HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-17, Page 14t. !E I -SIGNAL-STAR, THURSDAY., APRIL 1.i 9,69. M:e.nuofthe week TQMATO> JUICE COCKTAIL FAIIIiI,LX' POTROAST MASHED POTATOES GLAZED CARROTS * GREEN PIAS Alt CTIC MARSHMALLOW WHIP BEVERAGE. TOMATO JUICE COCKTAIL 1.14 oz. can tomato juice 1/2 teaspoon grated onion. " A. -teaspoon chopped celery 2 tablespoon; 71emon juice 1/9 teaspoon Worcestershire sat:ite 1/2 teaspoon sugar 1/2 teaspoon salt 11 ' teaspoon horse -radish (if desired ) Combine ingredients. Chill 1 hour. Strain and serve in chilled glasses.. Serves 4. GLAZED CARROTS Cook whole carrots until tender. Drain. Melt 6 tablespoons brown sugar and 2 tablespoons butter Or salad oil in skillet. 'Add 8 carrots cut in half 'lengthwise; cook over 1QW. here,turning carrots -until well glazed. Shoulder and butt roasts of pork are among the best meat buys in town and they can be oven roasted ,or pot roasted, so you can serve them often. For a pot roast, it is usually best to have your rneatman trim, bone and roll the roast for you. Then you can prepare it itr dour 'favourite way or try this simple but tasty recipe for Family Pot Roast. F AMI LY POT ROAST to make 21/2 cups liquid. Thicken - and season to taste. Serve hot pot roast with gravy and vegetables. ARCTIC MARSHMALLOW WHIP A rich, easy -to -make chocolate dessert which is sure to please the most discriminating eater. It's an elegant surprise to display on your buffet for the guests to admire. 2, •tbsp; Cocoa •'1 tsj. instant coffee 1 ettfi boiling water - 1 large • (11 oz.) package marshmallows ',q pint (/ cup + 2 tbsp.) whipping,..crearn Lady linters or graham crackers (optional) c'up walnuts or pecans Measure Cocoa and instant coffee into top of double boiler. Add boiling water and mix until dissolved. Place over hot water and add marshmallows; stir until melted. Remove from heat and- cool- Beat chilledwhipping cream until stiff then fold into cooled Marshmallows. Line a 11/2-2 quart serving dish with lady fingers or graham crackers. Pour in .Cocoas marshmallow mixture. Decorate with walnuts then cover. Place in refrigerator and chill until set 6-8 hours or overnight. Yield: 6 servings. 3 to 4 poudrd butt or shoulder roast of pork 1 tablespoon flour 1 tablespoon salt teaspoon pepper . 1/4 teaspoon thyme 1 tablespoon' vegetable oil minced clove of garlic 1 onion, sliced 1/2 cup apple juice Rub surface of meat with a mixture of the flour, salt, pepper , and thyme. Heat vegetable oil ill a heavy saucepan or Dutch oven. Add the minced garlic and saute for 2 or 3 minutes, then remove • they garlic. Add the toast and brown, it nicely on all sides, over a moderate heat. This will take about 15 minutes. Then, add the onion and apple juice to. the saucepan and cover closely. Simmer gently over low heat for 21/2 to 3 hours or until' the meat ,igr*Very tender. Turn the roast occasionally as it cooks. When done, remove to a heated platter and keep hot. For the gravy,` strain the pan juices and add enough hot water .MfMore. Cr • Food Facts Ann Landers A poor invstment DEAR ANN LANDERS: I read with interest the letter from the college sophomore who felt square because she was the only girl on the dorm floor who was a virgin. 'That very ;day I read a speech b`' Dr. Mary Calderone W Vassar freshmen. She said exactly what you have said repeatedly, only: 'in different words. One paragraph in particular. is worth repeating. Here it is: "'There is no possibility of having sexual intercourse without meshing a part of your non-physical self. Sex is such a definite experience that a part of each of you remains a part of the other. How many times and how casually are, you willing to invest a portion of your total self and accept such an investment' from another person, with no assurance that the investment is for keeps'!" • Please print it Ann, and ask every mother who has a daughter away at college to send it to her. --STILI, FLAPABLE. DEAR STILL: Dr. Calderone has . skillfully 'condensed the answer to one of the most pressing questions of our time. I applaud her advice. But I'm not convinced that a mass mailing of this column by mothers to their college ,daughters will be of much help. Girls who have been raised with solid values and a high regard fpr themselves don't need it. The others would ignore it or react with hostility and resentment. To freeze hamburg patties so they won't stick together, prefreeze thena.loq, a cookie sheet. As soon ast.tife patties are frozen solid, wrap them., _and return the package to the freezer-.,, This way, • point out ti.Food Specialists at Macdonald Institute, University .of Guelph, the patties will stay separate. What is the proper way to store fresh liver'? According to the Home Economists at Macdonald Institute, University of .Guelph, one of the most important points to remember is to use the liver as soon as possible—owithin 24 hours, if it can be arranged. ' Until then, store- fresh liver loosely wrapped IP 'the coldest part of the refrigerator. Winter squash includes such varieties as acorn, butternut and Hubbard: -If these vegetables are firm and unbruised, and if the stem is still attached, they may be stored up tota month at 50 to 55 deg. F, • advise Home Economists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph. DEAR ANN LANDERS: A word to Ohio Sufferers who were nervous wrecks from lack of `sleep .kue to the neighbors' barking' I Perhaps it will help' then to know how, WE solved the same problem. We•put up with our next-door neighbors' barking dog for two weeeks, ,Finaallyy�I ttelephonned (at CODERICH'S OWN... WELOME' SERVICE .could like to call on.you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your' new loca- tion. The Hostess will be glad to arrange your subscription to the SIGNAL -STAR. Call her at 524-9525 • "...And be sure to be back in time for our next payment!" But if it happens that he's a few days late, we'll understand. • Because at Avco, we believe in you as a responsible, well -meshing person with a right to a better, brighter tomorrow. And we know that once in a' while, dr- cumstances beyond your control might make it Avco. The Tomorrow People. • .bard for you to meet all your obligations. So if that happens, we'll vrork with you to straighten things out. After all, any finance company knows all about the ups and downs of money. At Avco, we know that people hove ups and downs, tpo. 2:00 a.m.) and told then their dog was keeping usup and would they please do something about it. For the next three nights the dog was quiet. Then he started barking again. I phoned the neighbor once more (this time it was 3:00 a.m.). She said, "We are heavy sleepers over here and we don't hear anything." I replied, "How nice for you, but we are light sleepers over here and we hear everything. f -11a11sExo« TIPS • "From then on, whenever the dog started to bark we woke them up...regardless of the hour. We figured if we couldn't sleep, why should they? It paid off. The dog doesn't bark at night any more .— O X N A R D, CALIFORNIA. ' DEAR OX: Your solution is the best one yet. I recommend it. 'We believe in you. Beauty remains When Godfinished •rnaking the world And the map of His.creation unfurled He noticed and nit by accident - That an extra abundance of beauty was spent On a area east of a fresh water lake, Where sunsets, like. fireworks "buena Vistas" make. The angels believed that the beauty below Was a mirro reflecting a Heavenly glow. That beatify Huroni -sal When,. Mad so g Ma f : th Thru That b Qo it 'till remains because ural, and keep it as it was 1 da , s : that way prayervf those of us who stray stores and, constantly, find iron are evcry.heart and mind. Old Joe Sullivan, Arnold Home, Detroit. ,, -.YOU CAN DEPEND , ON ANY A&P BRAND PRODUCT! PLA$T1C PERK UPS If spring finds youwith an urge.to "do something about the kitchen decor we suggest you try two new plastics products that will give your kitchen the "now" look without straining the budget. Plastic_,shelf Ti11 shelf or that comes in colorsas fresh and crisp as spring itself - yellow, pink, turquoise and `white_ guaranteed to add zing to the most tired kitchen cupboards. 'This liner is easy to by because it comes in a roll and the embossed pattern prevents it from curling. Noneed to tack down. When soiled, the original sparkle' is restored simply by wiping the plastic with a damp cloth. A far cry from old-fashioned shelf paper that yellowed and4urled. Another new product that will perk up your kitchen, is the pastel colored small plastic garbage bags. - A great improvement over the grim dark colors of; the past. In yellow, pink, blue and white, these roomy bags are designed to fit kitchen step -on cans, but they' attractive enough to rate spaeirr op the counter top too. And, of course, they're ideal liners• for wastebaskets in every room in the house. Imaginative housewives, . especially new mothers, will find a thousand. and one uses for these leak -proof prettiest ,v FREEZERS SCRATCH & DENT SALE Top Quality GILSON and KF LVINATQR Freezers _Slight Dents. or Scratches FULLY GUARANTEED. Save $20 or More , HUTCHINSON TV & APPLIANCES 308 HURON RD. PHONE 524-7831 A&P Ctiudity Products — At a Saving eNJOY ¶'HE. IP1NE'S1'1 ractQ_._nIh IN TOWN -Chinese Food Our Spe fialty ALSO TAKK,,F 9UT ORDERS •t-.., , OPEN DAILY IS a,m, to 10 :m. Open - Friday and Satury A Until 12 Midnight . The Esquire Restaurant "524-9941" FOR .-'QUALITY, PRODUCTS' THAT HAVE PROVEN A, I THEIR DEPENDABRITY VISIT OUR SHOWROOM Hutchinson Radio — TV -- Applianeas 108 Huron Rd. 524.7831 A&P BRAND Reg. Price 89c -- SAVE 10c INSTANT COFFEE 6 °=jAa79¢ ANN PAGE, TOMATO KETCHUP CHOICE QUALITY A&PPEACHES FEATURE PRICE! 15 -FL -OZ BTLS 1/1 4 Reg. Price tin 39c -- SAVE 9c 19 -FL - OZ .TINS AN A&P QUALITY PRODUCT AT A SAVING! Reg, 2 tins 33c — SAVE 7e 14 -FL - OZ TINS SWEET PEAS aaz A&P BRAND, FANCY QUALITY, WHOLE. Reg. Price 2' tins 45c_ SAVE 14c 12 -FL - OZ TINS KERNEL CORN ``i(. Tender, Spring, Fresh; Na. 1 Grade CALIFORNIA ASPARAGUS Ib Nevada, Young, Tender and Mild, No. 1 ONTONS GREEN Grade Arizona, New Crop, A&P's Own Label, No. 1 Grade VALENCIA CE«g ORANGES '•„ G California, Fresh, Green, Large Firi i Heads; No. 1 Grade 3BuNcHEs'19? • L.ETTUCE HEAD 2951 Jane Parker Reg. Price 55c SAVE 10c APPLE PIE full 8"- 24 -oz size Powdered 250 OFF DEAL TIDE DETERGENT .49 king size box You Save an Extra 20¢ at A&P! NEW FROM A&P MASTER BAKERS Marvel Brand WHITE BREAD 24 -oz loaf For Variety and Value—Shop at A&P. FRESH PORK ROASTS SHANKLESS t,., LEAN BUTT SHOULDER ROAST lb PORK CHOPS Ib SHOULDER OR BUTT 1659 Value -Priced! 'Chase & .Sarrbor'rr (S.ave arn- Extra '10*--At~A&Pf)'-200-OFF DEAL INSTANT COFFEE 6 -oz jar 1.09 Monarch (30 Off peal) SAVE AN EXTRA 19c AT A&P! MARGARINE • 41 -lb pkgs99c Red RA!BAGS PRICEI TEA BAGS ORANGE PEKOE pkg of 1201.79 All Purpose n Reg. Price 65c --- SAVE 6c FIVE ROSES FLOUR ' 5 -Ib bag 59c t Duncan Hines (13 Varieties) Reg. Price pkg 490 --SAVE 9e CAKE MIXES 219 -oz boxes -89c • FRESH RKEY C WHOLE LEGS WHOLE 'BREASTS NECKS & BACK Ideal for Soups ar d„ Stews 1615 BLADE STEAKS RED BRAND BEEF lb 79cixeeentforBra Ell ising ORNED ' BEEF BOILD N B'AG 42ozpkg's89 izt COOKED HAM MAPLE LEAF SAUSAGE SCHNEIDER'S MINI SIZZLERS 6 -oz vacuum pack 5 95i Ib 5 9 i Pack Ib 6 9 9 Ib49ce COTTAGE IIOLLS $CHNEIDER'S Sweet Pickled Halve:, Vacuum BEEF BOLOGNA BURNS, SLICED - ALL PRICES SHOWN IN TH'IS AD GUARANTEED •THROUGH SATURDAY, APRIL 10th, 1969