HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-05-01, Page 14.
. Thil,hrs�ay•t r May .�
1��nd YEAR- 18
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TiPS FOR WALKERS County 'budget -.--
1. Walking can be warm business, so don't r.
overdress. °
.2. Some food is donated — some is sold at
close to cost price -#pop is free. Eat high
h ; �. � energy foods. Eat lightly and frequently,
rather than a lot at one time.
3. Do not accept. rides, except from official
cars bearing the large white and blue
OXFAM signs.
4. Girls: don't carry a purse — even a light
one grows very heavy after a few miles.
5. Wear light-colored. clothing — you will be BY SHIRLEY J. KELLER new item, county, planning has total county mill rate of 2E125. over by the province. Besides.the
seen more readily especially toward dusk. Although there were 15 votes added $20,000 to the planned Clerk -treasurer John Berry , fact that there will be no further
=1 6. Please contact your parents after the 'for deficit financing at Friday's spending, the main hike is due topredicted a "brighter financial payments to make on. the
walk, so they will 'know where you are, session of ' Huron County the new assessmenb'department ,picture" , _ for 1970 • when administrative, building, next,
7. The walk is not a race nor an endurance Council, 24 votes were cast in budget of $19L7,425 and the assessment costs will be taken year it will he producing revenue
test. Don't harm yourself by "over doing it." favour of a budget- which will final $100,000 payment on the HIIH,Hiiu imalisa uiiiiiiHIHIssisisIslissi III. ° since the provincial government
8. Obey the Walk Marshall and Police. - increase the county tax rate this new administrative building.. - will lease 'the entire building for
9 All walkers must check 'out at the St. year by 3.25 mills. It was noted that the general ,, , assessment purposes.
George's Anglican -Church Hall. The budget calls for account is set at 12.25 mills, Also next year, reported
10. Obey safety regulations carefully expenditures of $3 268 353. bearing the entire mill rate' } .; Berry, ,a debenture on
throughout. Let us make it a 100 per cent Although health, library, increase, while the road budget , „ Huronview will be paid off
"Safe" walk.' children's aid costs are up and 'a remains steady at 10 mills for a j, reducing the annual costs
$70,000. Stanley Reeve Elmer
s ;, °' ' .Hayter and his deputy -reeve,
Annson McKinley spoke out in
. " favor of deficit financing.
season arts
Increase courity fax rate;
up 3.25 mills to 22.25
+ A:
The--w-inners- of - the -OXFAM poster- and- essay contests were, Larry- B rke, 1st poster. The winning poster, a sketch of Snoopy,
selected this week by a panel of three judges. Mrs. A. M. Harper, the oon character carried the slogan ",Happiness is walking for
Mrs. C. Edwards and Mrs. C. Elliott selected the winners shown ,- FAM." First and second prizes in each category were donated
above. Left to right, front row: Debbie Turner, 2nd essay, gr. 7, by Sheaffer Pen Co., and Goderich, Manufacturing, respectively;
Colborne Central School; Shelley McPhee, 3rd essay, gr. 8, third prize poster award was donated by Conklin Lumber* and the
Colborne Central School and Karen Melady, 2nd poster, gr. 2; St. _ third prize in the essay - division was donated' by Mrs. Freda
Peter's School. Back row'. Ron 1(Villis, 1st essay, gr. 7, Colborne 1VIacDonald. The OXtAM Walk will take place this Saturday; May
Central School; Debbie Durst, gr. 6, CdlborneCentral School and 3, starting at 8 a.m. •
oxFAm Waik Saturdav; stress sa ft
The OXFAM Walk will get The turn out is expected to Church ° Hall, corner of North a way to help. Some of the MPs
under way Saturday at_8 a.m. on be outstanding.. More than 700 Street and Nelson. All walkers who are walking need sponsors.
the first stage of the 25 mile are expected to make the walk — must register in the hall where Robert McKinley, MP, has, asked
charity walk. at least part way. they will receive check point for sponsors in particular. His
Dignitaries from all over will One change in plans has been cards and two identifying cards work in Ottawa has prevented
,, be taking part with people of all announced. The walk will now to wear.,him from' getting at his sponsor
ages and from all walks of life. start from St: George's Anglican ,, If.you can't walk, here is still books, so a bit of voluntary help
would be appreciated. If you
JUne MWOOll: s peaks 0 U members of parliament or local
councils who are walking, chip
in and sponsor them for a dime
or two —' or three. Herb Mtifphy,
-chairman of the committee, will
be glad to take any calls from
sponsors at 524-9185.
"They (hippies) have given more of your real feelings to Mrs. W. G. McKellar -and Mrs. C. Airmen from CFB Clinton
me such a gift: I was shaken people they won't reject ydu Boddy, convenors ', of the will also be getting into the act.
profoundly upon looking anew and you won't be alone." She luncheon, were thanked for their „This week nine officers
at all the things I thought of as also suggested to parents whose unstinting efforts. announced they will take part in
the verities of life." These were children resort to - drugs: Mrs. C. MacDonald, directbr the walk and others could.be
comments made ° by June "Marijuana is not the evil; the of nursing at *Alexandra hospital, added to the list before
Callwood, noted writer and evil is lonely kids. Don't received a, cheque in final Saturday. ;
television personality, when she reprimand them; they need payment of a pledge,made by The town band, with the help
addressed a gathering' at North_ __ love•" the , chapter if for the . .of some of _ the members of
Street United • Church hall The audience responded with establishment of a medical GDCI's Viking . Band, will give
Tuesday afternoon-. a standing ovation when Miss records 'library .at the hospital. some encouragement at the
., • The event was a smorgasbord Callwood concluded her. The ,presentation was made by ' start. The band will start with
• luncheon sponsored by the remarks. Mrs. Ainslie. the group from outside McKay
Maple Leaf Chapter, IODE and a Mrs, John Stringer'tl anked i �o-year pin was presented Hall where the walkers will form
capacity crowd ° was , in ...the guest speaker and presented to Mrs. Ben Homan by Mrs. up, and march part of the route
attendance ;; _ ._ �- her with a cheque to -help-in- her . - MacE.wan Egener.. around -town., The
will leave the
Mrs. G. L. -Royal introduced work with youth in Toronto. Baskets and vases of forsythia walk somewhere on the route
Miss' Callwood �who 'described , Mrs. Bryan Ainslie regent of and spring flowers " were
and reform on South Street for a
• her experiences after' becoming r the chapter, was mistress of abundant throughout the hall, In circuit of The Square to send the
involved in a venture to help the ceremonies for the occasion. She display far guests td"vie`uv at the walkers on the 211/2 miles of
"hippies" " who were ,welcomed the gathering and.. conclusion of the luncheon was cohntry roads they will be using.
congregating in Toronto's expressed pleasure at the public an exhibition of original oil Refreshments will be made
Yorkville. "Until. you see these response to their undertaking. Paintings by Mrs. Don Aberhart.. available• at Porter's Hill and at
young people, you really don't• Holmesville by United Church
know how horrible their -life has -
1 � Women's groups, .and at St. -
George's Hall after the walk by
ou�' Itudies
4 a,p p a 11 i ngly poverty-stricken
been." She described their the Cath$1 is Women's League.
origins and their physical and Tuckey Beverages, Exeter and
mental decadence. She blamed �0 �� Esbeo (Huron) of Stratford
home environment as being arbou sbe
will sc supplying all soft drinks instrumental in producing free of charge. Pop will be
unbalanced children who in turn' department of public works for available at most checkpoints. Q
do not fare well when they enter Goderich town council was to P P nominal charge will be made for
our educational system. As a hold a special meeting at a river survey. hot do and sandwiches at
result they enter society "school Goderich Harbour on Saturday Subject of discussion last I
to discuss renovations and week was an amount of fill that Porter's Hill and Holmesville.
damaged and home damaged" had been dumped beside the Safety is being emphasized
— and are unable to find a place possible improvements to water throughout the walk and' even
for themselves. "They don't fit; front properties. aver: The Homans advised g
The buildingat present council they would be willing to the direction of the walk is
tlwey are lonely. So they turn to • ' remove the fill if council would planned to keep walkers on one
drugs and the company of others
occupied by, MacDonald Monne side of the road — facingtraffic
Tug, Co. was to be examined'° to pay for the cosi or installing
who sham their plight." establish .what work, if any,' is hydro to the island. Mayor Dr. — at all times. Walkers are asked
Miss ' Callwood drew anG. Frank Mills said estimates for to wear light coloured clothing
analogy between our present-day necessary before council signs a
hippies and the founders of lease' for,the'`huilding. the levelling of the fill had been so that- they are easily seen by
PP Deputy reeve Walter for only $150 as opposed to motorists •
some of the great religions of the P Y
$2,500 for installation of power The Walkers will be at The
world. °"They are men who Sheardown asked council last
withdraw from society, lines. He said he felt the amount Square between 8:45 a.m. and 9
�, week, to take some action on the was not in -balance.
_it .then return with something to lease which has been held overa.m. and everyone who can't
(fifer it in the . way of several times since 1968. Council was to meet at the take part is asked tomake an.
im rovement." She concluded At that time tug company site to study the problem and effort to be there to cheer the
P owner Donald Bert MacAdam will make a decision later. walkers on.
that the hippy philosophy. of«
love and brotherhood has had -an asked- council for the lease Goderich - town council was -. _
_because . Imperial rial ._ Oil__ Limited _ "warned Thursday_- the - t ivI — W
e€€eat--in changing our society.. le keep_
wast o make dump - is being operated in -
She feels that people now are
more inclined to view others less improvements to the building, violation of the Air Pollution streets
critically and to be more honest but would not go ahead without Act and was advised to make
with' themselves. She feels that a lease: application to continue to burn
her association with the hippies Other property to be waste material on a temporary
has been a milestone in her life. examined at the Saturday basis until a new dump site is
"I am trying to be as hottest a meeting .was a section near the approved.•
Maitland River channel adjacent A letter from the Ontario
person as I can be," she said. "1
• watch myself for being to property owned by Mr. and Pollution Control. Service stated
dishonest, artificial and phoney. Mrs. B. M. Homan. burning of waste material on
I no longer believe there isn't a Mr. and Mrs.. Homan had open dumps in Ontario was no
God -force in everyone." w- previously asked council to longer permissible under new
miss Callwood Rad some support `them in plans for a legislation and council would be Chairman El�rner Hayter in
words of advice for her marina operation on their permitted' an extension of 30 ' speaking is the report -told
audience. "If you believe there is Maitland - River Island and days if application was made. council he hoped this would put
some good in someone, you will -council made preliminary Dr. G. Frank Mills, mayor, an end to the complaints from
4t find it there. If you can give application to the federal said application should be made, the towns.,
hippies at IODE `luncheon
S▪ aid Reeve .Hayter.,
4,4"Somebody's going to have . to
44444, borrow the money to pay this
Goderich Raceway Manager, the grandstand to allow for • .' ' �� 4 4,,,,A� �..;
Bud Jerry, ; ,k,4 ,_� 4, �-..,4.0 ��t thing, Once the mill rate goes up
announced this week better handling;, of the mutual J .;:� <, r' ,,�'r4•, we'll never get it back down."
the local track will'open July 1, wagering areas. Mr. Jerry s� McKinley asked if the executive
and will provide 13 nights of pointed out the raceway A. HARPER' committee considered the
harness racing until Sept.17. increased its mutual handle in ... presideht
g possibility of spreading the costs
Racing dates are Tuesday, the second year of operation by Liberals out over ,.longer periodof time.
July 1, and Tuesday, July 8, and 33 per cent. It has paid more Clerk -treasurer Berry reminded -
the Wednesdays of July 16, _23 money back to the.. town than
and 30 and of Aug,,-�� council of the high interest rates
g, 13 and was agreed upon when thewhich prevail.
20. Racingwill elect Harnerr g --
lie _held on , raceway started panmutual� Irk support of the budget;
Saturday, Aug. 23, and vile then wagering two years go. A. M. Harper.~of Goderich was Berry said, "Our costs should be
revert to Wednesdays for the Mr.. Jerry said he could not elected president of the Huron.. down by about $370,000 next
balances of the season: Aug. 27 see the, track' being moved Liberal Association (provincial) year. Surely our services -Will not.
and Sept. 3, 10 and 17. 4 anywhere else at the present, but at its, annual meeting in Clinton go up by that much."
The card will carry 10 races did envision a change if industry last' Thursday night. He succeeds The chairman of the
on every date. Mr. Jerry said this came tb town and the Beecher Menzies of Clinton. executive committee;-' A. D.
week the local raceway is population grew greatly. "At the Area vice-presidents elected: Smith of Turnberry, drew
hopeful town, council will moment certain modest Mrs. D. J. Murphy, Mrs. A. M. ' attention to .the estimated
approve the recommendations of , -improver lents would serve our Harper and. J. Kenneth Hunter, surplus of $54';372: "We'll have
the council last year for the purpose," he -said.. all of Goderich; Paul Steckle and all these things paid for this year
^.. construction '`cif ° a new paddock: : The raceway' also provides Albert Diechert, both of Zurich; and a surplus besides," Smith
"It will help the operation; make employment for local people and John Broadfoot, RR �1, pointed out.
it. more efficient and will allow and the track will be advertising Brucefield. In the vote, those in favor of
us to hold qualifying races on for additional help this year in J. Howard Aitken of Goderich the budget were Jack Alexander,
the day of the races. People the wagering areas. Sellers, was elected secretary and Harry Mel Allan, Jim Armstrong,
could see these free of charge." cashiers, sellers'. runners and . Strang, HensaIl, treasurer: Gordon Boyd, Derry Boyle,
'Changes the raceway would cashiers' runners will .be required The candidate's committee Allan Campbell, Borden Cook,
like . to _see implemented and the jobs will beopen tomen will consist ---of •'Dr. Morgan R. B. Cousins, Mery Cudmore,
sometime in_ the future, in or women who are good at Smith, Bayfield; D. J. Murphy, Joe Dietrich, Bill Elston, Wilmer
addition to new paddock figures. They will be employed Goderich and Gordan McGavin Hardy, James Hayter, .Lloyd
facilities, include parking one night a week throughout the of Walton, Hendrick, Gordon Hess, Joe
facilities' and the movement of season, IliHoffman, Oliver•q Jaques, Gordon
naliiiimalaliallIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIiiialaillIalli Illnallaiialli IIIIIIIiiilaIIIIIilillllllliiillllrllll iaiill1111111111111111111111111111111111ilialliiiallail111111ia1111i11111111 .SFr. Lawson, Bob Lynons, Frank
McFadden, Roy Pattison, A. D.
Smith, Elgin Thompson and Roy
Those opposed. to the budget
and in favor of deficit financing
were Wilmer Cuthill, John
Flannery, Elmer Hayter, W. R.
Jenkins, Alex McGregor, Everett
Mcllwain, Anson McKinley,
Gervin Reed, Harold Robinson,
Walter Sheardown (2) Charles
Thomas, H. Wild and Harry
Worsell (2).
In connection with the
budget, McKinley drew
attention to Huron's
disappointment that the county
will receive only a 50 per cent
grant for health unit expenses
when a 75 per cent grant had
been expected at the time the
health budget was approved.
Perth County has qualified for
the .7 5 per cent grant.
McKinley said a letter on the
subject has been sent, to Dr.
Matthew Dymond and council
has been in touch with Hon. C.
S. --T MaeNaughton; -provincial
There was very little
discussion Friday on a County
Council road committee report
which permitted the towns of
Exeter, Wingham and Goderich
to retain the streets in each town
which the county had proposed
at the March session to take
Guests at
The annual Inter -club night was held at. the Harbourlite Inn,
Tuesday April 29: Left to right are J. Howard Aitkin, who
introduced the guest speaker; Ken McGee, pres. Kinsmen -Club;
Norm McIntyre, pres. Rotary Club; Ted Gellman, guest speaker;
Jing -Coulter,, pres. Lions Club, and Harold' Charnbers, pres. branch
109, Royal -Canadian Letjion. --=phi fo by Hinton -
Zionist speaks at
inter -club banquet
Exeter Reeve Derry Boyle
said the province had given
Huron an opportunity to get in
on the 75 per cent grant, but
Please turn to page 6
"What complaints have you "In 1917, Britain, wanting to prevented Jews from enlisting as between a Zionist, `a Jew, and
with Israel? Where do you think gain, favor with the Jews and fighting men but required them Israeli --' and a Canadian. As an
the fault lies? What do you" think Arabs, entered into promises , at- that time to he just in work example Mr. Bellman suggested
Israel should be doing? Does with these people. If the Jews camps. It wasn't until the fall of if •a Canadian was offered a
doing wrong?" woanyone wish to accuse Israel of and Arab s helped Britain they France, and Britain thought they better job at triple the salary in
t,d create independent bright ' lose the war did they the USA — he would accept even
With these questions Ted Jewish and Arab States. They allow ;Jews to bear arms and if it required changing
Bellman, Toronto real estate didn't have the power at that be formed into a fighting force," citizenship. However if the§same
developer, and dedicated time to create" it, but they said Mr. Bellman. - - Canaaian was asked to -convert —
Zionist, began his defense of pledged its creation, Mr. ,, "After the war ' Britain this is a totally different picture.
Israel to 140 men attending the Bellman stated. "The Jews continued in not allowing any. "Every one has ' allegiances
annual inter -club mee'thrg of -rallied to the cause. Although Jews to enter Israel in direct—Within themselves; allegiances to
Goderich service clubs. they were in the minority, ,contradiction , 'to the Balfour your country; allegiances
compared to the Arabs, their _Agreement," he said. The war your family. We pay different
Mr. Hellman suggested those efforts on the side of the British that resulted between the Jews homages. The Jews fought very
who thought the crisis in the far exceeded ,the efforts of the . and . Britain, Mr. L Bellman hard in the last war. There were
middle east began in the post Arabs." compared that conflict to the even Jews fighting Jews. It is
war period of 1946 and '47 were "Ther Jews :were then war of 1776 in which the United very much a part of Mosaic Law
"ill-informed — rather the promised what is now Israel and States won independence from • - • you have to fight for the
problem began .4,00'0 years ago, , --
when 'Abraham was asked to Jordon in the Balfour British -rule. country that is your host." Mr:
. _ -.. Declaration," the noted Zionist The-- 1Jni-ted Nations, Bellman said-.. '
leave the land that he was �n and explained. ° _ prompted by these hostilities,
take his family into a new land Dr. G. P,• A. Evans, Medical
where he could pay homage to In 1939, tie Grand Mufti of created a separate Jewish state, Officer of Health for Huron
Jerusalem entered the second and partitioning was ordered. Count in thankingMr. 'Bellman
his one God." • Y,
„ great_ _war ;on the _,German side Mr. Bellman, in conclusion
_ - - . __:pressed..— _._ adtniratiotr _ a�"id" __ _ -�
On s step by step basis, Mr. and Was largely responsible for summarized", contemporary sympathy for the Jewish people.
Bellman proceeded through the encouraging Hitler to attempt history in the middle east and •
Biblical times to establish the the annihilation of the Jewish invitedj'gtiestions from the floor. "I must take issue with Mr.
QUESTION: Is it true Zionism is Bellman," the doctor said, "on
rights of the Jewish people to people, Mr. Bellman stated:
the land that is now Israel, and - "Out of the 450,000 Jews mord affluent than the Vatican? the big bad wolf role he has
further rights to some Arab that lived in Palestine, 1301000 ANSWER: If a balance sheet credited to Britain in the middle
lands presently under the enlisted in the war effort on the were taken the result would be east, and we all take issue with
control of Israel. He said that he side of Britain, and allied zero. Zionism is only a service Mr. Bellman on his tendency to
stressed the fact that no Arab ' powers. There was no such organization dedicated to the whitewash the role of the United
nation has lived in the land now response on the part of the Arab cause of Jewish independence. States of America."
known , as Palestine and Israel. nations, in fact they favored -a QUESTION: To whom does a
"There was no such thing as any Nazi 'victory." Zionist owe allegiance? To "I would conclude, ladies and
Arab count entlemen, by hoping Jews and
country, and that is very The British were s worried Canada first of all, the country �'
important, to keep in mind;"' he that the Jews would become too he lives in, or to Israel and the Arabs come to co-operate in
said The Arabs never lived in powerful from their military Jewish' State? defusing one of the,most potent
Palestine, and they never had training and bearing various arms ANSWER: Gentiles do not powder kegs in the world
sovereignty since 1571." and equipment, that they understand the " distinction today." Dr,' Evans said.