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The Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-03-20, Page 16
voroticii SIONnt nrnnu4,Sorr;i.une m. -secs.... ,. _ .. ,_�. �... ..._:_.,. chooI planned for young VLPS. Conservationists NEWS 'twenty-four Ontario boys Siges 14 to 18 will have •an 9apportunity to attend a Olde -week Conservition §ch of during the latter part of July. The -school is a joint •effort of the Ontario Federation of Anglers and Hunters and Winchester Western Canada Ltd. The federation will select candidates from throughout the province judged on their interest and work in conservation. "The course will be oriented towards the . management and wise user of� the renewable natural resources," said Jack Feldhaus, president of Winchester Canada. "The aim is to interest young people in resource management either as a Huron -Junior farmers meet Huron County Junior Farmers By Mrs. Wes Bradnock The monthly meeting of the Huron County Junior Farmers was held in the board room of the Dept. of Agricultu-re and,w Food in Clinton. The president,' Jamieson Ribey,, was in the chair with 20 Members present. Don McKercher spoke about supporting a foster child overseas and it was agreed to again 'give support during the coming yearand to pay $120. The members agreed 'to tryto carry on this' project for three years. " Fred Uhler reported on the standing of the . clubs in the point system, with Seaforth now in"the lead. with 1,261; Clinton,, 1,215, South Huron, 521, North Huron, 496, and Howick, 462. Don McKercher reported that he received :...only four applications for trips and was looking • forward to receiving more applications. Committees were set up to be responsible for drama -festivals, -annual meetings, leadership and training sessions. The meeting wasadjourned after= .the meeting improvement trrphy was awarded to the Howick Club. 1 REMEMBER 1 I' • HELP YOUR RED CROSS 1 TO HELP 1 career or -to play an important role in . working with such organizations as the OFAH." Visitors to the Winchester booth in the "Canadian s.National Sportsmen's Show" .in° Toronto March 14 to 23, 1969, will be invited to make Contributions to assist in this important program. In return for donations, visitors will receive a cofiy4 of the 1969 Firearms and Ammunition Catalogue and will also be eligible to win a Winchester 12 gauge shotgun, " Dr.. Don Longmore,' . the federation's A president, announced at the 41st annual convention in Kingston, that the " course will encompass such subjects as environmental requirements' for game and fish, the importance of wise water and forest mangagement to sustain wildlife, Hunter education and the methods and values of harvesting these renewable resource. The Islington Sportsman's Club in the 'Albion Hills, 25 miles northwest of Toronto, will be the base of operations for the school. Nature ti studies, conservation lectures and classes mill, be held outdoors whenever possible. Arrangements are being made for field trips to study marshlife and aquatic vegetation. At this school it is hoped to develop conscientious anglers and hunters with a knowledge of the 'need to wisely manage our resources for this and future generations. TIMMY'S EASTER PARADE OF $TARS 1969 For 20 years Timmy's Easter Parade c.f Stars has been broad- cast on CBO radio as its contribution to theannual Easter Seal campaign for crippled children. This year's Timmy is--l1-year-old ' Ian.Walmisley of Oshawa, Ont. Singer Glen Campbell is host of the 1969 show which features an all=star'cast. The sh$'w will be broadcast Palm Sunday, March 30, on the CBC radio network and on other radio stations across Canada. By Debra Aitter Well, once again it's just about winter vacation time and I'm sure both students and teachers are looking forward to 4it. _ VL?S would like to thank all the parents and pupils who flocked in our open doors on Open House, Thursday, March 6. Our auditorium was splitting its seams, as those who attended should know, and with good reason. The amateur talent show was excellent. We would also like to thank all the pupils' wtho br• R ely tpod up on stage and entertained us. These pupils were: Mary Ellen McGill, playing piano; Brenda Brissitte, singing; Conny Weigel, piano;, Judy McConnel and Mary Van De Meer, singing a duet; Ronald Anderson played his violin; Nina -Knight sang and played her guitar accompanied by Stephen Remington and. John Carrick on guitar; Nancy turry and Kathleen Wright played a duet on,,_„ guitar and finally Susan Moxel9,' gave us her winning speech on Anne of Gree*• Gables. They were all very good, and for the little • rehearsing done, it was put on beautifully. We have student teachers again in Mr. Moore's room and these two young gentlemen are Mr. Baines and Mr. Tyndall. • Much to some people's agony (especially pupils') report cards will be given out in the week of April 1 to April 4. - Now we -would like to present a poem by Harry Crookes. TOM JONES By Harry Crookes Tom Jones turned eleven fears old, And his dad said • "You're getting too bold." And here is how the story goes, Toms dad hit' Tom on the nose. Then upstairs Tom did run,. And came back •down with his gun. He pulled' the trigger, aimed his best; rrd- hit -his-dadright in the chest. . Then his dad fell to the -floor, And he never spoke one bit more. Tom dropped his gun and rap to the door, And his mother saw hint no more. vi s Colborne A Trip To A Rabbit's Hole Cock-a-doodle-doo. Time to get up. Oh -Oh! I had better get up. I will go outside after I'have had my breakfast. I had better get downstairs quickly: Now that I've eaten my breakfast 1 will go outside. I wonder what game 1 should play? I know I'll ask Sharon to come out and play with me. "Mom! Can Sharon come out and play?" Mom Answered, "If she can." "Come on," I said, "Let's go play. Who can find the rabbit's hole first." "Okay," she answered. "I'11 go this way andyouu go that way," I said. Off I skipped to find a rabbit's hole. "Plop". I fell into a rabbit ,,hole. Down, Down, I fell. 1 had better call for help. Help! Help! I will wait. Nobody came. Oh well, I guess I will look around. Ohl -here is a chair to sit down and relax in. Oh no! I hear' voices! I had better r get out of here! Here is another door. t, guess I will see what is in 'here. This is an awful nice rug. I think 1 will lie down. It is so furry! Oh! This is beautiful! Oh no! It is rising! It is going out the door! It might take me home! Yes! it is going out the hole! Oh! How nice it is, so nice to be out in thg fresh air again! Now it is heading toward home! "Mother! Mother!" I went down a rabbit hole, and came back on a rug. It was fun! And ,I even won the game I was playing with Sharon. But best of all I have a furry rug!" Grade 4. Lisa Ir'Vhitely Corner Our Conversation One day when I was going to school with my dog, Skippy, he started to talk to me. Here's what he said: "What is it like to be a human being? I said, "It's fun- sometimes when you 'get to go skating and play instruments but it's not so_.._ fun when you b,ave to cleah the house and do the dishes." "What are instruments?" "They are things you play - music on, like an accordion, piano or recorder:" "Oh, maybe I'll be able to play someday." "I don't know, but I do know I can't talk any longer becausl, here comes the bus," "Bye, Skippy." "Bye, Marie." When I got on the bus,. Skippy started barking. Do you think he was saying good-bye again? SS Marie Willis Grade 5. Grade One — Miss Norman In Grade ate they have had cocoons 'for a long time and this week five of them hatched. The grade one's were busy getting all their work ready for open house which is Wednesday, March 5: Betty Pollock. Grade Two — Mrs. Robinson We are having an assembly on March 14. 1 am going to go to a A.. farm when I grow up. I like to 'g� to school because I like my teacher. AWe are taking "Tracks in the Snow" for science and the provinces for social studies. Andy Moore. Grade Eight This week we are having a debate on- whether Canada could become as powerful as the United States. The debating teams were Brent Baer; Ernie Pfrimmer, Steve Reaburn, Brian Crane and -Jeff Fisher. The other team which didn't think it could be as powerful were John Moore, Roger Moore, Wayne Swan, Jim Durst, Jim McCue and'Gerry MacPhee. Brian Crane. NEED INSURANCE? PHONE MacEwan 'Happiness is... Easter Seals Helping Crippled Children Can you please return the Pink...Envelope ? so we can continue to he7p handicapped children ! . .. .. rh,-. i t r, GODERICH LIONS CLUB what kind rescues cats in distress? a• Rescuing pussycats from tall hydro poles is not a jot► we train our inemen to • o. ' et it s •a task they handle surprisingly often ...' and with remarkable agility and derring-do. Their real service to the community lies in their skill in working with, the lines and transformers that carry electricity to four home, office or"tiuness.`Dav or night, in all kinds of weather, our line maintenance staff are an the job to ensure that you always have a constant -s-upply of low cost electrical power.•, However, take one anxious parent, a tearful youngster and one distressed pussycat huddled on the crossarm, and dor linemen do the neighbourly thing ....happily reuniting purring puss and smiling owner. Friendliness is an essentialipart of our day's work. MEET OUR LINEMEN:. R4,} by ti x r lr • t 4 4 HARRY CRANE mON LANGRIDGE V MIQEL MEL JACOBS P'orernan • Sub.roreman , Lineman Lineman yourpublic-uti • HARV MUNRO Lineman -Trainee GODERICH, ONTARIO J Even at$196*it% not cheap. There's no question we could make it cheap.' We could cut our number of inspectors from 8,000 to 4,000. • t And get rid of the 560 inspectors, we employ to inspect the inspectors. -Eeetld-cul=-the..omount (4 -pa i nt.-w 'Maximum suggested rata peke for the VW Cullom. T.O.N. Eost port of entry. use in half. (From 12 pounds tc, 6.1 We'd definitely stop rejecting 30'',°, �f the Volkswagens we turn out every day. And probably we'd drop the standards we sehdor' our suppliers down to a normal human level. _An fszct� if ice r 1J _wen.t i.e. whole_ route,we could possibly turn out a small cor r of much different than anybody else's small car. " And the.thought has crossed our minds. But somewhere along the line it was rejected. There are over 280 VW dealers across Canada. The one nearest you is in the Yellow Pages. be W JONE McNANf©Ljt SE FOR AND YOU SEE '4e1s)ot 'EXETER 235-0363 PERSONAL SERVICE ' THE_KIND OF ucuALIT Y CAN DEPEND ON .` ... YOUR LOCAL DEALER HURON BRAND '. __.. FIELD-SEEDSAND:GRASSl S -....--M._, HARD' -GREEN PASTURE MIXES ' NEW AND IMPROVED VARIETIES OF „r CLOVER f,.L TIMOTHY) _- GASSES — A.. farm when I grow up. I like to 'g� to school because I like my teacher. AWe are taking "Tracks in the Snow" for science and the provinces for social studies. Andy Moore. Grade Eight This week we are having a debate on- whether Canada could become as powerful as the United States. The debating teams were Brent Baer; Ernie Pfrimmer, Steve Reaburn, Brian Crane and -Jeff Fisher. The other team which didn't think it could be as powerful were John Moore, Roger Moore, Wayne Swan, Jim Durst, Jim McCue and'Gerry MacPhee. Brian Crane. NEED INSURANCE? PHONE MacEwan 'Happiness is... Easter Seals Helping Crippled Children Can you please return the Pink...Envelope ? so we can continue to he7p handicapped children ! . .. .. rh,-. i t r, GODERICH LIONS CLUB what kind rescues cats in distress? a• Rescuing pussycats from tall hydro poles is not a jot► we train our inemen to • o. ' et it s •a task they handle surprisingly often ...' and with remarkable agility and derring-do. Their real service to the community lies in their skill in working with, the lines and transformers that carry electricity to four home, office or"tiuness.`Dav or night, in all kinds of weather, our line maintenance staff are an the job to ensure that you always have a constant -s-upply of low cost electrical power.•, However, take one anxious parent, a tearful youngster and one distressed pussycat huddled on the crossarm, and dor linemen do the neighbourly thing ....happily reuniting purring puss and smiling owner. Friendliness is an essentialipart of our day's work. MEET OUR LINEMEN:. R4,} by ti x r lr • t 4 4 HARRY CRANE mON LANGRIDGE V MIQEL MEL JACOBS P'orernan • Sub.roreman , Lineman Lineman yourpublic-uti • HARV MUNRO Lineman -Trainee GODERICH, ONTARIO J Even at$196*it% not cheap. There's no question we could make it cheap.' We could cut our number of inspectors from 8,000 to 4,000. • t And get rid of the 560 inspectors, we employ to inspect the inspectors. -Eeetld-cul=-the..omount (4 -pa i nt.-w 'Maximum suggested rata peke for the VW Cullom. T.O.N. Eost port of entry. use in half. (From 12 pounds tc, 6.1 We'd definitely stop rejecting 30'',°, �f the Volkswagens we turn out every day. And probably we'd drop the standards we sehdor' our suppliers down to a normal human level. _An fszct� if ice r 1J _wen.t i.e. whole_ route,we could possibly turn out a small cor r of much different than anybody else's small car. " And the.thought has crossed our minds. But somewhere along the line it was rejected. There are over 280 VW dealers across Canada. The one nearest you is in the Yellow Pages. be W