HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-03, Page 14.4 00014RICH $I.+ 4, L•STAR,'TUUU .SD'AY, APRIL 4,.1,969. gRDEN. NOTES Tuberous Begonias A. R. BUCKLEY PLANT RESEARCH INSTITUTE, OTTAWA you.are bothered at all by what to. plant in a shaded or Semi-shaded are,o and have not yet tried tuberous begonias, your worries should be completely at an end. Few other plants can give Stich tremendous satisfaction or offer such a diversity of color, form and texture as this plant. Because they are easily grown from tubers which may be stored in the basement during the winter, you won't have to worry about winter protection as you do with so many plants. Tuberous begonias are, challenging plants for both the experienced gardener, who can with extra care get larger and more ,beautifully colored blooms, and for the, connoisseur • who need never stop searching for newer kinds because dozens of these are introduced annually. There are a large number of forms resembling . camellias, roses,' single dahlias, carnations and even daffodils; there are those with picotee edgings,- ruffled and wavy petals, hanging basket types, single crested and multi -flowered kinds. Right now you have a good choice of tubers in your local garden supply store. Selected named cultivars may be obtained from specialists.„.� To start the tubers I would • suggest using leaf mold or one-halfpeat with a one-half sand mixture. •v Start them in a basement fluorescent set-up or a greenhouse, or wait until the first week, of April if you must grow them for a while in the house. Once the- tubers have produced leaves, pot them in a good African violet soil which you can -get at your store,'and place them in a window where • theywill get filtered sunlight. After the 'danger of frost has, passed (usually this istis the 'end of May or the first week in June, or earlier if you live in milder climates than eastern Canada), plant them° in your specially prepared beds or window box. Be sure to place the plants so that the points of the first leaves face toward you or many of the blooms will be facing" in,. the wrong direction. Make sure the crown (the point where the stem arises from the tubers) is no deeper thin one inch below the top of soil. - The most important fadtor in " . growing_ begonias in outdoor beds or large planter boxes is perfect drainage. The bed should be even with 'or slightly higher 'than the surrounding area. A fairly loose soil is the most desirable but which has sufficient body and nutrients to Uo n'ot- pinch the plants of allow normal development of the seedling .hanging basket type the plants. , the first ear as this dues not You can prepare average allow time for flower production garden • soil for tuberous and does not allow the tuber•t0 begonias. If your soil is IU a\ s de\elop properly . clay type or one which drains .\s the cold weather poorly, acid •leaf mold. sand. peat approaches in late :\ugust„ moss or some other organic graduall\ reduce watering. Just materials.- (•parse strati is better before frost, bring the plant than animal manure. If your soil is sandy. add leaf mold, peat -)nos or cou p(i,st. Moisten the soil thoroughly before planting. ' Mix a tablespoonful of a complete house plant - fertilizer or 'fish meal into the soil under the. 'roots. ('over 'this with soil and set the plant in its place. Re careful not''• to Jea\ e the. soil mounded around the' stalk Of the plant. Water the entire planting bed thoroughly but he careful not to let the soil become soggy. :the next watering should not be until the surface of the soil starts 'to dry out. .\s the plants de\elop. the Watering y\ ill become more frequent. An oft -repeated rule is water only when the surface of the soil shows dryness. For a longer blooming season .with _ larger.__ mole __.,b'eau.tiful., flowers, fertilize your begonias regularly with a complete liquid fertilizer at two-week intervals. • To • obtain large 'flowers on the standard or upright type, remove all shoots except one: • This , is accomplished '.'by breaking off at any time the` growth that develops from the tuber. On the hanging basket varieties started from tubers, all the sprouts should be kept and the tips pinched from the first main sprouts., when they attain four or five inc:J,tes of growth. This induces the development of the lateral growth and the growth of new sprouts•. Lateral - sprouts should not be pinched until just before or soon after potting. indoors. Lift the tub\trs out of the ground but leave as much soil on them as \ (10 can. l.ea\e the ,ten3, intact until a fe\v weeks later w hen 'they have wilted sufficiently,. then' cut off the branches to within three or four inches of the tubera \ few weeks later remove the stem and an adhering roots and take- off any earth from the tubers. Store them in peat moss or vermiculite in a temperature' of fifty to sixty' degrees. Tuberous begonias are subject to most -common Insects said Dna have"to he sprayed with an all-purpose spray . l'he worst problem is mildew, which attacks them during summer and fall..\ good regular spraying with Karathane has given the best control of this disease. :\dvertising supports and - sustains a free „press in a free society for the• information and. benefit of free peop16. qed4 STUDIO Specializing in . • Weddings • Children Single or Group Portraits; • and Passports 524-8787 118 bt. David Goderkh • Ann Landers DEAR ANN LANpERS: Ten days ago, 1 had a breast removed and 1 want to , tell the world how lucky 1 am. 1 was terrified when .during a routine examination the doctor said, "You have a lump herd. We'd better do a biopsy and find out what it is." Immediately 1 thought of all the women l knew who • had died of cancer, 1 w a.s "filled with panic and fear. When the biopsy revealed a malignancy, I was sure my life was over.' 1 checked into tile hospital that same day+ -for the removal of a breast. The first thing 1 remember after coming out of the anesthetic was the doctor saying, "We caught it very early,, You are going to be as good as new." Eight days later. 1 left the hospital \vearing a prosthesis - given to the by a group called Reach, . For Recover an organization for women vv ho have had breasts removed (1 never knew the • group existed). These women meet regularly. •Their purpose is to help new q"nfembers" lead a normal life. \'ou can't imagine the :lift I got whe)n the club representative called on me. tier \ isit ga\ e me renewed •strength and hope. Caught Cancer Early I will return to work — exactly 14. days after the lump w as discovered. 1 feel marvelous. 1t 18, 1 look forward to a long" and happy life. 1 consid�myself a lucky woman. lucky b`re'cause 1 refused to let anything interfere with my annual physical checkup and therefore caught. the malignancy very early. Lucky , too, because my doctors were observant and talented. Lucky that I have a wonderful husband who has let ipe know the disfiguring operation in 'no a -y diminishes his love for me. t ; od is,good. - S• 1,.11- `&, I)1:.\R S.I..D.! \s 1 read yoltz letter • I thought-, "'Phis could: have been \t rittct) by tti sister-in-law. \\.hen 1 came to to signature, 1 ,discovered it leas. Thank you, Sylvia. - 1,)E -\R ANN LANDERS: PIigase send this definition of a smile to ''Sparkle.1Jenty," theme_.___ high school girl w ho wore braces and didn't know .whether to t ct p\her mouth open, or closed when she posed for her high school picture. • \ smile is a light in the window of 0 lace`that signifies 111th FREEZERS SCRATCH & DENT SALE Top Quality -G I BSON and KELVINATOR Freezers Slight 'Dents or Scratches FULLY:GUARANTEED Save S20 or (v -ore HUTCHINSON TV & APPLIANCES 308 HURON °RD. PHONE 524-7831 icnnicitmonimmemeaW The heart is at home 'and waiting. Nothing on earth can smile 1,0 man.. (gems may flash reflective light, but what is' the flash of a diamond Compared with a flash of a smile? • A face that cannot smile.is like a bud that cannot blossom. 1t withers and dries on its stalk. Laughter is day. Sobriety -is' night. And the smile is the twilight That hovers gently between both. More bewitching than•' either, 1 don't know the author of this poem, but I hope you will pint it anyway. — LANDERS FAN DEAR FAN: The poem is, a delight,, And the author is H. W. 13e.echer. Thank you for sending it on. to a traveller... it's"the Lord Simcoe a friendly wet- - . superb service ....fine lounges and restau- rants .... all at sensible prices . and for convenience the subway is right at the door . : . in the heart of downtown Toronto. Net time you visit Toronto, enjoy it more than ever ... stay at the Lord Simcoe. ti it's the [lllCOC L- University and King Streets Tel 362-1848 0/t,/ (muliDirni TIRE 1 L41tt 111 tioi>i1 tate at raster 15•11uous ctu•11t1t u•lc•c tn,n' of (1,11k '411111 h14ht c huc'nlates 'lith .1„1111,•d hurl .u1 salt 1,•ntit, Special! 'Lowney cream filled Easter Eggs 14,11111 u, 41 I,>r 1 4,01 1111.1 Dint;' \ ,{nitl:l , 1,1111 1111.,; ,unit , r,vcrcil 11111111k 1hu<„loi.,1,11. 1,1,5 111 ti, u",t ,1111 11,q4 1 I„r 11 pardon us, for 4 -oz. CHOCOLATE Easter Egg 11111„” 11..y 1 14 r t t;2, +,1111 .111,11 Il i t 1 dc, 1.11111, 11,,a (1 4,1111 ,1/1 .55 1.25 10 -oz. CHOCOLATE Easter Bunny l ut, 11' • t'it1•tulluty +'1111, inch 1t. 1.55 „[ (hntnl,lU Hon% • ,89 •„ 1,1,4,•1 hunnv .59 intruding LIR'” �t 1 L:3 reaches those'hard-to-get,at” places! lust 111 lune to ,111111,-tic.ul the 1 •11 1111„ ;11:ut line ,h 5 41 tin 11).1 }{i l I lis .ul „ i ,n.; I,tstine st 1‘11.\lununtiin handl, ncl , l 111 , t, 1111, _111, ,titter shut -n(( and halo., u}> 1 th Ilu,1' I c1 llu,uttlt,t Compare at $2:34 lj 04100 Every day when ypu turn on, a. tap or start the dishwasher or wash the car or make a cup of coffee or do the wash —`did you ever wonder what would happen if the flow of fresh water stopped? 'Well 'you probably will never have to worry about it thanks to the efficient staff of our water department. They're on the job every day installing, maintaining and improving the vast, complicated network of water mains buried beneath the streets of Gdderich. These skilled men keep this huge distribution system in tip-top shape, assuring everyone of a constant supply of fresh water in homes and industry every hour of every day. We thought you'd like to meet the men who keep the water running: Save! Boy's or Dirt's SUPER•CYCL (.,Millis ac15111 pat ked tun le 20" whei is gleaming citron, n- ders and tchccl tans 1 harm gusted ' yuic k•stc>p ( 1.1,51 hr.itn R 'metallic red Girls scaloain 34.44, S39 95 Save on other Sizes! 24" wheels 13ov s or Girl s Reg. $44.95 38.88 201" oohs I, liov.s or Girl Reg $45 95 39.99 25 %%he( Roy's „r Girls Reg 546 95 39.99 Sit 'n Stand SAFETY HARNESS .39 inee 52 99 Prc- vents rot tunthllnt; 'them eat stops wd denly . NAIrin strap hoc tiles oter most .ir seats Wonder WASH Rct! (,•1c (vols ,41 .1.e .uu1 dot last ,11 n , 1 Ir•.ot .nu tt 1p - Baby Moon HUB CAPS 5 . 55 Rig 5(> 1111 `" Sc t ui .1 mitt, c hrrnni*d huh laps (ii i ,late•Wtodel look Is Most 1 ars Valve Lubricating TOP 011 \ ntc ,'h.+,,,, 111 .i , ,111' 1111 .1 ,inoothl F tun 1111114 c 11141nc 111111 1.111s 1111111.1 , ‘linter k, 4ular 2.1, la 4 3 2 for A Reg Bridle Ernie Porter Stan Fenner your public utilities commission GODBRICH, ONTARIO Household Specials! Deter ELECTRIC KETTLE Styled white plastic gleaming c hrome, }tolls 2 qts 1500 watt el•m+nt. automatic shut-off 9.39 Handy MAGNETIC BROOM Flagged plastit• bristles create static etc, tntity to pick up dust like magic 48" handl` , .77 'Wagner' CARPET SWEEPER rwin brushes whirl away dirt In a )iffy Rug thickness dial, swing•over handle and all around bumper 13.99 ' r4 LAWN MOWER SHARPENER iter; 31 2g Kcc'n edge for mower blades Fits poser drills .7T 1/4 Wier', Power ELECTRIC DRiLL Aeg S1'1 99 Drills 1/4" in steel 1/2" to hardwood Multiple thrust hearings 2000 rpm 2.amp.999 C1e reserve the 4100 mull= TIRE Special! QUALITY FAN RAKE 51 1c) 2)) hcayv duty metal one, lacquered 'toad handle .19 Save ! 2-1/2 Cu. Ft. WHEEL BARROW Reg 51) 88 .- .1trmho 31 x 23,'+" seamless ste+I tray. Zs" tubular steel frame wheels semi -pneumatic tires. 0.8 8 Save! Spalding Blemished GOLF BALLS Why pay more' Slight impc•r(ec tions that classify them rejects won 't affect play Limited quantity .Only - rre111 1,• 1,4,1 r),1#11111,,. ,,n all Sale ',tint > Apply for a handy }' EXTRA! CAN - CHARGE Credit Card DOM -IIId-i--PGX- IN -HI --•GOD ?n Cash & Carry BONUS COUPONS IIA 1k M4 r. 4, 4, 4._. 4 a• „ JONE SE FOR AND YOU SEE C. PERSONAL THE CAN YOUR 4 vo co oflt, I Ags47 A EXETER 235-0363 SERVICE KINDA OF QUALITY DEPEND ON .. . LOCAL DEALER HURON BRAND ° FIELD SEEDSIa JD GRASSES HARDI-GREEN , PASTURE MIXES NEW AND IMPROVED, VARIETIES OF CLOVER —TIMOTHY -- GRASSES to a traveller... it's"the Lord Simcoe a friendly wet- - . superb service ....fine lounges and restau- rants .... all at sensible prices . and for convenience the subway is right at the door . : . in the heart of downtown Toronto. Net time you visit Toronto, enjoy it more than ever ... stay at the Lord Simcoe. ti it's the [lllCOC L- University and King Streets Tel 362-1848 0/t,/ (muliDirni TIRE 1 L41tt 111 tioi>i1 tate at raster 15•11uous ctu•11t1t u•lc•c tn,n' of (1,11k '411111 h14ht c huc'nlates 'lith .1„1111,•d hurl .u1 salt 1,•ntit, Special! 'Lowney cream filled Easter Eggs 14,11111 u, 41 I,>r 1 4,01 1111.1 Dint;' \ ,{nitl:l , 1,1111 1111.,; ,unit , r,vcrcil 11111111k 1hu<„loi.,1,11. 1,1,5 111 ti, u",t ,1111 11,q4 1 I„r 11 pardon us, for 4 -oz. CHOCOLATE Easter Egg 11111„” 11..y 1 14 r t t;2, +,1111 .111,11 Il i t 1 dc, 1.11111, 11,,a (1 4,1111 ,1/1 .55 1.25 10 -oz. CHOCOLATE Easter Bunny l ut, 11' • t'it1•tulluty +'1111, inch 1t. 1.55 „[ (hntnl,lU Hon% • ,89 •„ 1,1,4,•1 hunnv .59 intruding LIR'” �t 1 L:3 reaches those'hard-to-get,at” places! lust 111 lune to ,111111,-tic.ul the 1 •11 1111„ ;11:ut line ,h 5 41 tin 11).1 }{i l I lis .ul „ i ,n.; I,tstine st 1‘11.\lununtiin handl, ncl , l 111 , t, 1111, _111, ,titter shut -n(( and halo., u}> 1 th Ilu,1' I c1 llu,uttlt,t Compare at $2:34 lj 04100 Every day when ypu turn on, a. tap or start the dishwasher or wash the car or make a cup of coffee or do the wash —`did you ever wonder what would happen if the flow of fresh water stopped? 'Well 'you probably will never have to worry about it thanks to the efficient staff of our water department. They're on the job every day installing, maintaining and improving the vast, complicated network of water mains buried beneath the streets of Gdderich. These skilled men keep this huge distribution system in tip-top shape, assuring everyone of a constant supply of fresh water in homes and industry every hour of every day. We thought you'd like to meet the men who keep the water running: Save! Boy's or Dirt's SUPER•CYCL (.,Millis ac15111 pat ked tun le 20" whei is gleaming citron, n- ders and tchccl tans 1 harm gusted ' yuic k•stc>p ( 1.1,51 hr.itn R 'metallic red Girls scaloain 34.44, S39 95 Save on other Sizes! 24" wheels 13ov s or Girl s Reg. $44.95 38.88 201" oohs I, liov.s or Girl Reg $45 95 39.99 25 %%he( Roy's „r Girls Reg 546 95 39.99 Sit 'n Stand SAFETY HARNESS .39 inee 52 99 Prc- vents rot tunthllnt; 'them eat stops wd denly . NAIrin strap hoc tiles oter most .ir seats Wonder WASH Rct! (,•1c (vols ,41 .1.e .uu1 dot last ,11 n , 1 Ir•.ot .nu tt 1p - Baby Moon HUB CAPS 5 . 55 Rig 5(> 1111 `" Sc t ui .1 mitt, c hrrnni*d huh laps (ii i ,late•Wtodel look Is Most 1 ars Valve Lubricating TOP 011 \ ntc ,'h.+,,,, 111 .i , ,111' 1111 .1 ,inoothl F tun 1111114 c 11141nc 111111 1.111s 1111111.1 , ‘linter k, 4ular 2.1, la 4 3 2 for A Reg Bridle Ernie Porter Stan Fenner your public utilities commission GODBRICH, ONTARIO Household Specials! Deter ELECTRIC KETTLE Styled white plastic gleaming c hrome, }tolls 2 qts 1500 watt el•m+nt. automatic shut-off 9.39 Handy MAGNETIC BROOM Flagged plastit• bristles create static etc, tntity to pick up dust like magic 48" handl` , .77 'Wagner' CARPET SWEEPER rwin brushes whirl away dirt In a )iffy Rug thickness dial, swing•over handle and all around bumper 13.99 ' r4 LAWN MOWER SHARPENER iter; 31 2g Kcc'n edge for mower blades Fits poser drills .7T 1/4 Wier', Power ELECTRIC DRiLL Aeg S1'1 99 Drills 1/4" in steel 1/2" to hardwood Multiple thrust hearings 2000 rpm 2.amp.999 C1e reserve the 4100 mull= TIRE Special! QUALITY FAN RAKE 51 1c) 2)) hcayv duty metal one, lacquered 'toad handle .19 Save ! 2-1/2 Cu. Ft. WHEEL BARROW Reg 51) 88 .- .1trmho 31 x 23,'+" seamless ste+I tray. Zs" tubular steel frame wheels semi -pneumatic tires. 0.8 8 Save! Spalding Blemished GOLF BALLS Why pay more' Slight impc•r(ec tions that classify them rejects won 't affect play Limited quantity .Only - rre111 1,• 1,4,1 r),1#11111,,. ,,n all Sale ',tint > Apply for a handy }' EXTRA! CAN - CHARGE Credit Card DOM -IIId-i--PGX- IN -HI --•GOD ?n Cash & Carry BONUS COUPONS IIA 1k M4 r. 4, 4, 4._. 4 a• „