HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-06-05, Page 70 11 From the Minister's- study CAPTAIN,RALPH HEWLETT SADA TION ARM Y - think; right It has been said: "Ten percent of the people think; twenty percent think they think, , and the rest would ,rather die ` than think!" That is a provocative statement, whatever its degree of accuracymight be. Certainly we all could do more thinking. Far too often, and unthinkingly we accept all sorts of ideas , and suggestions. Only too frequently, we don't think things through for ourselves. The way we think is very important. Sooner or later, the quality of our thinking will be reflected in the quality of our a, living. In time, we act the way that we think. Proverbs 23:7 pontains this insight concerning man: "FOR AS HE THINKETH IN HIS HEART, SO IS HE." This world contains many things that are low, cheap and impure. ;There are. some O magazines which are very fine and uplifting, butthere are also some -very vile ones. Some 1' 4, movies , are truly inspirational, but some are absolutely corrupt. Some conversations in which, we indulge are -clean, but others are vulgar, crude, even plainly dirty! If our minds are 'in the gutter,' chances are that actions will be correspondingly low. By God's grace and ' power, the level of our thoughts can be high. The good will crowd out the evil. The result will be good, clean living desperately needed in our world today. Philippians 4;8 contains the apostle Paul's way of saying this: "FINALLY, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE TRUE, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE HONEST, WHATSOEVER THINGS • ARE JUST, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE PURE, WHATSOE-VER THINGS ARE LOVELY, WHATSOEVER THINGS ARE OF GOOD REPORT, IF THELE -BE ANY VIRTUE, AND IF THERE BE ANY PRAISE, THINK ON THESE THINGS." 'The Bible Today' Scripture distribution does not normally 'depend upon the . time of year. But there are some seasonal -opportunities which make it .especially con- venient. One of these is pre- sented in Europe by the ani, nual arrival in northern Eur- opean countries of the mig- rating "guest workers" for the summer. The Bible Societies of Europe are specially concern- ed to use the opportunities thus created, and are making Scriptures in all the needed languages readily • available. The chaplain to a hostel for guest workers in Ludwigshaf- en, for example, was able to order the 'Selection giving the - story. of the Prodigal Son in Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Greek, Portuguese, French, Turkish, Persian and English ;for distribution there. Some 100,000 special selections of this kind have just been pro- duced by ace Bible Society in Stuttgart, but the demand is virtually unlimited. The General Board of the Canadian Bible Society meet- . ing in Toronto heard reports that for the first time more than $800,000 had been provid- ed by the Canadian Bible .Soc- iety for the ' translation, pub- lishing and distribution of the Scriptures outside Canada. Scripture distribution in .,Can- ada was '676,009 volurnes in 75 languages, the second highest history. The Rev. John Weller, Gen - . W Huron WI holds 'anti.util meeting BY MRS. WES BRADNOCK Friendship was the theme of the address given - by Mrs. Vermont Pew of St. Thomas, London area president of the Women's Institutes of Ontario, when she spoke to the Hurort West district annual in the MacKay Hall, Goderich last Thursday. Delegates were present from Auburn, Blyth, kBe-lgrave, Clinton, Dungannon, Goderich, Londesboro, Tiger Dunlop and Wingham. The president, Mrs. Wilfred Colclough of Clinton, was in charge of the program. Delegates and visitors were welcomed by Mrs. Robert Wilson and Mrs. William Porter, Registration was in ^ charge of Mrs: Norman Clairmont. Mrs. Ernest Radford was the pianist. The president of the Goderich branch, Mrs. William 'Porter, welcomed everyone and the minutes were accepted as read by the secretary, Mrs. James Horton. Mrs.'Horton reported for the auditors. Mrs. Leonard Warr of Goderich sang two solos, accompanied by 'Mrs. Radford. Mrs. Wilbur Lawrence of Embro, F.W.I.O. for subdivision . 22, ratified the district directors. Mrs. Donald Haines, Auburn; Mrs: Stanley Cook, Belgrave; Mrs. Ben Walsh, Mrs. Anne Sundercock, Blyth; Mrs. Charles Lockhart, Clinton; Mrs. Wilbur Brown, Dungannon; Mrs. Robert Wilson, Goderich; Mrs. James Howatt, Londesboro; Mrs. Harold Gaunt, St. Helens; Mrs. Ralph Jewell, Tiger Dunlop and eral Secretary (Overseas) of Mrs. O. Bess, Wingham. The British and Foreign Bible - Mrs, Tom Allen was in charge Society, informed. the Board.•:• of the Pennies for Friendship that the complete Bible is now ceremony •and the pennies were in 242 languages, the New presented by the branch Testament in 562, and at least • treasurers, Mrs. Frank Raithby one complete book of the (in the absence of Mrs. Bert Bible in 1,392, an increase of Craig), Mrs. Stanley Hopper, 66 over the previous year. Mrs..4,uella McGowan (in the World distribution of the basence of.Mrs. Charles Scriptures -through the Bible Johnston), Mrs. Mervyn Barkin Society showed an increase of Mrs. Graham McNee. Mrs. W. ,�., five million and reached a rec- Gourley, -Mrs. Richard 110 milhon . Y#uts still Goderich, Mrs William Porter; t Londesboro, Mrs. Elgin Josling; St. Helens Mrs. James Aitcheson; 'Tiger Dunlop, Mrs. 4 Elmer 'Hunter; Wingham, Mrs. Alfred Lockeridge and Clinton, - Mrs. W. Holland. A memorial service was led by Mrs. Donald Haines. Mrs. Frank Raithby presented a bouquet of spring flowers for those - remembered, including ,Mrs. Herbert Mogridge, Mrs. Robert Chamney, Mrs. Lyle Hopper, Mrs. John Petts, Mrs. Wellington Good, Mrs. M. Heard, Mrs. A Crich, Mrs. H. Sloman, Mrs. ,R. Finnigan, Mrs. Loxne Scrimgeour. The report of F.W.1.0. was given by Mrs. Lawrence who presented life -membership cards „ to Mrs.- Robert J. Phillips and Mrs. Wes Bradnock, Auburn; Mrs. Clarence Sturdy, Clinton; Mrs. Robert McKenzie, Goderich; Mrs. Charles Young, Goderich; Mrs. W. G. Gannett and Mrs. Norman , Keating of jWingham. The collection was taken by the Blyth branch.` ord ofBuchanan,Mrs. Charles Shiell far short of what is required. The General Board's chief Mrs. JacCook and Mrs. Ross focus of attention was toward Errington. the new opportunities for Sus Scripture distribution which work i are opening in Canada. The project , secondMrs. p. the,,decrease .in church attend- ance have created a• situation -where for thousands the Bible.. is an unknown book. The need for Scriptures is not limited to those areas of the world which are underdevel- oped and where the people suffer from deprivation. The Canadian Bible Society's ag- gressive policy of Scripture distribution in Canada is an at- tempt to meet the basic hum- an needs of•people which are ,not met by the wealth: and af- fluence of Canada. The obiec- tive for Scripture distribution in Canada for 1969 is 900,000 volumes. - For the Canadian Bible Soc- iety to achieve its goal in 1969 it requires contributions. of over one million dollars from Mrs. Tait Clark, curator of the district Tweedsmuir history book, gave a report and• Mrs. Keith Webster reported for the Huronview Auxiliary' The Goderich double quartet sang three numbers. accompanied by Mrs. W..M. Cameron. A "e olution introduced by Mrs. Charles Nelson asks that a red and amber flashing light be, placed at Huron County Road 25 and Highway 21. After discussion it was decided . that this resolution should go ,to local goverrupents. Mrs. Elmer Hunter presented and spoke on the new farm organization and the corning vote. Mrs: W. Holland, convenor of the nominating committee, presented the new slate of ,,officers which was adopted as read. Past President, Mrs. Wilfred Ccilclough, Clinton; President, Mrs. Andrew Straughan, Goderich; first vice president, Mrs. Harold Gaunt, St. Helens; second vice president, Mrs. Tom .Allen, Lo-ndesbojo; secretary -treasurer, Mrs. Graham individuals and churches. ihursday night ladies hold bowling ,banquet ' The Ladies' Thursday Night • during the evening. '1st Mr. and Social League held it Annual Mfrs, Reg Good; 2nd Mr. and Banquet May 23 at Auburn Mrs. Harry Beattie; 3rd Joan Community Hall with 149 :Crawford and Ray Chisholm; present. door prize, by bons ' A meal .was served by the Women's Auxiliary. Presentation}, of trophys took place with top place - going to Auburn this season. Guests .. on honor for the evening were Harry and Doris Little. Harry welcomed everyone, and thanked all the girls who were on the executive. Nominations took place with the new executive as follows, pres. Jane Rodger; vice pres. Barb Streeter; sec. Carol ,Daer; treas. Donna Duncan; buying. committee: Louise Pitre; Bessie Kelly, and Doris McClinchey; banquet and entertainment committee: Gay de Grout, Carol McDowell and Diane DeWinter. An evening of dancing to the Blue Tones followed. Several prizewere won • McClinchey, who also won a gift voucher from N. T. Ormandy Jewellers, the second • gift vouch -ems--- from Ormandy Jewellers was won by Elaine Schmidt. HEARING TESTS No Obligation CAMPBELL'S-GODERICH THURSDAY, JUNE 12 1 - 3 P.M.. n Batteries, accessories; repair to most ',lakes E. R. THEDE Hearing Aid Service Ltd. • 88 Queen St. Kitchener HEARING AIDS FIR-STBAPTIST (BAPTIST CONVENTION OF ONTARIO A MI A WELCOME TO ALL - ADULT BIBLE CLASS Sunday School For All — 10:00 a.m. DR. HURRAY FORD (Supervised Nursery) WORSHIP 11:00 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. . (HYMN SINS 7:15 p.m.) . ANNIVERSARY 'eti rVuship Hour After Evening Service . - rtj District Helens, third vice pres.—staff,photo�„� SEE THE 1970 . . .... .. .;•,.ern/1•33 n'? t;jJ i ,i c,, t / BOA -S SNOWMOBILES AT OUR BOOTH AT THE Clinton Spring Fair FRIDAY AND SATURDAY GORD BAYFIELD RD.,SOUTH — GODERICH SPORTS CIRCLE..._ 524-9061 F GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET VEAL Patties lb. 5 9` VEAL- HOPS BEEF LIVER' Ib. V a lb. 454 McCAIN.-- 2' Ib. Doty Pac 2 PKGS. 85 PEAS LUNCHEON PA"EAZ, — 12 oz. PREM 11 SUN PARLOUR CHOICE — 28 oz. TOMATOES ALLEN'S ASSORTED -X48 02. FRUIT DRINK MONARCH AND TWINKLE POUCH PACK CAKE. MIXES 49• 253d F 31°° R 5i1°° left to right: front Wilbur Lawrence, Harold Gaunt, St. Lose 10 lbs. in 10 days on Grapefruit. Diet (Special) -This is the grapefruit diet that everyone is suddenly, talking • about. Literally thousands upon thousands of _copies have, been passed feo:m hand Co hand in factories, plants and offices throughout the U.S. and;Canada. Word— of -ets success has spread like wildfire. Because this is .the diet that really work.4, We l ve ,testimonials in our files reporting on the success of this diet. If you ,.follow it exactly, you should lose 10 pounds in 10 da"FY's. There will be no weight. Toss in the first four days. But you will suddenly drop 5 poynds On the 5th day. Thereafter you Will lose 11/2 pounds every two days until you get down to your proper weight. Best of all, there will be no -h-u nger pangs. - Now _revised-- - and enlarged,, this new diet plan lets you stuff _yourself' with foods that were formerly "forbidden,",, such as big steaks `rimmed with" fat, roast or 'fried chicken, rich gravies, mayonnaise, lobster swimming in butter, bacon fats, sausage.~ and scrambled eggs. You can eat. until you are full, until you cannot possibly eat any more. And still lose 10 pounds in the first ten days plus 1' 2 pounds every two , days thereafter until your weight is d•owrt, to normal. The secret behind this new "quick weight loss" diet is simple. Fat does not form • fat. And the grapefruif' juice in this new diet acts as a catalyst (the "trigger',): tie start the fat burning. ,pr•oces5. You stuff *9,u 011 thtnt tt>e'd faLd list'gd in the.,, diet ,pan, and still lose ung ight.ly fat and excess body fluids. When the fat and bloat are gone you will cease to lose weight and 'your weight will remain constant. A copy of this new and startling successful diet plan can he obtained by sending $2. --to GRAPEFRUIT DIET PCTBL111:1ERS, 121:3 Premier Way, Calgary 6. A1'herta. Money hack guarantee. If after trying the diet. plan you have not lost 7 pounds in the first seven days, and 11/2 pounds every two days' thereafter, simply ret urn the diet plan and your $2 will be refunded promptly and without. argument. Tear out. this 'message as a reminder. Decide;,, now to regain the trim, attractive figure of your youth, while enjoying hearty breakfasts, Iunchr;; and dinners. GQAERICH'sIONAL:5` '' ►lt.' 11URS MY« 4!.. N 96'9 7 *SUNDAY SERVICES` UNITED HOLINESS CHUR62 CAMBRIA STREET NORTH CH Pastor: SUNDAY, JUNE 8th. 9:50 a.m. — SUNDAY SCHOOL 11:00 a,m; — WORSHIP SERViCE.t'-'-' 7:00 p.m. — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE'. Mid -Week Prayer Service Wednesday 8 p.m. 'A WELCOME AWAITS YOU” <. REV. C. A. JOHNSON, B.A. PHONE 624.6887 CALVARY BAPTIST CHURCH BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET BIBLE SCHOOL CLASSES -FOR EACH AGE GROUP, 10 a.m. Adults: Galatials under Law, and Grace NEED A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS TO STOP P140NE: 524-6445 or 524-9229 Pastor's Message - - "FORGING AHEAD BY FAITH" MOP a.m. — Sunday Morning Worship. .EVENING SERVICE — 7:30 P.M. Wednesday, 8:00 p.m. — Bible c+udy and Power Hour PASTOR REV. KENNETH J. KNIGHT ATTEND CRUSADE AT GODERICH COLLEGIATE o 8:00. p.m. •= June 11 - 22 WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURC THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH Park Street at Victoria ' H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School — 10:00 a.m. Worship — 11:00 a.m. -and 7:00 p.m. Midweek Service — Tues.,. 8:00 p.m. ST. GEORGE'S CHURCH FIRST SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY JUNE -8th . - ,8.30 a.,m. — HOLY COMMUNION. 11:00 a.m. — MORNING PRAYER AND SERMON. -t, t. -Members of 1.0.O.F, will attend this service. • - Church School and Nursery at 10:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m. , *MONDAY, JUNE' 9th Deanery of Huron Meetings. Holy Communion at 10:00 a.m. Celebrant, : The Rt. Rev. H. F. Appleyard Speaker: Mr. Tim Agg . Rector: REV. G. 'G. RUSSELL, B.A., B.O. Organist - Choirmaster — Miss Marion Aldous. A.Mus;, Mus. Bac. Knox Presbyterian Church THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, BA., Mlinistir' WILLIAM CAMERON. Director of Praise SUNDAY, - JUNE 8th 10:00 a.m., — CHURCH SCHbOL. Attendance Presentation's. 11:00 a.m. — DIVINE WORSHIP. Sermon: "WHAT I CAN GIVE TO LIFE" (Nursery and Junior Congregation) Presentation of Religion and Life Awards to Girl Guides r , Presentation of Queen Scout Badges 6:30 p.m. P.Y.P.S. Banquet and Installation , ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE THE UNITED CHURCH OF. CANADA Noah Street United Church SUNDAY, JUNE 8th ,,10:00' a.m. — SENIOR SCHOOL (Closing), Jr'r 11:00. a-m_—,JUNIQ.I3 DEPARTMENT 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP Sermon: WHO ARE YOU? Supervised Nursery Sunday,, June 15 — HOLY, COMMUNION Dedication of P.A. System -- WELCOME -- Rev. Rev. J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., B.D., Minister Rev. William J. Maines, B.A., Assistant Minister Mrs. Eleanor Hetherington, A.T.C.M„ Organist and Choir Leader Bethel Pentecostal tabernacle CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATERLOO STS. REV. ROBERT CLARK, Pastor— SUNDAY, JUNE 8th 11:00 A.M. and 7:00 P.M. Tuesday,: 8:00 p.m. - PRAYER AND BIBLE STUDY Friday, 8 p.m. — YOUNG PEOPLE'S SERVICE ALL WELCOME Victoria -street United Church. The House of Friendship Rev. Leonard Warr 10:00 a.m- — BIBLE SCHOOL FOR ALL GRADES 11:00 a.m. — WORSHIP SERVICE. (Legion Ladies' Auxiliary present') Sermon: "I SERVE" 10:00 a.m. — BENMILLER WORSHIP SERVICE A -ND BIBLE SCHOOI June 11 - 12 — 12.;Great Nights at G.D.C.I. Mrs. J. Snider W -E -L -C -O -M -E Miss Patricia Durst Victoria St. Organist & Choir Leader Benmiller Pianist The family that prays together -stays together ir