HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-17, Page 5, 0' -4$1 Round and About With Murtho 14 P# 4 4 A new adventure - a late call . saying, "where are you, you were to be in surgery this morning?" Well, someone slipped up • even at home .you will want some notice. You have been thinking about it for three months • and suddenly they are looking for you - yesterday! --We-drove to the hospital in a driving rain - real miserable. After going through "Admittance" you sit: and wait • for that . quickee x-ray and, the trip up to your room. - No kidding - a beautiful blonde took care of this part. The room has two ladies already - occupying -beds so ' I won't be lonesome. We, are e intred all round - no "Hey You's" in this room. What did • you bring with you? - we have to list everything - why did" I bring so Many "just-in-casers?" Forever the optimist - I am hoping - I will have time to just relax and do nothing - unless I feel like sketching a pretty nurse or the lady in the next bed, or -dowers or something. - So now for listing. I try to bunch it into orie short word - JUNK - but she won't go for that, so we crowd it in as much as possible and• skip • the fact that the old • tote bag was really heavy with the box of letter writing material - a heavy, can of spray for charcoal sketching and " other bits and pieces, all really necessary - just in case I need it! Chances are ten • to one' -that it will all be carried 'back home again without having been taken out of: the bag! My neighbor has " visitors - "How did you manage it? Isn't it heavy? Does it hurt?" The lady has a badly broken leg - and the questions fly. "Do • you want us to finish•;ti at bit of wallpapering that's left?" "No! I don't care if it NEVER gets finished!" "How soon will you ?.•, have a walking cast' You know you won't be doing any dancing for a while?" In the meantime a very rice nurse conies into my quarter of the room and has some queer looking gadgets with her. "Got to prepare you" - (for my ordeal?), She plugs in extra lights. - "I've got to shave off all hair in • this area." Hair? no hair on my chest! "Oh yes there is very fine - but it inhere!" And so. she 'Sets in to tickling and rubbing. This was quite an unexpVcted event. Of course when you've never had, surgery - , you don't a know what to expect.' Another nurse comes in - a very attractive, tiny blonde, she is a Goderich girl. I couldn't place her - "Do you Curl? - Then you know my dad Ralph Weigel." . Sure, I know Ralph. She is telling me what to. expect • after the operation - "Breathe and cough - breathe and cough" this isthe advice given by three different people who call on me, • w • and they also show you how and you show you can do it. Dr. Norey, who will put me to sleep, tells me what will happen with nose tubes - and all the "' other contraptions they use. I think this is wonderful - imagine waking up and finding tubes running all over the place - could scare you to --,-pieces!! The little girl . from home comes back to give you a backrub - m -m -m- feels ' wonderful! Nothing to eat or drink after midnight, so I have a sandwich, juice and a nice cuppa tea! Makes up for the lunch and supper I missed. I was too excited - . and too busy running around like a chicken with its head off - to bother eating. ' I thought of a million things I should have done - would have if. I'd known when .,I was to come in - or would I have still left everything 'till the last minute! Well, knowing ME ----! The chatter is going a mile a minute next bed, - what a tape recorder could pick up at a time like this! I forgot to mention that after the "prep" job - another nurse is called in to give close inspection. I passed! ' ' My next caller is a lady doctor. What do you expect a lady doctor to look like? Well, the doctors sure come in all shapes and sizes so why should you expect someone "different" She is `' a very nice looking young woman, has a nice accent - European, She wants to know why and what and how come you are in for surgery. Well, where do you. start. "When did you first have these pains?" - I never had any pains" - Well - now you have to try texplain what you did have and when - and she' looks at you as if you should • have something else. After... a. _ great _ many leading questions which revive your memory# she pins down your aches and burps onto a history sheet or chart. She then starts to give you a check up and she certainly is the gentlest checker I've ever had. Then I get more instructions on ' breathing and coughing - and lots of moving around is advised - and she takes her leave, taking the arm band instrument with ha. I suddenly realize all, is quiet next bed - are they just listening in on my Uilstory? No, I guess visiting hours are over. I am informed the lady across from me has just had the same surgery "Breathe m in for. and cough! - I'd like to see the doctor do it!" she says with a sneer . ; "It doesn't hurt HIM!" 1 decide to do some writing - the nurses are in and out often. One lies on the bed sign and a couple of minutes later another comes to do it. I hope this is an indication of the . service around here! Bettee'put out the light4 Wonder when I will feel like writing again? Oh well - it's not too exciting anyway! Don't forget the Country Crafts Group are having a bake sale and Tea and Penny Sale - and a lucky door prize on Wednesday April 30 at Carlow Hall - their big project. The Maple Leaf Chapter 'of the IODE have June Callwood as guest speaker Tuesday April 29. This -will be one luncheon you won't want to miss so make sure of your ticket. Knox Young Peoples Society are sponsoring a tea and bake sale on April 26 at the Knox Church. ' There is also a rummage sale on this same date at St. Peters Parish Hall,' 1:30 p.m. sharp, auspices of the Catholic Women's League. The Craft and Hobby show at Clinton Wesley -Willis Church on April 25 at 7-10 p.m. and April 26 at 2-10 p.m. will be a very interesting affair and is sponsored by the Women's Hospital Auxiliary of Clinton. MINISKIRT MISHAP A New°Collection of Poems By Elizabeth Brewster Sunflowers • My sister and I used to have contests To see who could look longest at the sun. We would stand in the centre of the green field At full noon of summer, Rooted in the ground like two sunflowers, And stare up at that great round Flame -coloured source of our life) i And when: iv; closed our eyes a • dozen suns Students at University of California who suffer injuries are asked - to fill . out' a form describing how -the accident happened, and to give an opinion how it might havebeen prevented. The Ontario Safety League says that a cyclist who „was banged up when he smashed into a post reported , it was "because I was distracted by a beautiful chick in a mini -skirt." He wrote that his scrapes could have been avoided , "by eliminating mini -skirts - but, come to think of it, -I'd rather smash into posts." . BINGO at LEGION HALL Saturday, April 19 at 8.30.li1l.``""�... 15 GAMES 1.00 The Prize for each regular game will be $12.00 4 Share- The- Wealth Jackpot Combined JACKPOT OF $95.00 IN 59 CALLS - Sponsored by Branch 109 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION • No One Under 16 Permitted To Play • The HEATHER Beauty Salon 108 LIGHTHOUSE ST. MISS BETTY HALLUM has returned to our salon. Betty has just completed a fifteen week hair styling course in Toronto. r Reg. Reg. SPRING SPECIALS To Introduce Our New Stylists PERMANENTS BODY. AND CURL , By BETTY, SAN.D,RA....SARB,--MONA ' April 17 to May 31 Reg. 17.50 - SALE 15.00 Reg. 20.00 - SALE 17.50 1240 SALE 10.00 15.00 - SALE 12.50 SALON OPEN MONDAY THROUGH SATURDAY 524-7461 Open Evenings Relax in Comfort 4 yr sNuc HARBOUR Snug Harbour is now open for your use: Yaur':c-operation in following _the procedures outlined below will make your boating season more enjoyable: 1 All owners of boats using Snug Harbour must register with Marina Supervisor before launching to receive docking instructions. 2APpMcat-io-ns-for-dock space-.ancLrates jor_sameaare_now,available..from...M'c.. .ry_ Alex Wilkins, Marina Supervisor, at the Marina Service Centre or by calling 524-7984. 3 All persons using this area must abide by the regulations for small boats as . issued by the harbour committee. 4 Dockage rates are payable in advance. TOWN OF GODERICH , HARBOUR COMMITTEE. Danced on our darkened eyeballs. Now 1 never look at :the sun at all, Except maybe when it rises or sets Or is reflected in water Shattered by waves My eyes will not endure That burning -joy. Lucid, unpretentious, quietly honest, Elizabeth Brewster's PASSAGE OF SUMMER is her fust collection of poems since 1957. The over 100 poems included reveal the poet's fine mastery of verse and free verse techniques and reflect a vividly perceptive view of the world around her. "I have written poems principally to come to a better understanding of myself, my world, and. other people," Miss Brewster explains. "Many in this collection are concerned with memory, the passage of time, and the inner world of dreams. Others attempt to create character or describe landscape, expecially in rural New Brunswick, where I grew up. "A" number deal with the BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON' Box Office Opens at '8.00 p.m. FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. FRI., SAT., SUN, April 18-19-20 -- DOUBLE FEATURE - "THE SAVAGE SEVEN" ADMITTANC( Robert Walker ,, ,;,,a•, Adam .Rooke '•"""°'"°'°'°�' Joanna Frank Showing at 10.15 p.m. - In Color "PSYCH -OUT' ADMIITANCr Susan'Strasberg RESTRICTED ►01010 Dean Stockwell In Color Showing at 8.30 p.m. Cartoon' 11 V1.2 W"61 d Ovl. Coming Next: "Dark Of The Sun" - (Adult Entertainment) - AND.- "Mrs. Brown, You've, Got A. Lovely Daughter" Passage of Sunt; er problem of establishing an identity; the struggle to lead a human rational life in a would which is increasingly inhuman and irrational. Others search fog meaning . in the past, in traditional values, in personal relationships and In a faith sometimes precariously held.. A dominant image is that of the quest or exploration, of life seen as the search for the great dream city overlooking ' its Sea of Glass." Born and brought up in New Brunswick, Elizabeth Brewster was educated at the University of New Brunswick, B.A.; University of Toronto Library That's Life School, B.L»S.; Radcliffe College, A.M.. and Indiana University, Ph. D. She is the author of three. poetry chapbooks published by The Ryerson Press: East Coast, 1951; Llllooet, 1954 and Roads, 1957. She has worked chiefly in libraries in New. Brunswick, Ontario and British , Columbia. Miss Brewster is now with the Universityof AIberta Library. PASSAGE OF SUMMER By Elizabeth Brewster Price: $4.95 The Ryerson Press 299 Queen Street West Toronto 2B, Ontario INFLATION "The basic 'problem is that our money seems to buy less and less for us here in Canada and indeed its value has been dwindling at the rate of over four per cent per annum. At the same time 'we are bending under fresh burdens of ever increasing taxes by all levels of government., which now take away about 30 per cent of the Gross National Product; and this does not include municipal taxes. This mparei to less than 25 per cent as recently as 1966. 'The governments are hard put to pay their bilis and indeed, no one ants to buy bonds.' The only way, apart from taxes, that the Fede :� .government can raise money is by selling bonds to, the bankin n \system; which in turn allows the Banks to increase their loaning •' • , thereby increasing the money supply. This process steadily reduces the value and power of the money in sour pockets "Canadian production is increasing at about five per . cent per annum- :Governments now ask for nearly 30 per cent of this total, all of which leads, to continuing inflation. it will take the most rigid economies, the creation of a wise system of priorities, together with two or three years of unrelenting control of expenditures and demands, to -achieve a perceptible decline in inflation. It is NOT possible to live indefinitely with this kind of inflation....and we should not forget this." APRIL SHOWERS DANCE MAITLAND COUNTRY CLUB APRIL 26, 1969 Contact BEN. CHISHOLM or • MRS. VAUGHAN HARRIS for 'tickets • EVER YONE WELCOME $3:00 ''Per Couple No Tickets at the Door 16, 1 ' p summer now in Goderich, and at first glance thererel f,y j4.01 t; "speck o' cha ►ge," At noon -hour the. shops, in th up u glisten deserted in the sun. On twilight wk -da ;even n g s, the park in ; the centre of the Squara is: inhabited smiler nsive old men, 'Similar' ' lazily . r ��. l� , chatting 'teen tigers, who were sitting there whoa Sir. Wilfred Irauriar *as the coming man. h • Something New Added But l te�t the two young marrieds who are standing n a corner,tea king, rocking their baby carriages back end: hT u willsee that something new has. been-- 400. een-Madded "Efo ahput : See-erdy. ?" asks one of them, in sturdy Ontaria1 W . qh' clipped4 ,we're,' babies ll'angu f . On I he streets you hear the sing -song Welsh accent, the hearty v w • Is, of Manchester, or mincing Cockney, just as often s yolk hear the harder, less definitely marked CanadiOn v.ice. Accent doesn't :make any difference. Because,, b� and large, Goderich has found out all unknowing that what a pace], -contains doesn't materially change if .if is ,wrapped in red or green instead of white . paper. FOR THAT QUICK SNACK AND THE . FINEST -,IN SOFT ICE CREAM. PRODUCTS VISIT THE NEW SKY RANCH DRIVE-IN Opening. Soon Just North of the Sky Ranch Restaurant ' Watch For Our Grand Opening PARK GODERICH IIMAMOUNT PICTURES PRESENTS' kitty %Po' Tipte ihferoat ttitillating comedy » of:eai a' s.w t6p c too -'A PARAMOUNT PICTURE 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 AIRCONDITIONEDY THURS. and FRI. April 17 and 18 Shows at 7.30 "& 9.15 p.m SATURDAY (APRIL 19) MATINEE "THE TRUE STORY OF JESSE JAMES" Showing of 2.30 p.m. Coming Sabi': BtlONA SERA, MRS. CAMPBELL" SAT.; SUN., MON., TUES. A NW YORIM I/OMAN 11 AR i uonllr ill►!i fid:+ N NJ1 April 1.9-22 00o0oo*ryW.;... 1 oo.Qo0sijj; yRA00'' bocci lleli,xe United Artiste b (RECOMMENDED AS ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) Showing Saturday at 7.30 & 9.15 p.m. -Showing Sunday at 8.00 p.` t m `t'Showing Monday & Tuesday at 7.30 & 9.15 p.m. WED., THURS., FRI., SAT. April 23-26 IXMARU4E........._ TURNED PREACHER..;IN THE WACKIEST ENTERTAINMENT EVER! II el Iii m*� I A UNMAN. PittUtit» tteRNIlCOiGI Showing Each Evening it 7.30 a 9.13 -- Saturday MAIM a+ a1 2.30 isor I can't possibly on.Saturday," replies a gngl sh voice. "Old Robbin has a leave at last, and Ing',Ao Toronto." Meanwhile the tanned, •healthy are e)changing_ glances in the same universal it NG & DANCING FRIDAY, APRIL 18 E BLUE TONES 1. TURDAY, APRIL 19 BACK DBY IMLAR REQUEST ENSIONS • GODERICH "MUSTANG" HEATRE SUGUDER%CH •SUNSET v Na1.MEts- OQI>/£-IN VILL " DRIVE-IN THEATRE tl (XINTO HWY. 8 GODERICH AT CONCESSION ;RD. 4 • PHONE 524-9981 LARGEST SCREEN IN HURON COUNTY - ALWAYS A DOUBLE BILL Children .Under 12 In Cars Free • OPENING:FRIDAY NIGHT BOX, OFFICE OPEN AT 7.30 P.M. FIRST SHOW 'AT DUSK TWO BIG HITS TO OPEN THE SEAO,N Friday, Saturday, Sunday -April 18-19-20 "THE YOUNG RUNAWAYS" (Adult Entertainment) -- PLUS "THE STRANGER - RETURNS"' (Adult Entertainment) Coming Next Weekend ---April 25-26=27 is "Bonnie and Clyde" "Cool Hand Luke (Adult Entertainment) (Adult Entertainment) A HILIARIOUS COMEDY April 30, May 1, 2 and 3 CURTAIN TIME 8:30 P.M. "AT MacKAY HALL Box office opens Thursday, April , through Saturday, May 3, 2 to 5 p.m. at R. Bell's Office, The Square. It is suggested that season ticket holders secure their reserved seats early as additional single tickets are being,sold for this production. '