HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-10, Page 168' QO:D RICIii SIQNAL-STAR,"VT UR PhA'Y, APRU,t i! , i$9 lg'' TQQAY.0 BY HELEN;, i. iotbntocrclegral t, This•zi beautiful baby is Ti father to, love hini. He has j developing very well, reachin average. His background is great, grandparent, from wh sparkling dark eyes. He is a age, with scanty black hair f. has a bubbling. happy per 00,1 showing his proud new fron but is well co-ordinated intelligent. He needs parent heritage and who will prov great Beal of stimulation. .thy please write to Today's Family Services, Parliame Ladies memb office rs 11 �1 •ho'sneeds a mother. and nesfirst birthday and is" osj Pini estones ahead of the li i except for one Iridian probably inherited his active boy, big for his tiler fair skin. Timothy , ,ivith a ready smile Ie 'has- had no IQ tests, a!`JJeas Very,bright and o' 11 appreciae his Indian a, It' me atmosphere with a 4tW about adopting Timo- di.liDePartment of Social and filattig, ,Toronto 5. C!LJ At a recent Ladies Curling Maitland 'Country Club t following slate of officers fo 1969-70, was brought Mrs.. Barbara Everett, p Mrs. ,Kay Graff, vice-Ores.;M Eileen Palmer, sec -ties.', Gail Sully, Churn..; Mrs. Harris, Mrs. Louise Hethering>r, and Mrs. Helen McDaniel, committee;' • Mrs. Ardir'rf Brissette, chmn.; Mrs. Jimmy Hall,'"draw committee; Mrs. Marg Lassaline, chmn.; Mrs. Anna Refflinghaus and Mrs. Joanne Muck, gitney" committee; Mrs. Jean Asher, chmn.; Mrs. Hazel Beaver,.abonspiel committee. meeting of t Section of t Menu of the week Salmon Loaf with Frozen Peas, Baked Potatoes, S.Iiced.Ontario Hothouse Tomatoes Pumpkin Pie For high quality protein at lower cost, feature fish and eggs on spring menus, suggests the Food Council, Ontario Department of Agricq'lture and Food. It's wise to choose the cheaper pink canned salmon for use in casseroles. it's every bit as nutritious as the higher priced ° red or cohoe and in pink color is well dii's ised when mixed with other od Fr zen peas,. are still a plent f ood and are featured frequently at 'special prices in local supermarkets. Stock up while supply is higti and prices low. irs.11 Bertha McGee, Mrs. ice McAdam, Mrs. Penny ,ner, Mrs. Auleen Curry and sJean McDonald, memorial Salmon Loaf 1 can salmon' . 1 3 cup salmon liquid 2 cup milk • r trophy ' committee; Mrs. Connie rOsIborne, churn; Mrs. Peg Wood, ai •d Mrs. Doris Paquette,. n, ruction committee; Mrs. 'zyl Harper, Bulletin board and sters; Mrs. Marg Lassaline, list id telephone committee;, and rs: ;ElsieGardner, publicity. Mrs. Graff, the vice-president was selected as representative to the Southern Ontario Ladies Curling Association, with Mrs. Louise Hetherington as alternate representative. Mrs. Prast of Durham, president of S.O.L.C.A. recently visited • Maitland Country Club' and gave an informative talk to the ladies group regarding the organization. BOWLING By Dianne Merian APRIL 5 ,Cathy Hamilton rolled a 255 to help,her team to third place, Lee Ryan rolled a 243 to help his team into second place after the first week. Janet Westbrook rolled a 250 to help her team. Janice Glen bowled 257 to put her team in first place.,, Judy .;.Beattie bowled 244 to• put her team in second place. After two weeks of Playoffs the 'standings are: A Group Wild Hawks, 3961; Pink Finks, 3810; Fouls, 3766; Drifters; 356-3; Vagabond, 3442 and Happy Hustlers, 3110. B Group Gutter Balls, 3565; Falcons, 3557; No Names, 3287;' Amateurs, 3166; Leopards, 2948 and Hippies, .1923. Bowling banquet is April 26 at--6--o'cloek -'at V is oria- Street_ United Church: GODERICH'S OWN WELCOME SERVICE would like to call on you with "housewarming gifts" and in- formation about your new loca- tion. •The Hostess will be glad to 'srrange your subscription to the SIGNAL, STAR. . Call her at 524-9; 3 cups soft bread crumbs ra cup butter (melted) „-%eggs" ('separated) 2 tbsp finely chopped green pepper 2 TliSrp'..f L Iy chipped onion 1 tbsp lemon juice 118 tsp lemon rin.d Drain the salmon, and flake, Save the liquid. Heat milk in top part of double boiler. Add bread crumbs, and butter, and let stand five minutes. Add salmon liquid and beat until .s n ooth. Ada well -beaten egg yolks;' flake p salmon and remaining ingr dients. old in stiffly . beaten egg whit Pou L iM6 a well -greased pan; bake at 350 degrees for 40 to 50 minutes, or until firm in centre. Remove from oven:' Let stand five minutes. Loosen from sides of pan, and invert on. heated serving dish. Serve plain or with egg sauce. Serves six. Morning toast Talk There's nothing like a hot, crisp, golden -brown slice of toast! But alas and alack, far too many people just don't know how to make toast- properly. Toast was once defined as "bread dried or scorched before a fire". There's no need for modern-day toast '.to fit, this definition, with streamlined', electrically efficient toasters in almost , every home, and ,w ell -made, standard ° shaped bread' available every day from the baker. Why not check these "toast". , points, and insure success in your morning pop-up activities! .For the best 'toast, use . bread,,at least 21 hours old, and serve it piping hot. .. Hot toast should never be stacked. If it mush --be held for a few minutes, arrange toast slices in a rack and place in a warm oven until served. .•.. For '—t;ray sery i ce, or distinctive ; table toast service, arrange triangular slices of toast in a folded napkin on a „hot plate, slightly overlapping the slices. The napkin will absorb the steam ft -OM -the hot toast and keep it crisp. ...Frozen bread slices may be put ' • into the toaster for immediate toasting. They will 'require a few extra seconds toasting time. ..Toast has the same caloric value as'bread — approximately 75 calories per one ounce slice. UPING. KITCHEN --- LIVING ROOM — BEDROOM 25 PIECES iN ALL $6 eF FU$EOURLAtA1AY PLAN FURNITURE Goderich Toasting converts some of the starch in the bread into simpler carbohydrates and removes some of the moisture. This produces the golden -brown, crisp, flavourful slice of toast which we all enjoy. How to treat burns Burns hurt — and sometimes they're serious. What do you do about a burn? Most people slap . on some greasy substance — butter or vaseline. Wring, says' St. John Ambulance. Where the skin has not been broken, immersion in cold'water or the application of a cold wet cloth will relieve the pain: Where the skin has been broken, infection is a hazard. Don't apply greasy substances. These remedies have onlyslight value in reducing pain and greatly complicate later treatment. For a serious burn remove or cut away clothing over the burned area but don't try to pull off clothing which is stuck. Cover the burned area with a clean dressing and bandage securely. If medical Maid is near, speed is more, essential. than perfect bandaging. In -the case of burns by corrosive • chemicals, flood the part thoroughly with water and apply ntormral . treatment for 'burns. • FREEZERS iALE SCRATCH & DENT F Top Qu ity GILSON and :'K E LV ATO R Freezers Slight Dents or Scratches FULLY GUARANTEED. Save $20 or Wore HUTCHINSON TV & APPLIANCES 308 HURON RD. PHONE 524-7831 DELUXE KITCHEN CABINETS WHEN YOU ORDER BY MAY 15 you can.af%rd a summer home today.. .the HALLIDAY Wdy ! (,) . y,, i, t• I ,nie ,,a..r, deet; the w�l�ir.r-,d ' r fr ,n1 the rrad'lin( crr;r d 1" 1,l d,iy H ),Ts rnakes dre tms i %lnle true — 41141t,er ne,t or .l r,."gr, l,'� r Hi;lij.rJ��a5 a ftuarIty fair?lily t 11 ,•l ,irir'1P y, ,�.� �- II ('-')•ni,riE des.k.'1S frurl,the ; t;rr r,r er to l• yc,,r r,wn s to Up veal'-' t i,.(i i, ilii 41ir H ,, Ter, P'' -,r1 wit ir1„.I,ide'1. ,f you wishl :o Fre) i. y li4P t'i ,urarl" F- Mir , r ;)t ,,rat extras live interioritinir,hin( pa %.jie'P'. w rater *::1 par.laf'P�,,defk bait house utility building etc Don't watt to.buil.d your Shangra.a..Orcier. by May,15th and get your va'uable k,tr her r ih,nets — free See your Hatlid:iy dealer or mail him the rOupron trod -i, Get more for your '.r'ttage dollar — the Halliday wav HALLIDAY HOMES LIMITED. 551 MAPLE AVENUE, BURLINGTON, ONT. Mfgrs of Homes. Cottages: Garages. Portable Classrooms TOWN a r las r r me mil r■m r rama IPlease send me 1 rat.1IoguA of Halliday And.Vacation Homes and additional information ■ on building The'F9alliday Way COUNTRY I I encloseA`25e Name CONSTRUCTION Address Phone 524-6526 •1 GOITER ICH Ct' 1 own a lot 1 Location 1... era am EMI MI lei, /Mia lea N 1111, fad — ti Phone Yes [] No ri 0 KEEPOut OF wor WATER YOU ARE. COOKING -DOW( WEAR.. LONG LOOSE Li:VES IN -rNE KITGHIEIJ. -KEEPF'C' HANDLES Tib BACK OF srOVE 1.0 Cooking for People who have cooked for a family for years often say they can't get used to cooking for one. They find it 'difficult to cut down their buying and cooking habits. As a result, they often find themselves with left -overs to. cope with and spoiled toad to throw out-. Thus, many find it simpler to have•u'nappetizing and inadequate toast and tea or soup and sandwich meals. The federal health department publication, "Food Guide for the Older' Person" urges the older person living alone -to buy, stock and 'cook in smaller quantities: It takes planning and practice, but it can be done,_and it,„aves much money, the publicatibirsay:”' Nowadays, small cans Of fruit and vegetables, meats artd soups are available. They may be. slightly more expensive than • larger sizes, but not if you throw half of the big one• away ! Of course there will , be • left -overs occasionally. ,They can be . put together with canned soup, tomato juice • or breadcrumbs -.and milk and 1 11 1 1 r one Food facts that save you money MEAT WRAPPING and eggs make inexpensive main dishes, with little waste. Both rank, , high in goad quality protein, say' food specialists at Macdonald Instit"ute, t niversity of Guelph. COOK iT RIGHT Cooking it right in the first place will eventually save you time and money, say food specialists at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph. Properly prepared food satisfies the appetite, and everyone cleans his plate without urging. This means less cleaning up when the meal is over. All wrapping paper should be removed from, meat before it is placed in the refrigerator. It is best to place it on a dry plate and cover it loosely with waxed paper. Sin.ce ground meal spoils readily, Home Economists`. at Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, suggest that you use it - as soon as possible after purchase. VARIETY MEATS Variety meats offer a change in the diet, plus good food value. Liyer is one of the beset sources of minerals, and -vitamins - especially vitamin A, thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. Liver, except for calves' Jiver, is a reasonable buy, and there are, many ways to serve it in combination with vegetables. Food Specialists at Macdonal Institute, University of Guelph, recommend, it for a regular ,spot in your menu. baked in a casserole or heated in the top of a double boiler. Such dishes could 5e the most interesting in the menu SAUSAGE PATTIES For extra special sausage patties, form 1 pound of sausage meat in 6 patties which are about ''1. inch thick. Panfry until well done, remove from heat and keep hot. Add 6 pineapple slices to pan and sprinkle with'-'bro'wn"""" sugar and a little nutmeg; saute until golden brown. Serve sausage patties on top of pineapple slices: COOK PORK FIRST Pork sausages and sausage meat should always be cooked before beingadded to other ingredients in a recipe. To substitute sausages for sausage meat, simply remove meat from casings or break up skinless sausages with a fork. "What is the most important meal of the day?" "Breakfast. My wife gets upset if I'nm not -home by then." BUY QUALITY Buy quality when you buy rfteat. Good quality beef is a uniform rich , red color; the outside fat is creamy and 'white. The Food- Department, Macdonald Institute, University of Guelph, reminds you that the red or blue Government stamp denotes top quality inspected„ . meat., THRIFTY DISHES The less money you have to spend on food, the more mealplanning you'll have to do. Fish, cheese and eggs make thrifty main dishes. Quick-frozen fish is available all year round, and can be prepared. in in many delicious ways. Cheese SAVE FOOD $$ Here are some money -saving, ideas when you're buying food. Horne economists at Macdonald Institute, .University of Guelph, recommend buying foods in the amounts you need.' Ch,eck ingredient amountsin recipes and purchase accordingly. Take advantage of special sales by buying large quantities; then store carefully whatever you don't need for immediate use. • F' ESH UNDER GLASS Red and green in April' doesn't mean a late Christmas; it stands for fresh 'Ontario hothouse tomatoes and cucumbers. Thanks to advances in modern greenhouse production, consumers can enjoy these • fresh vegetables while the snow melts and the ground thaws. Look for Ontario hothouse vegetables, in your -local supermarket and use them often for sandwiches and dinner salads, reminds the Food Council, Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food. Phone 524-9521 ROY N. BENTLEY Public Accountant 4 Britannia Rd. E. Goderich, Ontario R a The New, Dynamically Engineered Keystone Hi -Torque Mini -Bike IN STOCK NOW AT __ 4. At last! A 2 -cycle, 6500 RPM beauty that's got the torquefor instant power takeoffs. Designed and engineered with the wprld's 'most efficient 3 HP air-cooled engine that lubricates itself with a 20-1 fuel mixture. The first dynamically engineered cycle that can be run all day at its maximum RPM without the slightest huff or puff. Creises,at 30 MPH, delivers up to 100 miles per gallon economy and weighs out at a tough 75 pounds. loaded with more features -and extras than anything in its class. From the world's •largest manufacturer "of custom racing wheels and hi -performance automotive accessories. KY RAN� a RESTAURAN1 AND SERVICE STATION: HIGHWAY 21 N., GODERICH . 524-8982 HEADQUARTERS FOR CAR, BOAT, HOME AND OFFICE STEREOS q r ill