HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-17, Page 2. j 1 fO 'i.IU`$it . QL-Sm'AR, THURSDAY, APRIL 17, 1'969 Kingsbridge Klippings • *••••••••••••• Married in Les. Angeles Correspondent 'Mrs. Jim Martin, 529-7.139 • 0.••••• •••0•••••••••••••• • ••••0••••• Miss Alice Dalton, R. N., daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Dalton, Kingsbridge and Warner Julian, Los Angeles, Cal. were married March 22, 1969 at St. Sehastian's Roman Catholic Oburch in Los Angeles. The bride was giv.en away by her cousin, Joseph Sullivan. • A reception was held in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sullivan. - The couple will live in LOS- Angeles. dsAngeles. Attending from here were the bride's brother and sister-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. Brian Dalton. -Larry Wal lace celebrates 89th "birthday_. Larry V allac-e 'celebrated his 89th birthda., on Wednesday, April 9. Friends and neighbors surprised him with., a large birthday cake, gi.s and cards at his home on the 9th concession of Ashfield. .Born in 1880, on the 10th of Ashfield. just east of the -Bob Scott homestead , in a stone house 'vh ich has been removed, he was one of five children of • the late Johanna Knightly and Patrick, Wallace. When he was 18 years old, Larry went to, Goderich where he was employed at the Mike Parr Hotel, now the Royal Hotel, as a $20 dollar" a -month bartender. He left there to work at McGarrie's Hotel, Lucknow, situated on the site where •Mason's Garage is now. Here le received $40 dollars a month w ages. After 13 years of bartending he returned to Ashfield and pt4rchased a farm on the Addy • Martin sideroad and farmed until his retirement 20 years ago. The wooded-Pfea on this property is still referred to by hunters as `.`Larry Wallace's bush." Larry. never married He enjoys good health and spends a • great• deal of his time at the farm of Mr.. and Mrs.. Henry Drennan and family' where, he, helps out with household chores. He is still able to drive his car and when at home, can usually be Mound watching. TV and smoking his pipe. •••••••••• Mountain; .Bless the Lord, All The girls returned to their . the Works of the Lord, and patrol corners where some read more. Some of the folk songs about tracking and stalking, were the same ones introduced. while others passed some tests. several weeks ago at the closing The Guides received their Folk Mass in Kingsbridge during .patrol boxes that were made by Renewal week. John Austin. A horseshoe was formed and the Swallows entertained with a ° skit on the Guide Promise. The INJURED Frank Mutenburg, 20 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Nliltenburg is in good condition in Victoria Hospital) London after being injured in a car accident there last Wednesday evening. ATTEND RETREAT. Miss Louise Dalton and Peter 'Martin attended a weekend religioes Retreat for engaged couples in Port Credit, Ontario. The Retreat is sponsored by the Oblate Fathers. Repeat +performance Three guitarists, Don Aubin, member of St. Joseph's church, Kingsbridge, Bill ,Black, and Ken Scott, of Dungannon and area played a portion of folk music at the regular 11 a.m. service in the Dungannon United Church on Sunday. Song sheets were handed out and the congregation . joined 'in to sing selections: Coupe Let Us Worship; Go Tell It On The RETURNS HOME Shawn Durnin, two year old son of Mr. ,and Mrs. Ron Durnin returned to his home in, Goderich after spending the week on the :farm with his grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Austin. SOCIAL VISIT Mrs. Blaise Martin visited in Teeswater on • Sunday with her brother and his family, Mr. and Mrs. Bert King. VOLLEYBALL ENDS The last volleyball game of the season was held in the school gym Wednesday evening. Every two weeks since last. November ''regular garnes between- the •Kingsbridge ,ladies and the Ashfield WMS were played. The ladies are hoping to organize a softball team for the summer. KINDERGARTEN Registration for Kindergarten will take place Thursday April 17 from 1 'p.m. to 3.30 p.m. at St. Joseph's school. Children for kindergarten must five years' old by Decemb r 31,, 1969. Children for,, othe grades who• plan to enrol for t e first time will do so on Thursda .0 KCNGSRR I•DGE ..1ST COMPANY GIRL GUIDES girls chose- a few songs to sing aid the meeting was closed with taps. Celebrate, golden wedding anniversary Mr--. and Mrs. Wilfred E. Peachy, 116 Warren Street, Goderich celebrated their 50th .wedding anniversary recently. The couple were married April 11, 1909, at Norwich, England, and moved to Goderich in 1911. uN'Ir. and Mrs. Peachy are members of Knox Presbyterian Church and are well known in Goderieh horticultural circles for their gladiola gardens. On April 10, 30 Girl Guides answered the roll call at the. weekly meeting in St. Joseph's school. Most of . the girls now have their uniforms.' They had a game to review their--Guide-Laws-anal all the girls did well. Lt. Rita Tigert explained the Health and Hostess badges and the requirements to earn them. Following this, the • girls discussed their uniforms and appearance. egion auxiliary meets The Ladies Legion Auxiliary held the regular meeting on April 8 with 40 members present., The l annual Zone Rally will be held in, Lucknow on May 21. A donation of $1,0 was sent to the Canadian Cancer • Society. Donation- -of $1.00 was sent to , the Comrade Tompkins Bursary Fund. It wasdecided to buy replicas of the highland games trophies. and these will be donated as prizes to the contestants. Gail McWhinney was initiated at this meeting. Her mother, Kay McAstocker, had the honor of putting the pin, on her daughter. Zone Commander Carroll made her official visit to our Auxiliary at this meeting. After her talk, which was enjoyed by all, she was presented with a gift by president Jean Elliott. Mystery draw was won by Ada Thompson, attendance draw by Edna Powell. The Bundle Bunny draw will be made on Saturday, April 26. G -F F GODERICH FROSTED FOODS 65 HAMILTON STREET MAPLE LEAF - 2 - 3 lb.' Avg. Drone r HAMS ►b. 99' CENTRE LOIN PORK CHOPS END CUT • PORK CHOPS EAL CHOPS Ib. 794 Ib. 694 Ib. 194 CLUB HOUSE PURE - NEW SHAKER TIN 4 oz. Black Pepper 39 KRAFT `'- 5c OFF PACK - 16 oz. e Cheez Whiz • 694 BRIMFUL CHOICE 28 oz:. TOMATOES Q 4199" HEINZ ASSORTED - 4/4 oz., Strained Foods. 4/494 AMPBELL'S DISCOUINIT SPECIALS R E'G . .38 KLEENEX 400's REG. .53 - - . . . ®.DESS ... S..OFF-FORM... REG.'1.19 - Ft MO SELTZER 2 For 61` REG. 1.69 BUFFERIN TABS 100's REG. .98 94 Wernets Denture Powder BY TONI - REG. 1.69 - REG. .70 WHITE RAIN HAIR SPRAY 1.29 MOTH .CRYSTALS REG:. 1.25 LATHER .SHAVE BOMB 40 - 60 - 100 - REG. 2 FOR .63 Sylvania Light Bulbs . REG. .95 , BAYER ASPIRIN 100's ARRID EXTRA` DRY - REG. 1.59 SPRAY DEODORANT REG. 1.19 • , BRYLCREAM; Tube REG. .49 85` C,urad Plastic Bandages REG. 1.35 169 BAYER NOSE SPRAY bODD'S - REG. 1.39 79` KIDNEY PILLS AFTER SHAVE LOTION - REG. 1.75 95` HAI KARATE REG. 1.29 • 89` Eino's Fruit Salts Bar SAVE 46' f ILLETTE� SUPER ''STAINLESS For STEEL BLADES b. WITH THIS COUPON agalaggintid&1 � ,I wY REG. ..92 CHASE'S NERVE FOOD REG. 1.95 - ALL TYPES CLAIROL SHAMPOO ROLL-ON - REG. .99 Fresh Deodorant' REG. 1.25 Crest Toothpaste REG. 1.09 AS PE RCS USIA 1'68 The Square AMPBEL Goderich 1.39 88` 1 Ib. 59` 89 7 -Foci 49' 72 1.5.9 89` 39° 1.08 1.19 , 1.39 99 524-7532 w� By-law ,..Ro. 18 Of .1969 O#The Town Of Goderich BEING A BY-LAW FOR THE CONTROL, LICeNSING AND REGISTRATION OF DOGS WITHIN THE TOWN, PASSED UNDER THE PROVISIONS OF THE DOG TAX AND CATTLE, SHEEP AND POULTRY PROTECTION ACT, R.S.Q. 1960, Chapter 111 It is hereby enacted by the Municipal Council of the Corporation of the Town of Goderich that: PART1 In this By-law: 1 "Dog" shall include "Bitch". 2 "Owner" shall include Possessor or Harbourer; and "Owned" shall include Possessed or Harboured. 3 "Kennel" shall mean a place or confine where pure bred dogs registered in the registie&' of the Canadian Kennel Club Incorporated are bred and reared. • F 4 A Kennel License shall only be issued when the provisions of Section 3 of this Part have been complied with. 5 "Animal Control Officer"shall mean the person or association appointed by the Corporation Of the Town of Goderich to enforce this By-law and any servant or agent or such person or association employed for the purpose of enforcing the said by-law. 6 Any person owning or harbouring a dog within the limits of the ToWn of Goderich even though the dog is currently registered and licensed in another munipality is subject to the provisions of this by-law. 7 The provisions of this by-law shall be enforced by the Goderich PoliceDepartment and/or the Animal Control Officer of the Town of Goderich. 8 Whenever a contravention of this by-law is committed, the Animal' Control Officer may deliver to the owner of the dog eontravening such by-law a violation ticket in the form of a serially numbered notice stating: (a) tile nature of the alleged off ce. (b) the date and time 4 he alleWed offence • - (c) the dog tag number if applicable' (d) name and address of the owner • (e) penalty for the alleged offence if paid within the prescribed time (f) that the owner may report to the office of the Town Clerk within 3 days exclusive of Sundays and holidays after the date of the ticket to make a voluntary payment of the penalty (g) that in the event of failure to so report and make' such payment a summons will be issued under The Summary Convictions Act (h) the ticket shall be signed by the Animal Control Officer issuing the belt. 8A The violation ticket shall be prepared in triplicate and the Animal Control Officer shall deliver one copy to the owner, retain one copy and deliver the other copy to the Town Clerk. 9 The Owner; within three days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays after the date of the said ticket, may report to the office of the Town Clerk and pay to the Town Clerk or any person designated by him to receive such payment, the amount of the fees and penalties set out in Appendix "A" to this by-law for the offence alleged and such sum shall be accepted as payment„othe penalty in full satisfaction in respect of .the alleged, offence and a receipt thereof shall be given to the person making the payment. 10 The Animal Control Officer is hereby authorized to `sell dog tags and to collect on behalf of the Town of Goderich fees a,t,the prescribed rates and turn in all fund collected together with a statement showing owners' names, and addresses, and the fee collected. 11 If a voluntary payment is not made in accordance with the procedures provided for in this by-law, the procedures of the Summary Convictions Act shall be followed and a person convicted bf an offence under the provisions of this by-law shall pay on such conviction the penalties set forth in Appendix "A", Schedule of Fees and Penalties attached to and forming part of this by-law together with such costs as may be assessed and all penalties and costs shall be recoverable under the Ontario Summary •Convictions Act. PART 11 LICENSING AND REGISTRATION 1 Every owner of a dog in the Town of Goderich shall, immediately a dog comes into his or her possession, cause the dog to be licensed and registered in the office of the Town Clerk.for the period which will expire on the last day of,.December in the current year and shall thereafter apnually on or before the 28th day of February in each year, cause such dog to be again licensed and registered for one y'ear from the said first day of January. Every owner shall pay the license fee prescribed in Appendix "A". 2 (a) On payment of the license fee referred to in Section 1 Of this Part, the owner shall be furnished with a dog tag for each dog so licensed and registered. (b) The tag shall bear *a serial number and the year for which it was issued and a record shall be kept by the municipality showing the name-nd address of the owner, the serial number of the tag, the date of purchase of the tag, and the breed and''sex of`the dog for whom it was issued. . -(e) The" owner shall, keep the tag -securely fixed on the 'dog at all times during the -year or until such time as he procures a tag for the following year except that the collar and tag may be removed while the dog is being lawfully used for hunting. • (d) No license or registration shall be transferable and the license, registration and tag referred to in Section 1 and 2(a) of this Part shall expire and become void upon the sale, death or otherwise disposal of the dog. N(e) No person, other than the owner of the dog, shall remove the tag from such dog. 3 Any person who' contravenes the provisions 'of Section 1 or Section 2(d) or Section 2(e) of this Part is subject to the penalty set ' forth in Appendix "A".. 4 A dogwhich is found without a tag, whether on or off the property upon which it is habitually kept, whether or not under the control of any person, may be impounded or when the Animal Control Officer can identify the owner of the unlicensed dog, he may issue a violation ticket to the said owner as an alternative to impounding the dog. The owner of the unlicensed dog is subject to the penalty set forth in Appendix "A" and as prescribed on the ticket. The penalty may be paid voluntarily -to the Town Clerk who shall receive such payment.,as the payment of the penalty in full satisfaction with respect to the alleged offence providing that the person to whom the ticket was issued being the owner of the unlicensed dog, licenses, and registers the dog before paying the penalty. Shogld the. dog be. impounded, it shall be held for a period of not less than three clear days unless previously claimed by the owner- thereof and if . not claimed and released by.the owner thereof, within such period of time, it may then be sold or destroyed at the discretion of the Pound Keeper. The Pound Keeper shall not release an impounded dog to the owner until the owner produces proof of valid registration and licensing and the owner pays the penalties and fees prescribed in Appendix "A''. 5 (a) The owner of a Kennel as defined in Part 1,' Section 3 of this By-law shall license and register such kennel' with the Town Clerk for the then current year and shall at•the time of licensing and registration, pay.. the, fee as prescribed in Appendix "A" - (b) The provisions of Part 11, Sections 1-4 inclusive of this By-law shall not apply to dogs kept and confined in Kennels which have • been licensed as provided in sub -paragraph. 5(a) above. 6 No person except a person to whom has been issued a kennel license shall at any one time in any one location at the 'frown of Goderich Beep or harbour more than three dogs of any age in excess of 6 months (1960 R.S.O. Chapter 249, (1) (la). FART 111 DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE 1 For the -purpose of this. Part a 'dog shall be deemed to be running at large when found in a highway or other public place and not under the control of any person: 2 The running at large of dogs-is'prohibited within the limits of the Town of Goderich. A penalty, will be imposed in accordance with Appendix "A" for contravention .of this provision. 3 (a) A dog which is found running at large 'may be seized and impounded; a dog so impounded shall -be held for a period of not more than three clear days and if not claimed and released to the bwner within the specified three clear days, the dog may be sold or destroyed at the discretion of the Pound Keeper. (b) In the event that a Bitch in heat is found`running'at large, the Animal Control Officer may impound the Bitch in the dog pound and she may remain impounded for up to 21 days or until the period.of heat has eCpired and 'the owner shall pay the penalties and fees for the time the dog was impounded as prescribed in Appendix "A". (c) The owner of an impounded dog shall prior to the dog being released cause the dog to, be liceesed and registered at the office of the Town Clerk if it has not already been so licensed and registered, and shall produce for the inspection of the Pound Keeper a valid dog tag. The owner shall also pay the Pound Keeper the penalties and fees as prescribed in Appendix "A". (d) When the Animal Control Officer can identify theowner of a. dog found runmmn.gratJarg_e, he may issue'a ticket to the said owner as an alternative to impounding the dog. The penalty prescribed on the ticket shall be in accordance with Appendix "A" and may be paid voluntarily to the Town Clerk who shall receive such payment as the payment of a penalty in full satisfaction with respect to the alleged offence and a receipt shall be given to the person making the payment, ' • PART 1V RABIES CONTROL ' 071 When a dog is known to have bitten a person, the Officer of Health may order that the dog is kept under supervised quarantine for a period of 14 days and the owner, if known, shall be held responsible for the cost of such quarantine. By-laws Number. 12 of 1967 and Number 10 of 1969 of the Town of Goderich are hereby repealed. READ a first and second time this 3rd day of April, 1969. "G. F. Mills" Mayor t . READ a third time and finally passed this 3rd day of April, 1969: "G. F. Mills" Mayor -APPLICABLE PART AND SECTION Part 11, Section 1 Part 11, Section 5(a) "Part 11•, Section 2(d) and Section 3 Part 11, Section. 2(e) and Section 3 Part 11, Section 4 and Section 5 Part 11, Section 4 Part 111, Section 3(e) Part 111, Section.'3{b} Part 111, Section 3(c) Part 111, Section 3(d) Part 111, Section 3(d) APPENDIX "A" TO BY-LAW NO. 18 OF 1969 ' SCHEDULE OF FEES AND PENALTIES NATURE OF OFFENCE AMOUNT OF FEE OIC PENALTY License Fee: Male or Spayed Female Female Kennel License Usinga tag for dog other than the dog for which it was intended and/or transferring license and registration of dog from original owner to another owner Persbn other than owner removing tag from dog Failure to license and register a dog Pound Fees Female dog in heat running at large and impounded Dog impounded for running at large Dog running at large. Ticket issued and paid voluntarilyt Dog running at large. Ticket issued and not paid voluntarily. $ 4.00 20:00 Initial Fee - $10.00 Renewal Fee -- $10.00 $10.0,0 minimum $20.00 maximum • Not less than $10.00 4 • M • -0 "S. H. Blake" Clerk "S. H. Blake" Clerk When a ticket is issued $10:00 if paid voluntarily. If not paid, a penalty of not less than $10.00 and not more than $20.00, exclusive of costs is- imposed. When the dog is impounded, penalty $'5.00; and in addition, pound fees must be paid. $1.50 for each day or part thereof after the first day during which the dog was impounded:. Penalty $15.00.and._in addition pound fees must be paid for the period the dog was confined. Penalty $5.00 for the first time in any 30 days' period, $10.00 for second or subsequent times in any 30 day period . together with pound costs. Penalty $4.00 for the first tine in any 30 day period and $10.00 for the second or subsequent times in any 30 day period. Penalty $8.00 to $15.00 exclusive of costs for the first time in any 80 day period. Penalty $10,00 to • $20.00 exclusive of costs for.,rtthe : second or subsequent times in any 30 clay period.