HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-03, Page 188 L� DE1UCi biONAL hli AR, THURSDAY APRIL 3',< 1960 Control scale insects with correct nib#hods .Scale insects attack -many, trees, shrubs and evergreens. It' talk,%%c'd .tai multiply, they can 'seriously weaken tht,se plants, advise entomologists - with the Ontario Department of .lgricul1ure and food.' Their scale coat protect, tht'tn from most . insecticides. Ilowt 'er, dormant sprays. applied before thc buds break in spring, are effective 10 nkilling`"scale insects, Lecaniu n scales art' reddish brown. cc nye'\ in shape, and are usually on the undersides of the t \y igs. 'They attack trees and shrubs such as stone fruits. Spy Apple., oak, ash. toxus and white cedar. San Jose scale is flat, circ•ill.ar; about' the size of a -pinhead, and ashy brown to black in color. The insect attacks- nearly all nods trees and shrubs, Lilac and ('otoneAsler are particularly susceptible to ovslershell scale. Other ornamentals, including hurtle garden fruit trees. may be attacked as Well. The oystershell scale is small and chalky -colored. When a plant is infested, remoial of heavily attacked branches is advised, 'Then ).real illy shruh or tree• There are two methods ()I' controlling scale. insects, t'se 2(1 perc'ent dormant oil emulsion before huds break. • ( )hscr\ e \yarning on label concerning plants not to he treated with oil. follow - directions for use i•arefully. One can also spray v%ith nlal ithRIO in the summer when the young crawlers have hatched. 'Pilning muse be right, as 11)( secrete a protect i\e scale o\cr Menisci\ es \\ithin a few days alter they hatch. [se 5(1 percent initial Mon emulsion: t\ vu teaspoons per one . gallon of water. Apply June 1 and 1(1 for o\ stel•shell and San .Jost' scale. Applications on July • 1() and 2(1 will usually get the 1"eeanium ('raw lt'rs. a' • once a regal residence and now a mecca for tourists, Casa Loma is with its towers and turrets, secret panels ' a- famour Toronto landmark. Built in 1911-14 by financier Henry.' tunnel, has a special appeal tor children. Pellatt'at a cost of more than S3 million, the 100 -room mansion Department of Tourism and Information. Toronto Swings For Smallfry Some big cities may overlook the smallfry in their fun features. Not so 'Toronto, which is crammed with things to see and do for youngsters on a v )sit_ _• to the Ontario capital. 1 -sigh on the treat list 'is Casa •Loma, Canada's famous fairy tale -castle in the heart of the city: Open all year, .the ▪ 100 -room feudal mansion was built in 1914 'ata cost of over S3 million and,--- • in- true cloak-and-dagger fashion, is complete with secret passages, and hidden staircases,- eerie towers and turrets. - A spooky 800 -foot tunnel leads -from the wine cellar to the most luxurious stables on this. continent— Fitted out with mahogany and marble. Once the private • do-rrtain of - a. local industrial tycoon and now - owned by the city, Casa Lorna is - operated as a• sightseeing -attraction by.,the West Toronto " Kiwanis Club. Picture -,taking is encouraged both inside and out. For the price of a hot .dog. a 10 -minute ferry -boat ride to Toronto Islands protides a' panoramic view of Toronto's • ever-changing skyline. Fun in the sun, on the sand and in the water is plentiful on this series of islands linked by waterways and bridges to form a magnificent picnic parkland. • Children are thrilled by, the park's pony, antique car and iron horse train rides. They take special delight too in the real-life farm where barny°ard animals and fowl — foalsand calves, :arnong the 21 restored structures over a centry old are log farm buildings. a harness shop, general store, blacksmith .shop, fire house- shoemaker's shop, sj.hool, church, artisan's house, gentleman's house, inn and a flour mill. Costumed • atte,,ndant, enact - the roles Of villagers' and a wide variety of live aniiThAls' ranging from guinea fowl to oxen afford. interesting -- suhiects for-- the camera fan. • ' An added bonus is the Dalziel Barn Museum, a. -huge cantilever barn built in 1800- cors .wining the' largest collection of 1 9t century toys in Canada acid . displays, of a sugar hush, flax processing, a wood orking shop and a cooper's shop. - And, from May through August. kids are invited to clang ships' bells, ring dos\ n to the engine room, pull the cord of a steamer's whistle and explore the rigging, cannon- and gun carriage on the reconstructed deck- 'of an , , 1 8th • century schooner -in Toronto's Marine Museti'ii of Uhler Canath(. ' • Built in18.11 , and sf't in Exhibition Park on the shore of Lake Ontario, .the rtiuseum \\as once the officers' quarters of a British military establishment. l;'rom the primitive raft 'of the 'Eskimos and Indians: its suptrb' models and displays. portray the history of . shipping on fresh water to the coming•of the huge' lake freigh.rof today. • "There's even an • actual dug -out Indian canoe W() years ___ - piglets and , puppies, ducklings old. - and chicks — roam free. Whether their interest runs to • Egyptian mummies. Canadian Nearby are swings, slides and game -fish. minerals. Indians. teeters, . along %with a large fossil animals, reptiles or ., wading pool for their tiirrosaurs, the Rtuyal Ontario enjoyment. \luseurll -is a "must" ,for young Life as it was before Canada's .visitors. A •year'round attraction confederation • _ in . 1 867 is with three acres of floor space . • 'realistically;, depicted at Black devoted to, exhibits. it, contains Creek, ' Pioneer .. \'i Ilage` the world's tallest .totem pole-. . conveniently - located at Here too is located the new • Toronto's northwest outskirts, - M 1,IcLaughlin Planetarium' \\ here and open • daily from May ,spectators seated 'beneath the Through November. great dome. see the wonders of the (tight •-,k\ t\\t',olllel\ reproduced. Suddenly °1111• sky is seen .It the North Pole \\here -the stars never set. Or from Saturn and the earth look, like it ,t.-- mil-liolls o1' utiles away . i-: ery thing from bearded ladies to `pine -tingling featured at 'the milr'-ancl- l hall• lura i of the Canadian National Exhibition. I he world', oldest ,and largest annual lair. \try\ in its 91wt \ e r i•l. v ill•run• the last two weeks in .\ugust .(') Labor 1)a\ and look, 1'(11• another :;,110,111 at(encdance. Besides yy orld\\ ide display , 1)I sopliist.icated modern product, and the age-old appeal of a greal agriculfural fair, its 25,1110 -seat Inane►not h <,grandst and shay\, arc - ,its greatest single draw. 1 hey aI\\ay, feature t\y(1 distinctively different perlorniances - it special 111illince I'M. the youthful set iAAI(1 all t•\ening t`\1'11) Olt ire fatuities t'nit)\ . •l here's lots more. Such as Old l ort 'York:. \\ inch figured proniinentl\ in the War uf.a1 s 1 1)1 1 '('n British t'anada ;inti the L. t..•nlahned-tc)day h-y-t1lIderlts• in period uniforms. )'r a trip to the observation gallery of (1u\\nt()tott 'Furor' 1 (0Don)inioli • ('entre', 36 -storey 10\\er• ay 1)h vistas and spooky 800 -foot- - Photos by Ontario en( otnlia„int o\t r 8.111)1 g1iiir( rtlnle,. • Ito\\ about a tour (11 Canada',. forenlosl sporty .Crena. Maple Leal' (tlu-ciens, home ice of' I he . ()row() \lapse heals hockey leant..) tichedtbled to open in lit. 1•;111 or 19'hI the ((111(11-001) ('entre of `1 leltee.ali(1 technology y\ ill (Iranian/A, the impact of today's scientific at•lill'\(')))('Inti (111 our Pro\ int,' Ontario proiecl 1)1 , pilrticuldl appeal to the \1111t14 the ('entre (To s\ n, a 1 K(► -acre \\ ci(deci rit\im .111 \\itKin \echo 11)r,nto. (11 (11)11 ,I fern ' Imileh • 11) intrigue lads and lasses , anti glownup fledgeliligs as 0(1(1. DR.. C: F•. •'DOORLY announces opening pf general practice at 85- South Street, -Goderich. Temporarily, office hours will be 10:00 a.m.T to 12 noon on Tuesday and Thursday, mornings and 1:00 to-- 5:30 p.m. on' Wednesday. ,afternoon: Phone office of Dr. J. 'R. Leitch, 524-9511, for appointments. TREES FOR -BOULEVARDS • PROPERTY MAINERS inte"rested in having • 'young trees planted- on••boulevards in front of their homes should'call 524 8344. , e: H, Blake Town Clerk -57 Wes, treet , 1 1 5 433 PRIZES WITH .CRO'UVIV: DIAMOND 'NO PURCHASE' NECESSARY`' WITH CROWN DIAMOND .YNW INTERIOR PAINT BARGAINS E (,wr)/ 1. T�' t " . *N25 : z• I °OAT ' CROWN SATIN 1 -COAT L•AT5X f,LAr•IOROt;S SATIN PLASTIC FINISH • CO (EPS IN ONE GOAT • DRIES ODORLESS IN 3i"MINUTES • CI1AN ivITH WATER REG. NOW $1135 $ 55 11,4p GAL. GAL.* - QT.* NEW CROWN VELVET 1 COAT LO•LU$JER ENAMEL S'IB'1I FINISH • WASHES AND WEARS LIKE 1-NAMEt . COVERS MOST COLORS IN ONE 'COAT- • PRACTICAL ELEGANCE FOR YOUR EIIIME REG. NOW$ 55 $ 45 $ GAL.* GAI.* , QT.* 14.55 *MAY BE TINTED AT SLIGHT EXTRA COST --CONTAINER UNDERFILLED, TO ACCEPT COLORANT 0,0 pvn • `t 4 •'X�M •4 111.'77" 1 +� • •,;,,:, { 1st PRIZE.- 1969, FAIRLANE 500 SPORTS ROOF I CYLINDER ENGINE, AUTOMATIC TRANSMISSION 2nd PRIZE - 15" G.E. PORTABLE COLOR T.V. 3rd PRIZE - AUTOMATIC G E. PORTABLE STEREO 5- to PRIZES SLEEP GUARD G.E ELEC- TRIC BLANKETS 10.51h PRIZES ELECTRIC G.E CARVING • KNIVES 15 - lith PRIZES PORTABLE G.E HAIR DRYERS 20 - 7th PRIZES PORTABLE G E. FOOD M,IXFRS - - 30- Bth "PRIZES -AUTOMATIC G.E. GAN OPENERS . 50• 9th PRIZES MINIATURE G.E.,SNOOZE ALARMS i00, 10th PRIZES ONE GALLON OF CROWN DIAMOND PAINT IN THE FINISH AND COLOR OF YOUR CHOICE. - BUDGET SPECIAL NOW 3 GALS, CROWN DIAMOND '5' FOR INTERIOR $ 149 5 SEMI -GLOSS WHITE GAL• JOHN JEFFREY SON LGI AVENUE EAST 0 Kingsbridge News Ci;,ntiluted from 1igt` 7 Miss Donna \'ah -)'ear olci daughter of Mr. and M1is. Peter Vali Osch returned .home from the Wingham Hospital after a stay of five t1 ee kb. When \nlia, duchi'SS I. l( a y 1Ie1'1erna11 of Wallaceburg and Jerry Heffernan of Windsor spent the weekend with their parentsy \lr. and Nirs. 1). Heffernan. ow H-OIrnesville Hams Meet The girls -of the club 'Holmeh\Tele 'lams held " 111(1r fifth meeting on March 21 at 7 p.m. They discussed ,Copies Such as Port, Pork Cookery' and' a contest on heee"ruts. l'he next meeting will t)e 'livid on Marcia :il. • !led ford, . felt 'an -energy let-do\\11 late in, the 'day, she ser\tdd -hot ,lea 11114 cakes. leer guests. liking 1l1e idea.. imitated this hospitality . Soon - the English (•usto.nl of ;) 'o -Hock (cit \\as established. Syn thy Is expressed tio Frank Sullivan and hw Mrs, Irwin Eedy Nand family on O'Keefe'iited with Morgan 'the passing of her mother Blas. i)ttlton and Dan McLean, (Tara McKay, (loderieh,' Monday, 1L1arch,24,...- Vollcyball games between the Kingsbridge ladies and - the Ashfield W'MS were enjoyed.. last 1'c'&'dnesday evening in the school- "lblrs Rlaise Martin returned home after spending three weeks _„ in, Ilatnilton• l'U'i'Ol' A1,1. residents of lluronview, Sunday afternoons, - • • A film show on the lots• Land was shown in the school •gyral Sunday ,evening w'itli Bob Ingram from the Clinton Army t3ast' showing the films and giving the commentary. - - +° A BLESSED EA5'1'ER CURRY'S TAXI -- 24 -HOUR SERVICE PHONE 524-.7.345 a a. 1' rat I.1l •C' s A (MI l0` ‘,1 ,1.1. gii.1,1)trr 1 )):1 t , awl 1,00.111). li 202 11111-1,1- 111111,11 h.utt1)t; f H t I) guide • attachment. Outfit maticks 3 Hacks. m sabre -saw outfit only $13.9.5 EDWARD FUELS ANGLESEA ST. " Drop into in'- Offict 1)11(1 sc•e. this iti11azinp, 1)OWel• 11)1)1. Bi-li){.; it PitC'C of w (1)cl, plii;t ic, 111(1 al Or plywood a 10 test it fur v(.)ursc lt-. , COInp:irc t11i5 Sitvv' t(, X111'.' Otlier SC)lit) ; 111 . C Feil t\\ -ice the 1)I 1cC'. YOU" 11 - 111is is it fLtr)tastic-• 524.8380 power -tool 1)t1v•. " NOvw�, cluriug tl)e Shell Bargain • Bonanza, the Rail) sable:saw out - lit is yours for t•)ill„ti� $13.95.* Stop in x(101). Offer expires •May 3.1, I1)b9, sO doll'( delii��l" I'11� !)r u1 in, ti !)ere, ,)!>f)lirable. • ALL WEATHER BOATS r all kinds of weather and people Rain rain go away are the words of a child's song. When you have one of these all weathercoats on, it won't matter w hether the rain goes or not. You will be dry and fashionably dressed. Choose from many colors such as Rio Blue, Orange Jazz, CoTd Gold and Lavender. Sizes 5 to 20. $30.' to $65.°° SHOPPE Coderich