HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-03-27, Page 9ogimpeolmompoworiviimmignommummirougummo *' 11. EMPLOYMENT ' . WANTED' F 'C . SERVICES AVAILABLE RENOVATIONS: Rec rooms; custom work furniture; all types of building and repair. Ed Vincent, - phone 624-62$61 -- -41 51tf m _ WOMAN will bysit five days a week �in my home. Phone 524:6167. -- 12,13;14, 13. AUCTION SALE AUCTION SALE of household effects at the home of the late John R. Murdock, 11/4 miles south of Brucefield. and 11/4 miles west° on Saturday, March 29, at 12 P o'clock. Two chesterfield suites, tables, chairs, mirrors, antiques, setee, two Boston 'r'ocking chairs, Bell upright , Grand piano, 17" portable television with stand. Sheritan serving tables corner d cupboard. Dining room table, six' chairs, ladder back chairs, Sheritan mahogany bedroom suite,, four furnished bedrooms. Kitchen cupboard, extension table, 3 buffets, book case. Blue wool broadloom rugs 7 x 10 and 12 x 10%. Frig and electrical appliances. Kitchen utensils, lamps, picture frames, sheet • music, china, clocks, two extension ladders, two wheel trailer, farm tools, 1/a h.p. motor. Emery Mandex set scales, two cutters, set double ropes, wire stretchers, B. Allis Chalmers tractor. °` Terms cash. Auctioneer, Harold Jackson Clerk, Mel Graham Proprietor not responsible for any accidents on farm day of sale. aA 12,13b CLEARING AUCTION SALE of livestock to be . held at the farm of Albert Mugford, situated' in Ashfield Township, two farms ♦ north of Dungannon on Lucknow-Dungannon Road. Sale to be held Monday., March 31, at 1:30' p.m. Sale includes 12 cower, some fresh, others springing, 12 calves, 6 heifers around 500 lbs., two servicable-age bulls, one 4 hereford, one shorthorn, two sows, one Tam sow due bne month, one York sow bred six weeks, one Ferguson tractor with front-end loader in A-1 shape. Terms, cash. Albert Mugford., Prop. Emile McLellan, Auct. - '13 AUCTION SALE to be held at the farm of Herb Poeock, RR 2, Clinton, 6 miles west of Clinton on Highway, 8. M On Saturday, April 5, atone o'clock. Sale includes Super 90 tractor, 65 tractor, Uni , Harvest and Sheller, two. 4,000 bus. drying bins and dryer, one 35 -foot leg, Semi mount 14 4n., 4 -furrow -plow, three- gravity boxes- and - wagons, manure spreader, John Deere 4 -row planter, 4 -row Massey scuffler, 38 -foot elevator, 12 -foot cultivator, hammer mill, new 2 -auger snow blower, International 46 baler, 13 -foot packer, 12 -foot versatile swather with hay conditioner, 12 -foot kewanee disc. Heck McNeil, Auctioneer -13,14 14. SERVICES AVAILABLE * - LAMB'S DELIVERY.' MOVING HAULMS PHONE 5249657 —10-6 l• WALLPAPERING and painting, interior' and exterior. Bill Fritzley, phone 524=9093. - 13tf • V-1 SEPTICTANKSCLEANED MODERN EQUIPMENT WORK GUARANTEED Write;or Phone Harvey Dale, Clinton PHONE 482-3320 - 13tf BRICK WORK, . fireplaces, stonework, chimneys' and repairing stucco. Ray Squire. Port Albert Post Office, or phone Dungannon 529-7636. - 11tf TRI -TOWN° BOOKKFEPING SERVICE Income Tax, T4's complete record preparation and maintenance. Phone Lawrence Beane, 482-9260. - 49tfn MOBILE Horseshoer, Aluminum, Steel or Plastic Shoes. Moe Hill, Varna. Phone -866.- 482 - 9 tf DAILY CAR RENTAL Reasonable Rates McGFE'S Goderich Phone 524-8391 FOR your Antenna Sales and Service contact Alvin's TV, 162 Mary Street, phone 524-9089. - 32tf ACE RADIO and . TV Service, Frank Wilcox, 60 Picton St. W., Goderich, Ont. Phone 524-7.-i 71. - 1tf CUSTOM chain sawing, lots cleared, 'trees trimmed, firewood and 'logging.. Reasonable rates Call for appointment anytime Phone 524-6632. - 4tf • AUCTION SERVICE Allan Maclnty.re Experienced - Licensed Auctioneer and Appraiser, 'Complete Auction Service Phone 528-3519 .. Lucknow, Ontario 6,13 VACUUM cleanerysales and service for all makes. R. K. Peck, Varna, phone Hensall 262-5350. - 48tfn, HAVE your rugs and chairs cleaned by dependable cleaners. Call Superior Maintenance, phone 524-8892, Goderich - 24tf TAX TIME AGAIN! ARE you having trouble. • with that Return? Phone 524-6842 For quick specialized service! T1 Shorts $3.00-$5.00 T1 Gene°rals - $20.00 and up HURON FARM ACCOUNTING GODERICH, ONT. 1- i tf 15, NOTICE to CREDITORS 20, MISCELLANEOUS IN THE ESTATE OF Clara Ellen McKay All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town. of Goderich,'` in the County of Huron, ion., widow, who died on or about the 24th day of March, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the 10th day of April, 1969. After that date, the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate, living regard only to the claims of which they shall the have had notice.„ Dated at Goderich, this 25th day of ,March, 1969. J. Kenneth Hunter, Barrister - Solicitor 30 North Stre GODERTCH, Ontario Solicitor -for the Executors 13,14,15 IN THE ESTATE OF May Isabel Worsell All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the 'IteV ii `of Goderich, in the6 y ou rty \of Huron, widow, who died on or about the 2nd day of October, 196$, are required to file pr f of same with the undersigned on or before the h 10 tha ofA d Y P 'I, 1969. • After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at Goderich this 25th day of March, 1969. J. Kenneth Hunter, Barrister - Solicitor 30,North Street . GODERICH, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors -'13,14,1.5 IN THE ESTATE OF George Orville Durnin All persons- having claims against' the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Goderich, in the ,County of, Huron, retired school teacher, who died on or -about the 10th day of February, 1969, are required to file proof of same with. the. undersigned on or before the 10th day , of March, •-1969. After that date the Executors will proceed to distribute the Esi,ate'having regard only to the 'claims of which they shall then have had nbtice. Dated at Goderich this 25th day of March, 1969., J. Kenneth Hunter, Barrister - Solicitor 3'0 North Street GODERICH, Ontario Solicitor for the Executors 13,14,15 EAVESTROUGHING AND .LIGHTNING RODS , NEW INSTALLATIONS & REPAIRS Estimates Without Obligation Contact R. E. RUTTAN Wingham - Phone 357-1077 11tf C. & W. SALVAGE We buy and sell scrap metal' - PHONE. 524-9514 WAND 524 -9502 - IN THE ESTATE OF Harry C. Witmer . ° All persons having claims against the estate of the above mentioned, late of the Town of Goderich, in the County of Huron, labourer, who died -or -For about the 13th day of February, 1969, are required to file proof of same with the undersigned on or before the,10th day. ofe April, ,1969: After that date the Executor will . proceed to distribute the Estate having regard only to the claims of which they shall then have had notice. Dated at ,Goderich, this L5th day of March, 1969. - , J. Kenneth Hunter, Barrister --Solicitor 30 North Street, GODERICH, Ontario Solicitor for the Executor. ' 13,14,15 19. LOST AND FOUND _. LOST: male 'beagle - "Georgie" white, black, On markings. One year old. Tag 226. R:ward. 'Phone 524-6802. -- 13 RECREATJON.'STAFF. REQUIRED for Judith Gooderham Park PROGRAM DIRECTOR: One year minimum Recognized Recreation or Phys. Ed. course. Certified Red Cross Swimming Instructor. To organize Park Recreation Program and Supervise Staff SPORTS SUPERVISOR: To work with Program Director on Sports Program. SWIMMING INSTRUCTOR AND LIFE GUARDS: ,To work with Program Director on Swimming Program. CRAFTS INSTRUCTORS: To organize crafts and primary fade Day Camp Program in kco-operation with Program Director. MINIMUM AGE FORA LL POSITIONS - 17 as of June. 1, 1969 Applications must be received not later than April 15 and should be mailed to the: Goderich Recreation and Community Centre Board, 5-W treo� otierithrlintar40. • FORMAL WEAR r REI1iTALa Dress right for all occasions. We 'are agents for Freeman's Formal Rentals. Pickett and Campbell, Limited, Clinton and Gciderich. A. BIRTHS CRQWLEY: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 22, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Crowley, Goderich, a daughter, Christina Ann. LANE: At Alexandra Hospital, G:oderich, on March 22, 1969, to Ron and Marian Lane, Goderich, a son, Murray Gordon. JOHNSTON: At Alexandra Hospital', Goderich, on March 20, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Murray Johnston, RR • 4, Goderich, a daughter, Janice Joanne. McCULLOUG'II: At Alexandra Hospital, Goderich, on March 24, 1969, to • Mr. and Mrs. Howard . McCullough, RR 1, Goderich, a son. ' MORRISSEY: At Alexander Hospital, Goderich, on March • 22, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Morrissey, .Goderich, a daughter; Mary Michelle. WALTER: At Alexander Hospital, Goderich, on March 23, 1969, to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Walter, RR 1, Goderich, a daughter, 'Teresa Ann. C. BRIEFS Order Shell furnace oil and. stove oil from Edward Fuels, tank truck dealer for all Shell Oil Co. products. Phone 524-8386. Cemetery Memorials And Inscription' Robert McCallum -Dial 524-7345 65 Montreal St. — Goderich C.LL. Mill End 7 Paint, in red, green and grey. Ideal for all your outdoor painting needs, While • stock' Iasis $'1:50 per gallon. H. 0. Jerry Fuel & 'Hardware Ltd.,- 51__..-.. KinStctiL_ .tis t t,-..__..phu.ue�_. 521-9671. - 13,11 ARE your screens ready foi` summer?. If not, caM'iss''fhd have the old screens replaced • with new.Q.ur--• service includes pick-up and delivery. Call early H. O. .Jerry Fuel & Hardware Ltd., 81 •Kingston Street,' phone 524-9671: 13,1 1 D. IN MEMORIAM McMICHAEL: In loving memory - of Garfield McMichael, a beloved husband, father and grandfather, who left.._ to fifteen years ago, March 23, `19 54. We cannot forget your smiling facet Yourhappy carefree ways, The smile that won s< many - ''friends, In those happy bygone days. QANTWE1.1:4: ln'lotving memory of my dear wife, Alice.M.ay, who . P.a1964sed away_ 6e...ago, April 1, . There is ' sad but sweet i . rtfniembrance, There is a memory fond and true, Thee is a token of affection, And a heartache still for you. - Ever remembered by your husband, David. - -- 13x ` STOTHERS : In loving memory of ' our dear - parents, Herb Stothers whp died March, 1960, and Ellen Stothers who dila April, 1957.. We travel down a winding road, A road without an end, And they who seem so far away 41 Are only 'round the bend. - Ever .remembered by their family. - 13x JOHNSTON: In' loving memory of a dear husband and father, William Johnston, who passed away March 29, 1966. - Years may wipe out many things But this they wipe out never The memory of the happy days When we were all together. - Lovingly remembered by his wife and children. -1 :;x E. CARDS OF THANKS MUNN: We wish to express our thanks and appreciation tc, friends, neighbours and relativ( for cards, --flowers and mane acts of kindness during our recent bereavement. Special thanks to Rev. Nicholls, Dr. ,J. W. \Wallacf .and Dr. J. R. Leitch, nurse, snit staff on second west and Stiles Funeral Horne. ' --- David arid Elaine Minn.- 13 - SCIIOL'1.Z:, I wish to thank 'my friends, neighbours and rc-Inti'c, for flowers gifts earls and visit while a patient in Alexandra Hospital. A very special 1 hanks to Dr. G. F. Mills, I)r. Dr. A. B. Deathe and nurses „ri first floor. - Lisa .Schuh/ and family. • MO- NK: I wot(d like lo think those who sent cards, flower, and treats, also.visite(1 me, wink I was a patient in :Alexandra Marine and General Hospital. Goderich. :4peci'al thanks. i„ nurses, Dr. J. R. Leitch -:inti 1)r R. W. Flowers. - Airs. c;eor; , Monk. -- 13 WARNER,: The family of tklc late Airs.- Laura Warner \visit t,, exp-rr :, he,art-fett - tlratri tc; friends and neighbors for tit+• many acts of kindness n.! rilesfiti'gt�s Til -Sy r.0 C,.1\,:c during their recent bet'eavein ti t_ Special thanks to Rev. \\ .1 Maines, Capt. Ken I-Iotbrook, lir Addison, Dr, Flowers, -.Bay.field United Church \\irisin pallbearers, T- flower • h, ;t,, r:. Lodge' Funeral Home, an those who assisted in any way • 1:3' DOWDS: It wish to express' my sincere thanks to friends. relatives and neighbours i'or the beautiful floral tribute, messages of symprtth\ . ttni donations to the Children's .Anel Society, during my rec,nt bereavement. Special thanks ttr the UCW of Victoria 5t United Church, the Legion :\,uxi1 ry Mr. Ed Stiles, • Rev. G. I.. and Rev. L.. Warr. \1i -on Dowds. - 13 One of the hest this world could' 21' BUSINESS hold• - OPPORTUNITIES . Your cherished sm heart of gold. Always so good, kind,• What .a wonderful left behind. Deep. in our hearts is kept, We -loved you too forget. - —Ever rememberec Louise, and family. ile and your unselfish an memory you your memory dearly -to ever 1 by his wife, --_. 13 . DEALER WANTED Bara- d Cleaner and Stable. Eilttipoo nt Dealer• wanted in this area New barn cleaner on the market h ,s patented swinging type elevalf>r will make this cleaner .+n excellent seller. Generous dealef discount on a very reasonable pricegl cleaner. Contact (;r 'Weldirt.g Ltd., Alma,,~ - 12 13 14 15 .14e.s' ^' ^'"'^ `^'""'"" BE; We Wish to thank the Reeve and Ct in! it of Colborne Township &$r their evening, dinner and gifts and �;,. the , ratepayers -for, their co-operation „ during the years I hay.eserved as Assessor. - Ernest and Elia Bogie. --- 13 ` The . (loderich. Club wish to who assisted ,,carnival ,,^suvh success this year Figure Skating thank everyone in making the a tremendous . z__ _ 13 Mrs. GeraldineLippert, RR 1, Lucknow,' wishes to announce the engagement of her daughter, Patricia Ann, to Mr.. Ernest, Elywn Good, son of Mr. Lloyd • 1\l. Good of (sock}rich and the late Mrs.- Good. The wedding will take place 01) Saturday, May 3, 1969'; at .3. o'clock at St, (;eorge% - AOgliean Church, Goderich. --,• 13 f Mr. Eric Allen; ;Clinton, wishes to announce the engagement of his daughter, Idella Marian, to Mr. John'Rodges, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Rodges, RR 1. Goderich. The wedding will. take place at Knox Presbyterian Church, Goderich, on Saturday, April 1 9, 196-9, at -r3:0(1' p.m. G. COMING EVENTS THE GODERICH Branch Women's Institute will hold ?their annual meeting 'Thursday , April :it 2 p.m. in MacKay Hall. All c•>tl-iee�1•s-are urged to attend this ntcetin•g. Mrs. George ?\lorley is • pr,>train convenor - 13 S , :\"1'1 'RI):AY, March 29 at '> 9 tn. :,nrtual Easter Tea at Ft,st Baptist -Church, Montreal Street tioin( Making, c•an(ly. aprons, etc ('esti and bring your ,er'ids. Ili 2,1 3 THE .ANNUAL meeting; of the, A _lit t,:1d Federation -„f .\t.l-m411111re. will be -held Friday. \larcch 2.sth, 1969, at t,:30, at the- .a,hfit'lei Township. Hall., JIFF: ('ALLWOOD, noted columnist and writer will be the ;;ucst 'speaker at a public ,nt,>r:;asbi>rd luncheon, to t;e b,fld on 'Tuesday, April 29, at 1 ;r0 p ln. in 'forth Street meted Church, Sponsored by \lr,ple• Leaf Chapter, I()DE 17 \1.‘,1,1.E Leaf, Chapter IODE rl; < ting vt'iIl he held at the home of 1 irs_ 1 i. Bettger, 131 West s et , .:t`-ue.sday,--April 1.-. 1 411.141 I p.m. - 13 { '�.�A'.__ Bundle•Brat\ • <>n i>ushel basket of groceries, end u1 .\pill. Tick•ts available from sn\ member. Legion Laches' l , :iliar� 1 2 1 ., \11I.Y, F (' itn.Night at olh,>rn, (', rttr:,l School on Fnida',. Alarch ' - :11 7:30 p.m,rle- ::::tires, talent show. 12 1 • 1i ( \I:.I.A(;E sale at the Sal'ti a't i„t'r rine, Saturday., Mirch i tl 1). m. - 1:; Special yodth service held .\ special youth service "gas field last Sunday at linoy 1 ilii ed c'hurc'h. Daryl Ball led the ser\ ice assisted by Nan Lapp and Derrick Hall. _ .\ panel led by (;lett \\ehsier d .' as held with the.elegales that had attended ,'l'oc alpha. :Allan .',IcDougal1, Randy Machan, Brenda Ball and - Brenda .Arciltimbault taking part in the •l he Sunda\ school pupils are planning their annual partake supper on \Vednesd'ay \pril 2nd •\‘: supper served from 9.10. l0 7:30 p.m. The "Pupils and their teachers serve and ,,;pare the supper when fresh w.aple.cyrup. wilLbe ru cfL ror The ' Forwa�cd Look 'in Home, csnwmics was thetheme of tho March. meeting Qf theAubu<ri�l Women's Institute When it h1ek last week in the Cornrntupiity Memorial 1•al4l, Miss Susan; Heard, holt'ne economist for Huron County was the special sR akex� - - She -td. , -,> but four-fifths of the products that will be in use in the homte in 1980 are not yet in existence. Miss Beard was introduced ,by• Mrs. W. Bradnock, public relations officer and thanked by- Mrs. yMrs. Donald Haines and presented with a gift. Mrs. Frank- ' Raithby, president, was in charge of the meeting which opened. with the Ode, the Mary Stewart Collect and 0 Canada. Mrs. William J. Craig was at the piano. Mrs. Raithby welcomed the members and guests and the. minutes were accepted as rea,d by the secretary, Mrs. Bert Craig. She also gave the financial statement. It was announced that the advanced . leathercraft course would be held May 5, 6 and 7. Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor convener of the annual banquet, announced that the banquet would be )1eld_,on April 23 at 1: 30 p.m. with the guest speaker to be John Strong of CKNX. Each mEmber can invite one guest. Mrs. Donald Haines reported on the sale of the cook books and Mrs. W. Bradnock reported that 18 girls were attending 4-H meetings fo`r Meat.. in the Menu project. Plans were made to cater to the Bowling banquet and committees were named. the members were asked to serve" lunch at the annual meeting of the Huron County Historical Society which will be held on May 26th in the Auburn Community Memorial Hall and Alis. Donald Maines, Mrs. "Phomas 1aggitt and Mrs. Arnold ''(Craig -accepted to work on the co11) rhittee. - . An accordion solo was played by Larry Plaetzer, a solo, -Little Anows. was, sung by Lorraine ('hamney, aceordian • solos played by Faye Seers and Eric Scott were much enjoyed. rrent events wore given by Thomas tt' and the . c lection' 'Wax' taken up; by Lorraine Choy. and Wandl t'Iaetzer• . Reports of the committee - conveners we accepted as given by mild ,Craig,,. M j !pO1.d..,-Cartwright, Mrs* Robert J. P4111114, Mis. Fordyce Clark, Mrs. Thou Haggitt, Mrs. W. Bradlq,QCk, . Gordon Taylor, Mrs. Andrew Kirkconnell. - • Followingthe closing of the meeting, Mrs. Bradnock showed pictures of the Hawaiian islands, Lunch was served by .Mas„ Roy T?aer, Ntrs. Kenneth Scott, Sam Doer as fisted~ by M A. Kirkconnell. The report of the "nominating committee was accepted as given by ,Mrs. Bert Craig. Susan Heard is guest speaker Miss Susan Heard was guest at the sixth meeting of'the Auburn Kool Kuts 4-H meeting held at the home of Mrs. Donald 'Haines. The president Sheron Collins opened the meeting and the' , ' minutes were read by Doreen McClinchey. The girls answered the ,roll call by naming a cut of pork with the method . of cooking it. A discussion followed on ground meat and left over dishes. The girls demonstrated the making of a meat loaf. and all tasted it. Miss Heard spoke to the girls on their demonstration and their record books: The meeting Was closed by repeating the 4-H Creed: The heart and blood vessel 4 diseases are responsible for more industrial • lost time than strikes s, and work stoppages. YOU CAN'T AFFORD NOT TO - Are you financially able to stand a total crop loss this year? 9 not, you need crop insurance. This timeit could be your crops. that -fail „ the result of bad _vsceat.her.,.ins-egts..lar disease..Don:tiake the risk --- protect your investment, and your farm future, with lbw -cost crop insurance from The Crop Insurance Commission of Ontario. Find'Kout how from your local agent •-- ask your local Agricultural Office for his rram-e. Or complete and mail this coupon todaya 1 1111.1101111111 11111111111111111 MINN 11911$1111111 NM= THE CROP INSURANCE COMMISSION OF ONTARIO Parliament Buildings, Toronto, Ontario Please send me complete information on the latest crop insurance program. NAME • ADDRESS mom Immo moms.mum Immo t AA MOTORISTS Reminder' Will your present car pass the Highways Department 'Safety Check which is starting again t. soon. If not maybe it would be wise to come in and see us. Don't You Think? We have a good selection of used cars on the lot and •new ones are beginning to arrive again. Choose Ohe Of Our Select_ OK Recorrditioried Used Cars THIS WEEK'S SPECIALS -HARDTORS- 1968 IMPALA CUSTOM 2 -door hardtop, V8,"3 -speed automatic, power brakes and steering, • radio, whitewalls, discs, tinted windshield and factory vinyl roof. Lic. H81841. $3095 1967 CHEVELLE MALIBU. SS, 2 -door .hardtop, V8, automatic, power brakes and steering, bucket seats, floor console, radio, rear speakers pins- many other Super 'Sport options. One lady -owner, 23,000 miles:' Lic. 221260. $2695 1967 METEOR MONTCALM 2 -door hardtdp, 390 - engine, full power, whitewalls, wire wheels; imitation vinyl roof plus a host of other options. Only 19,000 miles. Lic. H82761. $2695 1966 MALIBU SUPEF- SPORT, Vi3; body equipped. Lic. R51985. $2295 - 1966 OLDSMOBILE 2 -door hardtop, fully equipped. - Lic. 83425. 9995 1965 OLDSMOBILE 2 -door hardtop, completely - ,,r.econditioned.'Lic. H83506. $1795 MANY MORE ARRIVING DAILY T I BAIRD MOTORS GODERICH LIMITED CHEV , OLDS, CHEVELLE, CHEVY 11, CAMAkO, ono CH EV TRUCKS. 4 ,,.. 4.3n