HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-04-03, Page 3!«a ?:1,,� r•• i'{r'rir�. r: rr ... .. d .. fr., r... rr�ln .i r .rr1.%'. J,r. f..✓. , if.. 5..:.... G.D.C.I. NEWSFR.ONT r By Brenda East After three weeks of gruelling studying and exam -writing, then a week of winter vacation and recuperation, GDCI is on the move once more. VARIETY NIGHT The matin occupation of most students is, . at present, Variety Night.. Our "In Days of Camelfit" will be presented Thursday and Friday, April 10 and:11, at 8:30. The Variety Night will • involve a bit of everything — each part, of course, related , to the "Camelot" theme. A s1)ecial choir has been formed for this performance. The show will include a comedy "The Ugly Duckling," all sorts of "King Arthur" sports etc., R plus lots of fun. "In Days of Camelot" is strictly a student endeavour. We hope that all friends and parents will come out to see this su re -to -be -entertaining show, April 10 and 11. • Tickets are available both from all GDCI students ,and at the door. St. DRAMA CLUB AND DRAMA FESTIVAL On Friday afternoon, our Dran a Club presented its second play of the year — a tragic drama — entitled "Death Comes To My Friends." The cast 'consisted of Dave Royal, Janice Palmer, Sue Miller,' Greg Markson, Paul Black and Diane Munday. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the well -performed play. Saturday evening, the cast and, those involved journeyed to Stratford to participate in the annlW.tal Htirgn-Perth - Drama Festival. Although the play was again well-done, GDCI carried home no prizes. All the,.• members of the Drama Cll4b — the cast, make-up, sets, lighting and costume crews, and the staff sponsors, Miss MacKenzie and Mr. Bettgar — are to be congratulated on an excellent showing." We hope that their fine efforts will continue into next year. Mary's- Scoop HISTORY PROJECTS After having many years of two dimensional projects we are now changing our pace to three dimensional projects. Mr. Mbrt sssey's class; ---after-- -being_ s„• • divided into groups, is „nowworking on such things as a five foot pioneerlog cabin with paper mace - settlers and, furniture which will go inside the cabin. The construction of a three dimensional, map, homestead and settler's town is being made to accompany this. We are having -fun while learning about our pioneer settlers. Grade 7 and 8 group PATROLS Colborne Corner On Wednesday Constable Ferris of the O.P.P. came to our school to show us a film on Bus Patrols. The film showed how another school set up its patrols. After this. he answered questions about the film. On Friday a Fun Night sponsored by the Home and School will be held. There will, be games and a bake sale. Proceeds go to the home and school funds. ' Bill Wilkinson of Goderich has completed his second season of varsity hockey at St. Lawrence University.' He divided the season between center and defense, although he was exclusively a center last season and led tho team in scoring. This -year he checked in with seven goals and 17 assists for 24 points as the Larries wbn 11 games, lost 11 and tied two. The team qualified for the post-.sgson tournament for thefourth straight season. VLPS NEWS --All -last week our -class had student teachers. Their, navies were • Miss Baker "and Mr. McQuillan. Both of them were very nice. I am. sure the whole class enjoyed- -last week. The ,lessons were very. _ interesting. The lesson that I liked -best was Miss Bayer's art. leon. During this lesson `certain groups did . certain things. Our group did Easter Sunday. Before we made the cut-outs we painted streaks onto a piece of large paper. We used powder paints:, To use the paints you dip the -brush -into - water, then dip the brush into the powder. There were all different colors. During that week we didn't do much homework. It was kind of sad to see them .leave. This week we are back to the old routine. Attention"all patrols: Are you punctual we . to your- patrol post every Do you'dd' your job to the best of your ability? • It's a great responsibility, Do you respect it' The Goderich Police Force has a trophy for the best patrol of the year. They will be poking for the qualities above in that person. One person out -of all the patrol members of Goderich is going to receive this great honor. Wouldn't you like to -be that one? et GREETINGS STUDENT TEACHERS This week __we had .__two. student teachers, Miss Schuster and Miss Waters. They were from Stratford Teachers' .College. They came on Monday and left Friday. Not too many teachers play skipping as much as they did! On Friday, Miss • Schuster taught a song to us called "The Cruel War". Miss Waters taught us a song, "Robins in the Bushes of my Garden." They . both gave us many interesting lessons. We a wish them success as teachers. Janine Fisher Room 3 Maureen Evans. Grade'5 WRITING AUTOBIOGRAPH I ES REPORT CARDS By Valerie Johnston Everyone was just a little tense on Monday, due to the fact that we were to receive our reports -that afternoon The reports on the whole weren't too bad. There will be a volleyball game between the Grade 6s of Victoria School and our Grade 7sin.the ..near future Last Monday two new girls and one boy became p of V.L.P.S. The girls are Su ;''n and Debbie Dunlop (.sisters) . . d Ron Petrie. We welcome them. The poem that follows is written about Life by one of Mr. Crawford's.pupils.' .Steve Reaburn Grade 8 day my home started ,to rattle and move. Theo all of a sudden it stopped and the roof opened and a giant hand came in and picked me up. .Soon I felt my head rubbing against a huge blackboxd. A couple ,of days later I 'had a splitting headache and I felt much smaller. Suddenly' the giant' hand came back and said I was too small and she threw me away. My life as a useful piece of chalk was over. • AN ADVEN'V ROUS LIFE What a relaxing moment I had being squished into one of the shipment boxes. I was td be shipped to one of the greatest horse shows in Calgary. My new leather coat was shining in the sun, 1 was a beautiful sun tanned leather bridle. The , drivers stopped the truck short. Out jumped a chubby man and a tall slender guy. There I was, on a free rideto the Calgary Stampede. 1 won't even have to pay to get into the show, I'll be in , it. I was to be put on beautiful silky black horse called Coal. The bell rang! I was aching. The rider was pulling too tight. I just had to get off. I whispered to Coal for she was now my friend. She kicked and bucked, and finally threw the rider off. There and then I looked . at myself. My • coat was all scuffed. It felt good to be in the warm soaking bath that. night. As I fell asleep I wondered, `Will I have to gb through that tomorrow?" .. Judith Lynn Taylor. Grade 5 GRADE 8 This week we handed in our' Mexico u projects which we started a week, ago Wednesday. We are very nervous about our exams starting this week. In Physical Education on Thursday we had a wrestling thatch which was quite exciting. Brian Crane GRADE 1 This week the grade ones got new rulers and area measuring everything in the room. They took the story "The' Little Red Hen" and are doing a lot of work with, it. They are getting ready for. Easter season by making pictures of . chicks, bunnies, etc. Betty ,Pollock • Grade 8 W H Y By Valerie Johnston Life is the living . between birth and death. It is something that should be cherished by all. -Life-ia_God's. gift to all mankind. Life is a mystery, never to be solved. Most of us live from one day to the next without really knowing why. Life Is not a joy -ride it has it ups and downs, its gaiety and sadness. Life is life. MY LIFE AS A PIECE OF CHALK By Brenda McPhee, Grade 5° One day when I awoke I found myself in a large box with g lot of other chalk. My life was a simple, plain old life until ooe GORDON T. WESTLAKE PHON.-565-5323—BA'Yk'IELb SUN LIFE' ASSURANCE COMPANY OF cANAOA EAU DE _COLOGNE KOLNISCH' WASSER Invest in longer life! Send a cheque today to your Heart Fund. G.D.C.I. ts "IN .DAYS OF CAMELOT" THURSDAY, APRIL '10th FRIDAY, APRIL ,11th 8:30P.M. EeudeCologne.sParfumerie-Fabnk 41 •'GIOCKENGASSE N94711" t'3 COLOGNE ow RHINE A refreshant cologne . . not a perfumed cologne. Which means "4711" Eau de Cologne refreshes, yet never lingers. It can't clash with any fragrance or perfumed cologne. Its real essence is. 'how it makes you feel. Both • men and women can use it after a' bath or shower, or as a brisk freshener now and then through the day. The original- cologne ' from Cologne. _ The House -of -4711 DUNLOP'S PHARMACY 1.1 J. C. MAR IQTT, Phm.B. 108 The Square Goderich The students of Mrs. - D o herty's class wrote autobiographies. They had a week ' to do it. ' The autobiographies were divided into four chapters: ' Younger Years; School Years; `f -lobbies or Interests and Future. ,\ ..Besides the writing that was done, the students brought in baby 'pictures to add to their books. In connection with this the grade eights_br-ought_in_th.eir x, - baby. pictures and the pupils ' from other classes are to .match the picture with one of the grade. eights.- A prize is given to the one who • matches perfect or closest. We are all hoping to•win! I do all of my saving and borrowing at the CREDIT UNION Because I'm a credit union rnembgr, I'm also one of the owners. Best place I know of to save and borrow. GODERICH COMMUNITY (REDIT UNION 39 St. David St. 524-7931 FINAL SALE SELLING OUT —QUITTING BUSINESS — STOCK LIQUIDATION, THREE DAYS --THIS WEEK.' KORAN'S GENERAL -STORE -AUBURN It's out of the world of teaching for Miss Waters,Miss Schuster, Miss Baker and Mr. McQuillan from the Stratford Teachers' College.' " They are very helpful to the younger students by taking part in school ground activities such as skipping and hop -scotch while Mr. McQuillan supervises the floor -hockey. We are very sorry that they had to} leave -Iasi Friday. We would like to wish them success in the future. Senior Room FINAL -SELL-OUT DISCOUNTS ON EVERYv-ITEM IN THE STORE CLOTHING DRY GOODS — BOOTS SHOES HARDWARE — FARM AND HOME SUPPLIES =- PLUS A COMPLETE FOOD AND GROCERY STOCK. ^-i WED. AND THURS.2rd& 3rd ON EVERY -NON FOOD ITEM •4 WE QFFER A MINIMUM - SALE DISCOUNT OF 30% (MORE ON MANY ITEMS) FOOD& GROCERIES 20%OFF! ' - •- You -Save- $i.00 In Every $5.00 Purchase. ; r SAT.. APR1L 5th --LAST ALL PRICES. WILL, -BE CUT, HOUR BY HOUR, LOWER AND LOWER UNTIL., THE SHELVES ARE BARE. BASKETS & BOXES OF ASSORTED ITEMS AT GIVE=AWAY PRICES. DOIVo' MISS IT! P0RT. ALBERT. v► EUCHR E There were nine.tables at play at the euchre in the basement of Christ Anglican Church. The - winners were Mrs. William Draper . of Goderich, Frank Dougherty, Sharon Tigert and ap Lloyd Tigert. The high for the eight weeks were Mrs. Gard Martin, Brian Draper, Brian Petrie and Kathy Dougherty. _- ______ 7.7—the—hightst—points, forth Lt. New! The total thing...The all-weather AIWEM8U bytRVINGPOSLUNS DEALERS, NOTE — QUANTITIES OF GLASS — ROPE, — BOLTS — SCREWS, ETC. — FIXTURES - AND EQPT. NO 'REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED FOR ANY OR ALL. CAN BE INSPECTED BY APPOINTMENT F-RIDAY, APRIL 4, PHONE 526-7797, AUBURN. eight weeks went to Brian Draper, who received a trophy: OPEN WEDNESDAY - THURSDAY & SATURDAY EVENINGS Absolutely with it. The co-ordinated all-weather coat, reversible hat, scarf, umbrella. Created 'by Irving Posluns in cotton and Carana* nylon fabric by Celanese. Swinging set makes yoll-e smash rain -or -shine. The water repellent taffeta print coat lining repeats on umbrella, scarf and #iat. Four smashing styles in spirited colours. Sizes_5-15 and 10-20. About $39.95. Featured at fine stores across Canada and United States. GARAN.A' _ rmati..,>:Itom •a.g i ca^ T M of Miilhaverl Fibres Limitdd, Marketed through, CEL -CIL Fibres Waited, r,