HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Goderich Signal-Star, 1969-03-20, Page 2*.il' 0 I:RI : SSf GNAL•STAR,
The March meeting of the
Ahmeek Chapter LODE was held
.at the home of Mrs. M. Everett.
The Regent, Mrs. A. Habel,
presided. The Standard Bearer,
Mrs. C. Ruffen', presented, the
flag. Mrs. C. Gibbons gave the
treasurer's report in .the absence
of Mrs. Neville.
-Ari invitation to attend the
meeting of the Maple Leaf
-.Chapter: April 1 at the home of
Mrs. H. W. Bettger was received
and ;accepted. Dr. G. P. A. Evans
will be the guest speaker.
Mrs. Straughan, Mrs. Everett
and Mrs. Clairmont volunteered
to canvass for the Red Shield in
It is hoped some four
members will be able to attend
the Provincial Annual Meeting in
Mrs. G. Emerson brought in
the Finance Committee's report.
A number of recommendations
were made and it was decided to
adopt them. Plans were made for.
a rummage sale and a dessert
card party in the near future.
Miss. L. Mac Vicar, World
Affairs Convenor, spoke of
inventions of the past,
particularly the telephone. Our
modern conveniences are the
result of years of experience by
many people.
The HApril meeting will be
held at the home of Mrs. A.
Straughan. Lunch was served by
the committee, Mrs. Straughan
and Mrs. Clairmont. Mrs.
Dustow thanked the hostess for
her hospitality.
Mayor receives key
Goderich mayor Dr. G. Frank Mills wai presented witty a
miniature key to St. Clair Shores, Michigan, last Thursday night.
The presentation was made by Ernest McMillen, left and Nancy
Needhm, grade six students at Robertson Memorial School, on
behalf of the St. Clair Shores mayor. The students had just
returned from the Detroit suburb where they spent a week as
exchange students at Viglet Elementary School. On February 10
Mayor Mills had presented a replica of the town crest to two St.
Clair Shores students for presentation to their mayor. The,
Goderich students said they hoped they had been as good as
ambassadors -for Canada as the U.S. students had
staff photo
the Goderich dump forever!
Laving followed with interest
in the Goderich Signal -Star the
progression (?) of the dump
issue, I was suddenly struck, as if
from on high, with inspiration.
The. following,, which can °be
sung to the tune of "The Maple
Leaf Forever", is dedicated to
Reeve Worsen, Deputy Reeve
Sheardown, and Councillors
Walkom, Jewell and, Shewfelt.
May they be forever
' remembered, particularly in
future elections. For lack of
divine inspiration . I • call it
The Goderich
Dump Forever!
Ontario says to move our dump,
To move it now or never.
Mrs. Mary McLaughlin,
widow of the late Darcy
McLaughlin, passed away at her
home on Beech Street,
C:alingwood one Thursday,
March 6. The funeral took place
Saturday morning from St.
Mary's Church. Rev. C. _ F.
Reeves celebrated Requiem High
Mass. Interment was' in St.
• Mary's Ce netery° .
Pallbearers were - Howard
and Rolland Wilson of Ingersoll;
John and , David r Wilde of
Coll in gwood,•--Frank•-• Phhalen-- of
.Niagara on the Lake and Michael
Powers of Toronto.
Mrs. McLaughlin, formerly
Mary ""Phalen, ° daughter of the
late Darius Phalen and Ellen
Pollard of Goderich, was in her
° 86th year. She was born., in
Colborne, Ontario, and spent her
girlhood years in Goderich. In
1912, she. married Darcy
McLaughlin and moved to
Collingwood. It was in that area ,
that she 'spent the rest of her,
life,, part of it on a farm at New
Lowell and many ' years on a
Surviving are: one brother,
Frank Phalen, of Vancouver,
daughter, ° Mrs. Rolland,
(Gertrude) Wilson of Ingersoll;
Mrs. John (Therese) .Wilde of
Collingwood and Nora at home.
Also grandchildren, Howard
Wilson of Ingersoll, David, Mary.
Lou and Peter Wilde all of
Collingwood. She was
predeceased by her husband,
Darcy McLaughlin,, and - by two.
brothers, Jack Phalen of
Toronto, and Jim Phalen of
Goderich. . • ' "<
--BA-BY-PAT R IC E N•N------
Baby Patrice Munn, daughter
of Mr.. and; 'Mrs. David Munn,
112 Trafalgar Street, Goderich,
died suddenly Monday, March
10, 1969, at Alexandra Marine
and General Hospital. She was
6'/2 months of age.
Surviving with her parents are
a sister, Deborah; her paternal
grandparents, Mr. and Mrs.
Frank Munn; Doakt'own,. N.B.
and her maternal g. andparents,
Mr. and•Mrs. Wesley -Smith, Port
Elgin, Ontario.
farm on the Fourth line near The funeral service was held
Creemore. From the Fourth line at Stiles Funeral Home at 2 p.m.
she ;and her family- moved --into Thursday,- March 13. The Rey.
Stayner where they lived (or Ross Nicholls of the Free
about two years. During this \ Methodist\Cherch officiated.,time,timshe was,\ vtryr \ active \ teri rent, was -01 Maitland
ri ernb r ,St. PatriclS's�y hurch, . \Ce etery, � Pallbearer were John
Stayner. ` Vance,. Ronald, Kenneth and
In 19'39,- she returned to David Irwin. '
Collingwood with her family
where .she remained until her MISS LAURA FARROW
death. She was a member of St.
Mary's Church and for many Miss Laura E. Farrow, 31
years was -active- in the Catholic Waterloo St., Goderich, died
_14,at.-AI xandra
Marine and General Hospital
after a lengthy illness. She was
Miss Farrow was born
January 4, 1879, at Ripley, a
daughter of Asher_ Farrow_and
the former Eliza. Ann Reid,
where she lived until moving ,to
Goderich` in' 1888. Her father
became the fust Customs:Officer.
in Goderich.Miss Farrow later
moved,.to,,Teronte -accept a
position as stenographer at
Osgoode Hall where she served
until retiring some 21 years ago.
She was a member of North
Street United Church.
Miss Farrow was predeceased
• by a sister, Ethel Farrow, in
Surviving is one grandniece,
Mrs. George (Bonnie) Miller,
Staten Island, New York.
Funeral service was held at
Stiles Funeral. Home at 2 p.m.
on Monday, March 17. The Rev.
J. Donald MacDonald officiated.
Interment was in Maitland
, Cemetery. Pallbearer. were
• Harold Hibbert, Frank Walkom,
Joseph . A. Barry,.,. Earl Rawson,
Frank McArthur and Brain
But five men sing with voices
"The Goderich dump forever!"
These soldiers guard our
Tin can, orange peels, old
And join hands 'round a fire to
"The Goderich dump forever!"
To them it is old Gibraltar
That's lasted through , . all
'The Goderich' dump
If we count on these five wise
The five that stuck together,,'
Perhaps we'll leave to our
The Goderich dump'forever!
Dan Enzensberger
Win 1-0 after overtime
The Goderich Minor Hockey'
League _rarely sees.'irwo-"-'7rn'ore
evenly matched teams than they
did this year in the Squirt House
League. - - ,
Gardiner's, Dairy and
Goderich Electric started a total
goal two game series for the
championship exactly the way
they finished it 0-0.
To , decide . the contest the
two teams went into overtifne
and it took `another' 40 minutes
of hockey to produce -a- winner.
Goderich Electric finally
emerged on, top and it was Peter
Crew who finallynscored the Ione .
series goal. -
To add to the oddity or the
series it was Peter's first goal of
the year.
Letters to the Fcitor .,
Do the adult).citizens of this
city and surrounding
communities realize the tragic
problem that is now in their
I know. that they are not
accepting the fact that their own
young people may very well be,
and may I add a lot of them are.
smoking marijuana or using
LSD! Even if they did, there are
very few who would sit down
with their young pe,ople and
sincerely try to help them,
They in turn would either
refuse to believe the fact, or
throw them.out on the street,
witl out a MiM-6: fqr wearing
long hair and associating- with
It's a common fact that
nobody, is `perfect. Can the
parents really , criticize and
As the paraphrased Gospels
interpret the Bible, St, Luke
41. "And why quibble about
the speck in someone else's eve
nus little fault — when a board is
in your own."
42. "How can you think of
saying to him, "Brother, let me
help you get rid of the speck in
your eye" when you can't, see
past the board in your's.
Hypocrite! First get rid of the
board frryours, and then perhaps
you can see well enough to deal
with his speck with Love and
These young people need
Help, Love and • •Christian
understanding, not jail and
disciplined hatred! They are not
hardened criminals. Is the
answer really a lengthy prison
.term and a criminal record for
experimenting with a drug not as.
harmful as alcohol? 'All they are
really doing is experimenting.
Someone must help them.
Someone with love and
understanding - not a spirit of
condemnation. - Someone who
has been in drugs and knows
what they feel, who knows what
it is to be "high" and on the
"ultimate .trip." ' But also.
someone who has 'found Jesus
Christ and has been born again.
These young people need Jesus
Christ as their personal Lord and
Saviour as did I.
I ,found Jesus Christ and by
Omitting my guilt, I accepted
nine as my personal. Lord. and
Saviour. f 'Mow what these
young people are going through,
for I ,myself lived as a "hippie"
and •gym coming up for trial in
Owen Sound for trafficking in
narcotics. I was sure at one time
"long hair and drugs" were the
"in' thing," But now I have
found God. and I know better.
As the -Bible quotes in 1
Corinthians 2:14 "Doth not
even nature itself teach you, that
if a man have long hair, it is a
shame untq him?" Young people
think upon these words and then
. decide if you're really on the
• right track! I wasn't. Thank you.
Thomas A. Pollock,
• 'Kincardine.
Paul Hod :attends Seminar
Paul loy of Goderich,
recently attended a youth
seminar held on the campus of
Oral Roberts University, Tulsa,
fJklahoma.. The University
r4lbsted over 400 Guests at the
invitational seminar held ,
February 14-16. Featured
speakers were Qral Roberts,
president, and several of - the
OItU faculty members.
The seminar was the fourth in
a series of seven -'that .,wi9 be
conducted on the `OR U campus
this year that ..will bring an
estimated 3,000, visitors to the.
campus. The seminars are
directed towards, laymen and
ministers as well as the visiting
high school students. In addition'
to the seminar visitors, some
30;000 additional,people register
annually for tours of the campus
which has been termed "space
age" by many of the guests who '
view it for the first time.
During the seminar the guests M
were introduced to the physical •
facilities, educational mry dla and
philosophy of the sci,po l which
is now in its fourth year of
o enation . with a current
e rollment of over 800. The
iversity- is well known In the
nacadenlic circles for Its
innovations in the field of '
electronic teaching methods. It •
is the first institution of higher
learning to install a complete
audio-visual information-
retrieval system. The 2.5 million
dollar campus is located on a •
420 acre tract in suburban Tulsa.
.k4 h.p. motor.
mitre gauge
lets you angle
and bevel cut
up to 45°.
Saw is .
C.S.A. approved and
covered by A
(parts and labour).
mirror -finish
6' cord.
Rip -guide
3 blades.
Ram sabre -saw outfit only $13.95
"Drop into my- office and see this
amazing power -tool. Bring a piece
of wood, plastic; metal or plywood
and test it for yourself.
" Corripare this saw to ani. other
selling at even twice the price.
You'll agree, " this is a • fantastic:
power -tool buy.
Now, during the Shell Bargain
Bonanza, the Ram sabre -saw out-
fit is yours for only $13.95.* Stop
in soon. Offer expires May 31,
1969, so don't delay."
lus provincial sales tax where applicable.
Wappinessit.. ‘,\
Easter Seals
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The Fashion Shoppe • stripes up the
land, with ribby ottoman doubleknits. And
because they're carefree, washable textured
fabrics, the fresh look will last
1i.rol. tna-. oat ..;;
over short=sleevelc ktft; and snappy --MW
sheath dress in a choice of colors
on white.
for_vvomen- who
think they can't
hale- _a dryer
* Goes where other
dryers won't .. .
* Rolls where you want it ..
* Stores anywhere ..
* Plugs in.115V. outlet .. .
. * Needs no special wiring
or installation
301 HURON Rt e
5 47131
Can you please . return
the Pink Envelope?
... 'so we con continue to help handicapped children!
Oise of the wddest 41hts to be seen in any con raun'ty of coy load IS o crippled or
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of rhe comdl,carrons and henrtoches
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younQSters o fresh Start Nis mean, money *0 provide' for specialists, nurses, therm
p,Ste brave, artificial limbs fummer camping facilities, and the myriad of devices
Wdi you return rho+ PINK ENVELOPE you received .r, the moil this wee'lt with your
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