HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-10, Page 11• 41 A • 4 4 4 • kJow school has changed! Great changes are takingspots in the school. You dont place thee days in education. teach Guidance. You're "in" Let's have, a look at some of Guidance. Right up to your them from a straight -forward, ears. honest, prejudiced point of The reason for this is that view, and then you decide the duties of guidance people whether they are good or bad. have snowballed. Why? For Corporal punishMent is prac- . two -reasons. Many 'parents tically a thing of the , past. have abdicated as counsellors Good or bad? 1, think it's good of their own children, and for the students and perhaps leave it to, the school. Many bad for. some of the teachers. other parents, hoWever desper- It, never did have any deter- ately,. they try, simply can't rent effect on the students a,s I cope with their children, and know from personal experi- expect the school to help. ence as a Student. It merely Inevitably, the guidance' involved sturtrances, , physical the other things that influence a child's behavior. He has become a sort of padre without, dog -cellar, In addition, he is expected to guide the student into -the right course. Thus, he must convince Johnny, who wants to be a doctor, and who failedhis Graclei 10 science dismally, that he might be better in an- other field. Even worse, he has to convince .Johnny's father„ who is a doctor and it damn - well gding to have another one in the family: Glad I'm not a guidance. teacher. How do you feel about exam- inations? They, too, are chang- ing in status. The emphasis on exams is diminishing, and in some schools' they have van - made the brutish .student more teacher has' Neto brutish.- But it was a great with emotional safety valve for the hot -tem- family- hackgroun pered teacher. handicaps and al , — Now I know there shouldn't be such things as hot-tempered teachers. lint there are. They are human beings. And some of the hottest -tempered are the best teachers. Often, they care more. No more for them the gle- orious release of hurling chalk or blackboard brush- at that sniggering lout in the back seat. No more for -them the sedative of the clout on the ear, the ruler crack on the knuckles, the five -of -the -best on each hand. What's going to happen to theni? You can turn the other cheek only so often. I prophesy a large tax increase for the purpose of building • more men - for teachers who crack uftder the strain of ished. Good or bad? choking back their honest - My feelings about them are rage. mixed. One day I feel that they So much for that. Let's look should be abolished, so that. we at Counselling, or Guidance. could get down to the business This is one of the fastest -grow- of learning, that they 'are an ing aspects of education. Only unnecessary ordeal, that they a few years ago, any guidance cater to mediocrity. was,done by regular teachers, The next day I've reversed usually chosen for their com- my. stand 'and am convinced mon sense. They chatted with that: they are the only goad the . kids and tried to steer for the lazy student; that the them in the right direction, pKessure-relief are good there- . Now the Guidance Depart- py; that the student' who, is a ment is one of the busiest wallflower in ,class has a B. S111111gSS:• IRECTI ALL NEW ,,GODERICH RESTAURANT Steak. Houge and Tavern i• ,••41, 4, ; • . I ; •. • • .1 levels be up 'this plan adniMistered by the United mflected in Lake Survey's t a tes-Canadian manned forecast from Lake St. Clair.. The International Lake Superior lake is expected to "peak'' about Board of ' Control. 1.4.S. Lake the end Of June, after which it Survex furnishes, technical and will start 14 normal downward engineering expertise to the trend. Boating conditions should Board. Precipitation ..over be excellent; however, boaters Superior's basin was 32 per cent should . remember that the above normal for the six-month higher levels may hide objects period ending December 31, that were visible a few years ago. 1968. Snow cover over the basin Reference to U.S. Lake SErirley has been exceptionally heavy Chart No. 42 or the road -map this winter and this will. have a style 42 -SC (Lake St. Clair) will definite effect oil lake levels pay off. next summer. All gates at the LAKE ERIE - ,This shallowest "Soo" will be opened as soon as of the Great Lakes (average practicable this spring in an depth 58 feet) is expected to be effort to keep the lake's level about five inches above last within prescribed regulation year's maximum level. , Being Maximum levels are oriented geperally parallel to the expected to occur about prevailing wind makes the lake mid-September. particularly susceptible to storms LAKE MICHIGAN AND from the. southwest. It is not LAKE HURON - According to uncommon for the lake to have the U.S. Lake Survey's as much as a six-foot difference six-month forecast, the between Toledo and Buffalo. maximum level of these two The maximum ,ever recorded at lakes (considered to be one Lake Survey water level gauges because' they are joined by the was in excess of 13 feet! For this Straits of Maekinac) is expected reason, Lake Erie boaters should to be about nine inches higher pay particular attention to .their than that which occured last charts and the U.S. Weather summer. This is attributed to Bureau forecasts. Lake Erie is recent -above-average expected to be at its highest precipitation (fain and snow). level for '69 around the end of These lakes are expected to Julie': Then it starts its annual reach their highest level about gradual decline. Generally speaking, boaters, coma' ercial shipping and hydroelectOc power interests should be quite pleased with the levels of the Great Lakes for the coming navigation season. ,3hore-line property owners, 9articulay those who built luring the low-level period, 1963-64-6'5, may have reason to 3e a little apprehensive. The U.S. Lake Survey's 'Army Engineers) 6 -month ?orecast of levels for the. Great Lakes indicates the lakes will bp to 11 inches higher than their maximum levels of last year: Higher lake levels, combined with storm -generated strong winds, have a tendency to tilt a lake's surface which, of course, can cause problems. 'Following is a summary for each of the Great Lakes and Lake St. Clair: LAKE SUPERIOR - At its highest, Lake Survey's forecast shows that Superior is expected to, be slightly above (about one inch) its '68 maximum. All gates „ at the "Soo" were left open until mid-DeCember. If all the gates were left open during the winter, serious ice -jamming problems might be created in the St. Marys River. Gates are operated under a prearranged tal institutions THIS SPACE 'RESERVED - FOR YOUR AD chance t4 blossom on paper:, that they reveal the classroom charm -boy for the ignoramus hiS:' On the whole, I'm in favor of retaining- exams, in some form, until our competitive society has changed completely. Other- wise, you have a repetition of the Oisastrous Children's Cru- sade of the Middle Ages. You are sending kids into battle with no weapons except a series of successful field trips and "projects". You have to learn how to drive a car, and then you have to prove it in an examination, ,The same applies & building bridges or removing tonsils! In fact we need more exami- nations: for prospective fa- ther's in diaper -pinning: pros- pective- husbands in coping with' tears. And so on. I'll het you can think of a few'. WIN! DOUBLE. PASSES TO THE PARK THEATRE BOOKS & STATIONERY Cards For All Occasions • Gifts • Books • Stationery Supplies • Records' • Joe Baker , 262 Regent St; AN BOOK CENTRE 33 'East St. Goderich BUILDING MATERIAL GODERICH BUILDING CENTRE 524-8383 CaMbria at Anglesea. PAINT, WALLPAPER 1 • PAINT • • • WALLPAPER • • *CARPETS •lir TILE - • LINOLEUM "Your Complete Home Decorating Centre" Mrs. A. H. Erskine 135 MacDonald St. McARTHUR and REILLY LTD. West St. Goderich FURNITURE * FRIGIDAIRE * WESTINGHOUSE * GIBSON * HOOVER Sales and Service GERRY'S APPLIANCES The Square. — Goderich low Owned and Operated hv Chirek mid-August. LAKE ST. CLAIR - The maximum level of this lake is expected to be about seven inches higher than it was last year. Lake St. Clair gets the major precentage of its water from Lake Huron via theSt. • Cir River. The increased flows om a higher Lake Huron are LAKE ONTARIO - This lake is, expected to be near its lohg-term average_ level for most of the season. It will be about the same or slightly below the maxim,um level attained last year and range from two to nearly three feet above chart datum (see definition). Ontario is expected to reach its high of FORYOUR AUTO INSURANCE • See or Phone • . MALCO MATHERS GENERAL URANCE AGENT 46 wEst ST. • 524-9442 , • year the season about the end of May. This is normal for the lake, although last year it didn't '''peak' until mid-July. NOTE TO U.S. LAKE SURVEY CHART . USERS - When lake levels are above chart datum (the plane qf reference from which depths shown on -the charts are measured) they can be treated one of two 'Ways. First, by using the charted depths as 'shown and considering' the differnce as a safety margin, or second,, by adding the difference to the depths shown on the charts, Of course, when levels are above chart datum , the difference ,.raust be subtracted from bridge clearances shown on the chart or reported in Lake Survey's Great Lakes Pilot --a 600 page volume of detailed marine information of value to anyone navigating the waters of the Great Lakes. Boaters should remember that when lake levels are high an object that was visible a few years ago may be hidden. For a free catalog of charts,; more information on water levels, or just general ipestions about the Lakes, write to U.S. LAKE SURVEY, Federal Building, Detroit 48226. 4 OODEITICH 81QOAIATAR,Iiitili$DAY,APalt# 0,1909 3A • Whetyou have a child or reach 21 - or move to a new address o when you are newly mossied_. To keep your OMSIP protection and to , speed payment -notify within 30 days: 5 Health Insurance Registration Board, 219S'Yonge Street, Toronto 7. If we care to help we need to know. Ask for this booklet. It tells how you may obtain an IDB loan to help start,, modernize or ex_gand your business. idb INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK A Source of Financing for Canadian Business INDUSTRIAL. DEVELOPMENT BANK TERM. FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES LONDON, ONT.: 291 Dundas Street - Telephone; 438-8363. FUNERAL HOME LODGE; FUNERAL HOME Robert C. McCallum ° Director' 65 Montreal St. .524-7345 THIS SPACE • - RESERVED FOR YOUR. AD INIIMINNIMOIN1111 • THIS ,SPACE RESERVED foR YOUR AD . 0 The Names Of Six Signal -Star 'Subscrib- ers Are To Be Found In One Of These Ads Now Showing NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES Presents •---" GREGORY PECK EVA MARIE SAINT in a Pakula•Mulligan Production of THE STALKING MOON TECHNICOLOR..PANAVISION SEE REGULAR AD ON PAGE 5 FOR DATES AND TIMES • 1 Nick Sagar 207 Cambria St. For The FINEST in FURNITURE LODGE Furniture West St. — Goderich • Be -Sure To( See Our Display -0,1:11GINAL OIL P Al NT 119 G S -THIS—SPACE•'--•- RESERVED FOR YOUR AD THIS SPACE RESERVED • FOR YOUR AD LADIES WEAR ISOM' WWI lIMITID Ground Floor '.Fabric Centre Luggage r............1.11.111M1,0111.111111.1111111110111111.11M11111111.111.1,1111111.11.1 • Roy Walter RR 4, Goderich For The Fashion Look ‘eotp., SHOPPE MEN'S WEAR For That CERTAIN .111•MMIIMINIP Flair Roi?lNertiAwiERN'SWEAR Ianis 59A Kingston St._ EARL. RAWSON. 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