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The Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-22, Page 4
SAN PCO SD. Tall Announc dispatch to assumed 10 Abbott will pu.blic life, effect the tr has health. isiaetol y, h ship for son still feel im 0, x sifte he T trJ in psu a R. Meredith Minister of eau/tile, all earnestly 11 may 0I1 his 'antic trip,t restored th, remain at t His admiui wise, prude no shall to governmen hands as th Cireumstail hall alums fleet in kis his skill, hi g611ili8 for it POr `-i 31 1 held in Cal man •will e fell from 11i that 13o Iiv place; and prerscd th lye party , disaster oc newcd thei dead Chief bott ooeup' dignity ata country v regularity stored; the ity of Cons eneies whi opened; th pored; and settled „do's .eels, with confidence perity cliff ion. Whe withdraw whether 11 of the gov ada will o as one wh well at a There is whole afi may be t country a ministrati ership of who could tive party onthusias ous and pi full of hop THE The har season pro. for many y are accord general p1 good hazy� .Hark Lan mates coni will be eig and a qt wheat. H import frot one -quarte course a g •wi:ll come ie, and will iug prices the Caned. 0 The Pr the border and prese to indica President can party Democrat. campaign as largely eleCtioe, 1, faactures's, son's real pri vile eu Cleveland be e, speed ion all alo fearful fo liopolies, t turned, or him 2t1lf1 rinendons Irish float] T r, " ► r fir, y, 9,; k 1� .(W � a ' Ellis tFc WxILT, Pr'>?ps. t ,istl l 2111 1 189t '"`)"7`"p"7"° / / /� ( T_T q �' PR..4l ,RSIII1, emout is tllade in an Ottawa the Empire, which, ulay be be official, that Sir John not at once :retire from but will wait to see what to England will ha .e ong 1 g y It site improvement be sat 1ear, a ~Fill retain the premier. g 1 c time loiterer. If be shat pulled to set e ,est in pet' ,. ill r_comiuend Si John stration t ch vn cail-deal .ken, on any •ogressive, esidential to 1 r his the Irish vote into line for 'resident Harrison, end, that yore r'ectieally p controls x110 elect' ' l n NOW York •• • • r, . '+ ..i a, s state and city, w 111e1 are., x110 vet i.. , � a , . • of a I zesldotitlal contest, itp gloat . i power rind influence must be coneededl, These aro. about tlxe Pt coedit- p tells. el the campaign, and if the potent of an zn inensca corruption fund, tol:ether with the iutluoileca of the manufacturers, and the Tote of the g • land army of pensioners, do not tarn al 2r. Cleveland m be elect.ship, the Scalo A_ C v < 1 may ed. It would be much better for Can- ada if he were. With his adyent. to power the McTeinley Bill would disap there world ban general tariff p ' • b , reform, and eve would, in all probabif- its, obtain, if not a full, at least a part. l l reciprocity t.eaty ��a� ] arliernent vias celebrated in 'reroute on,3und,ay by the formal opeuteg of the slew Qatari() Perham elft Ell dt lge. l 1� . 1 , . A,ddresse,s were delivered by Ist•Gov, -- i iz^l% Atl'iel and oiler n "i 1 t- P � Q i�' ,P>9Y1, else n0 , intervals shies, and intei vela between them � o•. were taken np by school children sin stege atrlotie soils a r:, p . songs.. Tim , buildings. have been six ears in course of ;con strtiletiou axil > ill not be completely finished for a year yet. Th© cost »'lli be about a xuillilon and a half, 1 Some excitement laws beau caused on the 12th concession of London Town. the discover of a co. mer head byY IPtliiitit�if' ed and bellied snake ou the farm of Ml George I'atrlcl., his Patrick was $' g • or two la of wheu the snake turned day b 1 t t up. It was about a foot long, no thick er'than an ordinary load pencil, with a copper colored bell rind a band of Pp y, . copper around the head. Its back was a silken black color. The snake is of a desezzptton waver before tomo zticross � `"�°" J HAIM YOU SEgki IT" ri: (�"I .. �� N ,P!+° K OUT!a'�'' �+ OTT q R I I. � SPANISH• NERVINE v `lQ?3 GR AT $I4 iI 3Sd 1tZ1�r8i7� X, easily, 4alc$Zy and ;' c iauelttl rc$ ores iVea�pess, Nervousness and Z. 3tAtai177tood, P Y t it endNeuralgia,YL i Qia Dizziness A Otenoseeen,slleclfic orF s Hysteria, , -. , ', : �y+• Co ylsions, Nervous Prostration caused by the use o f',�.obacOO. oZ. 5„ , ;� iso,,•,.Tn un r o s s Ca. Py Citi +a;, ,,,He,�,.x fi Alcoiioi• Loas 9f powarin eitherSea, xo1..Sa y?w. s a sit , ;,e2„ee n�\\\\\\� V ., xo e, n o s. y .�1` ;, .; \ el le \�' o er:' ►du! a ce,' c tiarantel su bazar tc cure au case s s lute: ,..: t1►g,utoney, ,fir a bolt: G UcRa6ior g5. Addres9 V. $, Agels43, &pnn�- SYF9RK *ND Ai nut usiC• , hill l.4 edlcino, co,. Detroit liIich. Sold by druggists. byw.lct'�u.vi i>t p .oi ,lase Yn Exeter, .l, W. ► ig, ... . .._ ... ... ._. 1r 1, `qr' s DOUBLE THE N l l al i ; jC l I4 9Pvt:i •;'..---,=-> r LAE x .,, v, al.^,��,. ; , ,, ;;+; li't"+i yea l • I ",ll;:srµ iridi �� hr� \.g f`l-Nyr a .t , �� R^,-, w .tr.n, _� �`r aketerz ({N .�' FI'i 43r.f7 , ``s� xs 1 �1, it" - h i � C�' 14 r�Ft ws, ', s qtr 11Ifi + ''' x T`,Pi T 1� k�iFl`'tii • _ �a�l ;I Il r .,r..;'ilw .? ! i '�' i„+�;.,ltp,;aills s"�ri .�.• i�r��i;' = *, w1=•' ,1• �� f 1 ei ry ;' see �' ;£ s ' �' ' '�I lir ,i -,, "^. ; �,i } ii �, ;iN�Iujlh � 4 - ' bili, s,� ".11sai: , Lbw znd st�� C� , e + �' ( see f ,t+��tl fill: ii hili ll+l �f rile 1°' fy i•O` ,, ,� a. e ? " e � �i ' y�11,115c' , . h h;, f�;,f'' hilmVl,ah ,�Oggist'sAll art t .'R �* a ft �n -Ill rti , n<l= t%•- le, ,"'" ^, � til, .; '� 3,'� yt ' ; `' i ; s SIZE.the - . ; h, I , 1; 4 OF OLD , • . " a- 1u k •, H9 '�' ;'; if , t �. 1 r 1 ! fi, µ '' ' r.eggs. 1 ' y ll! 1:.� ',' :,meats. t , �,',- %,; p, ✓ z� �`' '` a,1, t °y�` ; IXY4yi. f 1ap11.tal yy� ( i� ���111111 b Rposer �t IlleSS Clam e. .®®® Haying purchased the interest of g 1 g� �1 Put A complete ie '�.LW� , + , y �1 stock ��U KEPT. 0 Drugs ���'" y • MR, ROBERT 1tICI-IARDSON in Flour and'Ieed Uusaness I tvzsll to itu'� nouiico to all customers that'T will ecu untie to supply all kinds of �.t �'�► �dV'a those in need of such and ill .be to S w found in the stand,. j -� DREW S BLOCK O�g OSIT TOWN HALL, line q with a full f a Tnilds ®f (S. a + (Seed. succesor ant 1Sr. 1V. , ENGLAND AND RUSSIA. will enter the cabinets' as A4r. who has lived In thettJiM, by Patrick, locality for 40 years. It was captured Justice. The people of The difficulty which has arisen in 1 P yr� most without exception, will North Afghanistan, and which has in-' :TO that Sir John Abbstt duced the Ameer to demand protection return"from his trans At. from Britain under the terms of an ex- Ind his health so materially treaty, was caused by an unpro• isting y tt he will be encouraged to yoked attack upon an obsecuro corner he head of the government of the Amoor's Kingdom byColonel g has been emineutly Yanoff, a Russian officer. It is note- o lit and successful. It was worthy that this proceeding tool: place si. to take up 1 o q y after Mr. Gladatone's heee9sion ' thereins f quickly t when they fell from such to power, and it is difficult to avoid ose of Sir John Macdonald, the inference that it was intended as a ces had made that re petition of the h n of campaign1 great1 P P g an autocrat. He had able which led to the Penjah massacre dur- cabinet, but his experience, ing Mr. Gladstone's former adminfstra ' P '° s knowledge of men, as d his tion. government placed him hi According to the terns of the treaty c.i no man ever before above alluded to the Ameer is entitled ;Melt :ada, and which perhaps no to call upon England to protect him ver hold again. When ha against "unprovoked invasion," a ser- s high it seemed ious liability, indeed, but which is un- and preserved for better examination, and maynow be seen at the office of Dr, Corsant, V. S,, Ilderton• , The notorious forger, I S• Faring, made his este a from Stratford ail some time between eight and half -past ,wF ten o loci. Wednesday night last week At the former hour he was locked in his cell bythe 'oiler,and on the turn- J key making his rounds at 10.30 the �' bird had flovvu. It will be remember- ed that l+'&lin �• o• ., passed a forged check for $1,000 on J. W. Scott, banker, of Listowel, in September, 1890, was 'tr rested by Detective Murray near St, Paul, some time afterwards, and site- sequently extradited to Listowel,where at a preliminary examination ill May last he pleaded guilty and was coin- muted to Stratford jail to await trial, Ealing was confined iu a cell on the second floor, from which in some way he made his escape to the attic and 0•a.m.p.m, roof, slidingto the groundby the wet er pipe. He is still at large, A t right P�. �t7 an and Carefully and eryd�r�."� �g��(�y�g9 gl qg 1 ¢;fully reasonabie prices. ° t�.�e'�•s s �e Receipts ry 4dA 4 B RB^.ce tl \ WI SIlYYYII YYY`ViJ4l1 WWWA! � P epaared. . . Provisions delivered to all parts of the village with promptitude. Highest cash price paid for Butter and r JESSE I� STCOrT prop 1 All accounts must bo settlocl v��ftli the proprietor as soon as convenianl for those indebted to the smile. tirl4F19Q ti a@ 41 gpp6 typyu@?}�&�, Y LYS POW161 ----W-. ---- READ AND1.:E".(ARN . the "®a best "---see""'•""'"•R"`""� in the market. C. �1��� PROP. 's"----- " s That our Planing Mill, Sash Door I31ini3 Rectory is fitted up with the latest ililprovc We arepreparedto do :planing and m11te1,ing,Land scs-oUsa�vulg, tluniii moulding, n slip tes assts ice, ltda of witch • ire wont Olt shortest notice, • _.. _,._,,.,_,,,•.,,...v. Old Popular 250 Price. London Huron 0 & Bruce larltuah In our LUMBER YARD you will find s 1ar�•e and well assorted stock of all kinds o: huiiding materials. Pipe and hemlock lune: her dressed and not dressed. Soe stool rani cng,•er Time,' 'rabic, our of x x and x x x Pine Shingles 111artllfuoturoi by the best makers in Ontario. We Have Ci ALE 17 REGISTER, Gonia London,dep'ts,05 LueanCros'g Clandoboye Centralia IIeneau I? ippon Britcefield Londeaboro' Belgravo Win,ham Nonvru, 8:17 8.52 9,00 9.16 9,25 9.34 9.42 10.00 10.19 10.28 10.42 11,00 4.25, 5.20, 528. 5.45, 5.57. 0.09. 0.17.1�ippell 0._e. 0:15. 7.05. 7.12, 7.27. 7.45. CioiaG Souris. a.m.p.m. Wingham 7:05 340, Bolg rage 7,24 4,00, Blyth 7.38 4.15. Londesboro' 7.47 4.25. Clinton 5.07 4.15. Britcefield 8,26 5.04 8.34 5.12 ITensall fess 5.19 EXI'lER 8.57 5.57' Centralia 9.09 5,45 Clandebose 9,18 5.50 Lucan Cros'g9.24 6.02 London a,rr to 15 64.5 also a largo stock of A. 1 Cedar S11insles 'whicl aro excellent Value. No.1 Pino Lath con. stantly in Stock Wo have a large stock o, barn sash which we can furnish with o, without glass, We are fitted upwitli mach• inely s"ecial1Sr adapted for making ti11 kind: of Tanics silts Cisterns which �i•ecttn fnrnisl to our cl,stonlers on short notice. We sl o something, ,ing new ill this Mlle for watering cat he field or barnyard. Our celebrated Baking Cabinet is still at traoting mach attention, anti giving entire satisfaction ,ehenever used. Call and examine t11e .tbove named stock all of which:lube sold at lowest prices Farm 4, North day, H. Silber, Auction meats Farm, Sale prop. Auction plementS, borne,1 clay, 1 o'clock Oct. to Stanley, October Stock, Boundary, 4th, Auct,; Sale etc.,on on Thursday, commence on mile Implements, Stephen, commencing Robb. of Farm the Mooresville September at 1 Auct.; Joseph Sale of Farm ,� Lot �1, Concession south of 6th, 1892, A. J. Rollins, &c,, on Lot on �Pues- at I. o'clock. Sweet, Prop. Stock, Imple- Stock 29, '92. o'clock, Sharp, Cobbleclick, Stock and Im• 1, 1J$ - Exeter,on Thurs commencing at Auct, & Prop position, " slug Canadian could take his avoidable as long as England's possess ,.,�„�,,,... �. GIRL WANTED. GEXETER the opposition freely ex- ion of India commits her so deeply to opinion that the Couservat guarding the independence of Afghan would go to pieces. Yet no istan. Lord Roseberry is at present :lured. Conservatives re- engaged in correspondence with the Girl wanted to go to London to do general house wore, im a family :Bore nurse ir1 is kept. Apply to GEORGE SAI1D11r5, ExeterClinton OAR FOR SERVICE,Blyth r pledges of fidelity oyer the Russia17'tgoverllnlCllt upon xlte quest -Jas. p , y 1 d5 tains ;Paye. Sir John Ab ion. Were the issue dependent upon sal the vacant chair with Mr. Gladstone the result would probab a ability, the business of the ly be a story of throats vaciliation,aud eat on with its accustomed a costly and inglorious wor, It is im• public confidence was re- possible to place confidence in a prime people Chose a great major- Minister who executed the disgraceful orvatives in those constitu Ma,juba treaty, who betrayed the Egy- the election courts had ptiau army and deserted the heroic Lot i5 Con, 3rd, Stephen, keepf thlu service on Berkshire Boar. rERMs:—S1, payable at time of service, with privilege of returning if accessary. Jif 1VznL1s, Prop• ._elle. ESTRAY CATTLE. _ There strayed on the premises of the under signed, Lot is Concession 9 Us borne, on or absrstiwife ). AO one' 5caiiahaveo s amsotUy liayingexaeasasandprovin p,ropei•ty. 3-t. H. BRow.t, Winchelsea 1. 0. —, -- a yt'i' + o ROSS & TAYLOR, Main St., Exeter ._. �6�b'Zm�`liL`6��� EACH MYR Ei PLUG OF THE LE( MAVY 19� IS MARDED �3 84, • Un rta,kim0' Itz r -� q�, iiE DQ �li tR• 4 We �� Dress 4 i. nFall have � Sldo�� ti the largest a Goods stook 0[110COVERS. 1n of 1 J Exeter, e affairs of the country pros- Gordon inehis extremity. ? '•; l ,,� G�� ® IN BRONZE GTp. t �. LETTERS. �� G� 1 i>l�. :. UIN� 6" CURTAIN POLES. The only place in town were you have an ass�rrt- ment to choose from. Pol- es cut any leiigtli desir• ed. A fine line of covers now business has ESTRAYED CALVES. public into its accustomed ellen. strong men in command, From Australia exchanges jest to among the people and pros , hand we are pleased to see that the hand used throughout the Domin- Anniversary of the Battle of the Boyne then the premier shall now was celebrated in a right loyal manner frnvl Itis high station, or ^ There There strayed on the premises, Si int 21, con. 3, Stephen, on or about the 12th inst., 4 calves, three steers and one heifer). The owner can have same by proving property and paying r expenses.—Sorrel Cocasex, Exeter in the Antipodes. The chief event was e shall continue at the head a mass meetine;%n the Melbourne Town ernment the people of Can- Hall, where it is said that fully four we ham a debt of gratitude thousand persons assembled to d° hon• o has seryecl the country or to the memory of a great Prince, juncture. hosewonderful military achievements ,� y this to be said about the1892. secured for the people of Britain and air, that whatever coarse Ireland the glorious principles of civil the interests of the and religious freedom• :e not lit any peril. The ad- The best citizens of Australia were will stand under the lead- present at the ,reefing referred to, and one of half a dozen men loyalty to the crown of Great Britain Sta$'s. OYSTER SUPPER.—The Foresters of Court Wabun, Staffs, will hold their annul Ball and Ouster Supper at Iz zard's Hall, Cromarty, on October 7th, Supper served from 7 to 10 p. m. The Services of the far famed Sul. liven Ross, of Stratford,have been se- cured and a grand time maybe es ex - petted. Admission—Couple 75 cents; Single Gent 50 cents. A. C. Russell, Chief Ranger. A.,W Hotham, Secy. $7 5 furniture re covered and "' just arrived, have your 000 0® 9 • made new in the latest CHEAP at 5i, O i —All persons 6 and 61 e � styles. who want— FURNITURE. * fib s �� In furniture we have PER CENT should call the largest and best stock —at the—in town at the lowest prices, o � ' a MOULDINGS. �rt r: An endless variety of picture t` mouldings. 1l a 1 S .li, I I. I.BY be named. The Conserve characterized the speeches. All shades is compact and full of en -and in Hibbert. 1L'e � German AT ei • are showing tin � Stook —OF— Mantles POPULAR PRICES: conditions of mankind were at- m, The country is prosper- teuclance, from members of the govern• The future is mens, high and low officials of the eCromarty:—Miss Church, the various wholesale and re- Mr S. Miller, of Winchelsea, spent last Sunday with his parents near Edith Chubb, of Staffs, was united in marriage to Mr. 5 •• k Odd -Fellows Block. Opposite J Grlg ' r�,g s t4 Stationery, rF; .-•W__ tail trades to the, laborer:who toils for LIR EST IN GREAT, his dailybread. The Grand Master,last. BRITAIN. Hon. Simon Fraser, presided, and deliv- G. Howard,of Detroit on Wednesday May theirjourney through life be happy and prosperous.—Mr. and at �; r R "S!w.G ° '' r1 ','II Q 7 BissettlJ LiveryMrs, vest in Great Britain this ered a masterly addres, as did Rev. Dr. to be one of the bet AIacartney, Dean of Melbourne, and roars back, and the people others. We hope tolpublish the Dean's F• Mitchell of. St Thomas, return- ed home last week, after having spent 'raises some weeks with relatives in this yi- entity. .._._... ..- elle _.. _ �. Spring & 0 First st Class Horses and M„s, ° r Summer Solis SPECIAL RATES WITH I COMMERCIAL' MEN. ingly confident of a year of address on a future occasion,but mean. °eerrt,, p ' y, as after all on a time we rejoice that Orangeism has Centralia. sst depends good times. The secured such a foothold in far away .e Express says that all esti Australia, and we trust the enthusiasm irm the assurance that there manifested in Melbourne en the twelfth ht million to eight millions maynever diminish• tarter quarters of British At Ballarat there was also a great once it will be necessary to demonstration, with local celebrations n'nineteen to nineteen and at various other points, Thus does thetrip p r millions from abroad. Of old Orange tree spread its branches rent proportion of the latter abroad, undismayed by foes without from this side of the Atlant and traitors within its ranks. It has a largely contribute to keep- mission to fulfil in helping to se Y 1 greatP g high here, to the benefit of cure the unity of the Empire, and he Lan fanner: would be a sorry Orangeman indeed ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,„„,„‘=.who would not do all in his power to UR AVI.'1GHBOR,SY. achie e that end. v ,Mr. Will Tait and wife are the guests of Mr. Richard Handford.—Miss May Hoclgins has returned. to Lucan to re- fume tiledressmaking.-Mrs. John Par- Par - sons has returned from Toronto. where she has been attending the Exhibition. —T. Boyle, of London, paid our village a business lest weer:.—C Smith has returned from Essex where he has been looking after the effects of the late Will Rollins.—The I. 0• F; intend giv• ing a grand concert in Smith's hallID Next month.—Our burg presented a °'strikinn>, appearance on Saturday ev-prices:., ening when two of, oar enterprising gP b young men became so closely attached to each other in a' warm embrace that it took considerable power to separate . Having �bg ���� ���������s WORSTEDSg ���T�g Orders left at BissettBros.'Hardwart added a stool: of Store, will receive prompt attention, - * TERMS REASONABLE A TRIAL SOLICITED. DAS D , �pg� r TROUSER-. W. G. I3iSSC7�I'. °n E. SAMWELL'S j.�C�a �q ��i�. , BLOCS EXETER, I am novv prepared of my customers of clothes. A p tt,� �, , ace; . to meet the ExBter1161G1 and all others in need complete stock at lowest � ����� 1 11/Str1111161/1 : Tfl 0 Particular Attention , Given to Orders. 0,E Clar»R z (',4 L r,,., , �t� , ' mo. A = Having opened a new Tailor pin P Shop ��,,gg ' . B"te •� II �®I]"� 1 wish to inform the citizens of Exeter g .. and surrounding country that I am prepared to do all kinds of Boston/ waroSit�r�� I�aTOTICE. n Over F. Store, �1 L.7ERT. �_ ..M , J. ��ni ht s Grocer [� }�� q (� K NXGI-IT. �� �nT r `' 'C, i�� � c��+ • _��Iti1,%al.2tCl� ,,., 1� ", }y}.r :. �'^ _ .s � • -------'i--,/, eft ----. theta.—Mr. Thomas Handford loft here eampaign across Around About �, . on Monday last for Manitoba. .- is just now in full swing, it appearances would appear The barn and outbuildings belong that the forces behind in„ • to "Vie C. C. Hodgins, warden of Harrison and the Ile ubli• Middlesex, on lot 4, con. 2, township of will prove too much for the Biddulph, one mile south of Lucan, by m g o'clock were struck lightning at 8 1 ' e It is said that an immense on Thur•sday evening last week and and corruption fund, such completely destroyed, together with helped to carry the last the contents, including ..this seasons cro Only' a small insurance On a being raised bythe manta P' ; y'and contents, to secure President Harri- At Osgoode Hall,,Loridon, on Friday, eaten at any cost, ' hese ill tlr case of Jacl.son 'vs, lliu'on , i e aid monopolists 500 that if Mr. lirdcli©8(9 C Mutual , Fire. Ii1Srl1'ati e sit • there • will Company; W. W. Isstzgerald London comes tr o power Gze evil g (London), - for the defendants, appealed from the y, if not a, sw*eening, redact PP i report of the master at Godeneh. The ngthe line of the taruf, and chief question raised by the appeal their money bags and mo was as to' the costs of certain garnishee hey will leave no stone un pr0ceedities, which are eefer1'ecl t0 the nlaster for dis bsition, The maga sliaello expense to defeat ,; p • � reported drat they should be made bywheal,—A l,arty at the p°IIs, A tree _ .. the appelants, leeserved. eSfort is also being flh,. 0 try' The hundredth anniversaryof the r, i .' . iti,i r iT n �, „ ail Catholic journals Co su rat ,i st met... �; of the , pl .L Cn..tttlltt. Orediton. mr, Joseph Edwards and son John, ,_who'h have been visiting it . t a U a 1 Toirontoand Port Hope, have returned looking hale. P , andJ► heart Ravin r spent a leasent Ye 6. P P children'stime.-The,sermon by Rev, .: '•. g ' ,, Baker, on Sunday morning last, was well attended 'both onng and old by young. + many useful lessons were given, by which all might profit, -an enter- tainment of some, kind will he held in otic chureh in the near future .Mss. Wni. Sweat is veryill at present,BEST'Confect P s, . are h ..... will1 " soon.—We hopes a rE, b.tlet soon. �4P are yto have to report tlledeath of the sorry p ecconcl son of Mr, b, Brown, the 'muse beinginflammation, The sorrowing friends have the sym athy of the oil= - P . tire community —The farmere Ata just finishing the tilling of the fail J :n ,., great deal of it is tip and n looking well, and the fel mets ate look in..." forward to atr abundant harvest •, „ t , >..�t eRiz, w ���, E`VpS�P BAKERY' ��� , ZNAN&co. , � P IAI The undersigned slaving handsome- ly fitted up hie.parlor and restaurant —will serve — . ICE durinm the Summer SeiLsoil• Also a n PERKINSP :---- _r---- _.----- ,ham .ri »..,.• '� `1 a KI S:& HIM PPOP ! All patrons will receive ,careful atter- tion sand all work is guaranteed ' , ;' TO X31 0� FITWe"car• ANS 'THE O� V®T 1 11�19?�Z Xl��' Having lead several ears of L3 err- P once. I solicit a call Yours, etc., ': . r _. rJ. ' Main•Street, Costomn Tailor. Ex.etory Out. large stipply of the most complete stock o y rl ione� Confectionery, ,Bread dad Beq• TIFS9 Musical instruments in the county. CetlE.es r` .Le. PIANOS, OIZG}ANS, VIOLINS, ALSO r SEWING MACHINES, 73IC 'hT S, isms Exeter every Vi]eclnGSrlay and Saturday .afternoon. .A11 .orders deft FARM. IMPLEMENTS &c With George Sanders promptly attend- The above instrumento always S 01 ed to hand: � :, . Oysters and fruits of all kinds in c e, .,- . . ,. wOVal S 15d N11/1,t P1 r f1llatio 'z their season.. CALL, D elle. 1" GIVE US .A. CALL, , VY ► osSS ., .- , Bewail. EUERYTHINQ , AWAY DOWN