HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-29, Page 5The Ilep,c1. 'Surgeon. Of the L'abon Mealeal Company is now at Toronto, Canada, anct may be consulted oither in person or by letter On all chronic diseases peculiar to man. Mon, young, old, Or middle-aged,who find themselves nervous ' weak and exhauetect, who are brolcoa down from excess or overwork, resulting in many of the following syraptoms: Mental de pres- sion, perrciature old age, loss of vitality, loss of moroory,bad clreams,dhaness of sight,pal- ' pitation of the heart, emissions, lack of en- ergy, pain in the lciclneyed hortartelicaximplos on the face or body, itching or peculiar son- satioa about the sore tum, wasting of the organs, dizziness, specks before the eyes, twitching of the malsoles, eye lids, and else- where, bashfulness deposits in the urine,loss of will power, teudernese of blie scalp and spine, weak awl flabby muscles, desire bo sleep, failure to be rested by sleep, constipa- tion, dullness ofhearing, loss of yoke, desire for solitude, exeitibility of temper, sunken eyes surrounded with LEADEN =term, oily looking: skin, to. are sat symptoms of nerv- ous debility that tonal to insanity and. death unless cured. The spring or vital force hav- ing lost its tension every function wanes in consequence. Those who through abuse committed in ignorance may be permanent- ly cured. Send your address for book on all diseases peouliar to man. Books seat free sealed, Heart disease, the symptoms of which are faint spells, purple lips, numbness , palpitation, skip 'beats, het flushes, rush of • blood to the head, dull pain in the heart With boats siaeng, rapid and irregular, the second beat quicker than the irst, pain about the breast bone, etc., can positively be cured. No Mire no pay. Send for book. .Aa - these ivr, V. LUBO NI 24 Mitcal on ala Ave., Tor- onto, Canada. Tan 1-1 year Ernest,IL. Cal dweLl , a • young Canadian compositor, cnt his throat in the composing room where he Worked in New York on Wednesday. He will recover. lifer • over Fifty Wears, MRS, WINSLOW'S SOOTIIING Santa, has been used by millions ofra o titers for their ohiloa ren while teething. If disturbed at ,a4f...• and broken of your r‘i,.x t byn siok chile fering and. crying with pain of Cutting Teeth send at once and get a -bottle of "Mrs Win- slow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teeth- ing.It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediate/v. Depend upon it, mothers,there is no mis bake about it. It oures Diarrlicee„ re_gulabes the Stomach and Bowels, cures :Wind Collo, 'softens the Crams, xoduces In- flammation; and gives -tone and energy to the whole system. "Mrs. Winslow's Sooth- ing Syrup" for children teething•is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of one of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the 'United States. Price twenty - Rae coats a bo ttle. • Sold. by all druggists througlout the world. Be sure-0,nd as for WasstOw's SOOTHING Sant:Jr," Viadnen1.030111.161. Thomas Seldom of Ingersoll, has thus far purchased 12,,000 barrels of apples this season for export, the prices ranging from $x.5o to $2 per bar: ea. ,01-.11,91.211141:P=. COnStrnaptiOli Cured. An old physician, retired from praetice having bad placed in Lis hands by an East India missionary the formula ex a simple vegetable remedy for the speedy and perma- nent cure of Consumption, Bronolilt is, Ca- tarrh,Asthma, and all throat and Lung Affections, also a positive and -adical care for Nervous Debility and all Is. arvoas Com- plaints, after having tested its wonderful -ourative powers in thousands of cases, has felt it his duty to make it kn own. to his stiff- erin.g fellows. Actuated by this motive and a desire to relieve human suffering, I will emend tkf' charge, to all who deSfre it, this fee orecipe, in Germ an, French oro English,. with full directions for preparing and. using. Sent by mail by addressiag with stamp, xi amiug thispaper. W. A. NOTES, 820 rowers Block, Rochester, N. Y The Allan line steamship Peruvian, which was aground in the river below Montreal, came off without damage, and proceeded on her voyage. Piso's Remedy fbr Catarrh is the Best, Easiest to Use, and Cheapest. Sold by druggists or sent by mail, 50c. E. T. Hazeltine. Warren, Pe. The Caron Commission continued in ses sion yestexday at Quebec. The principal feature was the tainure of the case against the Minister. • Oh, What a Cough! Will you heed the warning. The signal perhaps Of the sure approach of that more terrible disease , Consumpt- ion, Ask yourselves if you can afford for the sake of saying 50c., to run the risk and do nothing for it. We know from experience that Slailoh's Cure will cure your eough. It never fails. "Jim" the associate of "Buck," convicted of shooting Officer Steadman at Moncton N.B., was tried yesterday at Dorchester,and found guilty of shooting with intent to maim. Both will be sentenced to.day. • TRUTH WILL PREVAIL. DEAR SIRS,—I have been afflicted with Chronic Rheumatism for Several ye'irS, and • have used numerous patent medicines with. • out success. But by using six bottles of Burdock Blood Bitters I was entirmy cured SARAH MARSHALL, King st., • Kingston, Ont. NoTE.—I am acquainted with the above named lady and can certify to the correct- ness of this statement. HANRY WADE, Druggist, • Kingston, Ont. The teLegraph operators and train de- paichers on the Burlington and Ceder Rap- ids railway went on strike yesterday for higher wages and to secure an aujustment of grievances. About 2oo men are out. UP TO DATE. Facts, statistics, informationthings use- ful to knovv. the biggest und best budget of knowledge, reliable and up to date will be found in anew pubnicateon, "Facts and Figures," just isnued by Messrs, T. Milburn & Co.„ of Toronto, Ont. Our readers can obtain it by addressing the above firm and encnosing a three cent stamp, At Independence, Ia., yesterday John S Johnston broke the hmaniile standing Start bicycLe record over the kite track, pLacing the mark at 58 3-5 seconds. The last guar-. ter was made in 26 1-5 seconds. PREFERENTIAL TRADE. Preferential trride properly consists in giving the preference to Burdock Blood Bit- ters When seeking- for a cure for constipat- ion, dyspepsia, headache, biliousness, Jaen. dice, scrofula, poisonous humors, bad blood, rheumatism, or kidney corm% aints. 1 t is the true cure, and has cured ends which had resisted all other treattnent. A temporary injunction ha s been granted atBoston against the American Protective League, which is clainte (I to be insOlvent, with liabilitiestaggregating ‘52,78x1o00, and but l3iox,8oe'assets„ Will positively cure sick headache and prevent ifs return. Carter's ,Little Liver Pills. Till§ is not talk, bot truth. Oe pill tIOSe, See adVatisOrnililt, SinaLi pjaj, Saler) dose. Small price. a Dr. LallOE'S COTTON ROOT PILLS. Safe and absolutely pure, Altbat PoWerful, Fethale,Reglidat" known, The only safe, sure and reliable pill for pale. TAtolies ask druggists for LaRoe's Star and Crescent braPd. Take no other kind. Beware of oho* imitations, as they are danger- ous. Sold by all reliable ehraggists. Postpaid on reoeipt Of price. AMERICAN PIMA CO Detroit Mich,. For sale in Exeter UT J. W. Browning. Ernest J. Caldwell, Et young Canadian compositor, cut his thrOat ln the composing room where he worked in New York on Wednesday. He will recover. FOREWARNED 18 FOREARMED. Many t,f the worst attacks of cholera morbus cramps, dysentery, colic, etc.,come suddenay in the night and • speedy and prompt means must be used against them. Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wild 8traWberry is the remedy. Keep it at hand for emerg- encies. It never fails to cure Or relieve. • In a frenzy of delirum caused by typhoid fiver, William I,och, aged 36, of Harman- vil le, Pa., yesterday cut the throat of his x6 months' old babe, telling it as he did so that it would be n Inger. Loch then bath ed his face in the blood of his child. If you are tired taking the Large, ond- fashioned griping pills, try Carter's Little Liver Pills and take some cotnfort. A man can't stand everything. One pill a dose. Try them. • It is reported from Paris that President Carnot has pardoned Edward Parker Dea- con, who killed Abeitle, the Frenchman Whom he caught in his wile's bedroom. EDUCATIONAL WORK. 'The work of educating the p.tbnic to a thorough knowLedge of the virtues of Burd- ock Blood Bitters as a cure for all diseases of the stomach, liver, bowels and Dlood, has been completely successful. The remedy is now known and used in thousands of homes where it anways gives great satistact ion. The World's Fair directors have received r.5oo applications from newspapers for vis- iting representatives of the press who de- • sire seats in the manufacturers' building on dedication day. , For Invalids and weak delicate women use Milburn's Beef, Iron and Wine no oth- er, it is the best. A meeting of aldermen, members of the board of trade and citizens of Winnipeg the other night passed a resolution adoptins• the single tux theory of Henry George. Pain from indigestion, dyspepsia, and too hearty eating, is relieved at once by taking one of ;-arter s Little Liver Pills immediate - Ly after dinner. Don't forget this. At cthreve. Ohio, yesterday morning, the Chicago express on the Fort Wayne road crashed into a frei4ht train. Seven persons Were killed outright, three seriously and others slightly hu -t. That Hacking, Persistent, Distressing Cough can be quickly clued by using Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup. The whaning barque Cape Horn Pigeon, of New. Bedferd, Mass., has been seized by officers of a Russian mati,of-war on a seat,- ing schooner for whaning in the Okhotsk sea. TIMELY WISDOM. , Great and timely wisdom is shown by keeping Dr. Fowler's Extract of Wind Strawberry nu hand. It has .no equal for cholera, cholera morbus, diarrhoea, dysent- ery, colic, cramps and all summer com- plaints or looseness of the bowels. ' Fail Exhibitions." Biddulph, Granton Oct. 4-5 Hibbert, Stafta.. . . " 45 South Huron, Seaforth " 4-5 West Williams, .. " 4 5 Blansha.rd, Kirleton 14 6_7 aa . 9 DELICATE =ram. r....tra4caminanr:rxiscar• r-4 VID111117 LAMEATS _ Q.10.4‘,0 PUfiE SWEET LASTING e, aresass RtCFI DARE PUNISENT ev. L 0 TA D A Ut A Ei STILL HOLDS ME FIRST PLACE IN POPULAR FAVOR. BEWARE' OF. IMITATIONS. I FRAGRANT .: . I An. t.......mrSVA.11:11,....al..1.2101719S31211,.. Mr.= it................,,,..........., ....wenn/mime., rmuswn• vas lees..., reesnauaanenrustrscInfteemnAmwarunsimr.=rpervuusaso 1 --SEND FOR— ILLUSTRATED GATALUCTUE 61- Ladies Specialties. ADDRESS: The Parisian Medical Appliance Co., 19 Queen et E, Toronto, Out Mention this paper. 15. Regulates the Stomach, Live rand Bowe Is, u n locks tneSecretions,'Purifiesthe 'Blood and removes alt inn - purities from a 'Pimple to theworst Scrofulous Sore, CLJR •:.- OYSPERS IA. 3ILJOUSNSS. ONIST I RATION. HADAcH SALT RHEUM. SCROFULA. HEART BURN. SOUR STOMACH DIZZINE.SS. - DROPSY RHE,U/v\ ATI S/A, SKIN DISEASES 25 CENTS ---As an in- . ducenaent to new subscribers, we offer the ADVO- CAno and the "Medical Adviser and Farm Help" till the let of January 1893, for 25 cents. Send in the names' BOAR FOR SERVICE. The undersigned will keep for service on Lob 15, Con, Ord, Stephen, a thoroughbred 13erksllire Boar. TERMS;—$1, payable at time of service, with priyeloge of returning if necessary. JAS. WILLIS, Prop. ESTRAY CATTLE. There strayed on the premises of the under signed, Lot 12, Concession 9, Us borne, on or about the 26th August, 5 yearlings (1 steer and 4 heifers). Owner can have same by paying expenses and proving property. 8-t. 11, BaowN, Wineholsea P, O. 5.1,11.11,.1,11;1111,011,..1[010.M41111M.44.1.M.4,10301111.134.121311NMWMPOWN41....u• ESTRAYED CALVES. There strayed on the premises, Si lot 21, con. 3, Stephen, on or about the 1.2th inst., 4 calves, (three steers and one heifer). The owner can • have same by proving property and paying expenses.--3orni COOKSON, Exeter P. 0. ON1011.11.M.1.10.,...1071.1,0.....411.•RITLI CEO Having opened a new Tailor Shop in Harniires Store I wish to inform the citizens of Exeter and 'surrounding country that I am prepared to do all kinds of WOrktijSilafini IN- TICE. All patrons will receive careful atten- tion antral] work is guaranteed TO BE A GOOD FIT AND nig BEST OF WORKMANSHIP. Having had several years of experi- ence. I solicit a call.' Yours, etc.,. J. W. CREECH, Costom Tailor. Main Street, Exeter, Ont. A. 1 SNELL st.. EXETER - ONTARIO Has now in stock Autu nAidgr IN THE FOLLOWING LINES: West of England Suithigs and Trona erings, • Scoteh Tweed Suitings and Trouser lugs. French and English Worsted Cloth All made up in the Latest Style, at best Rates. A. J. 3/TELL AKE YOU 9a_ . __1211 SIICC111 SlIC 01Filf11111111C 11111 Now is the time to secure furniture at prices never heard of before in Exeter. For the next THIRTY DAYS, I WILL OFFER. THE WHOLE OF MY GIGANTIC STOCK oF Bed Room sets hi apie, Cherry, Ash & Oak; Sideboards in ape, Cherry and Oak: together with a Magnificent line in Parlor Suites,Lounges,Chairs,Tables,. and everything usually found in a first-class furniture store. REMEMBER THESE ARE ALL FIRST CLASS GOODS NO SHODDY ELM, and tile prices are from TEN to TWENTY per cent BELOW the usual price CM Early while the Stock !est& 11 NM= Remember the Stand—Fact ry and Wareroonis two lath orrivw Hay, Exeter, -133.11 doors WALT. ANMEVITS. EXETER MARKETS. 'S"i'hrieeayt per bushel.. $0.70 to 0,75 B •. 35 to 40 Oats 28 to 30 p B.••• 58 to 60 ut ter . . 15 to 16 Eggs .. 12 &'12 Potatoes per bus ...... 40 to 40 Hay per, ton .... 5.00 to 6.00 Wool.. ... .. 16 to 17 samossomkeslarliat2-1111:31:0212.1-1.1..C2..nr.alecuiaGifyiellasolli Entu Ago )1 IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sell a Farm IF YOU WANT TO Buy or Sel! Town Property IF YOU WANT TO • Borrow or Lend Money IF YOU WANT • Collections Make Call at Mr, ho. Spackmauls Real Estate Agency. Easiness Transactffins strictly con- fidential. Intending purchasers will receive the best advice in selecting land or town sites. Also agent for Allan Line and State Line Steamships. Office- Main Street, Exeter, Ont. Address:—JOHN SPACEMAN, Box 44. HOFF'114:Aal'8 HAllfilLESS HEADACHE POWDER'S cure ALL H EA DACH E. They are net (nicer-. tised cure every- thing,butsimply head- aches.• Try -them, it •wtll cost but „It5 cents tor a box and,they aye it444.712te8S• Thr4 are not a CaLhar%, sauxmozawsmonyililinialliaMinnalaraaamilallawa.nam.suleazarligan Wiffig4/4WW. A.4 rt 0\1'1 E 9,5 1 E.X1". OF L 8 PA AMTB1:10 CURES 1\ COLIC t C H C ut. ER A CHO1EF?A–MOR13115 DIARRHOEA DYSENTERY &INN A°81FPLAWIS /WALL ard - — CHILDRENor.ADULTS price 35 c TS EF..WARE of IMITATIONS COMPOUND. A recent discovery by an old physician. Successfully used monthly bij thousatuls of LADIES. Is the only perfect ly safe and reliable medic- ine discovered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for COOK'S CoTTON ROOT COUPOUND, trace no substitute; or inclose $1. and 4 three -cent Can- ada postage stamps in letter, and we will sena, sealed, by return mail. Full sealed par- ticularsin plain envelope, to ladies only, .2 stamps. Address Pon d 1,41 I y Coinpaii y ,No 3 Fisher Bloch.131. Woodward ave. Deti oat, Mich. farSold ExEMER at Dn.'LUTZ'S, J W. Bnowariket's and by all druggists every: where. ROVE N. HOWE Has been appointed sole agent for the THE MAHONE DRY EARTH CLOSET. Cheap, compact and a splen- did arrangement for a bed- room. •A want in every house- hold supplied at small cost. Call at once and see it. xxr.soxprolcraeasodorv —THE— ENTRAL— SHAVING --PARLOR. EXETER, = ONTARIO. A. Hastings, Prop. Every attention paid to Ladies' and Children • Hair Cutting, A. Itast,in.g;s. CIT HOTEL • LONDON, ONTARIO. 1 da J. & J illoNARTIN,Propriptors. FAIRY 7AIRI Call and see E H. FISH5 Tonsorial AlitiSt.9 when visiting the Fair. He will give you a Chan, Easy Shave, and a Mir Cat in the Latest Style. Shaving Parlor near the Post Office. :Farmers' Attention. PRICE LIST: Flour, Zurich, S2.25 " Zurich, best Family, $1.90 " Pastry 2.00 Myer's.ROyal Spice 6.00 Shorts 80c per ev,, t ; $14.00 per ton. Bran 70e " " 12,00 " " Chop 70e to $1.10 Any quantity in lots of a ton °rover can be purchased by Calling. (Wheat taken at Market Prices. In the Brick Store OPPOSITE TriWN HAM Satisfaction Guaranteed. _CALL Solicited R. S. Richardson, John Richardson, Man. Prop CHRISTIE'S '1644-614.70 First Class RIGS And HORSES ORDERS LEFT AT THE HAWE SHAW HOUSE OR AT TAP. STABLE WILL BE PROMPT • LY ATTENDED TO. =ease:In-Wag Telephone Connection ' OWN If you send us $100 for two subscriptions we will also send you formula for making your own Ess. Lemon, • Vanilla, Ginger, Pep- permint, etc. Out this out and send with • money,or mention this paper. , We hear a great deal in the papers about the PURITY of Baking Pow- ders but as a matter of fact if you want it absolutely pure you should make your own, and especially when you can save 20 cts a pound by doing so. MAKE YOUR OWN The Puritan :E3akirlg Powder. Is guaranteed absolutely pure, and the formula and full directionh for making it, so that you can sell it at a nice profit to your neigh- bors, WM be sent absolutely FREE to every one sending us 50 cents for one year's subscription to our journal, NV 111Ch is the best paper for the money published in the English language, and no family can afford to do without it. Address MEDICAL.