HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-03, Page 17MESSA ES FROM THE WORD, Captain Ralph Hewlett • - In theory today we demand complete proof of anything before we accept it as fact. In principle any supposed ,fact -is doubted until proven true. But r having acknowledged all that, it is something that of necessity breaks down in practices. Expediency forces us to act on many presuppositions of which we have no conclusive proof. It impossible to check out every detail before we.tart moving on a- matter. We simply have to try. things out despite our incomplete knowledge. For example, consider r the Apollo moon shots. 'rite scientists involved try to prove everything possible but they are sending men and rockets into areas al m o s t u n k n o n. Experimentation is the way to knowledge. • This time of- the year Christians celebrate the resurrection of the Lord Jesus M Christ from the • dead. The, satisfactory proof however comes from , accepting the evidence and acting on tile implications. Christ said "Because' I live, you shall live One implicatio.n is that ,this life is not all; and that eternity, equalize this earth's wrongs. That truth 'brings great relief. . A second implication is that' _life is meant only to test and prepare us to live with. God forever. That truth brings great. meaning in life. Who can express the comfort of the fact that we shall niwt our loved ones in the Lord again one Very happy'day? • Another implication is that Christ's resurrection indicates God's acceptance.of His sacrifice for our sins. Those sins must of ,course be repented of and His sacrifice on our behalf accepted. When we 'do this peace and assurance comes to our otherwise troubled hearts: Instinctively we know that a holy God cannot tolerate sin in us. When we accept the evidence and- act On the implications we experience the truth of the words oc Jesus -in John 20:2(.-1 "Blessed (or truly happy) are - they that have not ‘seen, and yet T. PRYDE and SON MEMORIALS MARKERS & CEMETERY urrtinuNG -CLINTON EXETER — SEAFORTH FRANK McILWAI 5243161 or 200 Gibbons St. — 24-9465 'REG. J. BELL 45 Cambria Road- S. — 524-7464 U HIED HO...LINES_ 11:00 a.m. —„ WORSHIP SgRVICE: 7:00 P.m. EVANOEUSTIC 'SERVICE. Speial Services April 3rd to 13th, /;30 p.m. "A WELCOME AWAITS YOU" Pastor: REV. A. JOHNSON, B.A. PHONE 524-6087 Girls of.thelst'Company, Kingsbridge Girl Guides who have been enrolled or,. who are.to be enrolled in,the near future are shown • above. Left to right, front ,row:. Sharon Tigert, Elaine Haggett, Judy Tigert, Susan Hays, Sheila Sinnett, Lisette Van Dieperibeek, Linda Boel, 'Lea Van Dieperc and Joanne Van Diepen. Back row: Correspondent -Mrs. Jim Martin, The Girl 'Guides met Thursday, \larch 27, in St. Joseph's school with '30 preent. Roll call and inspection was carri0 out by Captain Betty De Bruyn. The guides went to the gym and played two different games 'and then formed ii- horeshoe, for enrollirient of the following girls: Cheryl Hodges, Doughtery and Cathy O'Keefe. 'Fhe girls went back to their own rootns and forared another horseshoe. Th6 had 'an interesting discussion on the different badges for which they cauld try. This was followed by a sing -song. The girls W ere told that there \you'd not be a meetin4 during 1.1oly Week. The meal, was closed with taps. • • 4 SPECIAL SERVICE GODERICH UNITED HOLINESS CHURCH APRIL 2 THRU APRIL 13 63 Cambria Rd. N. 7:30 P.M. E`ACH EVENING EVANGELIST REV. A.A. RONEY C., A. JOHNSON, Pastor Phone 524-6887 • ,,Jenny Hogn, Henrietta Van Dienenbeek, Marianne Frayne, Leona Hogan, Joanna Hendriks, • Locale Prone, Rita Hendriks, Cheryl, Hodges, Kathy O'Keefe, Kathy Doherty, Sandra Dickson and Margaret Frayne. Staff Photo. Mike Courtney Injured In Hockey Tournament Mike Cou'rtney. Captain of the Lucknow Midget hockey team, ended the season in an unfortunate „way Sun -day, of last Week at the Lockridge hOckey tournament in Wingham. _ Mike suffered a fractured coital bone in the final minutes of the game. Ile was taken by ambulance to Wingham Hospital and attended by Dr. M. II. Corrin, a spectator at the game. Mike returned home frorn he hospital Saturday. Ile is the son Ash 0 b tu a ry MRS. PETER C. VOGT 'MN. Peter C. (Margaret Ann) Vogl died in Montreal. Quebec on March G. -Mrs.' Vogt spent most of her tutirried life in Detr01,:.\lichigan,' where she W a charter member-. of Precious BloOd Parish, a member of. 'the Rosar> bar .SocietN 4116(.11(4. She was also a member of the Mercy League of NlercN Colleg,e- and the Alumni :\ssociatin ()I' Harper Hospital School of N.ursing from which she graduated in 1)11 5. She is stir\ ived by her husband. Peter C.. now of 'Montreal: a sop, Peter:Jerome, Detroit: a daughter. Mrs. Joseph .1. VanDoninck, grandchildren; a brother, rrank Sullivan of Bradenton, Florida". (pleasc turn 1.() page Kt THE SALVATION ARMY GODERICH Special EASTER services Conducted by Major and, Mrs. F. Watkins and a Brigade of Student Officers from Toronto "THE HOLYZLAND — in slides and proPhecy" SATURDAY - 7:30 p.m. Dramatic Presentation: - '"T'IE CHALLENGE OF THE CROSS" • EASTER SUNDAY 10:00 A.M. — SUNDAY SCHbaL • 11:00 — FAMILY WORSHIP SERVICE, 7:00 P.M. — EVANGELISTIC SERVICE OUR. GOAL. TH- S YEAR 4000 CANCER CANCER RESEARCH CANCER WELFARE SERVICES CANADIAN CANCER SOCIETY GODERICH BRANCH GODERICH CANVASS STARTS APRIL 1st loolmemoislimmiNININIMW BAYFIELD ROAD AT BLAKE STREET SPECIAL GOOD rRIDAY SERVICE 12:30 till 2:00 With Bayfield Ladies' Trio BIBLE SCHOOL CLASSES FOR EACH AGE GRoje, 10 m. NEED'A RIDE? CALL FOR BUS TO STOP PHONE: .524-6445 or 524-9229, EVENING SERVICE — 7:30, P.1\117— PASTOR REV, KENNETH J. KNIGH'i "COME WHERE YOU ARE NEVER A STRANGER TWICE WESLEY MEMORIAL CHURCH THE FREE METHODIST CHURCH . • Park Street at Victoria " H. Ross Nicholls, Pastor Sunday School — 10:00 am. Midweek Service, — Tues., 8:00 p.m. (BAPTIST CONVENTION OF ONTARIO AND QUEBEC) MONTREAL STREET WEAR THE SQUARE 11:00 a:m. — MORNING WORSHIP Minister: REV ARTHUR MAYBURY, B.D. Adult Rible Class, 10 a.m. — Sunday School, 10 a.m. ST. GEORGE'S 'CHURCH HOLY WEEK SUNDAY, APRIL 6th " ' Maundy Thursday, April. 3rd Holy Commun7i,00no apn.dm.Stripping of the Altar GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4th Devotions from 2:00-(o 3:00 p.m. EASTER DAY-, APRIL 6th Organist - Choirmaster — Miss Marion Aldous, Knox Presbyterian Church, THE REV. G. LOCKHART ROYAL, B.A., Minister WILLIAM CAMERON, Director of Praise GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4th, Sermon: "THE STING OF bEATH" EASTER SUNDAY, APRIL 6th', 11:00 a.m. — DIVINE WORSHIP. "AN -ERUPTION OUT OF THE ORDINARY" (Nursery and J6nior Congregation) 7:30 p.m. -- Young PeOple's Society ENTER TO WORSHIP DEPART TO SERVE Rev. Mrs. GOOD FRIDAY, APRIL 4th EA1TER SUNDAY: APRIL 6t1-1 Special. Easter music by Junior and Senior Choirs SUNDAY, APRIL 13th mupc ,by Junior Choir, . Service' of Baptism J. Donald MacDonald, B.Sc., BD.,. Minister William J.• Maines, B.A., Assistant Minister Eleanor Hetherington, A:T.C.M., Organist and Bethel Pentecostal Tabernacle CORNER OF ELGIN AND WATER -LOO STS. REV. 'ROBERT CLARK, Pastor SUNDAY, APRIL EA Easter Services Guest Speaker: REV. O. FORREST Rey. Leonard Warr -Victoria :Streit -United Chitich The House of Friendship , 1,0.:00 a.m. BIBLE SCHOOL,- FOR ALL GRADES , Setrnon: "CHRIST — OUR HOPE OF HEAVEN" 11:00 a.m. — G'OOD FRIDAY SERVICE, April 4th • Mrs. J. Snider AND BIBLE SCHOOL. Miss Patricia 15eurst Victoria St. Organist & Chorr Leader Benmiller Pianist stays together