HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-29, Page 1Subscribe len`
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ist 1800. Give it a trio',
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Te avocATE orFlog
-,•*Whell ianeee. rate-- '
stria jaeaBoisu;.,alerievd.01013pien4s_, juti- e"t't,atcort
all 10.11ds of
"rhe Ea 0 le n Bank., *LI
NO 276
(Chartered by Parliamout, 1855.) VIE LOO
Paid up .... $2,000,000.
Rest Fund.... , 1,100,000,
• Head office Montreal,
Money advanced to good Farmor'S on their
own notes with one or more endorsers at 7
per oeut per annum.
Exeter Branch.
Open every lawful day from ILO a. m. to 3 p.
01.1 k'naturdays a.m. to Lp. m
A generalbauking business,transacted
ocurtENT RATES euewea for mon-
ey ou Deposit Receipts, SavingS Bank at 8
per cent.
Exeter, Jan 28, "88. ' Sub Managef
44';`Vael, brorate)
Is pnblislied:overy Thursday Morning,
the Office,...t
One Dollar per annuli,. .if paid in AclVance.
S.11..30 if not Sb. paid.o
13..c1.4.1-extio1.3.t.rs Meiten
ticae. .
No paper discontinued until all arrearages
are paid. Advertisements without specific
directions will be publishecl till forbid. and
charged accordingly. Liberal discount made
for tranacient advertisements inserted for
long periods. Every description of .TOB
PRINTING turned out in the finest style,
and at moderate rates. Cheques,money ord-
ers. &a. for advertising, subscriptions, etc.to
be made payable to "
Sanders 4k., Sweet
• •tjkurehpitreetory.
TarvirrT Onuiceit--Reo. F,
Fatt, Rector.. Suuday Services, 11 a. ni
and 7 v. m. Sabbath Soh oolt,.0.30 a. m. Holy
Communion, ist Sunday of each month at
Morning Service, and in months of five Sun-
days, after Evening Service of 3rd Sunday of
the month. Holy Baptism on 2nd. Sunday
,of each month at morning service.
METlionisr Ourrnou--James-st , Rev. A. L.
Russell, Pastor. Sunday Services,10.80 a. m.
and 6.90 p.m. Sabbath School, 2.30 v. in.
MAIN STREET -Rev. W. McDOnagli, Pas-
tor. Sunday Services, LIAO a.m. and 7.00 p.m.
Sabbath School s.80 p. ru.
Pastor. Sunday Services, 11 it. m. and. 6.30 p.
rn. Sabbath School, 041 a.m.
4•11.1insmagnem ...rwerarm.yerommaratsulsomaraCM*21111M.Introtr.•
t. s s onill
Pf. KIN MAN,L.D5, Fanson's Block
two doors nortb. of Carling Store.,
M.AIN STREET, EXETER, extracts teeth
.7 without pain. Away at Liensall on lot
Friday; Ausa Crai,„•• on. Sud and eth Tuesday;
and Zurich on last thursday of each month.
• .
H. INGRAM, DENTIST, Member Royal
• C. College.Dental Surgeons, successor to
H. L. Billings. Office over Post Office
Exeter, Qnt, .A. sae anaesthetic given for
the painless extraction of teeth. Eine Gold
. Fillings as required. '
as= Maism•x•ramt....mmemagerfaan ••••
J• and Surgeon. Office and. residence -
Corner Victoria. and Elgin streets, Goderich,
Residence -Corner Andrew and. North
Streets, Exeter, Ontario.
-ILY the College of Physicians' and.Sargeons
Ontario. Physician, Surgeon and. Accou.cli-
eur. Office, Lashwood, Ont.
DR. T. A. AMOS, M. D, C. M , Member of
College of Physicians and Surgeons,
Ontario; licentiate of the Royal College of
Physicians and. Surgeons Edinburgh; licen-
tiate of the Faculty of Physicians and Sur-
geons, Glasgow; Fellow of Trinity Medical
College, Toronto, Office -Dr: Cowen's old
-11-t• OR, Conveyancer', Notary Public.
Office -Over O'Neil's Bank, Exeter, Ontario.
hiOnev to Loan.
L. of Supreme Court, Notary Public, Con-
veyancer, COmmission.er, &c. Money to loan
office -Fans on's Block, Exeter.
Hors, COnv,eyancerS,
• ^
'T.T BROWN, Winchelsea. Licensed Auct-
.1.1. ioneer for the Counties of Perth and
Middlesex, also for the township of Usborne
Sales promptly attended to and termsreason
able.Sales arranged. at Post office, Winchols a
AJ. ROLLINS, late of Manitoba, .,ed. ed. Auctioneer, for the counties of Hur-
on and ltrliddlesex. Residence: 1 mile south
of Exeter, Out. Sale Orders by mail or other-
wise promptly attended to at reasonable
BOSSENBERRY, Hensall Ontario. LIG-
• onsec1 Auctioneer for the Countys of
Huron and Perth. Charges moderate and
satisfaction gnaranteed.
ar HARDY, Licensed Auctioneer for the
County of Huron. Sales Conducted on
reasonable terms. Farm and Farm Stock a
s pecialty. Full arrangements can be made
at this office.
FDED. W. FARNCOMB, Provincial Land
Surveyor and. Civil Engineer. Office,
Over Post Office, Main street, Exeter, Ont.
DAIVD MILLER, Veterinary Surgeon,
Graduate of the Ontario Veterinary
College,Toronto, (Successor to Win. Sweet,
V. 9) Over 18 years practice. Offiee and
residence one block east of Richard Pickards
store, Oppesite Skating Rink, Exeter, Ont.
as Ian' roe
The *Western Fire Assurance Company,
of Toronto
The Plimnix Vire Instramee Co*y.,
of London, England
The Allianoe Fire A.ssur,
of London, England.
Officer -Main -street, Illiceter, Ont.
. F" SALE:
0 — .
airte-ahribetnoW. Apply at thik
' ' ' .. -fi ' - '
.An. upright Plan o (Mason & Ilisell ,---7 irst•
To see bow your stock of FALL and WINTER SUITINGS is for
the coming seasons.
Of Course You Haven't
And when the cool Days and Nights come you will be
in a BIG HURRY to got one of the NOBBY TWEED SUITS that QRIEVE is
selling for
$ L fo.c9 arld. itTatnzr,:aareirDs.
Or perhaps you want a fine OVERCOAT, if so, we have a
Lthge a, d Complete Stock to Pick from.
And in Black suits we do them all for quality and cheapness,
If so, see what we are making for
V2S75, WOI-VrET 3.75.
and we make all these goods -up IN GOOD STYLE with the best Trimmings
See our 75o. Tweeds, and we out our own goods free
of charge.
ReMember the Place.
(Sp 'evils of ladies work.)
Is the complaint of Many poor mortals,
who know not where , to find relief.
Hood's Sarsaperilla- possesses just those
elements of strength Which you so.
earnestly .crave, it will build you up,
give you art appetite, strengthen your
stomach and nerves. Try it.
Spfrdol .-Darb'y & Joan. Hugh Oke;
rope wO
J. Goul
hotuerk, Oltt.; mantel drape, Mrs
d ; c.d. of 1: ugh 0]04, Will Browning ;
Mrs. ade quilt, Snell Slanlake ; tea cozv
E. A. Benhett; coo tt.r piece, Mrs Ben
nett; pil
wool flo
low slip Win Perkin ; huhu
wers, Sath'i Om ton ; hair flowers,
Huv,h Oke; novelty ilaL. Le011ard HULIter;
leuthor wi.rk, Leonard Hunter,
Hood's Pills act especially' upon the
-liver, rousing it fiom torpidity to its
natural duties; cure constipation and
assist digestion.
BISSETT.-In Exeter, on the 22nd inst.,
the wife of Themes Bissett, of a son.
Weeees.:In Exeter, on the 22nd inst.;
James Willis, aged 46 years.
HOtNEY.-In Usborne, on the ..28th
inst., Henry Horney; aged 58 years,
2 months and 2 days. Funeral on
Friday at 40 p.m.
A number of young people of this
yicinity who attended London Fair
last week have returned and report
having a good tie. -Mr. J. B. Hodg-
ins intends having an auction sale of
farm stock and implements on Friday
Sept. 30th. Everything will be sold,as
he intends going into Parkhill to re-
side. -Mrs. Archie McGinnis is at pre-
sent very sick with inflammation of
the bowels, but with the attendance of
Dr. Ovens it is expected she will re
cover. -Mr. Frank Bossenberry and
wife have been down for the past few
days visiting friends at Grand Bend,
Mr. A. McGibbon had the Inisfortune
to loee a valuable working horse last
week by rupture of the stomach. It
is a great loss to Mr. Gibbon, as he has
none to fill its place. -The Methodist
church of Grand Bend intend having
a harvest home dinner on Sept. 27th.
The programme will corsist of music,
recitations and readings and speeches.
A good time is expeeted.-One of those
plealing events which create a stir
and excitement took place at the real:
deuce of Mr. Hugh Love on Tuesday
of last week, it being the marriage of
their second eldest daughter, Jessie, to
Mr. Thomas Farrel, of A B line. The
ceremony was performed by Rev. S. A
Carriere, of Grand Bend, before a num
ber of witnesses, The bride was sup-
ported by her sister Mary, while the
groom was attended by Mr. J. Pollock.
After the ceremony was performed
they all repaired to the dining room,
where they partook of a hearty dinner
prepared by the hostess, (and ere the
tables were cleared away the friends
for the entertainment came gliding in,
until the huuse was well filled, and at
about half past eight o'clock Messrs.
Bossenberry and VVeiver were called
in to furnish music for thorte who took
pleasure in dancing, while others
amused themselves in games of 'var-
ious kinds until the wee sma hours hie
them collect their belonging's and de-
part for their homes, all well pleased
with their evening's amusement.. The
presents whieh the bride received
were both numerous and useftil, show-
ing *the high esteem in which she was
held in the Sociable circles.
Great bargain e in new dress goods
at the Big Bankrupt store,
Fire started Friday night in the
'Heneall House, oceupied and owned by
R. A McIntire. All the occupants es
coped with the exception of D. Mein-
tosh, a laborer, who was burned to
death; and in whose room the fire is
supposed to have originated. The fire
spread to the dwelling house ow tied
and occupied by R. Welsh, and all the
adjoining buildings and stables of both
dwellings were destroyed.. R. A. Mc-
Intyre's loss is *5,000; insured m .the
Royal for $3,000; R. Welsh's loss is
$1,000; insured in the Wellington Mut-
ual for $600.
Quite a number from here attended
the Western Frir at London last week.
-Mr. Robert Gihnore, of Forest, is at
present visitrno• friends in these parts.
-Mr. Winegaih.den, ot near Parkhill.
was visiting in these parts last week. -
Quite a. severe electric; storm passed
over these parts on Sunday lase -Mrs.
H. Hartman, of Dashwood, was visiting
her parents in these parts last week. -
Mr. T. Bennett, of Hullett, was the
ruest of Mr. tied Mrs, Whitmore, the
first of the week. -Mr. j. Welsh is at
present in Forest visiting his mother,
who is iil.
• Moor sville.
A heavy thunderstorm prevailed in
this section on Sunday afternoon and a
horse was killed by lightning for Mr.
Joseph Cobbledick. The animal was
grazing in a pasture field at the time
in compamy with several others and
was struck in the head the fluid pass-
ing down its neck and fore leg.. All
the other hcrses escaped without in.
Notwithstanding the heavy rain-
storm which came up en Sunday after
noon last, §t. Paul's church was , well
filledwith an attentive congregation
at the evenitig service. The church
was.tastefullv decorated with fruits
and flowers for the annual thanksgiv-
ing services and the offertory liberal.
Rev. F. R. dhent, of Granton. conduct-
ed the services and preached a thought
ful Sermon from St. Luke XV, 180; and
but for the recent storm the audience
would have been much latger. On
the Monday evening an entertainment
consisting of a substantial dinner and
other refreshments, followed by an ex•
cellent musical and literary program,
was given in the town hall, which was
patronized by a goodly number of peo-
ple present. Addresses were delivered
by the chairman, Rey. H. D, Steele,
Rev. F. H. Fatt, of Exeter, and Rey. B.
Hutton, of Kirkton. The choir of St.
Paul's church furnished several anth-
ems of a yer3r appropriate , character,
during. the course of the evening,
which drew forth deserved applause
from the audience. The sum of $36
was realized, which is to be applied
toward the heedful enlargement of the
church sheds.
BARURY--IVISON.-On Wednesday, the
21st inst., at the residence of the
bride's parents, Kippen, by the Rev.
R, C. Henclers, of London, assisted by
the Rev. E. A. Fear, of Nile, Rev, R
H. I3aruby, of Tiverton, to Fanny,
daughter of Mr. Ivison, Esse
ANDRENV-BitimAcommo „7 -At the reel.
dece of the bride's parents, Elim
vill on the 21.st mite by the Rev, J.
Russell, Ira El. Andrew, to Misa
Ann, second daughter' a Mr, JOhn
3r1tnaoombe all o traborno.
A 4.;Troatd. Success -Total Receipts
• Nearly. SMOAK).
With,the advents of the months,
perhaps Shere is no other
gathering held in the rural districts
of Western Ontario that is looked for-
ward to with greater pleasure by a
larger zumber of people than Exeter
Fair. It is a household Word, not only
in Huron, but in adjoining counties
The fair of 1892, which was held on
Monday and Tuesday last, was well up
to the staudard, maintaining -its repu-
tation for being one of the best fairs of
the west. The success IS doubtless due
to the interest taken in it, not only by
the community, but by the election of
directors who are conversant,with age,
ricultural fairs and know their busi
ness thoroughly. The number of ent-
ries compare more than favorably with
last year, and the excellence of the ex•
hibits is fully up to that of former
years. Monday Old Sol shene out with
a determination to smile success On the
Exhibition, and gave exhibitors ample
opportunity to place their exhibits. en
the grounds in splendid shape. The
"Paiace," which was mtved from its old
resting place, to make it more couven•
ient fur visitors, has an attraction of its
own, without .whish the show would be
incomplete:. This spacious building
was well filled with various exhibits of
art and skill, which showed a decided
improvement to that of former years.
The second day is the main or crown
ing clay of EXeter Pair. All the exhib-
its are on the groued and everything
18 ia full blast. Old Sol shone out from
early morn with a delightful brillianey
and early in the day the town began
to assume its habitual life- and stir.
Wagons rattled and sidewalks crowded
-all hurrying to the fair. Visitors
and sight seers continue4 to arrive -un-
til nearly 4000 people were on the
ground. The opening of the, neW half
mile track, which was in excellent con-
dition was looked to with interest arid
was the centre, Of attraction. The show
of horses and cattle was good. The
fair throughout was a success, both
financially and othe,rwise, the receipts
amounting in the neighborhood of
$800, The following is the list.
mare, Thos Berry; Foal, T Berry; 3 yr.
old, Alex. Smillie, John Cochrane ;.2 yr,
old, Jas Rowelin, 1' Berry; 1 -yr old, J
AGRICULTURAL -Brood mare, Thomas
Brock, d'as' Hack neer, John Duncan, Jr;
Foal, J Hackney, Ay Doyle, John Dun-
can, jr.; 3•yr-old, Simon Campbell; 2 -
yr -old, Hy Rundell, John 'McGresegor,
Richard Hicks; 1. yr old, Geo Taylor, J
Murray, Thos Hunkin ; Draught team,
Wm Cornish, Jas Beaty, J Hackney; 1
yr -old, eptire horse, John Esser,y.
shame 3 -yr old, Robt BellsJas A. Bell;
2 yr old, S Rennie, Moses Sims, John
Decker. 1 -yr -old, Robt. Creery, Robert
Hobkiri; Team, T Berry, H. McGreg-
gor, J Cochrane.
Judges-Jchn Kennedy, Jas Norris,
Thos Green. „
CARRIAGE -Brood mare, Thos Lang
J & D Wood; Foal, J & D Wood, Thos
Lang; 3-yreold, J & D Wood, Leo. Hun-
ter; 2.yr old, Wm Reid, J Armstrong,
Sam R Horne; 1 -yr -old, W G Bissett, T
Lang,E Williams; Pair carriage horses
W Doherty; Single carriage horse, R
Creery, Geo. Case, Robt Carlysle.
BoADSTER.-Brood mare, J Treble, L
Hunter, G E McTaggart; Foals I Arm
stronosJ Essery, G E McTaggart; 3,yr-
old, Ws A McRoberts, W RbDavis, F
Hicks; 2 -yr -old, W G Bissett,L Hunter,
A Dearing; 1 -yr old, L 11 Dickson, W.
Reid, Will Follond; Pair of roadsters, T,
E Handford, E Bossenberry; Single
roadster, Hy Rundell; Saddle horse, L
H Dickson, W R Davis, Alonza Snell;
Lady driver,Miss M Miller '• Lady Ride rs,
Miss Polly Bawden, Miss Myrtle Hod-
Judges. --Capt Robinson, Denfield;
Bell, Barrie; John S Coppin, Mitchell. •
SPEED CONTEST. -Roadster stallion,
Mr, Goebel, Thos Bissett; Pair of road-
sters, Wm Hawkshaw, E Bossenberry;
Single roadster, T Berry, W Bowden,
W White.
cow,H & W D Smith,T Russell 2 and 3;
2 yr old heifer, T Russell 1 and 2, Jac
Roeder; 1 -yr heifer. H & W D Smith, T
Russell 2 and 2; Heifer calf, H & W D
Smith, T Russell, J Roeder; Bull calf, T
Russell, H & W D Smith; Herd, H & W
D Smith, T Russell,
GRADES -Aged cow, John Willis, T
Horton; 2 -yr -old heifer, J Delbridge, T
Shapton, R Davis; 1 -yr -old heifer, Thos
Shaptori 1 'stud 2; R Davis;Iltifer calf,
T Shapton 1 and 2. ,
BITTCRERS%-2.yr.old steer, J Del
bridge, Thos Coates 2 and 3; 1 yr old
steer, T Shapton 1 and 2, W Westcott;
Fat cow or heifer, T Russell, H& W D
Smith, 'Thos. Coate t; Herd shipping
steers, T
Ayrshires.-Cow, Jown Emery.
Jersey -Cow, Chris Coates G Seine
well; Steer, Chris Coates, Coates,
Jtidges-W Priclham,. M. P. RueSel.
dale; Hugh Chesney, •Egmontville, W
Shellinglawf ChiSelhtirst,
LutenStmt--Aged Rittn,T Currelley
and Son, L T Good -win Shearlint tam
T Ourrelley & Son, 'I Shapton, L T iThPox;Aiiiiiso--op;ati.ili„eoscs, t,Aoniatiol igtasttailnell,Dtraotrz:g,
BC0716:2i,4 11TamooLodaniwit; rpraeiruriE'‘3livieeYs, T Gres Poyeene, Wrs 13ssiwea; Cloppa, fever -
Currency & Son, T• Shapton.- Pair Wm ite,Ilagshaw; 174"'" Winc44-°1(1.'
Shearbeigs, J Nortbeett, S Goodwill;
Pair Ewe Lambs, r.L' Currency & Son,
T Shapton,
SouTuDown-Shearling Ram, Alex
snn. ulna Dow N_Affea Ram, Jas
Cooper, Leo Hunter; Shearling Ram,11
A Switzer, Sam Doupo; Ram Lamb, ET
A Switzer, Jas Cooper, Serial. Doupe;
Pair Ewes, 11 A Switzer, Sarre' Doupe,
11 A Switzer; Pair Sheerlings, H A
Switzer, Jas Cooper, 11 A Switzer; Pair
Ewe Lambs, H A Switoer, Sam Doupe,
H A Switzer.
LaxooLNs-Pair Ewes, T Shapton,
Wm Dearing; Pair Shearlings, Wm
Dearing; Pair Ewe Lambs, Wm Dear
GRADE Sitimr -Pair Ewes,S F Good
win, Et A Switzer ;Pair Shearling Ewes
S F Goodwin; Pair Ewe Lambs, S F
FAT 61-1ELP-H A Switzer, Win Dear
ing. -
SUPPOLKS.-Aged Boar, John Leon.
hardt, I, 2; Boar littered in 92, "
" 1, 2; Aged Sow
" 1, 2; Sow Utterer in '92, "
" 1,2. •
Berkshire -Sow littered in 1892,Wm
Jges-D. McLaren, Cioinarty, Jas
Miller, Mporesville..
Light Brahmas, J Down, E• Baker;
Dark Brahmae,, E Baker; Plymouth
Rocks, Brock; Any variety Cochins,
E Baker 1 and 2; Langshans, D Ste*
art; Black•brea.sted Red Games, A Bis
sett 1 and 2; Any other variety Games
A. Bissett 1 and. 2; Golden penciled
Hemburgs, W Dearing; Black Ham.
burgs, A McPherson; White Leghorns,
A Bissett; Brown Leghorns, A Bissett:
Black Spanish, A Hicks, A Bissett;
Black Miporca,s, E Baker; Wyandotts,
A Bissett, E Baker; Any other variety,
E Baker; Bronze Turkeys, W Baker, T
Kesile; Any variety geese, H A Sweit-
zer, W Reid; Pekin ducks, Robt Stew -
Arts 1 and 2; Rouen Ducks; H A Swett
zer, 11. and 2; Aylesbury Ducks, R A
Sweitzer, 1 and 2; Any .other variety
ducks, John Brock; Ally yariety Ban-
tam* E Baker, 1 and ,2; Col. Pigeons;
Dr. Browning, E Bakers Col. singing
birds, A Bissett, Jas Down.
BIRDS BRED xx. 1891. --Light Brah-
mas, Jas Down; Dark l3rahmas, E Bak-
er ; Plymouth Rocks, E Baker; Any
variety Cothins,.E Baker; Langsbans,
Ruker, Stewart; Silver Spangled
iIainburgs, W Dearing; White Leg-
hornse.eBissett; Brown Leghorns, A
Bissett 1 and 2; Black Spanish, A
Hicks, A Bissett; Dee': Minorcas, E
Raker; Any varity Turkeys, T Kestle.
Judge- i'. McLaughlan, Farquhar,
Farm Wagon, Fred Hess, H Roese;
Doubte Top Carriage, P Hess; Top
-Buggy, I Handford, Fred Hess; Open
Buggy, Fred Hess•! Portland Cutter,
D 'Braund; Cart, VilWintzel, D Bra-
und; Wooden Pump, W Trevethick, A.
Hicks; Horse Shoes, J. Smith, Brown &
Armstrong; blieltion, 1. Armstrong, 'rhos
Brook; east beurre, Wm Bowden; I4outa
13enoe de jersey, Dr Dutz, Thos )3rook,
Proms -Lombard, jae Snell, Robb Bell,
er any other variety, B. V Elliot.
'Ousees, &c-Delewaro, J ,Slinallecornbe,
Dr Lutz; MooeSe early,R Stewart; Concord
Armstrong, R Stewart; R ezere'l No. 19,
Bacrett; Rogers' No. 4, John Andersou;
any other variety, Dr wutz, 13 V. Elsiot;
crabs, any variety, 0. Aldsworth, T M Kay;
early Crawford peaches, Dr Breaming; late
Crawford peaches, Dr Browning; colleotien
mined fruit, Geo Sanders; honey in comb,
Bagshaw; honey in jar. A Johnston,
J, a Grieye; collection in m-,-inade wine,
Newsy Tom, • John Willis; colleet'on of
bottled pickles, A. Johnston, Geo Sanders ;
Goethe Rogers' No 1, Miss M Creighton.
Vneotriumns.-Early rose potatoes, Jas.
Snell, Sarn'l Stanlaire; beauty of hebron,
Snell, Jno Swallecombe; bite roxe, J. Roe. ,
der ; snowflake, 4.1 B ts•ett, Jas. Snell;
early telephont,, 'Floe Brook; winter cab-
bage, Win Folland, Jae Sweet; blood beets
Jas Sweet, W. Folland ; sugar beets, AL'
Bissett, Geo, Seed r long mangolds, John
Cottle, E. Williams; globe inangolds, E.
Williams, Snell Bros & Co.; swede tnrnip
,T Roeder, Philit) An.lrews ; oirly Lora car-
rots, Sneli B 'o;+ 0,1„ Rev. Matin; nantes
carrots. Snell Bap, & Go , J Smallacurnbe;
long red carrots, Saufl ,St tplake, Win Reid;
white Belgian eat tots, Statilake, Jae.
Creech ; sweet corn, jos Sweet, W &nand;
Indian corn Jae Scoot, Al bissett '• mask
melons, J Roeder, 13. V. Eliot ; caul flower
A.ucl Johnston; red onions, W Folland, Jas
Sweet; r•llow onione, W Follartd, ,Tames
Sweet; tomatoes, Sam Stanlake, S.121 San-
ders ; celery, Jas Creech. Wm Folland ; ci
irons, 0 H Berney, Jer. Heannes; eareuip
Iti Bretlinur, J Smallacom be ; col oi vege-
tables, Jas Sweet, W Follond.
Beeciak -Pumpkin, Jos Bowden; squash
Jer iii•amon; arden MR, E
DAIRY PRODUCE, -5 lbs. butter, Bobt Belt .
9r., Thos, Yellow; 50 lbe butter In tub, R.
Bell, J. Reader; cheese. private, And John
..toncheese, factory, 0 W Smith, G E
Ts ggnr
Maxuracmunns. Mo-
- Woven home-made
qnilt, Geo. Nett, Alex. McEwen ; domestic
cli)th, Geo. Nett, :And Johnston ; flannel,
all wo•,1, Geo Nott, And Johnston ; blank-
ets, all wool, Rohl Bell, or, And Johnston;
setinett, A Johnston; woollen yarn, Jon.
Shier, A Johnston; Dominion cotton, A.
Johnston, M. Brethour•'set single harness,
Jno Treble ; set team harness, Jno Treble;
oured ham, Nancy Tom, Snell Bros & ;
assortment cured meate;Snell Bros & Co.
1.14 and 2d; assortnient tin work, Cobble-
diak Fulland, Bissett 13ros ;, assortment
copper work, '• Bissett Bros, Cobbledick &
'Tolland; ,sewing machine, Perkins ct. Mar-
tin let and 23; organ, Perkins & Martin lot
and 23; parlor forniture,,R N Rowe, bed-
room suite, Robt N Rowe ; stuffed birds, A.
McPherson, lot and 23; fine salt, Exeter
Salt Co; salt for packing, Exeter Salt Co.;
tweeds, J 13 Grieve, lot and 23; broadcloth
J H Grieve lst and 2d. •
Specials.-Sloves, Bissett Bro., Cobble -
dick & Follarad; Indian relies, A MoPher-
sOn; fancy table, R. N. Rowe ; hall stand,
R N. Rowe.
FINE Anr•.-Water color drawing, Miss
Browniug, 1st and 23; painting in oil, Ines
Browning, Miss 5 Stoney; oraj,on sketch,
Miss Niftier, Miss Steacy; pencil sketch,
Miss Browning, Miss Steaey; col. photo-
graphs, Jos Senior; bair dresser's work, E,
11. Fish ; easel, .A Elea:legs,
Lawns' Wor.x-Rag carpet, wool, And.
Johnston. rag carpet, cotton, M. Brethour,
E. Williams. rag door mat, hooked, C. H.
Efm ney, Ribt :Bell, sr, rug hearth mat,
hooked, Geo Nott, Wtn Bagehaw; wool
socks, A. Johnston, Miss Cseighton; wool
stockings, Miss Creighton, A Johnston;
cotton socks, Geo Nott, A Johnston; notton
stockings, Miss Creighton, Anse Jamieson;
JUDGES -J Richardson; Winchelsea, ladies wool mitts, Miss Creighton, Nancy
Wm Lewis, Crediton. TOM; men'swoolmitts, Nancy Tom, D.
French; men's wool gloves, S.Hogarth,Miss
Creighton; counterpanes, domeatic Wove, A
counterpanes, knitted, Mies Creighton, Geo
Nett; connterpanes, crocheted, Bliss Oreigh
ton, Geo Nott; counterpanes, tufted, Jon.
Shier, A. Johnston;,patehwork quilt, calico,
Mrs T. H McCallum, Sam'l Horton; patch-
work quilt, cloth, td Bretnour, Jon Shier;
patchwork quilt, log cabin, John Rowoliffe,
A. Johnaton; silk quilt, crazy work, John
Roweliffe, Geo Nett; knitted or crocheted
fancy wool shawl,no first, A. Johnston 2nd;
man's shirt, handmade, Miss Jamieson;
man's shirt, machine made, A Johnston,
Robt Bell, sr; patching, best and neatest,
Nancy Porn, Robt Bell, sr.; darning on
stockings, Mrs. E.3 Spackman,Naney Tom.;
buttonholes, J. H Grieve, Alex MoEwen; •
pillow shams. Mrs John Gould, Miss Jamie-
son. table mats, Miss Creighton, Geo Nott;
tables doyles, Mrs E. A Bennett, Geo Nott;
toilet set, Nancy Tom, Geo. Nett; pin
oushion,Mrs Bennett,Geo Nott; Soft? pillow,
Mrs T 11. McCallum,Nancy Tom; macrame
work, Jon Shier, M Brothonr; wax flowers
or fruit, colored, Geo Nott; paper flowerS,
M. Brethour, Nancy Tom; piano or table
scarf, M Brethour, Mrs John Gould; table
cover, embroidered, Gee, Nott; worked
whisk-holder,G-eo Nutt, Id Bretbour; vrorked
ottoman,Geo Nott,Misi Creighton; painting
on china, Mro T H McCallum; bannerettes,
Itirs T Et McCallum, S. Hogarth; bracket
drapery, Miss Creighton• penelope work,
Miss .1 amieson,Miss Creighton; tidy,crocihet
A• Johnston. Wm Perkins; tidy, knitted,
hifes Creighton; gold or silver tiusel work,
Geo Nott,M Brothour; etching, Mrs;D.Dyer.
applique work, floral, Geo Nett, M Brethonr
arrersene embroidery, Geo Nott, Mrs. D.
Dyer; crewel embroidery, Geo Nott ; em-
broidery in silk, Mrs. B J Speakman, Geo.
Nat ; embroidery on flannel, Mrs. T. H.
MoCallum, 1\lies Creighton; sham stitch
embroidery, A Johnston, Robb Bell, sr;
knotted stitch embroidery, 5 Hogarth; rib -
1 on embroidery, Geo Nott, Miss Creighton;
ohenille work, Mrs L. Hunter; braiding, S.
Elogartn, Robt, Bell. sr.; bead work, Geo.
Nott, Masa Creighton; berlin wool work,Geo
Nott, Mio reighton ; straw plait, S.
Hogarth, Nanoy Tom; point lace, Geo. Nett
knitted lace, Nancy Tom, Robe Bell, sr; lace'
erochet, Jno Hunter, Aloe Maven!. 1tatt-
ing, Geo. Non, Wes Browning ; :dreyin
thread work, Mrs McCallein, Hngh Oke
darned net, Miss Creighton, Geo Boit ; silk
work on jays, Miss Creightoa ; fame' table
with drape, Mre. McCallum, loaf home
made bread, Robt MA sr., Belia Cottle,
Miss Creighton. Ia the children's depart-
nient Mies McCallum was awerded lot for
best dressed doll.
Spa -tests 0/ladies Work in another
T Russell for best herd of Shorthorns
H & W Smith, T Russell; by T Russell
for the lest herd of calves'John Alli-
son; by E Christie for 5 lbs of butter,
Geo Monteith, 2nd by _E.lenry Eilber, J
Shier; by T Fitton for the best 501bs of
butter, Robert Bell, Sr.; by 1' Acheson
$10 for 1st, Society $5 for 2nd, and $3
by the Society for 3rd, for three -year-
olds and under, to be the property ef
farmers only, W A McRoberts, W Doh
erty, W Witzel ; by Carling Bros for
Collection of Swede Turnips, John
Hunter; by T Acheson for best collect,
ion of Tinware, and 2nd by Cobbloclick
& Folland, Bissett Bros, Cobbledick &
Folland; by the Exeter Salt -.Company
for the best two bu. Spring wheat that
has been grown on land salted in the
Spring, Jas A Bell. ,
GRAIN Aso SEEDS- Pall wheat, white,
Alex. Johnston, James A. Bell; fall wheat,
red, D. Brethour, Jon Shier; any variety
spring wheat, Jos A. Bell, John Voelker.
6 rowed barley, M. Brethour, And, John-
ston; 2 rowed barley, M. Brethou'
r T.
Ondmore. Large oats, And Johnston, Jon
Shier • common oats'John Hunter, R.
ItioCo;d; black oats, M. Brethour, And
Johnston. Large peas, 7,1 Brethour; small
peas, Jas Airth, M. Brethour; mummy
peas, Jon 81aier, Ale* MciEwen. Timothy
seed, M. Brethour, Jas Airth. Flax sired,
M Brethour, And Johnston. Merohants'
flour, Robt Richardson. White beans, Jon
Shier, And Johnston. Clover seed, M.
Brethour; best collection grain in ear, 1.1
Brethour, 1) Brethour.
AMMO-- Winter apples, John Northoott,
J. Roeder; fall apples, Wm Robinson;,
leation apples, J. Roeder ; Rhode Island
Grsenings'D. Mills, Alex Mos:lwen; north-
ern spies, Wnt Robinsen, Satn'l Sheilah ;
Roxboro russets Geo Dever, Ja8 Sweet;
Spitsenbergs, Alex MoBweri; baldwine, 3,
Roeder, Thos Centmere; Weetfield's seek-
ramerther, Thos Cudmore ; snow apples,
Horton, Alex efolilwen; fall pipping,
John Itunter; colverts, Wm Rol:lei:on, Jae
Ford; king of tompkins, Wm Dinnen, Thoa
Otulmore; Atexanders, Jno Hunter, Sidney
Andrew; Canada rd, J. Roeder, D. Breth-
our; swears, Jae Airth; Ribidon pippins. B.
Andiew, Geo Nott; wagners, Thos
A.ler MitEwen; American golden tniasets,
Thos Cudinore T. NI Kay; maiden blush,
John Northaott, Geo Nott; best ending
apples, E. it Fish, T M. Kay; Ben Davis,
Thee Ctichnore, Win Dearitig; Ducheie
Oldenburg, Sam Staniake, Win Deering.