HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-06-05, Page 204 '8A ?tODERICH SI NAL,STAR,;I'UURSDAY, JUNE 5, 1969 Even bug spray in this canoe -camp package If you haven't a boat, a tent or any camping gear whatsoever -- forget it. Ontario'Igonquin Ptcovincial Park has the answer for an adventurous canoe trip this sumtj.er and all you need to bring along, is your no -wadi( self. Apart from your sports garb Sand. personal articles, everything required for an escape camping vacation can be supplied by three experienced outfitters located at the park, from canoe, tent, air mattress, pot clearier' even to bug spray. And among them, the have total of 500 canoes available, an impressive indicator of the wok of their facilities. Less than 300 miles from the U.S. • border, Algonquin', 2,910 -square -mile- wilderness encompasses an area almost the combined size of Delaware and Rhode Island. • . It is a land of lakes, rivers and virgin forest, where for the past 60 years wildlife has roamed unhindered in its natural habitat. • Fishermen will find a varlet\ of species to test their ,kill, including brook trout, lake trout, bass find walleye. Although there is a highway through the park, 37 miles from east to west gates, it barely scratches the surface of this east expanse. The1remainder is accessible .by canoe. And to fish the bu�ntiful interior • lakes and eonjoy the wilderness atmosphere, sportsmen must participate in the full experience.' of canoe travel. This is easier than one might . suppose.. You don't need to buy equipment, burden your car ,with. a boat or. trailer, or worry about food. When you arrive you can rent everything you need . from these outfitter specialists, and reasonably too. For example, for a daily, rate of $7.25, a plan offered by Algonquin Outfitters near the' park's western entrance; includes necessary. equipment and all the Guides • are considered* food you, need, with a variety of unnecessary . and are not • easy -to -prepare. dehydrates and ..available here. freeze-dried meats (steaks, pork chc,)ps, hamburger). to lighten the load un portages. 11 bile there is an all' -inclusive. daily cost deal, each major item of equipment has a separately-Iist'd rt'n1at rate (such as a\e, 2b cei ts.per day; sleeping hag and linter. 75 cents per day) so that trippers may bring along favorite items o1' their own and deduct ac.•tordingl. ' You ivav our ovv n food but it shtutld be remembered that the outfitters knov% vv hat's most prak•t t gill\. stilted to a canoe trip. A ,;untie is available il' desired 1.,1;0 per rlay pitss hi' food iiia equipment t. something unique has `f)ee'fl added 1)v . thr Portage Store. a posh to-Dark-o,tttfitting complex w high, in addition to a full food and equipment rental -list, includes dining room snack bar, halt -and stet kit' and gift - shops, sett.- t t tuct market and sightseeing 1)10h) Iheir neve w rinkte is a tent trailer rental w stern h\ w hich a standard or deluxe ti nu is taken to your selected lain {.)site trod sit up, complete vv nth inside electric lights'. • tvvo•hurm'r propane stove and ice chest. I his, can be done ittl, advance or \e it bin an hour of choosing vont. location'. It's removed at the end of your'stay:• all included in the rental fee. which range'. 'frons '43 -19 -per week for a four -person standard type. to $69 per week for the deluxe four -to -eight person trailer. \yith the latter go table: chairs, 9 x -12 canopy' and - gas lantern. Just pick your'si - (hes' do tih''rest. A visiting 'Texan vv:ho hauled his own camping trailer all the way up -continent to Algonquin,. last lgonquin- last 'summer ,vo>ved he'd shun that 'chore in future after' he learned of the trailer -on -the -spot arrangement. On •Opeongo Lake a little farther within the park, the (4peongo Outfitting Store also caters to the fisherman's needs with rentals - of canoes, boats, motors, sleeping bags and tents. Services include lunch room, provisions, bait . and tackle. ,Board for guests is $6.50. per day, including t.atnpittg equipment, plus canoe at ti3.5() daily, S21 weekly. .(luides Lire available at $17 pigs : 3 for food per day. Operating for a season of ahu-ut six months from the beginning of \lay to the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend in slid -October, the outfitters of • .Algonquin Park report an (\ tr-gro. ng demand for their ser\ ice since they started some 10 Years ago. Peak period is July and :August, though September and October are increasing in popularit\ It is possible to take a canoe trip of more than 7 miles and never encounter a portage of more than hall' a mile. And, with 2,156 lakes within the park's boundaries, ardent canu.e'tsts are able to returnyear. after \ear and •cover different territot•v . Although' • accurate } and detailed charts arc pro•,ided,' don't. panic if you get lost, •i‘he' outfitters know your intended route. when v ou plan to return and, with aircraft patrolling the park daily, can readily arrange a pointed aerial search. Five additional, vacations are pos- sible -for many Americans during 1969. reports Hertz Rent A Car. In addition to, their regular vaca- tion usually two weeks - a growing number of people will take advantage of the five long weekends during the year to spend added time far from home, ' "The "fly -drive" method of va- cationing- a jet trip with a rent- al car .at destination for on-the- gro.und mobility -makes it pos- sible for Americans to enjoy lei- sure time in varying surround- ings. Hertz rental locations at airports around the country provide immedi- ate access to the great outdoors, re- sort areas. historical sites, and na- tional parks Besides these destinations, Hertz recommends two of the country's out- standing scenic drives. recently named winners in the comparly's poll of the nations travel 'editors. In the Eastern U.S. the top attraction is the combined sky- line-Blue kyline-Blue • Ridge Parkway drive that begins in Front Royal, Va., and continues through Asheville, N. C. Winner in the. West was California 1, the breathtaking state highway that leads -up the coast to San Fran- cisco, --often overhanging the very surf of the Pacific. Both can be reached by plane with a rental car reserved in advance. Hawaii, Puerto Rico and many other holiday spots outside the U.S are also available on long weekends, Hertz says, since fly -drive enables vacationers to spend almost all the weekend at the .resort area. The -five holidays' which will pro- vide three -and four-day weekends this year are • Memorial Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day, Thanksgiving and Christmas: FOR YOUR AUTO INSURANCE See or MALCOLM. Phone MATHERS GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT 46 WEST ST. 524-9442 1 B SINESS DIRECTORY Adventure on the rails .\ 29(3 -mile railroad which took from 1899 to 19f4 to finish offers visitors to Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario, one of the last, .great - romantic , train rides in North America. This is aboard the Algoma Central - Railway into storied .\gavva Canyon,. acclaimed as the Most awesomely scenic region east of the Canadian Rockier. Connection with the trans -continental tines of the ,Canadian Pacific and Canadian National raihvay;s noeth of the -Soo,",, the Attgonia Central handles great tonnages of iron ore, pulpwood and lumber, carved from Ontario's vast 'northern- interior. 1t also carries passengers to and from Hearst - t he end of the line - and from early June to mid-October, it puts on extra coaches for special one•day .excursions. every day but Sundays.. The train departs sharply at 8 a.m. from ACR's Soo terminal in the centre of town. And before riders have finished breakfast in the diner, -hey're whisked -into a \v ilderness wonderland so gloriously unspoiled as to almost • defy description.. ' 413uilt at a time when aerial reconnaissance for topographical sightings still was much in the future and construction backbreakingly slow, the railway follows an incredible; route through stretches of inlpenetratable forest, along ledges and Mountainous hills, over towering trestle bridges and into fjord -like ravines. An engineering feat in itself is aL the entrance of _Agawa Canyon where, in the distance of just 12 miles, the track level drops more than 500 feet onto. the canyon floor. While most passengers are content to sit by their windows and marvel at the passing • panorama, others flock to the rear coach with cameras to capture the drama on film: At limes their view finders will catch practically the entire train as it. snakes around perpedicular cliffs,- sonWtintes at - heights ranging bet ween 1,100 and 1',.)bO feet abovesea level. And, .4i on some lonely lake far below, adventure might be heightened by the sudden appearance of a moose. All told, the one -day excursion takes 10 -hours - four hours up, and two-hour stopover at Canyon Station, or Mile 114 - and four hours back. At Canyon the train pulls into a siding -acid the excursion coaches and- dining car are cut off, with the balance•proceeding 1 82 miles farther north to Hearst. 'I'hes - . es are picked up two hours later b the next train travelling south. Twelve miles back is 'here the train begins its remar able, 500 -foot descent, and the scary sensation could be likened , to your first ride on a roller -coaster. At once you, are dwarfed by precipitous, tree -clan walls • of solid granite and, its rapid succession; You'll get to see two spectacular waterfalls -- one on your right, the other on your left, as the train pulls into the station. ' .At Canyon, you can while away your two-hour wait with a 'picnic in the park, fish nearby for speckled trout in 'turbulent, icy water, or clinb a -nature trail to the top of a high promontory from which can be seen miles upon miles of untamed territory, totally unchanged since the• Ice Age, with the -Agawa . River, winding tortuously through it. The scenic splendor you might . have missed on the up -going . journey can be captured on the return, and likely the only stops the train will make is to pick up groups of adventurous Boy Scouts and bewhiskered sports fishermen returning to civilization. Fcr this one -in -a -lifetime adventure on the rails - and the train ride is adventure itself for many the adult round-trip is S7 and $4 for students and, children. And, as beauteous as the journey niay be in summer, thousands more take it in October when the entire Algoma region is ,ablaze with autumn color. Boating i Boating ' becomes more popular each year. The increasing number of boating accidents are an . unfortunate byproduct of this popularity. Boat owners should consider coverage for damage' or injury to others that might result from their boating activities. Unless a boat is stolen, its owner can be held responsible if the craft is involved In an accident, according to the information bureau of the Ontario Insurance Agents' Association. ` - The best protection is .liability insurance providing coverage for the 'boat and auxiliary property, and specially -designed insurance for the boater. DID YOU KNOW? There are definite advantages for you when you in- vest in a good upholstering renovation. - You tail discuss the merits' of re -building, renovating and re -designing upholstered furniture wi.th a repre- sentative of E.M.S. UPHOLSTER INP and be under no obLiga'tiotl. It will be in your best interests to clip and mail this' ad today. • 4 ' OUR REPRESENTATIVE WILL BE IN GODERICH ON THE SECOND AND FOURTH TUESDAYS OF APRIL, MAY AND JUNE FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE. F.M.S. upholstering, Box 556 Wingham, Ontario. Attention Mr. J. A. Currie Vt'e would like a "no obligation" appointment. Please call on your next visit to Goderich. Name � . "Street L_. IE M Phone 357-1011 UPHOLSTERING For people who demand and appreciate superior workmanship. LE -P -A -S' -ES TO THE PARK THATRE ALL NEW GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak House and Tavern THIS SPACE 1 RESERVED FOR YOUR AD .1 * FRIGIDAIRE * WEST) NCHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCE The Square - Goderich low Owned and Operated by Churls lo„uu,t 1 • BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions - • Gifts — Bit is _ _ • Stationery Supplies • Records' Bob Bradley 104 Newgate St. ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 'East St. Goderich • PAINT, WALLPAPER BUILDING MATERIAL • PAINT • WALLPAPER '• CARPETS • TILE • LINOLEUM, "Vow' Complete Horne Decorating Centre" McARTHU.R ands REILLY LTD. t West S. Goderich WORK BOOTS EXCELLENT SELICTION Regular or Safety Toe 14 Different Styles DAVE GOWER'S industrial & Garden Centre •Hamilton St:.524-8761 1 l PIANOS and ELECTRIC ORGANS At The Price Yoo Want To Buy WE SELL THE BEST FOJ. LESS Our Reputation'Speaks• For Itself STRATFORD MUSIC CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St., Stratford 271-6322 —_-- FURNITURE T-heNames�fSix Signal -Stir Subscrib- ers'»Are To Be Fuund In One Of These Ads Now Showing aI IIII11111III1111111111I Il II1I111111I I11111IIi11111111I IIIiIp111111111111pl1IIIIIIIIII111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII111111IIIIIIIIIIIIt a 5._-. S'AIN'C MiQUi'en e as. "BULLITT" '77--• _ Hord Tough Detective Drama c s. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111IIIIIIIiIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlI1111II1III1IlI1111II11IIIIII5 —SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES ...or THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD t. LADIES WEAR (IDMS 1I4111D Alex Enright 59 Caledonia Terrace Ground Floor Fabric Centre • 1 Luggage Jas. O'Neill 215 MacDonald St. MEN'S WEAR For That CE-R-TAIN 4,Flair IN , MEN'S WEAR Rev. G. L. Royal 72 Colborne St. s EARL RAWSON MEN'S WEAR West "St. Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES 1 For FASHION RIGHT SHOES • The Place To Go Is kOSS SHOES The square Goderich r . THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD For The - FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE Furniture West St. — Goderich THIS SPACE Be Sure To See Our Display Of ,OIIGINAL OIL P'/'iISTIN445. RESERVED For The Fashion Look SPROULE SHOES Footwear For The Family TELEVISION -- PHILIPS PHILCO Colour__ Television SALES ERVICE Harold Hirst RR 3, Goderich 524-9432 RIVETT'S "TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The Square Goderich 1 TRAVEL SERVICES LiVerdun Vanstone RR 4, Goderich YOUO COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE OD ERICH 24--8366 THIS SPACE RESERVED: FOR YOUR AD I 4 THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD D. A. KAY I & SON . Painting and Decorating Contractors Painting, Wallpapering, Draperies, Floor Sanding 33 Huron Rd. 482-9542 Clinton COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING 8 Pounds—$3:00 Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Except Sunday also. Friday Evening Fully Attended West Street LAUNDROMAT' 54 West sir • FOR YOUR AD • Kingston St. Goderit'h 524-9114 .; CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory, —Look tor your -name and address in the ads. --Take the Business L' lrbcfory and suitable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared and —Pick up your passes by Saturday pight closing. Only Subscriberir. to the Signal -Star are eligible. 44110104d100.1..."1""#4.14;111101.1041441.01110.4.0 ++. 4 4 s 4e • • 1