HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-17, Page 1122nd YEAR -16 Thursday, April 7, 969 ..
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' ° Strcitforb. 'mayor
r5promotiondirector r
,,June Callwood to
speak . at luncheon
Noted thoress June
Callwood will be est speaker
on Tuesday, ' April 29 when the
Maple Leaf Chapter IODiE
sponsors a public smorgasborg
luncheon at 'North Street United
Church hall. The luncheon will
commence. at 1:30 p.m.
Miss Callwood is the wife .of
•, writer, Trent Frayne to whom
she has been married for 25
years.. They have four- children.
She has written four books and
"many magazine articles" and
has also appeared on television
.and taken part • in radio
,Mrs. Frayne is the vice
president of the Canadian Civil
Liberties Assoc.; an executive
member of the Ontario Division
Canadian Metal Health Assoc.;
treasurer of the Citizen's
Housing Committee of
metropolitan Toronto and is
founder and landlady_ of the
Yorkville Digger House.
Her most recent work is
Love, Hate, Fear and Anger.
kick-off _.
The Goderich Rangers soccer
club will literally kick-off its
season on, Saturday, April 19
with . an exhibition game at
Agricultural Park.
Kick-off . time will be 2:30
p.m. approximately to allow for
the draw now- being held for the
Tickets for the draw' should
be at the park not later than 1
p.m. The signing of player
registration forms will take place
at the same time-.
The Goderich Juniors will
face the senior team and it is
hoped the game . will increase
interest in' the junior team
among players who are.now over
the age limit for the minors. .
Executive officers of the
club, in' addition to those named
in the April 3 issue of the
Signal -Star are John Gottschalk,
secretary and Walter Gottschalk,
• Any person .interested in
joining a team is asked to attend
the game Saturday and contact
coach Gottschalk. •
President said
"I'll spend
inch 11191iili m r
• III111*0
Bri annia
Goderich town council last Dr. G. Frank Mills, mayor, in Speaking after the m' ing, '`
week unanimously approved the making, the recommendation to Mayor Mills said he was lost,
recommendation of the council, said the, commission felt pleased" with council's decision
industrial commission - to hire the town was very fortunate to and reiterated his praise of Mr.
former Stratford mayor C. H. be able to obtain a man of Mr. Meier. "He's a real•go getter,' he
-(Dutch) Meier as town Meier's. calibre. said.
promotion. director. Mr. Meier Reeve .Harry Worsell, deputy Mr. Meier is at present
-will commence his duties in Reeve Walter Sheardown and vice-chairman of the Stratford v.
May. councillors Frank Walkom and Industrial Commission and it
Reg Jewell said they agreed with chairman of the Stratford Board
Fred Salter, pro tern the , industrial commission and 'of Parks. In a letter of
promotion officer, will stay on • each praised the past efforts of acceptance, he said he would be
as assistant prpmotidn director Mr. •Meier, with whore they are moving to Goderich with -his
and secretary, acquainted. family and expected to start his
duties on or before May 1.
He was born in Stratford and
(WO Tom Eadie retires. brought up there and entered
politics in the city as an
• alderman in 1951 serving three
-- Forces years do thatoro itian960e from Canadian Y wasin
served ' for seven consecutive
Atter a career spanning moreretired on April 3, 1969 a1 Cl' B. Years before retiring from
than 32 years of continuous Clinton. policies.
service in the Canadian Armed The occasion was malted by
Forces, James Phomas (Tom) a ceremonial parade at which Former ton
Eadie, who lives in Goderich, CWO Eadie was presented with a
Royal Canadian° Air Force blue •
cv .. ensign, a fitting symbol of his "or v
°' Murray McGill long., and honorable association ies
_with this former branch of the
a service.
F.-) named clerk o f - Chief Warrant Officer Eadie is
a native of Arcola, Saskatchewan James H. Johnston, 161
• and received his education there. South Street, died at Alexandra
Sessions He moved to Toronto where he Marine and General Hospitalon
worked in radia servicing prior Friday, April 4. He was 77:
Murray C. McGill has been to joining the -RCAF in 1937 as Mr. Johnston was elected to
named clerk of the session of a W i r e less telegraphy the Goderich, town council for
North Street United Church. Mr. operator mechanic. 1967-68 and served as chairman
McGill succeeds A. R. Scott who In 1938 he also received of the special committee during
held the position for the past 25 training as an air gunner. During his term .of office.
years until his retirement. World War II, Mr. Eadie was Mr. Johnston was born in
posted overseas to No. 6 Bomber *Ashfield Township on
The Session also set the date Command, did a tour -of -duty on September 21, 1891, a son of
for anniversary observances as Sunderland flying boats with William Johnston and the foicmer
Sunday, May 11, when a former RAF Coastal Command, and Elizabeth Simpson. He lived in
Goderich man, ' Rev. William served on the overseas trade test that township until moving to
Thornloe, will be the guest board. Goderich in 1922.
speaker. Mrs Bonnie Gowman Since ' World War II, CWO He was assistant
of Wallaccburg .will be the guest Eadie served at several bases superintendent at . the Goderich
soloist for the occasion: The across Canada, highlighted by a • Elevators and was a member of
church choirs will be in charge tour with the Royal 22nd Maitland Lodge 33, AF and AM
of special music under the Regiment. During this tour he and, a member of Victoria Street
direction of church organist won his paratroop wings„ and United Church.
Reaps; Hetherington. now has 20 jumps to his,credit. He was predeceased by his '
He arrived to Clinton in 1964 wife, the former Violet M.
Mr. Thornloe grew up in . and. since June, 1967, has been Glahn, who died April 18, 1967.
Goderich and was recommended Base Warrant Officer. •- Surviving are three: daughters: •
as a canditate for the ministry Mr. Eadie and his wife Mrs. Archie (Doris) Hamilton
by. the Session of North Street Margaret live at 108 Arthur 'and Marjorie Johnston, both of ..
congregatiori..He is the son of Street with one of their. four Goderich and Mrs. Glenna
Mrs. L. M. Thornloe of Church soils, and plan to settle Bennett, Long Beach„ Cal.; three
Street. permanently in Goderich. Their .sisters, Mrs. Robert (Daisy)
eldest son, Michael, is working Sowerby, RR 2, Goderich; Mrs.
At a recent service of worship on his Masters degree_at Queens .. Edgar (Hazel) . Dougherty,
25 persons were welcomed into University; James is a
Goderich and Mrs Wi ilarri
the conrrr thn: five by commercial pilot; John is in (Alma) ' McCann, RR 6,
transfer from other congregations second year Arts at Queens, and
five grandchildren and
and 20 by confirmation. their youngest son, David, is three great-grandchildren. '
Last Sundati', five children now in Grade eleven at Goderich The funeral service was held
were received into the fellowshipDistrict Collegiate Institute. at Stiles Funeral Home at 2 p.m. 45
Mr. Eadie is an enthusiastic on Monday, April 7, Rev.
of�tlie church by baptism: Susan Leonard Warr .officiating.
Laura, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. curler and is a welh known
Herbert J. Murphy; Robert participant in bonspiel events in Interment was in Maitland
John, son of Mr. and Mrs. Brian the area. He is also an excellent ', Cemetery. ..
marksman and has been , a Pallbearers, were: Reg Jewell,
Porter; Timothy Scott; Laura Frank _Walkom, Bill Ross; Walter
Denise. and Michael Stewart, member of service rifle teams in
children of Mr. and Mrs., Paulnational competitions for many Sheardown, Carl Fisher and
Howe. - years. - Vern Smith
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Set route for May 3
The ropte, for the OXFAM --"Miles -for Millions" walk this year The Goderich ,Lions Club will act as checkers along the walk
will be a complete circuit that will bring walkers back to the 'and the Kinsmen's Club will provide ' transportation where
starting point and keep them facing traffic throughout the walk. needed. _'
The committee felt this would be an added safety factor. °
The walk will start at 8 a.m. Saturday, May 3, from MacKay , The country portion of the walk will be something over 21
Hall. The route will be up Nelson Street to Victoria, north to miles.
Gloucester Terrace, down to St. George's Creseent and through' Walkers are'reminded to obey 'all' highway safety regulations
. Wellington ---Street to West :Street. It will travel_a lwrt hop -west to
Cobourg 'Streetand walk on the left at all times. Drivers are being asked to keep a
across Wellesly, 'to Lighthouse' and from � lookout for walkers as•an added safety factor."
Lighthouse to Essex Street. It will turn east on Britannia Road -
and. proceed to South Street and up for a circuit of The Square Walkers under 12 must be accompanied by an adult and
before heading down Kingston and onto Highway 21 (Bayfield walkers under 16 must have the written consent of their parents
Road)• or guardians. All walkers must sign a waiver, contained at the
This. will conclude the three and one half miles of the•walk back of the sponsor books.
inside the town.. Sponsor books are available now at the offices of the
Walkers will proceed along 21 • to County Road'18; known as Signal -Star and at Victoria and Grey Trust. rust. Churche$ and schools.
the Cut Line or Porter's Hill Road, where they will turn east. The Sigs also have a supply. • .
•walk will pass through Porter's Hill to HoI'mesville and turn down The walk will end officially at dusk 'when all checkpoints
Highway 8 back to Goderich. Walkers will end back at MacKay close. Walkers must return to MacKay Hall to check out.
Clip Here
Little Theatre show to run four days
money," Members of the Goderich the contents of the magazine
Little Theatre-arebusy these. under. a variety of non de
and he did!��$ days with rehearsals for their:. plumes. His cohort Andy (Mike
next production, the last of the Collins) is the organization man
"I said when you put me in "` " r'4 season. Star ,.Spangled' Girl will who handles the pair's shaky
office I'd spend your money and ; go "on the boards" April 30 and finances and public relations and
I sure did," - commented- Mel May 1,2 and 3, also keeps the bill collecting
Good,retiring president of the a. '`` It will be -the first time in the wolves from the door by a series
Huron County Road history of the 'local theatrical of telephone minics to put them
Superintendents Association, as group that, a four-day show will off the track. He uses his charm
as he completed his year of be presented. Kathy Jenkins, and sex appeal by acting as a
leadership at the annual meeting director for this production, said gigilo with the landlady to hold
of the association' held April 14, it is hoped_ the extra day will off paying"the rent.
in the ; council chambers of "* promote membership -and enable The appearance of Sophie
Huron County Court House. the groins to raise funds. (Roberta Machan), an Olympic
The financial statement of HARVEY C�ULBERT The `ticket office" at R. W.
operations, April 1, 1968, -,April ...president (Reg) Bell, optometrist, 74 The
1, 1969, presented by Ross Square, will be "open" for three
'r Jackson DHO municipal by� `the membershipas auditors.
p •_ days prior to the show. Season
superintendent, on behalf of J. Municipality membership fees ticket holders will be given
W. Britnell, Huron County were raised from $10 to $15. A . priority on seating and the
engineer, showed ani operating desire was- expressedby the remainder will be made available -
loss of $53.01. membership to' bring Seaforth, to the general public.
Officers for the' year 'are: Clinton, Goderich and Wingham Star Spangled Girl is a
Harvey Culbert, pres.; Mel Good, into the association. ' three -act comedy about two
past pres.; Karl Haber, vice-pres.; Following the meeting the 29 young men' who publish a
and Clarence Hanna, sec. road superintendents were protest magazine "Fallout" in a
Bill Taylor was appointed Luncheon guests of the brownstone apartment in New
representative to the Good Dominion Road Machirfery Co. ;York.
Roads Association; Ross Jackson Ltd. at the Maitland Country Norman (Warren Robinson) is
and- Jim-Bri-tnell- were..approveti._, . Club:- -- - _ __ __ ___ . a_ versatile_writter who dreams up
O IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII111111Illp111111111101 pllllllullllllulllillll'Iuuuuulujlpoiiaoiiiiiialialllu11101laall tallialllllliall 111111111 IMillaillalliaI11111 aiii111111111111ialliallii1
swimmer from the south who
moves in across the hall, only
complicates matters. She divides
her time between teaching
Swimming •at the YWCA and
making desperate, but usually
futile attempts, to ward off the
unwanted attentions of a
love -struck, telescope -peeping
The cast • is small but the
laughs are often. Niel Simon has
done,'a first class job, as usual,
on the writin''s�end and the play
should go on to`full houses.
Legion honors Vimy vets
"The Canadian attack on
Vimy Ridge was•_ ,the most
perfectly organized and most
successful battle of World ,War
1," stated "Padre" Cliff Waite of
Mandaumin United Chureh--
Pastorial Charge, Sarnia, guest
speaker at* the Vimy banquet
held Wednesday, April 9, at the.
Godetich Branch 109, Royal
Canadian Legion. •
"With 600,000 troops
The Veterans, of the Battle. of Vimy Ridge gather on the 52nd
anniversary of the day Canada "came of age." Left to right, front
row, Leo Watt, Jack McLaren, Bill Gould, Ab Kitton, Dave Allan,
"Chappy" Chapman, Bill Moorehead, Bill Kay, George Rivett,
George Inglis, and Dave McMillan. back 'row, Norm Geddes,
Clarence MacDpnald, Charlie Bleach, Harold Allan, Art George,
Robert' Carey,. Daxe_Wilson, Percy James and Harold Turner. --
Staff Photo
defending a 14 mile sector, the
Germans . believed- themselves -
impregnable, but with
meticulous skill and, under a
heavy 1,.000 gun artillery
barrage, the Canadian Four
divisions achieved eomplete
subjugation of. the enemy
tretithes and won the day with
light casualties. In this one battle
our lads proved that Canada had
tome . of __age=Jshe could - raise;
train /and" put into the field an
- army: whish could fight against ----
the* best in the world and win."
"Padre" Waite went on to
show that veterans can not go on
reliving old -battles, however, for
there are many battles to be won
today. He challenged biose
present to live responsible lives
__witlL deep involvement in
community , and family life in
order to win the struggle against
the turbulence, uprootedness
and sense of confusion which
marks today's society.
'By investing your best in
interest, time and energy, giving
freely of the wisdom . and
experience gained in service to
youfr country in war, you can
help combat the forces of
restlessness so - inherent in
today's fast changing wdrld,"
(4r. Waite concluded.
Reverend G. L. Royal
introduced "Padre" Waite, and
Neil Shaw expressed the, thanks
of the 123 Legionnaires present.
meeting starts
The first time in 10 years the annual meeting of the Synodical
Society of Hamilton and London Women's Missionary Society of
the Presbyterian Church of Canada is being held in Goderich. The
meeting started Tuesday and will conclude today, Thursday, ,,.
April 17. Left to right are Rev. G. L. Royal, pastor of Knox
Presbyterian Church where the meeting is being held; Rev, J. K.
Ross Thomson, Knox Church, St. Catharines, moderator of ,
Hamilton and London Synod and Rev; Robert Bissett, Avonton,
moderator for Stratford and Huron Presbytery. -- Staff Photo