HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-03-27, Page 13• u,> IV 4. 4, THE BLUE THUMB BY G: MacL•EQD ROSS .a9 An article in the Globe and Mail for February 25 by Chris Braithwaite drew attention to the "uniquely Canadian problem►" of "tremendous ,regdonali diversity." there -is. the affluent West and Centre and the indigent East. Efforts to date to deal with these disparities have been fiscland monetary policy concern's, but as the governor of the Bank of Canada has pointed out, - the effects 'of monetary policy canj�►►ot be directed to particulartfareas. Both criteria and impact are based, on a ° nation-wide average. As a result, it is claimed that when the West and Centre. experience inflation and interest rates are raised to temper it, this of is just the .action which sets back the poorer East. The conclusion is that three separate economies should be recognized and each dealt with individually, The failure, to recognize,, ' the disastrous effect of applying the • national average to, the East has caused the •professional economists to express surprise at inflation increasing at the same time as unemployment. But when the individual figures are compared, what do we find? Bicycling safety tips( Here are some 'tips for safer cycling from the Transport Department: (1) Obey all traffic laws, signs and lights. (2)_Sighat ._turns ahd_ . fops.._., with the proper signals with the left arm out and up for a right _Q turn... out straight 'for a left turn....out and down for a stop. • (3) After signalling, return your left hand to the handle bar promptiy....and-keep both hands on the handle "liars. (4) Ride in single"'iile, close to the curb. t (5) At -busy intersections, stop At' the curb', 'ly iz<r bike and walk it across. At stop lights, walk' your bike across 9p4k,on the green signal. (6) Walk your bike when ♦ you're on a sidewalk. Only, very - small children with sidewalk ,bikes_ may use the walks for riding. (7) Carry parcels in a carrier not in your hand. (8) A regulation bike is for one rider....no • passengers allowed: Ontario with a booming economy has an unemployment figure of 3.5 per cent, whereas the depressed Atlantic Provinces averaged 7.3 per cent; - Newfoundland had 9.7' per cent. The immediate solutions to -assist the East have been equalization payments and regional development agencies. Now a`' new Department of Regional . Economic Expansion Ls proposed, but what its policy is to be has, yet to be disclosed. Will it. be "More of the Same? Robert ' Comeau, an economist. at Dalhousie University, Halifax, . has studied the to aI' e'ffeets of our overall national monetary policy. He • suggests that if yields could vary in different a regions, the banks could encourage new investment in the Atlantic Region whilst discouraging it in the West, and Centre. The U.S. system permits such regional diversity, since the banks which may operate in one State only are controlled as to maximum interest rates by the regional Federal Reserves Banks. As an example of how this works, considerable Eastern U.S. funds were attracted• to California by the aggressive Savings and Loan Associations there, which offered higher yields than - their Eastern counterparts. Thus far Canada 'has employed only -the dole system of help .to areas and Qindustries„ with marginal economics. Areas (9) If you're riding after dark, or in poor visibility, your bike must have a white or amber front light, a red reflector or light bn' the Year, red reflective material at least 10 inches long and one inch wide on the back, fender, and white reflective ,material at least 10 inches long and 'one inch wide' on the front forks. :W. J. Denomme IFLOWER1 . sHop Phone ,524- $132 • * , DAY OR NIGHT Arnt fok 24 -hr. FILM DEVELOPING 4 a Productivity • are marginal for such reasons as inclement weather, absence of fertile soil, absence of any natural resources such as hydro power or mineral wealth and worst of all, by absence of a market for `what • they do produce. ' An editorial in La Presse dilates on 'what a strange country. Canada. is. With the best fishing in the world, 'we cannot sell fish meal. For three years Atlantic producers have had few orders, so what is the remedy? The F, deral government will buy stoks of frozen fish meal "to balance market , prices." This will be stored in refrigerated warehouses at vast extra 'expense and, as the Fisheries Minister, Jack Davis says, "in the long run sold through the usual channels." In other words the cost to the taxpayer will be several times greater than had the fish never been ,caught, but left to roam the seas, while a dole was paid the fisherman to desist from adding to the mass of fish meal already in storage. How wduld this differ from rationing the acreage on which you are allowed to grow tobacco or ' wheat? But storage is the favourite solution as evidenced by the vast mountains of butter, wheat and now fi's'h meal that we collect annually. Wherein lies the logic in -this wasteful burying of the DOIT NOW! When You PAINT.. . Use -the -Best! FOR PROTECT/ON • AcOR 8EAl/1' Priced From s,6 .95 UP DECORATE YOUR HOME WITH 1' Elki SUN. WORTHY surplus which is neither wanted nor • can it be afforded? It is another of the spurious devices whichy ensure the decline of political credibility in the eyes' of the electorate. The question then arises, to what degree should the rich Provinces subsidies the poor via Federal taxation? Years ago such economic failures as the sudden disappearance of the herring from the,West coast- of Scotland resulted in• scores 14 fishing villages becoming derelict. You have only to travel the' Cariboo Trail or the route of the `49ers in California, tonote the desolation of villages resultant on the disappearance of the gold vein. Few perhaps remember how the vast Lancashire cotton, weaving industry died almost overnight in the face of Indian competition. Innone pf these gases did the government step in • to subsidise the suddenly unemployed workers. They moved , from the locale of their hitherto successful labours and found a living elsewhere. Today ideas have changed to an extent that a government is constrained to underwrite any vagaries of eith`:ernature or competition. As a result we have mountains of surplus fish meal, butter, wheat ,.and gallons of t .milk. Surely there must be some cut-off to our generosity. Cannot the governments, Federal and Provincial, obtain some return. fox Qur _money? Ina some of the examples of bad luck mentioned above, assistance to relocate the losers was forthcoming. This was highly sensible because it invariably involved the -'quid pro quo that the losers, once relocated, became self-supporting: ;''' The subsidy promoted marketable productivity. It was not a dole. And that seems to be the test which 'should be applied to,any policy of assistance,.- Will it be productive or will it promote degeneration? Currently we are far too enamoured of the dole. Idealogically -it ensures sound sleep to the do-gooders, but from a humanitarian point of view it is the greatest disservice. When we come to the individual, as opposed to the collective aspect, the dole has to be given to those who for some reasbn cannot provide for themselves or their family. But there are many of— these who insist on remaining in or on ' specific -areas. Too often we read of families sported from public funds in 'the city of Toronto where the cost of living in - the highest in Canada. [Consumer Price Index 159.41 They Ire completely non-ppoduc 've for reasons beyond thei* immediate control, but they elect to remain in Toronto or Ottawa, when they could be -publicly supported for. much less cost in some country town. . '� , . Is , there to �` tae no obligation . on the part Of the recipient whatsoever? The least they can do ,,•is to lighten the burden of . the man who pays, Turing back once moreto the collective aspect of the problem, the question posed is: "Must the people of 'Canada .finance the hopeless attempt? Must we with • our modicum ' of intelligence senselessly pontinue to knock our collecti e head against the immovable ,wall? Must we discontinue reinforcing\, success and instead cultivate failure? Are ' we all to founder in a sea of negative •incentive? Must we finance every village and town in Ontario which shows no progress; whose industry4loes not show an annual increment? Equal 'opportunity for all is a wonderful slogan, but' it does not -mean that if you choose to ignore society and customs and nature, you are entitled to special treatment at the expense of your neighbour. .,,11! IIHiiitil ,... 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Cottages Garages Portable Classrooms �. � .� ■w � .. mem. . w r nal Nil r r ma 1 F- €., .r ,ci ",.• '1 nr !�anuld, Gallery of 1v { e .. r, � ,,F 1 t ,n.t� information on 1 t, , rr,. r, , iL,, �., I rnl lGno.,60c 1 1 rv,,me 1� I 1 �'ya 1 anal ,a lo' Yep !%1 • TOWN And COUNTRY - CONSTRUCTION 524-6526 GODERICH L . _ aar _ aa■ _ aaa •arra _ria aar rr r Bakery Features! JANE PARKER PUMPKIN PIE 8 Inch Pie Reg. Price 59c — SAVE 10c JANE PARKER DELICI9US, 5. 4 CANADA'S FINEST QUALITY RED BRAND StiER BEEF CROSS RIB ROAST LAN STEAK ND CHUCK FRESHLY MINCED THEY'RE HERE THE NEW 196g WALL MURALS1 ROOM LOTS WOOD±6RAIN-S. FOR BRAISING ORT RIB ROAST )1 BLADE ROAST 1).E4AN1f0EV ED MAPLE LEAF, VACUUM PACK MAC TAC 69CYD. ',SELF ADASIVE D_ECORATOR VINYL I EN E Rs .WEINERS SUPER -RIGHT, SMOKED, MAPLE LEAF ALL BEEF 16 59? BOLOGNA, BY THE PrECE lb. SCHNEIDER'S PURE. PORK '21b. 9.9)21 SAUSAGE CqUINTR-Y STYLE lb 6 ALLGOOD, SMOKED, SLICED, .RINDLESS BACK. BACON 1/2 -lb pkg 99,1 SIDE BACON libpkg'6 9 Experienced Decorator INTERIOR, PAINTING - and WALLPAPER Reasonable Prices EVimatos Goderich W. Pedersen Grocery Va ues! JAVEX BLEACH Detbrgent (15t 6-ff Dealt FEATURE PRICE!, 45f/ 64 OZ. _CHEER POWDERED• giant size box 8 9fi Available A New Brunsvyick, White Table, Stock, Niko. Grade, Gerber,. Strained (Except Meai) FEATURE PRICE!' BABY FOODS 8 43/4 n °z1Ins Allen's Vitaminized , Reg. Price' 45C' — SAVE 15c - APPLE JUICE 2 48 floTls 751 WEST ST11E-ET GODERICH Dunean,Hires _(13,Varj_eties) Reg. Pelee each 49e — SAVE 9c CAKE -MIXES .241"z Pkg5-8 99- K.:aft. Smooth or Crunthy Reg. Prim, 63c — SAVE 8C'> PEANUT BUTTER8oz la, 5 5fi iN STANT COFFEE ...Jai:19 ASpORTED ASTER—CA-N-DY-- TATOES 50 LB BAG $119 Mexico, Vine Ripened, Firm, Red, Large Size, No. 1 Grade Ail 'prices shown in this ad guaranteed through Satur ay, art 29t 1 11 11 1i 1 1 1• J