many friends here .feel grieved to heat of his departure from their midse-Faimers are busily en- gaged with their fall Voughing.-Aft- er an illness of only a week's duration, Nehemiah, son ofeharles Nestle, Esq, passed peacefully away to that land of rest on Friday. Only a few days ago he was in robusi health and enjoying life, but being stricken with typhoid fever, he hastily succumbed to the ef- fects of that much dreaded disease. He was married about eight months ago, and leaves behind to mourn his loss a young widow, who is alsoconfin- ed to the bed with an attack of the same disease. Although her illness has been severe she is slowly recover, ing, and will in all likelihood baffle the complamt. The occurance has cast a gloom upon the family circle, and in fact the entire neighborhood le sorrow - stricken to hear of the result. He was respected and looked upon ae a law- abiding neighbor, and will be greatly miseby all, relatiyes friends and es eociates;but may He who reighse on high send comfort to the young widow Who has to endure the affliction, and when all is o'er may there be a reunion abovewhore parting is no rriore, Ise The Travelling Dairy from the Guelph Agricultural College sent out by the order of the Honorable John Dryden, Minister ef Agriculture, will shortly visit the courity of Perth. At each meeting they will exhibit dairy utensil, make butter, test milk, and deliver lectures on feeding, manage- ment, and selection of dairy cattle, the churning, working, packing and mar- keting of better; at the followieg pia- ces: porate School House, Gore of Downie, Oct. 14th at 3 p.m.; St. Marys, Oct. 15011 at 9 p.m.; AYouton Oct. 18th at 2 p.m.; Rirkton, Oct. 19th 'at 2 pm.: Stale, Oct, 20013, at 2 p.m, Fullerton Corners, Oct. 21st, at 2 p.m.; Oct, 24011, at 2 p.m..; Bornholni, Oct. 2501i, at 2 p.m. ,Kirkton The 13Iansharcl Agrieultural Socict held their fedi show here on Thursda awl Friday last. The first day wa principally deyotecl te making 'ratite and placing exhibits on the grouni The second day (Friday) notwithstand ing the threatening raiui was a succes and every part of the programme pass ed off with commendable, promptnes and regularity. The inside diapla was particularly good ancl attractec rnuch admiration. There was it goo show of stock and the speeding con tests attracted much attention. One of the most interesting features of the day was the tight rope performance by Mr, Herb Cook, which took place at the conclusion of the speeding The young man is a resident of Blanshard and deserves much praise for the mas terly way- in which he performed the many difficult feats on the roue. The following is the list: - EIORSES,---Httevy Drawl:tr.-Span, R. Boy; brood mare, J. Hooper & Son, Geo. Spearin ; two year oia, R. G. Radcliffe, Jas Bentley ; one yesr old, Stewart Campbell, Jno. McCullough ; foul, Geo. Speariu, Alex Roy, J.- Hooptr & Son. CANADIAN DRAUGHT.-SDED, WM. REM. eon ; brood mare'Geo. Spearin, Jas. Hack- ney, R. G. Radcliffe; two year old, Hy Ran dle, John Towl; one yr. old, R. G. Radcliff; foal, Jas. Hackney, Geo Rundle, George Spearin. Aanicurauan.-Span, Jos. Rinn, Simon Campbell, Jas. Hackney; brood mare, Thos Brock, Simon Campbell, Geo. Rundle; two yr. oldeJas Baileiatyne, David Dow, Alex. Hackney ; foal, Chas. Wilson, Simon Campbell, J Damian, jr. GENERAL PUBDOSE.---Span, Stewart Campbell, Jris. Balleutyne, ,Tno. Foster ; brood mare. Wm. Hanson, NeiliMeLennan; two year old, Robe Oreery,, Eli Heywood, Thos Epplott ; one -16u old; Robt. Dreary, Neil McLennan, Wm. Joheston ; foal, T, Fin zel wood , Neil McLennan, Wm. Hanson. uttoso; 13Iansbard. JAil,g,.-F,Vm. graham, St. Marys; Win Juhe an,,„,yirm. Hanna. Earl Deer an Bryn foal, J. Ar istrorigia horse, h'. Davis, D "Creigh on. Seenen Honen.-Wm. Butter, Aaron Sawyer. CARRIAGE. -Span, J Wood ; single horse Robt. Dreary, F. Davis; brood mare, Simon Campbell, Jun. lessery ; two yt AS. Heck:ley, Gee. Speerin ; one year old, Jas. lAitIT.1,!Beyng. .t:JBds as. ryane; foal, J. D. Wood Jon Shier; Lege oats, Jon Shier; cote mom oats, white'Jim Setherlancl, W. M. Le1glie• common oato, 1.11 !wk. 511.3retliort7; large pees D Brethour, Wm Yule ; small peas, Win Yule; flax eeed, Brethour, Mies Stephens; flax in straw, Ill Bi '0110111, D. Brethour; English la,ge garden peas, Reuben Switzer, Geo, Hazelwood; white garden beans, Jon. Shier, MBrethour;Indian eorn, R.Copuland, Jae. Marshall, ROOTS AND Ynosehnens,--neenty of He.- .„ bron, Jas Marshall; white elephant, R. Copeland, Jno Sutherland; early rose, Ad - Shier' Jae. Marshall; bin bank. secillings,thn col ofpotatoes, Jae Marshall, Alex Boy; sweedibh turnips, Ale: 11 y, W. U. Leigh ; field cart eta, ,Tho Sethei land, Jan Shier t garden carrots, D Hoz le ow?, Ernest 1tobin eon; mangel wuttzel, retl, W 51 Leigh, 3 1?oupe ; mange' wurizel, globe, W Hazel- wuod, Alex Roy; °nimbi, 1) Demon, W Paisey ; blood beets, <Tee efoore, T Darling; cabbage, T. Roadhouse, Ernest Robinson ; tomatoes, D. DEWSOD, Jan Shier; celery, W Er Faisey, Wm A tkinsoe; eitron, round, Rich Delbridge, D Dawson ; pumpkin, It, Delbridge, Reuben Shier; water mhrn, R Robinaon•'meek melon. J Hazelwood; sir parsnips, W. ft Paisey, Brethour, Judgee--Win Boattle rind Rohl Berry. FRDIT.-NorthRre Spy apples, W lianson Tallman sweets, Win Flauson; Baldwius, X Shier; I now apples, Alex Roy ; Rhode Is- lanCt Greening, WI.11 Hansen; King of Tote kips, David Dow; Aleis.eder, Wm El/10307i; pipP-11, N Sher; twenlylounce pip- pin, Wm Ilsmon; golden rus4eit, W It Carr Spit zenberge, Wm Han eon; sweet pear ap- ples'D Brethonr; Pomme Grasse, James Watson , col of apples, Wrn Hanson; crab apples, A Brethour, G fiszelwoed; open air grapes, Serial Ford, Ernest Robinson; plum Jon Shier fall pears, S I?, Goodwin; win- ter pears, 'John Robinson, Jon Shier. DAIRY Inmerme.---Ieeg buiter, mho ar. Orieghton, Mrs. R. Robieson, or • crock but ter, Jon Shier, John quhart•, dairy made cheese, Wm Yule; factory butter, john Hannah. Mrecermearnoes -Maple atter.; D. Braes ouie Jon Shier; maple syi up, Miunle Creig htou, T. Holliageheacl; home made bread. Ella CI ei6hton, Alex Rey; home Made shirt ing, Miss Nut, M. Brethour• plaid, all - mod, woman's wear, Miss Noll; hlankete, woollen, Mrs J. D. Graham, Mies M. Jam- ie.ou; union blankets, 3irs D Graham, Mi M. Jamieson; honey in sections, Alex Kirk, Geo. Bentley; extracted honey, Geo Beu,ley, David Dow; following aro for can- ned fruit : peaches, D. Hazelwood, Maggie Jamieson., plums, Yon Shier, Mrs Hanham pears, Maly McCallum', Wm Wiseman; ,herriee, Jae Moore,jon Shier; gooseberries Brethen ,r Jas Moore; strawberries, Mrs art J,24.S.geiee Jamieson; raspberries, tomatoes, W Han- , Judges f r light horses and speeding on the track :-Wm. Dana, Granton; Dan .Me Lady, St Marys; and J. S Doppia, Mitch- ell. CATTLE.-Duarrsar.-Milob cow, ,Tn.o. Hooper az Son, J Hazelwood. J. Hooper & Son ; two year old heifer, Jon Sutherland ; yearling heifer, Jas. Bentley, Geo. gill; bull calf, Geo Gill, Stroi'l Switzer. ,` Jauszse.-Cow, Chris Coates."Geo Hazel wood"; bait, Win Kulc Qbus Coates. Guanais.--Miloh cow, David Rodger, J. Hooper & Son ; two yr old heifer, J Hooper Son, 3. Delbridge; yearling heifer, Jae. Moore, Jas. Routley; heifer calf, D. Roger, Jas. Moore; steer calf, 3. Hooper ds Son 1st and 20; two yr old steer, J. Hooper de Son 1st and 2d '• one year old steer, J. Hooper dr Son, Jas Moore; fat cow, Alex Roy, Hooper & Son; fat steer, J. Hooper di Son let and 20. judges.- J. W. Bleighan, jas SHEEP. -LEICESTER.-- •RSID, Thos Cur- silley, S. F Goodwin ; yearling ram, Thos. Currilley ; ram lamb, S. F Goodwin, Thos. Onrrilley; breeding ewes, Thos. Currilley, S. F. Goodwin; shearling ewes, S. F. Good win, Thos. Oarrilley ; ewe lambs, Thos. Carrillo'', S. F. Goodwin. , Sunoesacrin Dowes.--Ram two yr old, T Brook ; yearling ram, S. Doupe, H. A. Switzer ds Son ; ram lamb, Lt A Switzer & Son, S Doupe; bleeding ewes, S Doupe, H A Switzer & Son; shearting ewes, 5 Doupe, HA Switzer & Sou; ewe Iambs, S Doupe, H• A Switzer & S°71. GRADE. -E wee, H A Switzer it Son, Wm Kirk; shearling ewes, 8 F Goodwin, Rioh Delbridge ; fat sheep, H A Switzer lot 6/2d SWINE.--Yonicsuink.-Breeding sow, S. Doupe; sow under one yr. S Doupe. CHESTER WHITE -Aged beer, Francis Anderson ; breeding sow, Wm Kirk, J. Hazelwood; sow under one yr. F. Anderson BEHEST:NEB.-Breeding SOW, Jon Shier. Surrotx.-For aged boar, breeding soW, boar under one year, and sow under one yr. J. Leinhardt, being the only exhibitor won lluadigletsh.1 PLilizEncl.M. Cameron, Alex ewe. and Jas Marshall. POULTRY. -Dark brahmas, Hugh Hazel- wood, light brahmes, H. Hazelwood lst and 20 ; black spabisb, S. Ford; houclaus, Geo Bentley; white leghorns, Geo Bentley; dark leghores, Geo. Bentley, Wm Kirk; eolande Geo Bentley; barnyard fowls, Geo Bentley; turkeys, Rtoh Delbridge F. Anderson ; geese, D Dawson, H A Switzer & Son;dnoks H A Switzer & Son; Sam'l Switzer, ham- burg, Geo. Bentley. Judge. -Thos. eleelooklin, Farquhar. leteentrnems.-Single top buggy, D Mo- riarty, Gollintz & Hughey; single open buggy, Gollintt & Hughey, Tilos Roadhouse Portland cutter, D Moriarty, Gollhatz Hughey; piano bee cutter, D. Mot/trey; pleaeure sleigh, D Moriarty; laniber wag- gon, Thos. Roadhense ; iron beam plow, A Breihmir; pair iron harrows, Sorel Ford; seed drill, A Brethour; bet horse shoo, S. Ford, let and 2,1; turnip cutter, A. 13retli our; Scuiller. A Br, timer; pump, James Swallow, 'rhos Roadhouse was AWarcled an extra for road cart , and woodwork of bob 6lelgehdg aes.-E1 Drown, C. Bayley, St Marys Grum-Fall wheat, 'white, Jon Shier, W Yule; fall wheat, red, Wm Gowan, R. Del. bridge; spring whoa, white, Win Gowan, W. Hazelwood; sprieg wheat, red, John D. Graham; 6 -rowed berley, 'SVm Hazelwood, ate o ing, 3 Senior, Lily Payl r, v.s, 3 Senior; crayon portrait, -`,1`" OhT� Ernest Robinson; landscape, crayon, aliss Steacy, Ernest Robinson; plaid shirting, factory, Adam Shier; factory blanket, A Shier; home made soap, W Hazelvrood ; atoves, Wm Moore ; organ, D0113. organ Co Medley, W Hazel .mod; oil painting Miss 41'.Tauccr. ges -H. C. Facey and j. D. Moore, St Mary. LAME,' WORK-HMI:1 SeWIDE, Min M. Jamieson, Mary Mcdialtum; shirt, mee's fine, unwashed, hand -made, Miss Nott, Miss Doupe; shirt, men's fine unwashed., machine made, Miss Donne, Miss Nott; shirt, men'e flannel, hand made, Miss Nett, Hiss Doupe; darninc, on stocking, Mrs j. D. Graham Miss Nott; counterpane, croch- eted, Minnie Creighton, Miss Nott; coun- terpane, knitted, Minnie Creighton, Janne Watson; qtfilt, patchwork, calico, Mra. franham, Lizzie Horn; quilt, patchwork, oloth, D. Brethour,Ion Shier; quilt, patch- work, silk, Mr S EralllaRM, quilt, white quilted, Miss Dorms; qailt, log cabin,Miss Nott Mrs R.Robinson,sr.; crazy patchwork, Mrs 11 Robinson, sr, Wm Hazel wood; Glovee, ociarse, hand -made, T Hyde; gloves, One, hand -made, Minnie Creighton, Mini Nett; knitted stockings, wool, hand- made, Minnie Oreighton,Miss Nott; knitted socks, wool, hand -made, Miss Nott, Mineie Oreightou; stockings, fanoy cotton, hand made, Mies Jamieson, Miss Nott; button holes, Mrs JD. Granatu, Mrs Haeham; darned net, Mrs Hanham, Minnie Creigh- ton; LambrequimMinnie Oreighton; underclothing, Miss Jamieson, Alex Roy; point lace, .Miss Nett, eIre J. D Graham; honiton lace, Ella Creighton, MIT. J. D. Graham; anplique work on plush, Miss Nott, Mrs Hanbnin ; ermine work, Miss Nott, Alex Bey; embroidery in lace stitches Miss Note embroidered flippers, Miss Not", Miss McCallum; &ewe' embroidery, Mrs Hanham, Jno Irying; venetian embroidery, Miss Jamieson, Minuie 10reighton; ohenille work, Wm Harmon, Mrs Hanham; cretonne work, Minnie Creighton, Ella Creighton; crotehel, in cotton, Miss McCallum, iJinnie Creighton ; crotchet in wool, Mrs J. D' Graham, Miss Nott; rook:het in silk Aire, Graham; Kensington einbroidary, Mae'. J. D. Graham, Mb Shier; jewel case and pin. cushion combined, Ella Creightou,S Doupe; sofa pillow, Ella Creighton, Minnie Creigh- ton; totiet set of any kind, Miss Note Ella Creighton; ooyerlet, home made, Miss Nott, Miss Jamieson; child's drese, Mist! Stephetis Mb Shier; Berlin wool work, Ella Creigh- ton, Mrs Henbane; rag mat, lf Brethour, Lizzie Horn; home made carpet, Miss Nott D. Dawson; collection raper flowers, Win Atkinson., Alex Roy; tea cosey,Urs Grahane Mg H Barr,'bead work, Minnie Creighton, Ella Creighton; drawn work, Mei Hanham, D Dawson; table scarf, Mrs Graham, D. Brethour; ribbon work, Aire Grahein, elre Hanham: shell Werk, 3 Hazelwood, D. Hazelwood ; hat, Canadian straw, M. Brethour, D. Brethour; pillow shams, Miss; Jamieson, Mrs Hanham; best and largest collection of ladies' Werk of one person,1VIISe Dorme; novelties that ere entirely new and omitted in above list D. Dawson, Elie, Speeials--Embroidery on cotton, Mrs. Graham,'einbroidery silk, Mrs Graham; rope work, Alex Roy ; picture drape, Aloe Roy; chair scarf, Miss Epplett; Berne wool wreath, Wm Hee 'wood; chamoieepeititing Alex Roy; pirogue, Alex Roy. Judges -11153 Meriott, ?.Ire T.tiazolwook Mrs Thoe. Feowens-Collection house plants', Wint Atkins' on G' L Money ; three or more geraninine, Wm Atkinson, G. le Money; three or more itteehiaa, 11, llobineon, Money; three or more cacti, Win Aticihson, G L Money; three or mere rime plants, az, Money, Emcee Robinson,