HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Advocate, 1892-9-15, Page 8sr� IIQUIIJIY 9°�NOOKuE;llf�l Remember the Concert iii DrewsOp• era House oxt the 27th of September. , • A mall band of gypsies weee camp I ed oe the banks of the river last week.. A \Vounded Se zit who. ceti heal, Victoria. Carbolic Salve heals all otlie; wounds, cuts, bruises or burls, • l'out'teen nolle on the duller is the rate struck for the current year by our municipal board A number of our citizens have been mushroom hunttug of late and the crop is not considered•a good one. Bttldulph's voters' list this year con tains the names of 870 persons, 848' of whore are qualified to serve as jurors.. pore Cod Liver Oil combined with Wild, Cherry and Ilypophosehites renders Mil- btirres Emulsion the best on the market. et. The merit of Hood's Sarsaparilla is not accidental but is the; result of care- ful study aitd experiment by educated pharmacists, Fall Millinery Openings at E. J. Spackman & Co's on Friday and Sat urday, Sept, 23rd and 24th. Every Lady cordially invited. You will miss a great bargain if you do not call and leave your order with J. H. Grieve for one of his $16 black Worsted suits. They are away down, The shooting• season for Grouse, Pheasants, Prairie Fowl or Partridge, Woodcock, Suipe, mill, Plover, Black and Grey Squirrels, and flares, begins to day (Thursday), The cotton report of the United Stat- es Department of Agriculture indicat- es a lower condition in the crop than in any September since 1883. The av- erage is 76.8 as against 82.7 last year, "While Mr, \\'m. Sutton was working on Mr, Joseph Csbbledick's house a few days ago he had the misfortune to fall, and in so doing received several internal injuries. Re is at present confined to the house, but recovering slowly from his bruises. The Fall Millinery opening days of Miss B. Horne are Friday and Satur- day the 23rd and 24th of September, and the following Monday and Tues day the 26th and 27th. Everybody is iuviteti to call and inspect my stock as I have the latest designs and at the lowest prices. Arrangementsare being made with a Concert Company to play in Drew's Opera House. on Tuesday evening, the second night of the Fair. Bills and Programmes will be out shortly giving full particulars. Everybody should remember the date, as it expected a treat is in store for all lovers of this en- joyment. D. L. Caven, Toronto, Travelling Passenger Agent, C. P. R., says: Ane Dandruff is a perfect remover or 1)and ruff -its action is 'marvellous -in niy own case a few applications not only thoroughly removed excessive dand ruff accumulation, but stopped falling• of the hair, made it soft and pliable and promoted a visible gr wth. Large congregations e`stt�Lended the Harvest Horne Thau1 E• ' he Caven Presbyte,.'t day last. Seeman the pastor,eReifleie were veryo The el4 ate A Word to Co, Customers, If we were to change our adrertiso- merit as often as we ree:•ive new goods a fresh face w0110.1 be fuuud to it week- ly. Seasonable gonds are constantly incoming, and we would 'bit. glad ;to have oiir.custotners and. -general read- ers call and realize the fact for them. selves. \\re would again dlireet ;tttee t .oia,to our Small Ware Counters which are kept almost iuvat-iably full, Ar- ticles eonstantty required in every home are there, and we would strong- ly trongd urge a call, if at no other time ou SATURDAY EVENINGS hien they will be found at their best and we at ours to serve faithfully and well. For next Saturday afternoon and evening we specially invite a call and will fill our Coueters for that time with Special values and as usual at eur Special Prices. j. THE MART. Neter. SSC Fall Stock Now Complete At The BIG BANKRUPT STORE. Look out for the Opening of our new MILLINERY and MANTLE ROOM. ServantGGGi i Waut Servant girl wi " don. Apply i Exeter. trarins i•, They' ela 5;i.f, ed -`has several first ile on easy terms. J.-SPAoratlsx, Exeter. jinee. 'al eclipse of the sun will take Oil the 30th Oct. This phenorne ill be visible throughout Canada 07411 bogie a few minuses s befog e noon, and ends a few minute§ before 3 a'clock p. rn. it should be observed generally if the sky be clear, Biding To Save L Life. A'Georgian newspaper gave an ac- eount of the heroism of John Potter, a ten year old bogy who rode a horse twelve miles to Macon for the purpose of calling a physician to attend his mother,' who was believed to be dying with colic. The doctor could not be found, but a kind druggist gave tate lad a bottle of medicine and ordered him to hurry home. The brave lad rode home, delivered the medicine, and then fainted from nervous exhaustion The medicine c nred the sick woman, and the toy is well. It is only necess- ary to say that the precious medicine was Perry Davis' Pain Killer, which never fails to cure disorders of the stomach. ,25c. old popular price, for New Big Bottle. Melte 'i iDisplay. Ere many days our Fall Fair will be here, Every citizen is interested in its success. A spirit of unanimity ought to actuate the citizens in regard to the fair. Our merchants should show what they can do when they se themselves to it. There inay be Tittle trouble:and expense connected with merchants, and manufacturers exhibit ing at the fair. The fair brings strait - gees to town. The better it is the more will come, and the more strang ere that come the better it will be 'fol the town and business, Much depends Upon our business men to snake the affair a suut'cess, and they ought to be patriotic enough even to sacrifice a little to make the affair a credit to Exeter, Viewed in another .light, a ieor fair gives strangers a poor opin. and its .in it the town e t e and km of e stri s riS a matter' of self interest our rerch ants and maiiufactitters should ai•• ego to make large displays at the lir, 26th and 27th. l',;Services . Sun. Wiiyered 1)y .`Martin, which for the occasion. Len tastefully decor article aad presented a appear a nce. On the whole, rings were a success, both Amity and financially. Geary, of Sarnia, has been 'ting in town,: Re arriyed here on is bicycle Sunday evening. having Left Owen Sound Saturday morning. Mr. Geary has ridden over four hun- dred miles on a tour throughout the country, and is now on his way back to Sarnia. His presence somewhat touched the Exeter C. C's hearts as he was one of the Sarnia Eleven that so disastrously defeated our excellent team. Rather an amusing incident occurr ed in a southwestern portion of the vil- lage a few days ago. One of our sportsmen, ail old veteran, was just taking aim at a black squirrel with his old musket when a person passing by says: "Don't you know that is game out of season." He immediately low- ered the gun and without uttering a syllable wended his way homeward, feeling greatly dissatisfied because he had been interrupted. Remember the fine is $5, An accident was prevented in time on Satarday which saved a boy's life. The son of Mr. Sltettler, of Dashwood, was driving down Main street on a large load oef goods when a portion of it slid upon the heels of the horses, throwing the boy in close proximity to the feet of the animals, when they be gap kicking, but the young man was too close to receive any injury in this manner. The animals took fright and began running away and just as one of the ,vheels of the heavily loaded wagon was about to pass over the 'young man's head his father pulled hem out, and no doubt saved his 'life. His injuries are only slight and not of a serious nature. A pleasant marriage ceremony was performed by the Rev. Dr. Allen in the Westminster, Presbyterian Church, St, Louis, on the lst inst,, between alt William Hughes and MisseIda Evans, both being well-known to many 'rest• dents here. The bride and bridesmaid were dressed in cream with a profile ion of flowers, while Mr. George Dean assisted the groom throughout the cer- emony. Only a few guests were invit ed to partake of the wedding• break fast, amongst whom was Mrs, William Waugh, of Eskridge, Kansas, forrneely of Hensall, ,The bridal couple were Char eeeipients of a number of presents from far and near, a society sending a handsome rattan rocking chair. They intend making for themselves a home �, in the City, where Mr. H. is engaged in business, We join with many friends hero in extending a wish for their fut ule prosperity and happiriess in their new sphere of life, Fall Millinery Opeuings. :at E. J. Spackman & Co's ou Friday and Sat- urday, Sept, 23rd Red 24th, le:a'ory Lady cordially, ireviteil, The township fall fere will soon be in full swing, when the ing cabin quilt and the rangy mat, wh.ieh has done yea elan service for the past ten years or more will be again brought. forth for the admiration of visitors to these ex- hibitions 'Would it not be w01 for all parties lntcreeted to find nut. whether the;geods exhibited here have all been manufactured during the past, year. Rothe public are fairly and faithful, ly dealt with they will come to apprec Tato it sooner or later. This fact is well Illustrated iu the experience of Messrs, Tuckett & Sou With their well known "Myrtle Navy" Tobacco. Throughout the manufacturers of T. & B. have stood firmly by their originail ilea to give the public the best article possible at the lowest possible price, and in the large demand for their to bisect) the public have manifested their, appreciation. The many friends of Rev. W H• Gane, who was stationed hove several years ago and later in Elimville, will reap with pleasure the following para- graph, clipped from the Amherstburti Leader. "As the new Methodist church. nears. completion it has a handsome a p- pearance, and will be a praiseworthy monument to the thrift and enterprise displayed by the Methodists of Amherst - burg. Much of the praise should be bestowed ou the popular pastor of the Church, Rev. W. ki. Gane, who has worked with a persistence that should give him an important station when he is transferred to another charge" The church is of stone and brick, costing $S,000 and is one of the handsomest in theWest The Mark Lane Express says that all estimates contirm the assurance that there will be -eight millions to. eight millions and a quarter quarters to British wheat. Hence it will be ne- cessary to import from nineteen to nineteen and one quarter millions from, abroad. As to the new cereals this year it is admitted that the yield of barley is up to the average, but it is feared the quality is below the aver- age. New English wheat is selling very low, although slightly improved, the better sorts 30 shillings to 34 shill Ings in London and 28 to 33 shillings in the provinces. Old wheat is selling for 30 shilling. to 35 shillings in the provinces. Flour is nominally selling for 33 shillings, but a decline to 30 shillings is menaced. The enumeration return of the timet er Post Office, from which our worthy Post Master's salary is rated, during the week commencing Sunday, 4th Sept.. and ending Saturday, 10th Sept, is as follows: -Total number of letters posted at this offiee, for Canada 876; for other countries 132; Post cards for, Gni- ada,, 435; for other rtes, 11 ; Tran• tient Newsp,,eggierfe et6., book packets, orinteslesSefeulars, samples, paterns,etc, 82 Packages of Printers' copy, photo- graphs, deeds, Insurance p91 ides, etc, 39; Parcels by parcel post fee Canada, 4; Parcels of ordinary merchandise 7: Foreign parcels, none. Total amount of revenue $42.90. Number of res inter letters, which was 34, and free let.'eers, 15, were included in the above. \ Cricket. *4t It has been decided that an investi- gation be made, as to the reasons why two if not three of the Exeter Eleven were not chosen for the coming inter- national match. It is rumored' that the club will play Herisell later on, Weather permitting, the Clinton re turn match will take place next week. A. review of this season's play and av- erages will appear in our nextissue. millinery Opening Mrs. D. Spicer wishes to announce to the Ladies' of Exeter and vicinity that she intends having her Millinery Open- ing beginning Friday and Saturday September 23rd and 24th. Having secured the services of hiss La Fave, a firstclass milliner, the utmost will 'be done to please customers. The finest display of the newest styles. The latest in both American and Parisian noyelties. Remember the place,. Mrs. D. Spicer. Sudden Death. James Trow, ex-M.P., for South Perth, dropped head on Carlton street, Toronto, at 10:30 Saturday morning while on the way to visit his son, Dr,. Trow. Deceased had been ailing for some time and went to Toronto with his son, Edward Trow, to consult a physician. No serious result from his illness was looked for He was the Liberal whip in the Dominion House of Commons for many years previous to the last election. and one of the most popular members of the IIouse. His age was 67 years, conned Proceedings, Couneil met pursuant to adjourn- ment in the Town Hall, Exeter, 7th September, 1892, All present, Min utes of previous meeting read and eon firmed, T B Carling-Chiistte-Ord els for the following sums: S Davie $6.10balanee for labor; Wm Horn 83 do; John Moreshead $3,20 da; :George, Ford $1:24 do; Thos Oke 90c. do; Jas. Willis $18,63,lumber; Bissett Brothers' $10,90 certified account; Jas Creech $2 charity to Mrs, Cann; do $2 Mrs, McIn- tosh; do $1 Mrs, Piper; do $5,55 expen- ses taking Mies Piper to Asylum; Thos Elartnoll $30.16 balenee of contract for draining, and Geo. Ford $84.70 bal of a/c for gravel. -Carried, Christie - Carling. -that the following rates be levied for the current year -1 mill on the $ for county rates, 7 mills for vill age and 6 spills for school -•-Carried. Spackman -Ross -that the Reeve and Messrs. Carling and Christie be a cont niittee to measure and specify the pro- p oscldrain onMain street and adver- tise for tenders to be reeeived at such time as they' niay deem proper. -Car - elect The eouncil adjourned until call of the reeve, M. Eacettitele Clerk. tveaeioeth *eve AYoi ks. All orders for the above Dye Works eau be left with E. I•t.Fish, wanted. Never too late to mead, 5000 pairs of boots and shoos that need repairing to be left at the loading boot and shoe store next door to the post office. G. Manson. Sloe hist. Miss Mattie Deariig, of the Central Hotel, is on the sick'' list.• -We aro glad to see Alr, Alex, Dow on our streets again after a severe Miss ilntess.- Miss P. Down, who has been very tow and was not e\ peeled to live on Tues- day, is somewhat on the Mende-, Mrs. James Oke has been on the sick list daring the past few days -Word has been received that Miss Lillie \Velsh, who left hero a few month ago, far Woodstock, that that she is very ill and under the doctor's care.. Her mother left for Woodstock last evening. Pereonai nen tion. Messrs. McIntyre and E. Dusty, of St. Marys, paid the to,vn a flying visit on Sunday • last. -Miss Sadie Hawk- shaW is Distress• in Seefo th,-Miss Emily Thomas left on Monday for To ron:o,-Smith .Bros. and Mr, T, Russell` cattle breeders, are attending the To- ronto Exhibition, when it is over they intend going to Montreal with the. stock,--11Ir. George Davis leas returned from Sarnia and intends remaining at his home in Exeter North for several weeks. -Mr. John Gould loft this week. for Stratford where he has secured a situation. -Mr. Richard Coad, Civil en ;inner, of Glencoe,.aecompanied by his father, was in the village on Tuesday. Mr. Isaac Handford acted as judge at the Zurich'Fail Fair on Tuesday, -Mr, D. Davis was in Toronto on Tuesday with a carload of excellent cattle. Mr. John Leathern has been making im- provemt.nts' in the interior of the Man- sion House during the past week. Mrs, Ed. Dyer left on Tuesday morning for Walkerton, where she will be the guest of Mrs. (Rev:) S. F. Robinson. -Mr. Jos. Senior, wife and child haye returned home. GIRL WANTED. Girl wanted to go to London to de general house work in a family where nurseirl is kept. Applyto GJ:oRGE SANDERS, Nxeter BOAR FOR SERVICE. The unrlorsianed will keep for service on Lot 15, Con, 8r5, Stephen, a thoroughbred Berkshire Baer. TERMS: -$1, payable at time of service, with privelego of returning if necessary. SAS.,Wit'sxs, Prep. ESTERN .FAIR Eipzirti.6k• , Sir d5th to 24th, 1892 Canada's Favorite Life Stock Exhibition. 62,000 added to the Prize List. Over $1,500 going to the Horses, Cattle Sheep; Pigs and Poultry classes. Visitors and exhibitor.; are promised m ore for their money this year than ever before, Stabling and space alloted oh receipt of entries. Special attractions will be of an attractive and elaborate kind.. bpecial Excursions on all Railways. For Prize List and all information apply to '' ,,apt A W Porte, Thos A .Browne, President. Secretary. El`S`hRAY CATTLE. There si�aved on the premises of the under signed.Loc .t,2., Concession 9, Us borne, on or about the 2St. -August, 5 yearlings 0t steer and 4 heifers). 0wnor eaen have same by paying exnensc and proving property. d -t. �. Bitowx, Winchelsea. P. 0. • SALE REGIS'i R. Farm Stock, Ime temente, &c, on Lot 4, North Boundary,tephen, on Tues- day, Oct. 4th, comenet el -fig at t o'clock. H. Eilber, Auct.; Robt' 9weet, Prop. For FaFI92 92 We have the largest stock Blick & Colotd Dress Goods Ever Shown in Exeter. We are showing an Immense Stock -yOF— German Mantles AT POPULAR PRICES." Ei U&J:ackfflan & Co's SJ►.MWELL'S BLOCK, EXETER, Forelf k.i J ForYouror Children? d ii ren e g There is no place in town that offers better opportuni- ties .1 p ortuni-. ti e s for in the STAPLE WARES of any spec. ial line of goods than can be found at 0 ROS. GAR1)EN AND FI IH.1DD s All Kinds of FENCE WIRES. IL WN MOWERS. AIABASTINE in allZhdats. DAISY CHURNS. Full line of Tinware, Cheap, for Cash at ISSETT BROS. REQIS: TP Amidst all Slog & Bluster ROBT. N. ROWE Still takes the lead in the Furn- iture business. I am too busy to call on, people in need of furniture, but please drop in my warerooms and see my stock and I will try and suit you in this line. ®r exec. Work neatly done on shortest notice. Remnlnber I have also a handsome line of . UndertakingGoods always on hand. end. Any calls in this Iine will be promptly attended to and satis- faction guaranteed everytime, Stand next Molson's Bank, ROBT. N. ROWE. GEO. A. .� TEAS HYND AND 1 Exete, COFFEES. EVERY PERSON SHOULD BUY Dr. aar1ari�' 5agi(arg Lap Filler. JIt is better than all others. 11.601•100.11111111AMIIIIIMINVIIIVICS. VOW SNOWMEN= TEN REAS.,.' 1S WHY 1,- -It will not get out of order; 2, -It is cheaper; than any other Can. 3.' -It will last five times as long as any ordinary lamp filler, ,r 4: -Because itis non corrosive, as it iszincand tin. which forr.'ti a mag- netic ac ;ion and keep it from corroding, 5 -It will do the work in one-fourth of the time, 6 -It will not soil the Noor and shelf. 7 ,-lt never sweats oil. J. -It gives you perfect control of the oil, 9, -It is always neat and safe. L0 -It will strengthen the lungs, This Can has been examined by experts and pronounced to be the hest they ager says: andHealthy,- Holaable and Cheap. e Th y are wanted in every honed where coal oil is used, The fastest selling articl in the market, Caae«®ICK & FULANI.