HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-05-08, Page 19-a
news and vi'w;iia r.
Consumers' Association of Canada •
The increase in prices of
consumer goods and services is
causing hardship "for many --
especially lifose on Tow or .fixed
incomes. But even consumers
• whose incomes have increased in
recent months are worried about .
rising costs.
Throughout the country,
branches of Consumers'
Association of Canada organize.
meetings to help consumers
• understand the cause of rising
prices and to help them keep
expenditures within their
A careful record of your true
food expenditures will- help to
spot "leaks" or overspending in
• your food a budget. Most
check-out tapes include many
non-food items so the tapes do
not give a very true picture of
'the way you spend your food
dollar. In fact they give a very
misleading picture.
Here are some, suggestions
that may help you stretch your
food money: -
1. Get all the information
you • can from gbvernment and
educational sources on
}utritious food preparation.
2. Read newspaper articles on
food purchasing real food
advertisements and compare
prices -lin . the different stores.
Watch for specials. Know your
prices and, values. Only
"specialsVarl, a genthii:ie bargain
do they save you nkorieY,
�►.,'� 3 ; re re°menus carefully
befTai shop: 'Plan ahead for
.,you le week'g9 menus. make •
a sh.p ng list orwhat is needed
-- and STICK TO IT! Cut out all
impulse purchases. Always ask
youitj;elf "Do I really
it's not on my list."
• 4. Get out your cook books.
Make a list of "easy to prepare"
dishes if you must cook in a
hurry. Compare their cost with
convenience foods. (Don't forget
that when you buy convenience
foods, you are paying for
to someone else's work.)
5. Read all labels carefully.
Choose the grade of product or
canned goods bestsuited to your
particular need. For example,
Standard or Choice will do just
as well as Fancy or Extra Fancy
for certain purposes. Be a
[e.ctive- shopper — you may
dtten save if you compare the
pries of different Brands- of
product of similar quality and
qu anti ty. -
6. Substitute low-priced
foods for ,higher -priced ones.
Buy cheese, eggs and fish if meat
prices are too high. The cheaper
OOOERIO'f $YQN.,<? tie TALI. THURSJA `, MAY S. 969 7A
ctits •of meat and'. the variety
meats, such as tongue and liver
are$ just as nutritious and
• avorfuFas lie more expensive
cuts. When buying meat consider
the number of servings to "a
pound high fat, bone and
gristle content means expensive
7. Buy fresh foods in ` ason,
Learn to distinguish the .defects
that affect appearance only. For
in-between nibbling substitute
low calorie fresh fruit 'and
vegetables — snack foods are
amazingly expensive for the
food value they supRiy. Pure
fruit juices, inc1udtng .tomatb
juice, give ' much better
nutritional value for the dollar
than • soft drinks, and most
important of all, save you'costly°
visits to the dentist. •
8. Ifayou have a freezer, make
full use of it, stocking up at peak
seasons when prices are
favorable. - -
Always carry a pencil and
paper when , ; shopping and
calculate the cost per unit of
different brands. Compare too,
the cost of • whole grain cereals
4ith those that are • highly
refined, puffed or sugared. Don't
be taken in by premiums which
add to the cost of the product.
Trading stamps, genies, contests
and gimmicks asst theconsumer
"-CorLsumers' Association of
'`Cada eonl;,tantlypnfa fishes
,ifo,>'v�.nation tai
t :lam: you s hd
wisely; in .
COO% " cozen 'lex
niarketplace••••Foi' alree brool ure.
outlining how to ' get such
information regularly, write:
"Brochure,'' Consumers'
Association of Canada, , 100
Gloucester St., Ottawa 4, Ont.
Protect toddlers from falls by
placing gates across stairways
and barriers on windows. Keep a
Watchful eye on baby while
dressing him and make sure crib
sides are sturdy and high.
Lawn mowers, snowthrowers,
power tools, appliances and
machinery of all types are
menaces to small children. Store
and use them with particular
attention to . safety. and keep
children well out of range while
the machines are being operated.
Always keep firearms
unloaded. Firearms . and
ammunition should be stored
separately und& lock and key.,'
�nt stand
Lloyd's wife died two years ago.,,,
He bad a travelling job and
couldn't find • a reliable
housekeeper, so his daughters (9
and 10) lived With their
When I ° started to go • with
Lloyd he wanted more than
anything in' the world to marry
me and make .a home for his
girls. Ten months ago when he
received a promotion that took
him off the road, he bought a
lovely home and we were
married. - • -
The problem is "I can't stand
his children. They , are spoiled
rand selfish. The older girl bears
an amazing resemblance to. her
mother., She gives me the cgeeis.
I feel as if she is spj ing ori me.
Last night when Lloyd came
home from ` work he kissed the
girls before' he kissed me. I was
very hurt and told him so. He
said I was being foolish and
insisted he's n��v�j� been happier.
The girls seem happy„too. Their
grades have gone up and they
keep telling me how dreamy it is
to be "all together.” Well, it may
be dreamy for THEM but I hate
I feel like an outsider. I
ea*ze•' riow that Lloyd should
have married an older woman —
either a divorcee or a widow
with children of her own.
I've thought it through and
have come to the conclusion
that the only solution to : our
marital,.1 s i for "Lloyd's
children . back back . to their
—T1-1 'LE`
D` " A R `µ -L E'G: t,. Another
soQ , tion would be for you -to go
lite with YOUR grandmoier. A
woman who marries a man with
children should expect
problems. It is your
responsibility to learn how to be
a.part of that family. Counseling
may help you. I recommend it.
17 -year-old son hurt his back
playing hockey so we sent him ,
to a doctor. He was supposed to
return for another treatment but
he kept stalling. Finally my
husband learned the reason. The
doctor's' nurse, who appears to
be about 22; was present while
James was • examined and
treated. He was, very
embarrassed and says he doesn't
want to go through it again.
I want to telephone the
doctor and ask him to instruct
the nurse to stay out of the
room. My husband says to keep.
my nose out of it. He claims the
nurse was hired to help the,
doctor and that James should go
back and act like a patient and
not a darned fool.
• Tif�flooriflg
be sure to visit
and REILLY Ltd.
la f bil, 1kIItirei,
The whole family has been a widow with a problem.. I've
arguing about this for three become friendly with the couple
days. Your advice would be next door. I ride to work and
appreciated. -- MRS. M. OF back every day with Dave. Our
STAMFORD, CONN. offices are in the same .building:
DEAR MRS.: A physicia• n's After work Dave and I used to .
office is not a _peep ci cusp -stop -.a.- .short -to relaX -
Moreover, doctors don't have and talk. The talks were
time to fool around with bashful perfectly innocent and harmless, '
kids. That nurse is not interested Ann, and I really looked forward
in sightseeing she's already , tothem.
seen everything. Tell the boy not Last week Dave made a
to flatter himself and to get comment which leads me to
going. believe his wife resents our
friendship. It appears she is
DEAR' ANN\ LANDERS: Aka forcing him to come straight
social worker I disagree with' home from the office — no more
your advice to the grandmother, chats.
whose husband returned from a Why wouldhappilya
moose hunt and found her ' married
asleep with their 3'/2 -year-old soman who has everything in
grandson. He "hollered his head the world be so petty and mean
off about finding "a fella" in as ro ' deprive a widow of this
bed with his wife. You said herlittle enjoyment? These chats
husband was daft — that " a -cairn Dave did a lot to relieve the
3'/z -year-old grandt�n is" no of widpw,Jlotdand 1,
!`fella." • miss them. Please print t4l4'
Well, he ain't no - girl; ,Anne; lette '�and,your opinion. — I7 P:
could stand your hail' ort' end DEAR R. P.: Apparently'
with the stories I hear aa social Dave's wjfe did not view those'
worker in Boston, I eame,across chats as innocent and harmless'.
a ,38 -year-old woman recently While you 1, -were relieving your
who shared a single bed with her tensions, she ` was at home
151yeattld son. Last week, it building some of her own.
was, a fatber insisted that his'
year-old- daughter sleep with LANDERS:, Lam
him because she is smaller than •a Hindu who has been a guest in
her mother and doesn't snore. your country. I must return' to
After a„child has reached his , my home in New Delhisoon and
or her third birthday he or she I need the wisdom of your
should not be sleeping with a advice- 'Since it is against our
rpember of the ,oppos, soc. ,religiop to, eat scow ineat, will
' Please -take *thy .word.wordr for it. I you please suggest- a.,recipe to
know. — S. W. FROM B. prepare '•
beef So it will look like
DEA.vtegetables and- stilt' retain its
R' S.W.: You •arel'rr ht
acid' I don't deny: iUflo�w:evergiii e' u flavor? My family
- . w�u�ho approve ,'of my going
'this. particular instance the littl against our dietary .laws. Your
boy, was aa'guest for only one
humble servant thanks'you' for
night and ,Grandma had space
problems. I would not yourobrilliant • counsel. —
recommend this sleeping SONDHI S.
arrangement on a • permanent
DEAR SON: You thanked me
too soon, Humble Servant. I
don't know how to fix beef so
that It will, look like vegetables.
Write to the food editor and get
her brilliant -counsel.
James Richardson
Sitiving 'The Feed' 00aie0 of ; West.'m O4100,4
PHONE. 524.8.388, qpciprocti:.
N and
at most attractive ;p'riCes
.G. Thornpscn
TELEPHONE 262-2527
Specializing in Registered
end Certified Syed-.Grqie
(lover, Grass >$° . Mixed Grain Seed „.
at competitive
14 to 20b
'Eats -up' dirt other vacuum
cleanersjeave behind
Makes Light work of cleaning with power -a -plenty to lift the most •
stubborn' dirt-- clean away. Goes to where the dirt is on easy -roll
wheels. Swivel top canister keeps hose tangle -free. Toe -touch auto-
matic cord ret urn._2 snap -lock wands, dusting brush, crevice tool,
rug -floor and upholstery nozzles.' 1 15 -volts.
Compare at
6 -push button Blender
Blends, whips, chops and purees at
_"the push of a button. 58-ozagraduated
rcontainer with spill-proo(,_lid, de-
taches for washing.
120- volts.
Mixing speeds for all needs. Stainless
steel beaters, push-button election,
thumb -flip sliced control. Two -lone
hi -impact casing. Wall
hanger. 110 -volts. • 9.(y79
2 -Slice TOASTER
Color selector, sets to every taste in Infinite heat control, wh
toast. Convenient crumb clean-out motor. Attractive green a
tray. Attractively styled in chrome with dryer unit, flexible hose and Ii
white end panels: -tack •9tito'purse-size carry
5 -ft, cord and plug. 13.49 . case. 115 -volts. 12
at $1.50
Mother's Day Favoulrate
Sweetest way to say she's the greatest!
Delectable -array -f -taste tempting bard.. --t-
and soft centres that are sure to please. •
Y:•:�f��:;rr,?::'.'� �':,+.}':$ �: r,>{:>•'r''+}<!+r,}} l;r }� :;'r{� ::Y';r '};+:','S �`..,:, vY�'
}r,}:; ;Y.; :,},.y,. ;v%t}; r }{;: �v:v �•:�:it•'..: ': :. ' • i :•. �i .: A:: n'S?i: � .':�':
<...r 4: n . 2{r...Jfv, r Yr•}\•}:•: «Y. _ • .... 1v',}Xf+'7C
Heating -P -ad
Thermostatic eon fi fled, 3 heat set-
tings maintain even heat. Removable,
washable flannel cover.
Lady's Shaver- Deluxe Hair' Dryer
14.95- 23.88•
'Lady Torcan' portable has cool to
high heat controls Professional st le.
'Debutante' petite, efficient model in
off-white with blue accent. "Evening -
Carrying pouch.
G.E. Steam Iron -
dry and iron has y
eas -to-fill
water well; air cooled handle;
perature guide; heel rest.
>:%h.�„�' .2y;,:.}.:•d.:•.,,n:•. w, `:+:�,a` tit%
G.E. 2 -qt. Kettle G.E. Percolator
9.88 21.88
1 .. ,y
vYr � , . Y3.. ..
Fast heating 1500 -watt ele- 3 -to -9 cup capacity with auto-
ment; safety shut-off preVents matte shut-off. Mirror like
boiling • dry. Cool bakelite finish; stainless . steel pump
handle. With cord. ” and stem.
Apply for a
Credit Card Today
Electric Fry Pan
Pressed aluminum pan heats
to 450° . . , removable heat
control for easy washing.
102 x 1/” deep. With lid
x ,r.
'1`oastess' Grill 'Panasonic' Toaster
Great for toasting of grilling,
Chromed steel -tray base; cool
plastic ha sdles. Heat indica-
tor. Less cord.
Toast of the town! Automatic,
self lowering. 1 or 2 slices
It a time. Hinged crumb tray;
'bakelite handles.
(flhlflDIflfl TIRE
tk.; .,.:i
32 NORTH ST° 624-7394
h tib` r:
•�.,>,•}W'r,.'•: $.` � . rte; .4�},v,?�,v.
Electric Can Opener
Opens any size or -shape of can,
sharpens any non -Serrated
blade. Fold -away table rest,
magnetic lid -lifter.
Electric Knife
'Philips' "switchblade" model
10" blades swivel for
carving in any position. With
storage tray.