HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-05-22, Page 15TODAY S CHIL • BY HELEN ALLEN TorOnterekgraT $yrdicate Johnny is a contented, healthy baby, eight months old. Nothing seeds to ruffle his customary good nature. * He needs to be adopted so he will. grow up in ,a_leving • permanent home. Johnny's background is Irish, Fren0 and Negro and be has very dark eyes, brown -curly- hair and medium brown skin. He is quite responsive and *alert, turning his head quickly at the soundofhis name. He recognizes familiar faces readilyand loves to be held and cuddled. When. strangers are around he be- * comes quiet while he surVeys -them for long periods. ,Young as he is-, this little.felle* has had several moves. Now, like Charlie Brown's friend Linus, he seeks secur- ity in a treasured blanket which he bunches up beside his face before he can go to sleep. To inquire about adopting Johnny please 'write to Today's Child, Depart- ment of Secial and ,Family Services, Parliament Build- • ings, Toronto 182, For general information about adop- tion ask your local Children's Aid Society. SINESS DEAR ANN 7LANDERS: Friday I had a slumber party - eight girls, all 15 and 16 years old. We were sitting on the floor in my bedroom -"eating popcorn and playing recorth and talking - naturally about boys. One of the girls was telling soniethihg pretty intimate, which, in Thy , opinion, she Should have kept to. herself. Rita (my best friend) whispered, "I have a feeling somebody, is listening, outside the door." I said it wasn't • possible because nobody was home • but Mom and she wouldn't , eavesdrop. Rita jumped up without warning and pulled the door. open. My mother fell into the room and practically landed on her head. She must have had her ear to the :keyhole. • The girls •.almost died laughing. I was so humiliated I nearly passed out. For two days Mom has barely spOken, to me. She says my friends are terrible and I shouldget with a new crOwd. I'd like your views. - RED-FACED. DEAR RED: Your mother is ,.suffering from acute embarrassment; and well she might. Eavesdropping is a singularly undistinguished form of entertainment. I'm certain she'd be immensely grateful if you'd forget the ugly incident and behave in a friendly manner. One day, when you need to be forgiven, she'll return the favor'. DEAR ANN: My husband is 41 his early 50'S -- a kind' considerate person and an excellent provider. Kevin was much too young to retire but he did it anyhow. We've had a good marriage up to now but having him home 24 hours a day is . murder. '" • Kevin sits in his library from . • morning till night doping -out the stock market. He is on the phone with his broker for hours on end telling him to "buy this" and "sell that." I guess WS stupid, but I feel as if I have someone to answer to from morning till night. Kevin wants to know where I'm going whenever I leave the house. I'M not accustotned to 'round the clock Surveillance and it's makifig the nervous. I'd ashamed of my attitude. What can I • do about it? -- CALIFORNIA ,CRY FOR HELP. DEAR CRY: You can ;read the obituaries every day and see how many men in their fifties have died. If that doesn't make you .feel better about having OM your,husband in the next room, get a part-time job. 1. DEAR ANN. LANMRS:' Two years ago 1 dated a guy who had brains, personality and was madly in love with me. I liked Arthur a lot but lie was so careless about personal hygiene that he made me nearly ill at times, He didn't,bathe often enough, his teeh were in dreadful • condition, and. his clothes wereusually filthy. I married someone else and. 'suffers we now have three nice children. Our marriage is O.K. but dull, dull, dull. I'm sure life With Arthur would have been much More exciting. Now I'm sorry I didn't marry him and clean' him pp. Print this please and warn 'other girls about making the same mistake. - TOO LATE FOR ME. DEAR LATE: A man whose personal hygiene habits were revolting during courtship would be intolerable after marriage., Count your blessings. GOPARICH_SIGNA:L.STAR, TUTIAPPA,. MAY 22:1969 $A PLUG IN AND TALk Wireless Intercom useit t� taik from HOUSE TO BARN • -- HOUSE TO GARAGE ROOM4TO ROOM - ATTIC TO BASEMENT Use it ahywhere, you have a hydro outlet of • Use it to keep an ""ear" on the bon, gatage, etc. 11111,JTC1•1111NISC)INI TV oSIL APPLIANCES 308 HURON RD. 6, . PHONE' 5244831 Interior Paint Sale Lasts ONLY TEN MORE DAYS , 7". ^ ROWN, SATIN ITCOAT LATEX AMOROUS ,SATIN, PLASTIC FINISH VERSIN ONE OAT, • - !ES POO,RLESS,,IN'30 MINUTES N hP WITH WATER. BUDGET (SPECIAL .• 5 .m004:Tootopa SLOT EXTRA COSI ; WASH • If :I:// 47%, '• COVER I;RA TV,C3A ;Et) a CON I AINER LINOE,RFILLED TO ACCEPT COLORANT. Crown Diamond Interior Semi -Gloss White NOW 50 /01/195 GAL,I 111 alr FOR 3 GALS. JOHN JEFFERY 8t SON ELGIN AVENUE EAST • 524-8171 IRECT 4 .4 1 6 DOUBLEHPASSES • TOT PARK THEATRE ALL - NEW • GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak, House - and Tavern • THIS' SPACE I RESERVED 1 FOR ,YOUR AD 1 .......... * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE GIBSON .* HOOVER • Sales and Service GERRY'S I . APPLIANCES The Square — Goderich low Owned and Operated , ... ' hv Chtirk Ipwah am............a..................... N_ , The Names Of Six 1A, Signal -Star Sut)scri4- ers Are To Be Found In One Of These Ads • Now Showing., . .. ..... i .1i'?......'.', SEAN . COat‘sINERY t poli .:.:. .,. ...,. , ,., .-r- os ...., f:; s. uo...._. HONOR BLACKMAN . I 1 = JAMES BOND .. — ,URSULA ANDRESS F.,. -4- . "GOLDFINGER: ,......:,:.:: .....:.......„...,........„...:........:.....:.:..„... ""-.-----BOTI•ttN-COLOR _ (Adult Entertainment) -a= , SEE REGULAR MD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES DOUBLE • PASSES TC1 THE PARK THEATRE EXCELLENT SELECTION Regular or Safety Toe • 14 Different Styles I• BOOKS & STATIONERY PAINT, WALVIAPER •DAVE GOWER'S Industrial & Garden Centr9 Hamilton St. 524-8761 .LADIES WEAR • Gifts * Books" • Stationery Supplies is Records M. Berry , 46 Cambria Rd. ANDERSON'S ANDERSON'S BOOK CENTRE 33 'East St. Goderich • PAINT • WALLPAPER • CfARpETS • TILE • LINOLEUM' "Your Complite Home Decorating Centre" • McARTHUR and REILLY LTD. West St. Goderich est ArAossimyprii.rommasor BUILDING MATERIAL 1 4 GODERICH . BUILDING CENTRE ' PIANOS and ELECTRIC ORGANS At The Price - You Want To Buy WE SELL THE BEST -FOR LESS Our Reputation Speaks For Itself STRATFORD CENTRE LTD. 118 Downie St., Stratford 211-6322 THIS SPACE FURNITURE RESERVED • - ' 17 FOR -Y -OUR -AD -'7- 1 ' i 11111111111101■Wo..1.181111. lADIIS WIAP 11/1111ID Warren James 57 Bruce St. E _- -"GroUild Fiber Fabric Centre Luggage MEN'S WEAR For That • CERTAIN Flair IN MEN'S WEAR Mrs. Don McGuire, R.R. 3, Goderich EARL , RAWSON • MEN'S WEAR tWest St. Goderich THIS SPACE RESERVED FOR YOUR AD SHOE STORES ° For . FASHION RIGHT , SHOES ,s0 The Place To Go Is . . ROSS SHOES tThe bquare Goderich - TELEVISION PHILIPS PHILCO Colour - Television sALES and " ERVICE Mrs. Bob .0k•e 91 East St. • 524-9432 THIS 'SPACE di RESERVED For The , FINEST in FURNITURE • . LODE 52441383 FOR• YOUR AD 1 Furniture West St. — Goderich THIS SPACE Cambria at Angles" Be Sure To See Our Display Of ORIGINAL OIL PAINTINGS , RESERVED FOR YOUR AP Mrs. E. Mitchell RR 5, Goderich 'Footwear For The Family RIVETT'S TELEVISION — RADIO 34 The'Square Goderich r TRAVEL SERVICES 1 Zht - i0.--aarh lioutir YOUR COMPLETE TRAVEL SERVICE ._._. ' GODER ICH 524-8366 THIS SPACE I - RESERVED •FOR- YOUR AD, Kingston St. Goderich 524-9174 THIS SPACE RESERVED * FOR, YOUR AD t). THIS SPACE FtESERVED. FOR YOUR'AD COIN OPERATED DRY CLEANING 8 Pounds—$3.00 • Open 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Daily Except Sunday also Friday Evening Fully Attended • West Street • LAUNDROMAT %54 West 524-9953 CONTEST RULES Each week the names and addresses of 6 subscribers will appear in the Business Directory. —Look tor your name and address in the ads. —Take the I.3usiness Directory and pliable identification to the advertiser in whose ad your name appeared 41I1a —Pick up your passes by Saturday night closing. • Only Subscribers to the Signil-Stas are eligible. to,