HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-17, Page 19vi, Ontario Farmplant Toronto: The Royal Bank of provisions at the rate of interest "These managers have. been Canada 'today announced the then in effect," said the bank. given courses covering economic introduction of - a new "We consider Farmplan and,Fil,, principles and their application "one-stop" farm lending as being complementary to one 'to, agriculture; farm accounting programme for the province of another. In negotiating with and analysis procedures; and a, Ontario. clients we expect our managers review of special problem areas Coinciding with the to decide on the plan which will in farm management.- In other announcement !,the bank best fill the needs of each words our managers are in a presented a $5,000 grant to the individual customer." position to provide the farmer University of Guelph's College FOUR CLASSES OF LOANS , with something more than just of -Agriculture t. to support There are four classes of credit!" research in farm finance and Farmplan loans: Operating agricultural economics._,loans; purchase _-,.,of breeding NEW LOANS of agricultural °In announcing the nmplements and .equipment; lending policy , - clubbed construction and renovation of "Farmplan" - the Royal stated farm buildings. , that: "Today, more than ever,' Farmers can borrow under availability and -use , of credit is , each and any of the four classes essential, so.- that a, farmer can but at different interest rates, gain access to meaningful repayment periods and security. amounts of capital. This has A G R I C O L T U R A L been brought about because of DEPARTMENT. , the cost -price squeeze and Two years ago the Royal changes in technology. farms. �-announced the formation of an are rapidly becoming larger -- both in d' acreage and capital investment - with the result that the modern farmer needs credit " with specialized repayment terms. In other words, a spokesman for the bank said, "today's farmer wants a credit plan which is adaptable to , his needs. We feel 'Farmplan' is flexible enough to meet most of his requirements." The `Farmplan' Loan is a new sept of `one-stop package e' lending enabling .a farmer meet most of his agricultural ds "at, any one of our ches in the farming areas of ario," said the Royal. 1 explaining the basic )sophy behind their new ng pro ramme , the bank d that they were aiming arily •at the business - farmer: "who knows what nts and- where he is going." (though conventional ral security is still a etllent," continued, the 4 4 i' 14 4 co typ to nee bran Ont It phis( lend. state prim man/ / he wa "A collat requir Roya t!inc tea given t loan c operati collater Bank spc)kesmatl'•MANAGERS TRAINED, sed emphasis . will be „ o the need for basing the ``Our new policy of lending, )n a carefully planned continued the hank spokesman, tri -- rather than on which' is ha agricultural department to devote its full attention to all' segments of the agricultural community and "...to develop and co-ordinate- an agricultural programmejor the bank." The Agricultural Service Representative for the province of Ontario is George W. Arnold whose t'9ffice is located at 20 King Street West, Toronto. Font- other oarother agricultural service representatives are located in the Prairie provinces of Manitoba. Saskatchewan and Alberta. All five men tare agricultural specialists and have extensive backgrounds • in the areas Of agricultural economics, I farm management and farm credit. • "'These specialists," said the Royal, "maintain an 'open door' ta the 6:00-odd.hranches we have in the four provinces. This means that our managers; who have full authority tog rant loans for over 90• per cent of all applications received, are able to call on these experts for consultation at any time. $5,000 GRANT To -mark the -announcement of their new farm lending policy for Ontario, •thee bank presented a cheque for $5,000 to tile ' University of (,luelph. The grant,. which- was accepted by N, R. Richards, Dean- of Agriculture. is. to be used for general research in farm finance by the agricultural economics department of theuniversity. "We felt we- should dO something that would assist the very worthwhile research efforts being made by this university towards helping the businessman, farmer '-of today and tomorrow'," said the bank spokesman. Durand joins GFO committee Butter support holeisting - holder who is ds x The support price on butter, quota , effective April 1, continues at discontinuing dairying. the former level of -65 cents per The present provision that pound for butter grading 40 quota -reallocation to a new score, the .Ca"nadian Dairy shipper must be for a minimum Commission has announced. of 100,000 pounds_ of milk The support price on (3,500 pounds butterfat), will spray -processed skim milk Continue with respect to milk powder will also remain at the shippers. ;There will be a lower. present level of 20 cents per minimum, to be announced • pound for powder meeting later, for cream shippers. e commission quality- -. specifications.. -Lini . it The support price on white pound, the same as in April, cheddar cheese. mannfactured in DOWar5 April, 1969, will ,be 4.1 cents per 1968. 's'h'e -support price on cheese made on and atter May 1 will be announced later. ' The fate of subsidy payment, ts as announced today by th Minister of Agriculture, w ill be S•1.25 per hundred pounds of milk, or :35.71 'cents per pound, butterfat. To finance the cost of surplus disposal the c•o.rltmission 'will .hol`d bark from subsidy payments an average of 29 cents per hundred pounds on milk deliveries. 'There will ; bc' a differential rate of holdback on ., deliveries up, to quota and on those in excess of quota. For deli\eries up to quota the rale will he 26 cents per hundred pounds of` milk (7.13 (•e'nts per pound butterfat l., On deli\c�ries in excess of •quota the .rale will he i)2 cents per hundred pounds of milk (1.1.81) (-erns per pound butterfat )- The rale c• )I' holdback from Philip Durand of Zurich in Huron County ha joined the Iluron County General Farm • Organization campaign committee. Mr. Durand k the Ontario Farmer's Prion district director for Huron and Perth. He is also on the extyctttive :of the.: Ontario Farmer's 1.0ion. Mr. Durand's announcement was made . following a district meeting a_ t which. Waller \liller • spoke. _ ' 'l'ogether with \Ir. Durand on the Huron Committee are Elmer..11unter, George _Smith. George sed first and Robertson. and Jack Stafford.al alone." foremost on the profitability of -Mr. Durand emphasised that the farm's operation, means that he. .was not acting on the (� F( "The_ does no Improve continue_ opinion costs an the loan, Farmplan programme- t close the door -on Farm our branch managers Ct)mmi(tee in, the name. of the nlent 1:01(15 We-.'.. •E'spe'cially those in the rural areas O1•'1. hilt was 111 ng ,as a {inner to make sheen if, in the must have a good working -who, is concerned about farmers of our managed'the knowledge of general farm and their welfare. d risk associated with production economics, with justifies the use of Fit, i-p('('l1Ic relerenc•e to farm ,O , management. POURED CONCRETE SILOS WE BUILD THEM STRONGER TO LAST LONGER Will lend themselves for any kind of'storage. • Ensilage, Hattage, High -Moisture Corn, etc; • A cement chute never needs repair. * 6" wall for greater strength and longer life. SILOS, ELEVATORS, AND MANUHE iAiviiS. • We also install roofs_and_acc.essories. ._. Over 15 year of Silo Building Experience. for better quality and better price. RR 1, Match Scho • 'cream shippers will Continue al . the present level of one cent per pound of butterfat, but the rate of holdback 00 both mi1k and cream will he subject to adjustment, if the recent trend of increasing supplies . of butterfat continues. 'Me (011101 issio0 stated that I t will not he able to increase the subsidy g1101as of present quota holders, or to provide quotas to {.hose who d(>' 101 how hold one. Cept by reallocation on the purchase pit' the -dairy herd of an Charles G. Munro, , president of the ' Ontario Federation of Agriculture has said that the OH':\"tuft' su v arts th>',diniitirrg of "the present lowers held by the Ontario Humane Society." . I i'e says that the support' "stems from the arbitrary way in which li\ estock °has been 'seized and taken from the premises and Maintained elsewhere at the cost (1f the animal ownr." \lu.nro asks that "the people of this great and e`panding pro\ ince of Ontario, if they are concerned for the actual principles involved, to write to the ministers involved \vitt tele' • new legislation, sholking full support of their action." - 1 ic.federation, president asks also "Chat individuals' stop to think logically and ''avoid the enlot Ionall\ ,charged presentations agaiast the bilis." 1h. points 061 that numerous • zea1UIs \vilhin the Humane Society. art' emk, atln a Most. tmlforlu,nate backlash on the general ` fanning °(nnuttunity hecauu' of 1.011(.11 ignorance concerning farming and fanners. "Il is more sensible to use •tra\ cats and (togs._to save the lives o1' human, Wings land yrs. other animals l ,from .various diseli�es shall to have the - 1Itllmane •,ocieet\ specialists put theme to death.' he concludes. \b `.IunrO sa\ ,...that this wilt be ,;1.t conlplished t{trough the medical and veterinary research. 11 Phone 348.8701 or 348.9967. . • Member Ontario Silo Association. onde rwoerd Bros.; Ltd. UNDER OUR SE AND -OPER! SHORTLY IEW MANAGEMENT RVICE STATION RESTAURANT 411 H GO URON RD. DERICH never talk to a machin,..: it just ain't human In our business, we use many marvels of th'is mechanical ag' c. "There's a machine that can divide the distance t� Mars by the speed of light and give v01.1- the ans_vtier in seconds. There's another -that ,can calculate faster than .the mind can think. . We never let them talk. to customers: We -refer the more olid fashio.n'ed way of helping our customers . people talking to people. After all, we're inters ted-, in\our 1ndividu it yue:stiorrs t:our telephone calls, your problems and requests. .tall.i lg to -volt, we. can he under - .standing and helpful. . We're human. Machines are fine, the\ help us bring \ou better, more efficient service, hut they'll never replace our People. MEET OUR'MAN-AGEMENT D. ' A. ROLSTON -- Manager D. J. McMILLAN Office Manager GODERICH, ONTARIO Expand OFA i The Ontario 'Federation of Agriculture farm -machinery importation program will now assist . farmers across Canada whine rebating money to buyers in Ontario. This was revealed today by A: Roy Coulter, chairman of the OFA Farm Machinery Importation Committee. He said that the Qh'A is presently helping to establish impartation programs with member organizations of the Canadian Federation of Agriculture in six - different provinces. , He lists these -. _as ,rte-B3rjctish ,Columbia, ALber-ta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Nova Scotia, and, Prince Edward Island, He revealed that the Federation • will also put members of these organizations in contact with ' personnel in Britain. Concerning -his own program. Mr. Coulter said that some purchase rebate money will be Shade for beef cattle }low much is it worth to have some shade front a hitt summer •sun? Dr. R. 1). Clark o1' the Canada Department' of Agriculture's ' Lethbridge (Alta.) Research Station boosted beef presfits by -15 cents for 'ever} 1 0 pounds of gain by providing shade for yearling steers being self -fed ground barley on an irrigated grass -legume pasture. i Sheep farming TAR►. TliUnb ran returned to a nurillber of fanners who have ordered auachiner'y, ale pointed out that purchasing agents in the United Kingdom have accomplished the operation at " costs lowers than were anticipated.' The committee chairman said that inquiries from individual farmers have from "Qnee. The "original OVA worm was started to illustrate, the inflated. mark-ups, in tam, machinery, This was. laSt year.. .The program has expanded ..new ; to include pos sibie operations coast-to-coast. Scientists are currently (xperirrlenting with ideas that could move sheep farming from 9 the • hillsides into total confinement under an automated system. \ team of four ,scie-ntists i:11 the .\animal Research Institute of the Canada • Department' of .Agriculture are working on this. Their goal: dev elop Management and strains of sheep that will produce at least two lambs per latter twice a' year. hree? ti ou need T hree •D\ ings .recounts. 1 0 pI'O\ Ide \ 011 \11111 the uI'eatesl W1101.1111,01 Illlel'es1 011 \01.11'..sa'\ 111 at 1hC ~aide time, assure \ 011 nla\111111111 11l011e\ t1C\j111111 . ILcloi la_;lild O1.C\ stere. \011 tO adopt.Oul' 1 hree-.Account. Plan. \\ iii>th Our 1 hree--ceou.nt• Plan. \ou eget 4% ('n tall: III,:'.s aee0Ullt alld \oft nmrtl ile chCLIYIe, 011 II. 5lAE7E1 OIl a sl)eetal Ii]L's aeC111101 011 \1111e11 yOit Ill.l\ // of \\ I I le c I.1eli lle, 11111 Iron.) loll ',\ Il len \ 011 •{lla\ ltla4�e \v 1111(.11:.1 an\ 111110. 73/4(r7) 011 ( roar;lnteevl 111\,e,llllenl Certificates. Start Satoda\.at lona and (ire'. VG VICTORIAansGREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE .1889. W. R. Curry, Manager - . 524-7381 Elgin and`"Kingston Streets, Goderich )RESS UP YOUR HOME WNEw CRAPES It's springtime - time: to brighten your home - and what better way than with nev» drapes from McArt;lur & - Reilly.. Drop in, and choose from - the widest - selection of fabrics and colors ever' offerad. F xpertly made to your satisfaction. • FREE ESTIMATES And For That Finishing Touch Brighten - Up The Rest Of The Room -- DO IT EASY- ITH THE NEWEST IN. x-° ilier d �' I A•4•0. . •4•0.••A••ri•�.•p.AO•;%�. '`����• •i•' •1.1••• i+..*a►���4 ���j/41 0, �• •%•l , % „, ki. , •iii•,••titt..... 41",•�i!!.y44 •,. 4104 .1.e 41, e 4/4 0 i Atfo.:••-• '4.0'44'4 4.01 V$3:1";04i4i t•V•te... ON•40)44:4•1 rair : ;0:4 # %1 4:: 4 il 14: 04 $ ral: 0. .3 iv' - ' . . el Is. I ve. . , • 0., :silo FL40:1444 4' eilb-4•0 Ave � tAt•t#A :.4. A•_Ifc e l e.� � ttsiN_� � �•.�i � .01+:::%44 .11 The quickest, easiest way to add new life to the rest of the room. See-ou,setection of vinyl and regular, non'pas,ted and" pre pasted patterns. Over 200 patterns to choose from. 5 From As' how As 75 ROLL McARTHUR& REILLY LTD. 36 WEST ST. "Ytour• Home. Decorating tieadquartere'► GODERiCH 524.532 f wle