HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-10, Page 13THE BLUE THUMB FMG. MacLEOD ROSS. 2. Fritz the Concierge And so in due course weltre arrived" to be greeted by the doffed cap and sweeping bow of Monsieur le Concierge. The hotel is within walking distance of the. Bahnhof. I am immediately relieved of rily "hand-gepak" and led proudly up the stone steps of the pension into the low-down pulpit, : containing letter rack, directories, maps, , unwieldy pen. Jetzt! Ile even has time for a little pleasantry with one of the many children who throng the postcard rack, th colours of which shame the rainbow. There! It is done! He dives deep into a -trouser pocket for change; counts out at legt • five francs in ten centime pieces. A kip? "Danke vielmal!" and the guest' recedes, prevaded in a cloud of description of the, guides and postcards and it is here that he is permanently in session, save only when he has to meet the train. Around the corner, but just inside the, Vestibul, stands a 'glass chvered desk which contains his stock of tabac, cigarren upd cigaretten; carefully locked away, but most enticingly displayed. His .prime joy is undoubtedly the maniptilation of the mail. 5;o him the letter rack is sacred. Should you help yourself to your own letters he _will not rebuke you, but plainly Ile is grieved. Though you may see yournewspaper staring you in • the face, he will search every furnishings consist of a small pigeonhole most laboriously, open office, rather like - a before lighting upon it and O pressing it into your hand with great warmth. I have still to decide whether he is more pleased when there is definitely "nichts" for you, as usually occurs on Mondays, or when yl,ur hOle is staffed to- overtlowing with Sunday and Monday's papers, when you are asked to identify each packet separately. • As he comes to know you better, you appreciate that he is 'a businessman "erste klasse;" and rightly so, since he probably gets a percentage on his successes in this direction. Very eatty- in your stay he produces for your entranced gaze a highly coloured -map of the surrounding district, which shows .each and every "spaziergang and fussweg." These are marked in different colours 'and in, huge Vestibul, (pLainly labeled as such) a source of blatantly ill-cOncealed speculation to all the assembled pests. Whispers • follow my entrance: g'Englander." I proceed fiirther. An awkward pause Whilst the concierge enters the Bureau, where mine host hurries into his jacket, to issue forth all smiles to welcome me in his best English. •English.. But onr immediate study is M.le Concierge. He is a busy little man in his frock coat with the golden crossed keys, and he is terribly anxious to please. My first requests and enquiries are answered with a positive maelstrom of "augenblicks" and "bittes." Just a modicum of patience and he will turn the whole place inside out for my greater convenience. His 0 0 • 12 suggestions 1. Alwaysread the label before using sprays or dusts. Note warnings and cautions each time before opening the container. 2. Keep sprays and dusts out of the reach of children, pets and irresponsible people.-4They should be stored outside of the home, away from food and feed, and under lockand key. 3. Always store sprays and dusts in original containers and keep them tightly:closed. Never keep them in anything but the original container. 4. Never smoke while spraying or dusting. 5. Avoid inhaling sprays or dusts. When directed, on the label,' wear protective clothing and maks. 6. Do not spill sprays or dusts on the skin or clothing. If they are spilled remove contaminated clothing immediately and wash thoPoughly. 7. Wash hands and ,face and change to clean, clothing after spraying or dusting. Also wash clothing each day before reuse. c' 8. Cover . food and waste containers when treating around livestock or pet areas. Do not contaminate fish ponds. 9. Use separate equipment for applying hormone -type herbicides in order to avoid accidental injury to susceptible plants. 10. Always dispose of empty containers so that they pose no hazards to humans, animals or valuable plants. 11. Observe label directions and cautions to keep residue on • edible portions of plants within • the limits permitted by law. 12. If symptoms of illness occur during or shortly after spraying or dusting, .call a physician -or get -the-patient-to-a hospital immediately. • • IC* Holiday on the tCt)rttitiong' please'?" He carefully fingers off each of ten twenty -centime stamps in exchange . for a two -franc piece; then does a major calculation on his blotting paper with a pencil stump, should you ask for mixed values. You wish to ['lay the tennis no? Come, he will show you the •• crosses and in gigantic noughts. (Be warned in time. They are painfully inaccurate): One of these you MUST possess,. NO? You already have one? You have deprived him of one of the joys of his life. "Has a cable come forme?" I ask, "Cable? Augenblick" and he scuttles off, threading.his way through the throng of guests awaiting the return of the elvator. First he searches his cabinet de tabac; then rushes into the Bureau. Your request is to be dealt with at a higher level. Meanwhile I dared to peep into pigeonhole No. 99, to find it empty. Then, exuding radiance from every pore, Fritz emerges wit4rrb1ank cable form. With a .1 danke" I gravely accept the blank form, for I cannot break his heart. . But now "morgen fruh" has arrivedk,gskfr elaborate notice on the blackboard informs us the hotel waggon, which mercifully is none other than an aged "Acht Zilinder Packert" is going to set forth on a "grosee Tourfahrt" at .71/2 Uhr. Now watch with me and we vjt1 see how Fritz bides his time to fall upon the unsuspecting guest patrolling the passage, now crowded with the efflux froth dinner. He makes the approach. "Has the Herr his ticket for tomorrow's wunderbares, • schonsten, gross-artigsten Aussfluge? He has 'not? How can .he have gone so long and • come so near to missing this opportunity of a lifetime'?" The elaborate ritual of making out the ticket begins. Fritz settles himself comfortably—onto, the stool of his constricted office. Ile beams his delight. Papet is produced. A hunt • for th • need to worry. He will arrange it all. Is he not M.le Patron's right hand? Now that you have refused all offers of his wares, there. is one last scene you must not miss. beauties and wonders which will be his on the morrow. Then Fritz can relax for a' few minutes. The cabinet de tabac has already been mentioned. You must not miss the sight of Fritz turning over his stock withla loving hand; inentally writing down the value of the cigarren which have become a bit frayed at the ends; counting his "Splendid Habana," so "leger und licht," in case you had doubts. Nor can that elderly can of Edgworth •fait to cusea, flutter in your breastAMolds it before your eyes; a certain. bait in a land which specialises in long skinny ,cigarrenwith a bit of quill stuck in one end and a straw down the centre, and an odour, when smouldering; that is capable of clearing any public room in seconds. So our Fritz, like all his kind, works very hard;.has long hours; meets every train and answers innumerable questions. AlTv-ays merry, he has a distinct sense of humour; he even has time to improve his English during the occasional breathing spaces when he is not smoothing the ruffled feathers' of fleshy: mountains • from the northern border. • "Stamps? How many SEE "IN DAYS OF CAMELOT" • BY STUDENTS & STAFF OF G.DC.I. THURSDAYI, APRIL 10th FRIDAY, APRIL. llth AUDITORIUM . 8:30 P.M. Adults 51.25 Students 75c 14,1 KITED. CORN and BEA CONTRACTS •at most attractive prices • W.G. Thompson & Sons Ltd HENSALL TELEPHONE 262-2527 4•111111411•41411.0, Specializing in Registered , And Certified Seed Grain • Clover, Grass & Mixed Grain Seed FERTILIZEk at competitive prices 14 to 20b What sacrilege, with the smell of pine .trees on the ar! But Fritz is such a simple little soul. little book in the Bureau in which each player can inscribe hi.,pane and the hour at which he desires to occupy the court. You play today? Tomorbw? So! At! You want a partner too? Naturlich! Does Monsieur le Patron play? That wonderful high -lobbing game, accompanied scrams, so der to the,heart bf the fastnesses of the Continent? But you have—no fl " Let ine close therefore with the look of triumph in his eyes as he finally produces for Madame la Contessa's delighted consternation his absolute piece de resistance. ,The Chinese oil -paper sunshade. It is absolument the .T.HING on the Swiss Lido's this year. See! For five franc fifty. But he will open for Madame la' Contessa to see. His eyes sparkle. "You would like?" Madame gazes, but her amused Interest, turns to steely resentment. •"Made In China," EXETER 235-0363 FOR PERSONAL SERVICE AND THE KIND OF QUALITY YOU CAN DEPEND ON. SEE YOUR LOCAL DEALER HURON BRAND FIELD SEEDS AND GRASSES • HARDI-REEN PASTUR MIXES Nal AND IMPROVED VARIETIES OF CLOVER —TIMOTHY —GRA$SES , 0 09ERICKSIONAL.STAK131101SPAi%AiWit#1,0,:t90 $444 The hard earned estate you leave behind is too important to be entrusted to inexperie.nced • and,,untrained. help. People --even those who merit your trust -die, disappear, become inapacitatedit happens tvery day. But not here, because at Victoria and Grey Trust, ..y8t-if estate in.e.nagemet probles, big -and thelesponsibility first, of a friendly, sympathetic trust officer you get to know, and second. o.1, team of cmpetent, trained • specialists who operate under government license. . Don't le.te your estate to chance. Leave it in the competent care oi Victoria and Grey. VG VICTORIA and GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 W. R. Curry, Manager 52.4-7381 Elgin and Kingston Streets, Goderich ol; York Frozen ORANGE JUICE Boneless ' Pork Centre Cut Pork 1 vitmtatt1t+11 APPLE JIllet (Oven Ready 1 With Dressng) Fresh Boneless Pork SHOULDER I MEATS Heinz Tomato °ral AntisePtc9- 1:100 LISTERINE ....• Bo. (Spec. Pock) Roll-on' Ban Deodorant1(1)- Btl. 99 Ajax (Special Pack), Window 20B -oz ti• * 33° CLEANER Aerosol Tin - 18 -oz. Plattic 39 Top Valu Salted Spanish colours) Btl. ( PEANUTS Shirley Gay _ _ , . . Pkg. 16 -oz. 64 -oz. Eacellelissue _ oPfk:s0.1 $1 RAISIN PIE 2 24-0!. Green Giant Fancy Assed. — Weton's Iced Asset!. VEGETABLES 6-1-T°::.100 BUTTERHORNS U.S. No. 1 (Size 24') He RIGHT TY LIMIT QUANTITIES,