HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-10, Page 5411 • w RCii1d and Ab. Murtha • .. d 6:{ Not long ago I was privileclged to sit in on a.practice session of a most inspiring group of young people, between 100 to 140 youngsters -- teenagers --- of the .Canadian Forces Base of Trenton "SING OUT" group - an extention of "Up With People," and as fine a bunch- of ambasssadors as any country could desire. Recently, Up With People returned to Canada, touring through cities in Ontario and ,you may have caught one of their, performances - since six shows were given in London alone — two to overflow crowds. —, and four appearances in Kitchener. The audience response has been terrific. The youngsters are drawing large enthusiastic crowds wherever they go - and they are Going all over the world! The young Canadian Larry Smith who helped start and ,a organize the original cast in Trenton, moved to Germany when his father . was transferred and is now creating his second cast at LAHR -, CFB Germany. He left • teenagers who are certainly looking, with pride, to the future of Canada and they are certainly a credit to the ' young organizer and are really making a name for themselves in their travels all over the country. These young people direct, cast and train their own group. They are a unique aggregate of P songsters and musicians. They have learned songs, speeches, dances, choreography and harmony to compose a very professional 'two `hour show. They hake outfitted themselves with costumes and acquired a lighting, sound, stage complex. "There is something going for Canada" - are not just words to them as they have undertaken the challenge to create ___ new image for youth oftoday. They show respect and interest in what is happening and give this undivided attention to ,the socialists. and speakers. No ._ fooling around or acting up. - and tardiness is just NOT ,allowed. The discipline is GREAT,. Their songs have a meaning - a message' = which certainty gets to you. "What color .is Gods' skin? every man's the same in, the good Lords' sight. "Every„guy and girl is needed to make a new tomorrow.” "The children laugh when th'e sun comes up in the morning." "Canada has a Heart." Their songs, ' rythm, . and action make any sit-in audience come to their feet with wild applause. Here is a new breed -of young Canadians - people of warmth and affection- and concern for others - and -very noticeable in this generation, is the new pride of being a Canadian. These young people make you feel you need have no fear for the future of our country, It is in good hands! They have been doing great work in assisting in fund raising drives and other cpuntless community functions. Their practise time is limited - and so is very full and to the point. It does your heart good to see these youngsters really Work! Huron history corner---- Continued -from Page 4 - r Lake Huron, and who carried watches, were found and when notes were compared it was declared that practically all the watches stopped at the same time. Captain W. J. Adams, a "skipper" on the Great Lakes at P - the time recalls one of the strangest mysteries of the 'entire storms was the Charles S. Price. The boat was discovered the day after the storm abated floating bottom up about 20 miles from the mouth of the St. Clair River in Lake Huron, The boat had ove'rtumed and 30 of her men were discovered dead in her hold. Jack Thompson, a Hamilton man, was in a hotel room in Montreal shortly after the storm; and icked..u.p al. paper.. only to read. of his own death. He had quit, the boat .at Montreal when she left for the voyage up the lakes: He hurried home to find a funeral service being performed for: him. I hope to see such a group started here since they ,obviously enjoy themselves acid leave feeling just great; and ready -for the next performance. Wonderful Troupers - all. Mother of their songs "The Wor4d. is Your Home Town," makes you realize how true this is and how small the world- distances are becoming. Anyway - all their songs, their manner of presenting them, the real enjoyment of participation ;really rubs off them and 'you are , clapping and. keeping time to the beat' of their music before you suddenly realize everyone around you is doing the same thing.. I hope to hear more of them and bring YOU that pleasure too. I see also the Catholic Womens League are sponsoring a Rummage Sale on April 26 at St. Peters Parish Hall. Now is the time to get rid of a lot of precious junk or clothes the children will have outgrown by next winter. There will be many of these sales sponsored by the different church, organizations and others - so start soon to set these articles which have at least another seasons wear in them - to one side - and do' a little donating. They will, appreciate it as every nickle helps. Don't miss the . Dance at Harborlite Inn - 'if you had considered it this Friday. That Benmiller group of Foresters have *a great night planned for you. Have you bought your ticket d 4' Dr. G.P.A. Evwisis guest speaker at Maple Leaf ChapterIODE Captain Stevens `y of the Kaministiquia was a lucky captain that day. ,After unloading cargo at Goderich, the freighter headed for Collingwood but turned back and was able to. scud back into Goderich harbor: No so fortunate was the Wexford. She answered,the Goderich foghorn but was unable.. to find port because ..:of the blinding snowstorm. ' PARK GODERICH 30 THE SQUARE PHONE 524-7811 -A1fCON DITI ONED • e, THURS., FRI., SAT. -- April 10-11-12 NATIONAL GENERAL PICTURES Presents ..� GRE Y BECK EVA MARIE SAINT THE STALKINGnMOON TECHNICOLOR' • PANAYISION Show Times: 7.30 and 9.15 p.m. -- Saturday Matinee at Z30 p.m. SUN:, MON, TUES. April 1344 -T5 - HARRY 3-T4-'ice HARRY SALTZMAN presents o rj @dna. ±JL (AD T SUNDAY at 8.00 PM. ONLY MONDAY and TUESDAYShowing at 7.30 and 9.30 p.m. yrtilNICOLOR' PANAVISION® d Artists WED., THUR., FRI. April 16-17-18 PARAMMILPICTURES PRESENTS 'The most titillating comedy ofthe year TECHNICOLOR' • A PARAMOUNT PICTURE Showing of 7.30 and 9.15 p.m. i i THE NIGHT THEY RAIDED MINSKY'S (ADULT ENTERTAINMENT) to the IODE ' Srnorgasbor luncheon to be held Tuesday the 29th? You will hate to miss a columnist such as June Call•Wood since we see too few visits of such personalities, and I understand. they have .only.259 tickets and not many left. Since we -all kaowthe George Ellises so well, you always think of George and Gene and I find I have written - Jean! when. I get. writing I am not watching my spelling too .,well, I'm afraid; so excuse please Gene! Whichever name, she is planning a terrific array of eats1 (I think all the time I will have is to go and look and drool!) But YOU make sure you have %a ticket and don't miss this well planned, colorful and interesting. event. . "The first Rummage Sale for this week is at- MacKay Hall this Friday April 11. The Ahmeek chapter of the IODE ' are spo nn� �oors andit is sure to be in cluing. April 19 another Rummage Sale - and one having "Almost New" stuff - and costume jewellery is to be held in St. Georges Parish Hall. The Margaret Seagar Club are the sponsors. The April meeting ° of the Maple Leaf Chapter, IODIC was opened by the regent, Mrs. B. Ainslie, at the home . of „Mrs. H. Bettger. The standard bearer, Mrs. M. McGill, presented the standard before the chapter and guest members of the Ahmeek Chapter, IODE. Dr. G. P. A. Evans, medical officer of health for Huron County was guest speaker. Two new members, Mrs. W. Hassall and Mrs. R. Smith, took affirmation their Ashfield Home from hospital and were presented with their IODH. pins. The educational secretary, Mrs. J. Skeoch, read a letter from a school on Christian Is regarding the adoption of a class in the school which the chapter will sponsor. Mrs. F. Curry gave the treasurer's report tl for the "Opportunity Shop" and also reported on the Red Cross campaign, She thanked all 44 members of the chapter for their help in canvassing for this year's campaign. Mrs. Frank Hamilton and .. gifts, after Janice Robb 'who were patients served. in Wingham Hospital for some Among those home for Easter ,weeks, are home again. >i weekend were:: Mr. and Mrs.. Mr.• and Mrs. David -Geo. Leadbitter .and Barbara of Toronto; Miss Audrey, Ross of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Paul Emberlin of Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Ian Morton of Stratford. which 'lunch.. was MacKenzie of London spent the weekend at their summer cottage at Kintail Beach. On Tuesday evening, a euchre party was held in North Ashfield School in honour of Mrs. Hugh MacKenzie and Kenneth, who have moved to Goderich. Mrs. Lloyd Collins read an address and they were presented with Walk to be featured on TV The _ G oderich, May 4',7, 3 - OXFAM Walk will be featured on CKNX-TV Channel 8 on Sunday, April 27, just six days before the walk' date. The program is intended to inform viewers in the area about full details of the Walk and the reasons behind it. The program will include folksinging, young people and representatives from the various participating denominations •-and groups involved. OXFAM and the National "Miles For Millions" Committee are co-operating in 'providing film, slides and .graphics. Keep the° date Tri 'mind, and be watching. Benmiller Dr. Evans' topic for the evening was ' on . "Emotional Disorders in Children." He noted that emotional and some physical development and growth depends upon the association with the mother or a satisfactory mother substitute. The environment given should be one of warmth and understanding, he said-, "when p "`his is not available, the child is Iffected not only in childhood, 'but also later in life." Dr. Evans described "affectional bonds" between child and adult, causes and effects, and of retrospective and prospective studies that have, and ' are; being carried out by psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and by, , the ni1edical profession in general. Benmiller UCW met at the church Wednesday, April 2, with 13 members present: Mrs. Dan Willis, pres., opened with a poem. Mrs. Bill Fisher conducted the worship period and Mrs. Elfred Moore presented the study book, an interesting chapter on China, of the cultural revolution as seen by teenagers.. Reports were heard from the treasurer and committee leaders. Twenty-five new chairs have been _ ordered for the church basement. Some members will meet Tuesday to cut out pyjama material for ' the Children's Welfare_ Members were asked to donate clothing to the Maitland Groups rummage and bake sale c°to be held April 19. The Thankoffering will be held on the fast Wednesday in June. A social half hour was enjoyed by' all around the table, while lunch was,served.. - Ways and means convenor, Mrs. W.' McKellar, reported on details" of the forthcoming luncheon when June Callwood • will' be the special guest speaker. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. G. McManus. Mrs. M. Raynor, world affairs secretary, continued last mo'nth's-.._ji,heme of "Communications" on space, satellites and high -flying. Everyone present was taken to the Barbadoes, via high -flying jet, by colored slides shown by Mrs. B. Ainslie on her recent trip to that island. Mrs, R. McGee thanked the hostess for opening her home for the evening. Mrs. A. Habel, regent of the Ahmeek Chapter, thanked the Maple Leaf Chapter for an enjoyable evening. Lunch was served by Mrs. M. McGill and her committee. 'In Days Of Camelot' to be staged tonight. Last week, I told you about all the hard work going on at GDCI in ° preparation for the Variety Night. Well, all this energetic activity will be'realized this week — Thursday and Friday' evening at 8:30. Its title and theme is "In. Days ; of Camelot." I can't tell you everything about the show for that would spoil it. however, I. can tell you that you will see variety everything from • a play to BINGO at LEGION -HALL Saturday, April 12. • at 8.30 p.m. 15 GAMES— 1.00• The Prize for each regular game will be $12.0„ 4 Share- The- Wealth Jackpot Combined JACKPOT 'OF -$90.00 IN _58 CALLS 'Sponsored' by Brand' 109 ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION No One' Under 16 Permitted CANADIAN Play MAPLE LEAF 'CHAPTER IODE present JUNE CALLWOOD NOTED WRITER AND TV PANELIST " at their GOURMET LUNCHEON < TUESDAY APRIL 29 1:30 p.m. AT NORTH STREET CHURCH HALL Tickets $2.75 — Available from Members or Ormandy Jewellers s 1,' t singing, jousting, dancing and good fun. • �, In Days of Camelotis chock full of GDCI talent, and it's something special that you hadn't better miss! Tickets, are available from students or at the door. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN THEATRE CLINTON Boz Office Opens at 8.00 p:m. FIRST SHOW at 8.30 P.M. FRI., SATs, SUN. April 11-12-13 — DOUBLE FEATURE — — . "WATERHOLF No. 3" (Adul,t Entertainment) — Starring JAMES COBURN and CARRQLL O'CONNOR Showing at 10.30 p.m. Only In Color — — And HALF A SIXPENCE" Showing ai 8.30 p.m. Only Starring JULIA FOSTER and TOMMY STEELE Color Cartoon Corning Next: 'Tie_ Sava=g;e Seven.. and ' PsychNOut' Both Feature's Are ADMItTANCE Both RESTRICTED to IMO.. Features Are. 11 YWf 01 001 W 0•411 The HEATHER Beauty Salon 108 LIGHTHOUSE STI We are happy to .introduce you to our New Stylists MISS BARBARA MARLOTT and MISS SANDRA DESJARDINE MISS BETTY HALLAM will join our staff soon. even stylists to serve you better. Relax in comfort. Five hydraulic chairs. ight air-cooled dryers for your utmost comfort. Color machines to save you e. 524-7461 GQDl 410I SIQNAteSTA.R, '' SftA AY,t, " YOur Credit Wan 1 You want to save and borrow at the beat rates available. With so many different sources to choose from,' you 1" need facts to guide you. Almost without exception your credit union offers you 'the best deal. You can borrow at low rates, save and receive generous dividends—and the eligible dollars you save and borrow are life insured without extra charge. GODERICH COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION 39 St. David St. 524-7931' T_ DINING & DANCING TWO BIG NIGHTS FRIDAY &SATURDAY, APRIL 11 and 12 DANNY COUGHLAN PIZZA PATIO BAYFIELD on... GODERICH ROAD GODERICH Style No. 160 — A fashion statement for _our ' times. Thee --striktrig three-piece suits feature an intarsia design that could have walked off the walls ata museum' for modern art. A finely tailored jdwel neck shell,and a slim skirt complete our tasty picture: In Celara Acetate double knit. This is just one of the' styles in our great Oliecfion of suits, costumes arid pant suits. Sizes 8-20 and 121/2-201/2. From $35.00.